Obama and the Pope

Nothing going on?

The election cycle has already begun. And attacks on her have already been set in motion. Republicans are going to keep up the Benghazi "investigation" until 2016, bank on it. And they are going to map it to her.

And not sure what you are referring too.

Things have changed dramatically since the 70s.


There's always something going on, as soon as one election has finished people are moving for the next. However at the moment people are positioning, the real work happens later on, when people get seen for what people see them for.

Yep, things have changed since the 70s.




Three old men, not good looking.




Old guy, but an actor, and not too bad looking.Another old guy, not too bad looking.



Better looking?




The internet's come along, TV is hundreds of channels instead of a few, it's not black and white for most people. Image matters.

It's no real surprise that the last three have been good looking, Reagan was an actor, Bush H was running on the coattails of Reagan.

Now hillary
is she going to excite the media? Is she going to get people to tell those who don't know anything that she's worth it?

I doubt it.
Voted the 2 coolest people in the world. Any problems Obama has are all due to the total, mindless obstruction of a-hole Pubs and ignorant hater dupes. End of story. Also, thanks for the stupidest wars ever and wrecking the world economy, shytteheads.

I need to remind you that I am a conservative, but I am not a Republican, I am an Independent. I believe blatant obstruction is never a good thing for anyone. I did not support the wars we fought in Iraq and Afghanistan, those people have been fighting with one another for more than 3000 years. We are naive in believing we can "fix it" in those countries. More than 80% of their populations are illiterate and they pretty much believe what ever they are told at the moment regardless of the credibility of what they have been told. Our nation has paid a huge price in treasure and American lives for an impossible mission with very unrealistic expectations. I actually believe most presidents do about the best they know how to do, which sometimes turns out not to be the actual answer but more often than not their actions are laced with political agendas rather than sound and wise decisions. But to be absolutely honest when I look at the past five years of the Obama administration being at the helm. I am truly disappointed and concerned. The out of control spending, the national debt, the blatant and continuing disregard for our Constitution and our laws. a corrupt and dishonest Department of Justice, wasted billions on pipe dreams that were not well thought out, Obama Care, a law based on lies and deceit that is hurting not helping most Americans, it now in fact has been labeled a train wreck. Then you have Obama himself, he is an eloquent speaker and he is a master of spin, but he is not a man of action he is indecisive and inexperienced, in short he is not really qualified to be Commander in Chief. He seems to be completely lost on the world stage and his foreign policy is a complete failure in every sense of the word. I expected much greater things from him but he has proven to me that he is incompetent and lost is a maze of self delusion. Those on the far left like to play two cards almost always, they play the race card or they pull out the blame card. Blame never solved any problem ever and the credibility of the race accusations is in my mind very suspect, I do not believe all of those on the right to be racist, that concept is ludicrous. I will leave you with this, in the Marine Corps we had a saying and it is very true and that is, piss poor planning, equals piss poor performance. I have seen and watched Obama do literally no planning and even less constructive action. I will however award Mr. Obama with four Pinocchio's as he has proven himself to be a congenital liar as well as a fraud. Being cool does not mean you are an effective and decisive leader, I guess it means you can appear on TV between two ferns.

What you basing this all on?

Give an example of an "effective" leader.

Because using Presidents like George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan..

Obama comes off as much more effective, by "conservative" standards, then either.

-He's spent less.
-Government has become "smaller" (in terms of number of people employed).
-Businesses have seen record profits.
-America's enemies have been eliminated (Notably Bin Laden and Gaddafi).
-The energy sector is producing more.
-America's auto industry is thriving.
-American imports are going down.
-American exports are going up.
-Manufacturing is growing and manufacturers are coming back to our shores.

And even that old Chestnut, "gun rights" have been expanded under Obama.

Reagan issued the Assault Rifle ban. Obama actually signed a bill allowing guns to be carried in National Parks.

So..what are you going by?

Obama spent less?????

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Nothing going on?

The election cycle has already begun. And attacks on her have already been set in motion. Republicans are going to keep up the Benghazi "investigation" until 2016, bank on it. And they are going to map it to her.

And not sure what you are referring too.

Things have changed dramatically since the 70s.


There's always something going on, as soon as one election has finished people are moving for the next. However at the moment people are positioning, the real work happens later on, when people get seen for what people see them for.

Yep, things have changed since the 70s.




Three old men, not good looking.




Old guy, but an actor, and not too bad looking.Another old guy, not too bad looking.



Better looking?




The internet's come along, TV is hundreds of channels instead of a few, it's not black and white for most people. Image matters.

It's no real surprise that the last three have been good looking, Reagan was an actor, Bush H was running on the coattails of Reagan.

Now hillary
is she going to excite the media? Is she going to get people to tell those who don't know anything that she's worth it?

I doubt it.

Actually, the Democrat who is sure to excite not only the Democratic base, but the entire country, energize the world and fulfill his President's hitherto unfulfilled legacy, the next Messiah, the inevitable NEXT IN LINE, the source of wisdom and wit, Joe Biden.

Actually, the Democrat who is sure to excite not only the Democratic base, but the entire country, energize the world and fulfill his President's hitherto unfulfilled legacy, the next Messiah, the inevitable NEXT IN LINE, the source of wisdom and wit, Joe Biden.


Well no..but okay..

It does take a certain amount of Charisma to win the office.

And Hillary certainly has that.

At this point in time? No one can beat her.

Hilary and charisma in the same sentence?

Are you out of your mind?

Old women need SUBSTANCE in order to reflect and project charisma.

Hilary's only charisma is Bill's charisma, and the name "CLINTON" which she would ditch in a heartbeat as soon as she accomplished anything on her own.

Well your "analysis" seems to overlook the fact that Hillary (with 2 ls) became a lawyer, won a Senate seat and became Secretary of State, on her own.

It also seems to overlook the fact she was a consensus builder in Congress and was able to hold her own with foreign leaders on the world stage.

Ms. Clinton has also gotten good notes from the press on her speaking abilities.

Not really sure what you are basing this post on..



Glenn Beck?

Barack Obama trots out the Pope for a photo op because he thinks he'll get an approval boost out of it. Nothing more, nothing less. Need some proof? Then ask yourself (or the President) why he refused to allow press photos of him meeting with the Dhali Lama the other day? One world spiritual leader is better than the other? The Dhali Lama doesn't rise to the level of being seen with the President?

Not if you're Barack Obama and you're such a weakling that you fear a photo-op will piss off China!

A photo was released ONLY after the Press Corps raised holy hell about it.

Chew on that for a few and ask yourself why you still support a pansy for President?
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