Obama and Trump


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
My life was the same with Obama as POTUS as it is with DJT. We debate and razz one another a lot on this site but has anyone’s life been specifically impacted by either POTUS and if so, how?


PS. —- I still think the current Democrat Party has gone insane.
My life was the same with Obama as POTUS as it is with DJT. We debate and razz one another a lot on this site but has anyone’s life been specifically impacted by either POTUS and if so, how?


PS. —- I still think the current Democrat Party has gone insane.

only in small ways. It is my belief that Trump's trade war is the main reason for the 465 day stagnation of the financial markets in this country. Slow market growth means slower 401k growth and slower investment growth.
My life was the same with Obama as POTUS as it is with DJT. We debate and razz one another a lot on this site but has anyone’s life been specifically impacted by either POTUS and if so, how?


PS. —- I still think the current Democrat Party has gone insane.
Quit lying. You're better off as the entire nation is better off, but the demtards have gone completely apoplectic.
My life was the same with Obama as POTUS as it is with DJT. We debate and razz one another a lot on this site but has anyone’s life been specifically impacted by either POTUS and if so, how?


PS. —- I still think the current Democrat Party has gone insane.

You are talking about the Marianna Trench and Trump has filled it in with several million tons of rock. But the Trench was 7.1 miles deep and is now still 7.03 miles deep! Can you really expect one man in two years to undo decades and decades of collective stupidity, selfishness and neglect by BOTH parties? I mean its not like the DNC is helping and even the GOP has only cooperated a little. It's like our leaders are on a mission to deliberate failure and collapse and they only dimly even acknowledge our cries.

But at least now I have the peace of mind that there is beginning some effort to slow down, halt and to even try to reverse the slide over the precipice whereas before I felt like they were all PUSHING! Isn't that enough for one man in only two years with 99% resistance against him?
My life was the same with Obama as POTUS as it is with DJT. We debate and razz one another a lot on this site but has anyone’s life been specifically impacted by either POTUS and if so, how?


PS. —- I still think the current Democrat Party has gone insane.
My taxes are lower.

I no longer have to pay an idiotic fine for not having a medical insurance policy that my alleged betters deem to be "not good enough".
My life was the same with Obama as POTUS as it is with DJT. We debate and razz one another a lot on this site but has anyone’s life been specifically impacted by either POTUS and if so, how?


PS. —- I still think the current Democrat Party has gone insane.
My taxes are lower.

I no longer have to pay an idiotic fine for not having a medical insurance policy that my alleged betters deem to be "not good enough".

I had to pay taxes this year but it was only because my investments made so much more money.
I used to be able to talk politics with people . Can’t anymore!
My life was the same with Obama as POTUS as it is with DJT. We debate and razz one another a lot on this site but has anyone’s life been specifically impacted by either POTUS and if so, how?


PS. —- I still think the current Democrat Party has gone insane.
My taxes are lower.

I no longer have to pay an idiotic fine for not having a medical insurance policy that my alleged betters deem to be "not good enough".

You don’t have medical ?

Oh great . The second you get sick (which will happen ) you’ll come crying “Obamacare save me !!!!”
My life was the same with Obama as POTUS as it is with DJT. We debate and razz one another a lot on this site but has anyone’s life been specifically impacted by either POTUS and if so, how?


PS. —- I still think the current Democrat Party has gone insane.
My taxes are lower.

I no longer have to pay an idiotic fine for not having a medical insurance policy that my alleged betters deem to be "not good enough".

You don’t have medical ?

Oh great . The second you get sick (which will happen ) you’ll come crying “Obamacare save me !!!!”
I have what used to be known as "hospitalization", or major medical...Your Kenyan Kleptomaniac deemed my plan as "not good enough"....IOW, I liked my plan but I didn't get to keep it, if I was to comply with Ovomitcare's idiotic mandates.
My life was the same with Obama as POTUS as it is with DJT. We debate and razz one another a lot on this site but has anyone’s life been specifically impacted by either POTUS and if so, how?


PS. —- I still think the current Democrat Party has gone insane.
My taxes are lower.

I no longer have to pay an idiotic fine for not having a medical insurance policy that my alleged betters deem to be "not good enough".

You don’t have medical ?

Oh great . The second you get sick (which will happen ) you’ll come crying “Obamacare save me !!!!”
I have what used to be known as "hospitalization", or major medical...Your Kenyan Kleptomaniac deemed my plan as "not good enough"....IOW, I liked my plan but I didn't get to keep it, if I was to comply with Ovomitcare's idiotic mandates.

So you have a shit plan and are guaranteed to become a taxpayer burden. Congrats .
My life was the same with Obama as POTUS as it is with DJT. We debate and razz one another a lot on this site but has anyone’s life been specifically impacted by either POTUS and if so, how?


PS. —- I still think the current Democrat Party has gone insane.

Again…my assistant (at the time—she’s been promoted) had a special needs child who couldn’t work or support himself. The ACA which was 100% Obama’s creation allowed the teen to stay on my assistant’s insurance. The result was that the same excellent care, therapy, support, and familiarity with doctors, specialists and facilities was able to continue uninterrupted. This was 100% due to the election in 2008 of Obama.

I imagine anyone who had a kid with medical issues who turned 18 during the Obama years after the ACA was passed had a similar experience. When they were able to keep their kids on the insurance while they went to college, took their gap year, or began working at a place that offered minimal benefits, it was not only good for the child/young adult but also good from the standpoint of you knowing that your kid is protected.

The costs to the republic and to anyone else? $0.00.
Best two years of my life! 401k rocking!

Libtards exposed for the Evil Hell Bound Lying sacks of shit they are!

Life is good!

My life was the same with Obama as POTUS as it is with DJT. We debate and razz one another a lot on this site but has anyone’s life been specifically impacted by either POTUS and if so, how?


PS. —- I still think the current Democrat Party has gone insane.
Best two years of my life! 401k rocking!

Libtards exposed for the Evil Hell Bound Lying sacks of shit they are!

Life is good!

My life was the same with Obama as POTUS as it is with DJT. We debate and razz one another a lot on this site but has anyone’s life been specifically impacted by either POTUS and if so, how?


PS. —- I still think the current Democrat Party has gone insane.

What was your 401k the 2 years before?

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