Obama and the Left have turned race relations back decades.

too damn chickenshit to answer or what?


I did answer you. L2R.

nope,, it's a yes or no answer,, did you or did you not neg me first? keep trying we'll wait.. but I'm betting you be too chickenshit.

You negged me first. Your mistake is that you believed it happened during this conversation. I forget what conversation it happened in exactly and it happened awhile, but I remember that I owe you one. Plus, I have always you sucked. You have never provided intelligent to any conversation, besides lambasting the left with one-liners from over in Europe. You are just a pussy.

Now, do actually care to have a conversation are are you pansy? I will lay it out for you again. Please tell us how:

1. You are sane.
2. How Mitt and Rick are Conservatives.

I am especially interested in your response to number 2, but I am skeptical that you are brave enough to answer it.
I did answer you. L2R.

nope,, it's a yes or no answer,, did you or did you not neg me first? keep trying we'll wait.. but I'm betting you be too chickenshit.
I'm sure the turd will answer...NOT.

Oh, the dipshit who misrepresented my views on Marbury v Madison chimes in.

I still await for your Mork and Mindy explanation on how I supported a Marshall court.
I did answer you. L2R.

nope,, it's a yes or no answer,, did you or did you not neg me first? keep trying we'll wait.. but I'm betting you be too chickenshit.

You negged me first. Your mistake is that you believed it happened during this conversation. I forget what conversation it happened in exactly and it happened awhile, but I remember that I owe you one. Plus, I have always you sucked. You have never provided intelligent to any conversation, besides lambasting the left with one-liners from over in Europe. You are just a pussy.

Now, do actually care to have a conversation are are you pansy? I will lay it out for you again. Please tell us how:

1. You are sane.
2. How Mitt and Rick are Conservatives.

I am especially interested in your response to number 2, but I am skeptical that you are brave enough to answer it.

Deflection...^^^ and a LIE.
nope,, it's a yes or no answer,, did you or did you not neg me first? keep trying we'll wait.. but I'm betting you be too chickenshit.

You negged me first. Your mistake is that you believed it happened during this conversation. I forget what conversation it happened in exactly and it happened awhile, but I remember that I owe you one. Plus, I have always you sucked. You have never provided intelligent to any conversation, besides lambasting the left with one-liners from over in Europe. You are just a pussy.

Now, do actually care to have a conversation are are you pansy? I will lay it out for you again. Please tell us how:

1. You are sane.
2. How Mitt and Rick are Conservatives.

I am especially interested in your response to number 2, but I am skeptical that you are brave enough to answer it.

Deflection...^^^ and a LIE.


I agree.
A good example of the OP's position is Obama's clumsy intervention in the Cambridge, MA, arrest of Harvard Professor Louis Gates. That incident was one of many more which will take place gradually as the issue of racial disparity plays itself out over time -- which is the only way it can happen. Trying to expedite this natural process with actions that call attention to the issue is like trying to make a plant grow faster by pulling on it.

As I recall, both players in that drama were acting out of a mistaken sense of individual self-importance. If left to reach its natural conclusion both parties and all concerned would have learned a valuable lesson.

The process of racial tolerance is a series of learned lessons, many of which are yet to come.
I agree, conservatives knew it was going to happen. The main reason is the race industry doesnt want race issues solved or they are out of bidness.

Actually the libs knew it was going to happen.

We were just minding our own fucken business. :gives:
I did answer you. L2R.

nope,, it's a yes or no answer,, did you or did you not neg me first? keep trying we'll wait.. but I'm betting you be too chickenshit.

You negged me first. Your mistake is that you believed it happened during this conversation. I forget what conversation it happened in exactly and it happened awhile, but I remember that I owe you one. Plus, I have always you sucked. You have never provided intelligent to any conversation, besides lambasting the left with one-liners from over in Europe. You are just a pussy.

Now, do actually care to have a conversation are are you pansy? I will lay it out for you again. Please tell us how:

1. You are sane.
2. How Mitt and Rick are Conservatives.

I am especially interested in your response to number 2, but I am skeptical that you are brave enough to answer it.

I don't jump through libtard hoops,, you've been here awhile.. surely you're smart enough to understand that.. I don't give a good goddamn whether Mitt or Rick are Conservatives,, ABBO is my motto,, caphiche?
I did answer you. L2R.

nope,, it's a yes or no answer,, did you or did you not neg me first? keep trying we'll wait.. but I'm betting you be too chickenshit.

You negged me first. Your mistake is that you believed it happened during this conversation. I forget what conversation it happened in exactly and it happened awhile, but I remember that I owe you one. Plus, I have always you sucked. You have never provided intelligent to any conversation, besides lambasting the left with one-liners from over in Europe. You are just a pussy.

Now, do actually care to have a conversation are are you pansy? I will lay it out for you again. Please tell us how:

1. You are sane.
2. How Mitt and Rick are Conservatives.

I am especially interested in your response to number 2, but I am skeptical that you are brave enough to answer it.

TODAY you sent me a neg rep FIRST.. and I gave it back.. so dew ewe still owe me one? dew tell.
Nice piece of revisionist history. Are you black?
Does it MATTER...and what *IF* the poster isn't? Does that mean he isn't qualified to speak?


You race baiters are getting ridiculous...and BORING.

No he's not qualified to speak, on how blacks view race relations? Blacks and whites never view race the same way. Study the topic throughout American history.

No, I'm not "black". My race doesn't really matter. My race is about........9th on the list of things I use to identify myself. Some, like libtards, rank race high, like 1st, in identity.

And SOME blacks and whites dont view race the same way. I'm sure Al Sharpton views race differently than say.......(random thought).......Marvin Lewis, head coach of the NFL's Cincy Bengals.

I'd argue a VERY large percentage of whites have just stopped thinking about race. Mostly we just dont care anymore. Isn't that what the dream was about? Race mattering NONE, a NON ISSUE??? We as a society were drifting closer and closer to that. But the last 3 years our "leaders" have reversed it, on purpose.

At some point, people gotta GET THE FUCK OVER IT. Your skin color means nothing. Let it go. NO white person in the world has owned a black slave as it was in the 1800's. Our president is black, and we pay thousands of blacks tens of millions of dollars to play sports and we worship them and buy replica jerseys of them. Blacks own companies, run military units, teach, and every damn thing whites do. It's over. Get over it and move on.

My fucking God. I swear in the year 4059, there will be libtards stilly whining about racism because of shit some white folks did in 1855.
nope,, it's a yes or no answer,, did you or did you not neg me first? keep trying we'll wait.. but I'm betting you be too chickenshit.

You negged me first. Your mistake is that you believed it happened during this conversation. I forget what conversation it happened in exactly and it happened awhile, but I remember that I owe you one. Plus, I have always you sucked. You have never provided intelligent to any conversation, besides lambasting the left with one-liners from over in Europe. You are just a pussy.

Now, do actually care to have a conversation are are you pansy? I will lay it out for you again. Please tell us how:

1. You are sane.
2. How Mitt and Rick are Conservatives.

I am especially interested in your response to number 2, but I am skeptical that you are brave enough to answer it.

TODAY you sent me a neg rep FIRST.. and I gave it back.. so dew ewe still owe me one? dew tell.

Would make a great gift for you.

Decades ago, Black Panthers, Neo Nazis and Klansmen marched the streets. There were racially motivated beatings and killings. The races couldn't mingle or do shit together. Then society changed, slowly, over decades where that shit mostly died down. Sure, there was an occassional spark of something. There were hidden KKK clans in backwoods of rural areas. The Panthers existed in isolated areas of some urban spots.

But unlike the first part of the last century, blacks and whites fought wars together, alongside each other, and cried for each other. Blacks and whites can be seen in huge stadiums, cheering for a common team, hugging each other, and the ONLY color that matters is the uniform their team has on. Interracial dating is not only accepted, but 99% of people dont even have a concious thought about it.

We've come so far in race relations, almost to the point that, for a while there had we just let that "RACISM" word go away, the whole thing would have been an afterthought.

But then January 1, 2009 happened. And a huge effort to remind everyone how racist we are began. To remind everyone "Hey, you are NOT the same, look at your skin color". Eric Holder reminded us we are racial "cowards" and refuse to discuss it. Well, Eric, did you think maybe most of us (black and white) have simply moved on BEYOND that stupid shit? Thanks for dragging us back. So rather than running stories on how and why blacks are killing other blacks at such a frightening rate in the inner cities on MSNBC, they pick an isolated incident that they can use to remind everyone "Hey, racism still exists, Al Sharpton still needs a job, and we still want to make sure all you races know the other is different and probably hates you."

Thanks left wingers. Thanks Obama. Thanks Holder. Thanks MSNBC.

We are almost back to the 1960's now. And to think....we were so close. Ho hum. Maybe in another 50 years.

That's both ridiculous and naive. Nothing's "died down". Things have gotten better and ONLY through legislation. But many conservatives are and were trying to make racism "hip" again. Partially by attacking the policy of "political correctness" and partially by make it part of "legitimate" discourse like you see from Charles Buchanan and Newt Gingrich. People aren't stupid..and can understand the code talking you guys use to back slap each other. It started up again with Reagan's "welfare queens" and continues today.
I agree, conservatives knew it was going to happen. The main reason is the race industry doesnt want race issues solved or they are out of bidness.

Actually the libs knew it was going to happen.

We were just minding our own fucken business. :gives:

You guys never ever mind your own business. You fuckers want everyone to have the same morality you guys embrace.
Does it MATTER...and what *IF* the poster isn't? Does that mean he isn't qualified to speak?


You race baiters are getting ridiculous...and BORING.

No he's not qualified to speak, on how blacks view race relations? Blacks and whites never view race the same way. Study the topic throughout American history.

No, I'm not "black". My race doesn't really matter. My race is about........9th on the list of things I use to identify myself. Some, like libtards, rank race high, like 1st, in identity.

And SOME blacks and whites dont view race the same way. I'm sure Al Sharpton views race differently than say.......(random thought).......Marvin Lewis, head coach of the NFL's Cincy Bengals.

I'd argue a VERY large percentage of whites have just stopped thinking about race. Mostly we just dont care anymore. Isn't that what the dream was about? Race mattering NONE, a NON ISSUE??? We as a society were drifting closer and closer to that. But the last 3 years our "leaders" have reversed it, on purpose.

At some point, people gotta GET THE FUCK OVER IT. Your skin color means nothing. Let it go. NO white person in the world has owned a black slave as it was in the 1800's. Our president is black, and we pay thousands of blacks tens of millions of dollars to play sports and we worship them and buy replica jerseys of them. Blacks own companies, run military units, teach, and every damn thing whites do. It's over. Get over it and move on.

My fucking God. I swear in the year 4059, there will be libtards stilly whining about racism because of shit some white folks did in 1855.

bucks90, you make too much sense. There has to be a bumper sticker that Sharpton and Jackson would really hate: "Color: Let it go!" I don't think the president would be very happy either.

Come to think about it, who would discourage this kind of thinking, the libs or conservatives, the Democrats or Republicans? Give that some thought....
Decades ago, Black Panthers, Neo Nazis and Klansmen marched the streets. There were racially motivated beatings and killings. The races couldn't mingle or do shit together. Then society changed, slowly, over decades where that shit mostly died down. Sure, there was an occassional spark of something. There were hidden KKK clans in backwoods of rural areas. The Panthers existed in isolated areas of some urban spots.

But unlike the first part of the last century, blacks and whites fought wars together, alongside each other, and cried for each other. Blacks and whites can be seen in huge stadiums, cheering for a common team, hugging each other, and the ONLY color that matters is the uniform their team has on. Interracial dating is not only accepted, but 99% of people dont even have a concious thought about it.

We've come so far in race relations, almost to the point that, for a while there had we just let that "RACISM" word go away, the whole thing would have been an afterthought.

But then January 1, 2009 happened. And a huge effort to remind everyone how racist we are began. To remind everyone "Hey, you are NOT the same, look at your skin color". Eric Holder reminded us we are racial "cowards" and refuse to discuss it. Well, Eric, did you think maybe most of us (black and white) have simply moved on BEYOND that stupid shit? Thanks for dragging us back. So rather than running stories on how and why blacks are killing other blacks at such a frightening rate in the inner cities on MSNBC, they pick an isolated incident that they can use to remind everyone "Hey, racism still exists, Al Sharpton still needs a job, and we still want to make sure all you races know the other is different and probably hates you."

Thanks left wingers. Thanks Obama. Thanks Holder. Thanks MSNBC.

We are almost back to the 1960's now. And to think....we were so close. Ho hum. Maybe in another 50 years.

That's both ridiculous and naive. Nothing's "died down". Things have gotten better and ONLY through legislation. But many conservatives are and were trying to make racism "hip" again. Partially by attacking the policy of "political correctness" and partially by make it part of "legitimate" discourse like you see from Charles Buchanan and Newt Gingrich. People aren't stupid..and can understand the code talking you guys use to back slap each other. It started up again with Reagan's "welfare queens" and continues today.

Sallow, I have respect for your posts, but I don't understand this one. How did conservatives attack political correctness and sorry, but I don't understand the code talking and Reagan's welfare queens.

["you need to STFU old man."]

Obama's Impact on Race Relations in America

By Lee Cary

America's first post-racial president has damaged race relations in the nation.

In an April 2012 interview with Rolling Stone magazine, Obama said, "I never bought into the notion that by electing me, somehow we were entering into a post racial period."

Thembi Ford, author of the article, added this:

Obama has been in the hot seat about race since his early days as a candidate, and it's hard not to notice that he has always been, even if by force, rather quiet on race issues. We've watched him handle attacks against his character and veracity (such as the still-raging birth certificate fiasco) that have been blatantly racial without ever calling out the issues that his blackness presents. To me, this interview sounds like a slightly more open Obama, who in his second term [did Ford mean "the second half of his first term"?] has settled into the reality that continuing to downplay the race issue is entirely unavoidable.

And therein is part of the explanation of how President Obama has damaged race relations.


Read more: Articles: Obama's Impact on Race Relations in America

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