Obama and the Missing Nobel Prize Money


Sep 16, 2009
Obama and the Missing Nobel Prize Money
by SusanAnne Hiller

The other day I pointed out the fact that President Obama has yet to donate the money he was awarded as the Nobel recipient. Obama stated he would donate the $1.4 million prize to charity. It’s been several weeks since he received the money and no one knows what’s happened to it.

The US Code is very clear in Receipt and Disposition of Foreign Gifts and Decorations. The code states:


Readers' comments at the end of the article are hilarious.
Obama and the Missing Nobel Prize Money
by SusanAnne Hiller

The other day I pointed out the fact that President Obama has yet to donate the money he was awarded as the Nobel recipient. Obama stated he would donate the $1.4 million prize to charity. It’s been several weeks since he received the money and no one knows what’s happened to it.

The US Code is very clear in Receipt and Disposition of Foreign Gifts and Decorations. The code states:


Readers' comments at the end of the article are hilarious.

Oy. Did he also blink his eyes unacceptably to you this morning? Let's crate a new post about that too.
My guess would be ... hmmmm ... either ACORN or SEIU. They ARE entangled with each other and God only knows how many other entities operating under the ACORN umbrella. Perhaps it's a "thank you donation" for all the involvement in the collapse of the housing market and advice being tendered regarding government healthcare for the masses.
Obama and the Missing Nobel Prize Money
by SusanAnne Hiller

The other day I pointed out the fact that President Obama has yet to donate the money he was awarded as the Nobel recipient. Obama stated he would donate the $1.4 million prize to charity. It’s been several weeks since he received the money and no one knows what’s happened to it.

The US Code is very clear in Receipt and Disposition of Foreign Gifts and Decorations. The code states:


Readers' comments at the end of the article are hilarious.

Oy. Did he also blink his eyes unacceptably to you this morning? Let's crate a new post about that too.
Where's the money?

Try to address the topic occasionally.
Jeezus H Christ, Obama can be bitched at for a lot of things but this ain't one of them, you could at least give him the 60 days the law allows before proclaiming this missing money bull shit, you partisan hacks never quit do you
Obama and the Missing Nobel Prize Money
by SusanAnne Hiller

The other day I pointed out the fact that President Obama has yet to donate the money he was awarded as the Nobel recipient. Obama stated he would donate the $1.4 million prize to charity. It’s been several weeks since he received the money and no one knows what’s happened to it.

The US Code is very clear in Receipt and Disposition of Foreign Gifts and Decorations. The code states:


Readers' comments at the end of the article are hilarious.

Oy. Did he also blink his eyes unacceptably to you this morning? Let's crate a new post about that too.
Where's the money?

Try to address the topic occasionally.

Try to create an interesting topic that doesn't slam Obama for pointless bullshit and doesn't present you as a fucking idiot partisan hack.
Jeezus H Christ, Obama can be bitched at for a lot of things but this ain't one of them, you could at least give him the 60 days the law allows before proclaiming this missing money bull shit, you partisan hacks never quit do you
From the article:
I think it is fair to follow up–even if the 60 days have not passed–because the money, according to US law, should have been immediately turned over.
He should immediately give this money to the Red Cross for Haiti relief. Agree?
Oy. Did he also blink his eyes unacceptably to you this morning? Let's crate a new post about that too.
Where's the money?

Try to address the topic occasionally.

Try to create an interesting topic that doesn't slam Obama for pointless bullshit and doesn't present you as a fucking idiot partisan hack.
I didn't create the thread, or the topic.

Have you NO intelligent response to it?

Thought not.
Obama and the Missing Nobel Prize Money
by SusanAnne Hiller

The other day I pointed out the fact that President Obama has yet to donate the money he was awarded as the Nobel recipient. Obama stated he would donate the $1.4 million prize to charity. It’s been several weeks since he received the money and no one knows what’s happened to it.

The US Code is very clear in Receipt and Disposition of Foreign Gifts and Decorations. The code states:


Readers' comments at the end of the article are hilarious.

Christ. I almost pissed my pants reading the readers comments. God and I thought we were bad on this board. Jeeze. LOL>
I don't know why he even bothered to say he would donate it...but he did. With that said, as long as it's donated within a year...I see no way this should be thrown in his face.

Where's the money?

Try to address the topic occasionally.

NOT your money, so NOT your business WHERE or even to approve or disapprove of whatever choice he makes...

I thought righty-whiteys were all about people bein' able to do what they wanted with what was theirs!

Do I get a whiff of the stink of hypocrisy here????
Where's the money?

Try to address the topic occasionally.

NOT your money, so NOT your business WHERE or even to approve or disapprove of whatever choice he makes...

I thought righty-whiteys were all about people bein' able to do what they wanted with what was theirs!

Do I get a whiff of the stink of hypocrisy here????
I'm not a "righty" and I voted FOR Obama. Not that you would let any facts get in your way.

He should give this prize money immediately to the Red Cross for Haiti relief. Agree?
Where's the money?

Try to address the topic occasionally.

NOT your money, so NOT your business WHERE or even to approve or disapprove of whatever choice he makes...

I thought righty-whiteys were all about people bein' able to do what they wanted with what was theirs!

Do I get a whiff of the stink of hypocrisy here????
I'm not a "righty" and I voted FOR Obama. Not that you would let any facts get in your way.

He should give this prize money immediately to the Red Cross for Haiti relief. Agree?

Again, stupid, NOT your money, so NOT your business WHERE or even to approve or disapprove of whatever choice he makes...
I heard he was going to buy brand new itouches, load 'em up with his past speeches and some jiggy tunes, and give 'em out to all who surround him.
This would be a good time for Barrack Obama to give ALL the 'questionably gained' prize money and DONATE it to the HAITIAN RELIEF FUND.

I would actually "REP" him for that.
NOT your money, so NOT your business WHERE or even to approve or disapprove of whatever choice he makes...

I thought righty-whiteys were all about people bein' able to do what they wanted with what was theirs!

Do I get a whiff of the stink of hypocrisy here????
I'm not a "righty" and I voted FOR Obama. Not that you would let any facts get in your way.

He should give this prize money immediately to the Red Cross for Haiti relief. Agree?

Again, stupid, NOT your money, so NOT your business WHERE or even to approve or disapprove of whatever choice he makes...
By LAW, it's not HIS money either. And he SAID it would be donated to charity. Where is it, idiot?

He should give this prize money immediately to the Red Cross for Haiti relief. Agree?

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