Obama and Trump

No. Because kids eventually turn 27 and don’t possess the coping skills to live as adults without dependency on their parents. All BHO did was extend adolescence. Now that didn’t impact me at all but I found this action puzzling. You cannot measure everything in $$. The economy is cranking and you still vilify DJT. You’re being a hypocrite.

I disagree that allowing children to stay on an insurance policy till 25 (where did the 27 come from?) extends adolescence. Our daughter who just turned 24 stayed on my policy till she graduated college and got a job, at which time she was able to provide her own insurance. She was not an adolescent while going through nursing school, but she was busy as hell and not having to worry about going to the doctor if she got sick helped her to focus on what was important.

It had nothing to do with coping skills, it had to do with common sense.

It gets into the weeds a bit but just because you have insurance doesn’t mean you get proper medical care. There are physicians with whom you “click” and there are physicians with whom you do not. If you’ve been on your mom’s Aetna plan for 15 years and have seen Dr. Smith over in Scottsdale…you may (or may not) like Smith’s approach to treating your disease. Even if you are able to get your own insurance after turning 18 and working at Target or Wal*Mart, Dr. Smith may not be on your insurance so you can avoid the costs of the insurance and having to go see another doctor….and it doesn’t cost anyone outside of you or your family a penny.

Seems like a win-win.

Azog might have a minor stroke when he finds out my daughter is still on my cellphone plan. :21::21::21::21:
No. Because kids eventually turn 27 and don’t possess the coping skills to live as adults without dependency on their parents. All BHO did was extend adolescence. Now that didn’t impact me at all but I found this action puzzling. You cannot measure everything in $$. The economy is cranking and you still vilify DJT. You’re being a hypocrite.

I disagree that allowing children to stay on an insurance policy till 25 (where did the 27 come from?) extends adolescence. Our daughter who just turned 24 stayed on my policy till she graduated college and got a job, at which time she was able to provide her own insurance. She was not an adolescent while going through nursing school, but she was busy as hell and not having to worry about going to the doctor if she got sick helped her to focus on what was important.

It had nothing to do with coping skills, it had to do with common sense.

The age is 26 so at 27 they are on their own. If kids are in school then they may remain on their parents insurance, that has always been the case. It has everything to do with coping schools. We and I am guilty of it too, baby our kids. I left my house at 17 to go to college and never came back. I had to get a job, my own insurance, my own place to live, etc. It would have been sweet to live at home but then I would have just extended my dependency phase of my life.
"The costs to the republic and to anyone else? $0.00"

If this is an individual plan you are a lying piece of shit.

She paid her premiums (as we all do).

I get it but we are again extending adolescence and not providing our kids coping skills. I believe Disabled kids can remain on ones insurance so long as they are legal dependents anyway.

So $0, right?

No. Because kids eventually turn 27 and don’t possess the coping skills to live as adults without dependency on their parents. All BHO did was extend adolescence. Now that didn’t impact me at all but I found this action puzzling. You cannot measure everything in $$. The economy is cranking and you still vilify DJT. You’re being a hypocrite.

No. He made it to where you can extend insurance to your child past 18. Your opinion on adolescence and dependence is your own business. The cost of this part of the ACA remains $0.00.

Your child can be on your insurance later than 18 so long as they go to college and remain a dependent. I was on my folks insurance until I graduated at 22.
No. Because kids eventually turn 27 and don’t possess the coping skills to live as adults without dependency on their parents. All BHO did was extend adolescence. Now that didn’t impact me at all but I found this action puzzling. You cannot measure everything in $$. The economy is cranking and you still vilify DJT. You’re being a hypocrite.

I disagree that allowing children to stay on an insurance policy till 25 (where did the 27 come from?) extends adolescence. Our daughter who just turned 24 stayed on my policy till she graduated college and got a job, at which time she was able to provide her own insurance. She was not an adolescent while going through nursing school, but she was busy as hell and not having to worry about going to the doctor if she got sick helped her to focus on what was important.

It had nothing to do with coping skills, it had to do with common sense.

It gets into the weeds a bit but just because you have insurance doesn’t mean you get proper medical care. There are physicians with whom you “click” and there are physicians with whom you do not. If you’ve been on your mom’s Aetna plan for 15 years and have seen Dr. Smith over in Scottsdale…you may (or may not) like Smith’s approach to treating your disease. Even if you are able to get your own insurance after turning 18 and working at Target or Wal*Mart, Dr. Smith may not be on your insurance so you can avoid the costs of the insurance and having to go see another doctor….and it doesn’t cost anyone outside of you or your family a penny.

Seems like a win-win.

Azog might have a minor stroke when he finds out my daughter is still on my cellphone plan. :21::21::21::21:

You do what you like. I think "kids" need to grow up and take care of themselves. I baby my kids too and I think I need to stop. My wife agrees.
My life was the same with Obama as POTUS as it is with DJT. We debate and razz one another a lot on this site but has anyone’s life been specifically impacted by either POTUS and if so, how?


PS. —- I still think the current Democrat Party has gone insane.

so, your life is the same now that Trump is in office as it was when Obama was in office?

So, nothing has changed for you & your life still sucks?

Sounds like you should have no complaints about Obama then ........
The age is 26 so at 27 they are on their own. If kids are in school then they may remain on their parents insurance, that has always been the case. It has everything to do with coping schools. We and I am guilty of it too, baby our kids. I left my house at 17 to go to college and never came back. I had to get a job, my own insurance, my own place to live, etc. It would have been sweet to live at home but then I would have just extended my dependency phase of my life.

It has nothing to do with coping skills. My daughter left 2 weeks after graduating high school to start a summer term at college, she has not lived at home since. After 1.5 years at a state school she decided she wanted to live in Florida and not Ill and did all the leg work and found a school to transfer to and moved. I drove down with her in her car to help get her there. She then worked for a year and established residency and has since finished school is now a thriving, productive member of society. Me keeping her on our insurance did nothing to erode her coping skills and did not hamper her Independence.

Perhaps when your kids are older you will understand.
You do what you like. I think "kids" need to grow up and take care of themselves. I baby my kids too and I think I need to stop. My wife agrees.

She takes care of herself, again keeping her on our plan is a matter of common sense. I have 4 lines with unlimited data, TV and internet all through the same company. Dropping one line would save me less than 1/4 of what it would cost her to get her own line. There is no life lesson in "here, waste this money paying more than you need to so you learn something".

The lesson she is learning is to make wise financial decisions. She offered to get her own line, but it was silly, besides there is a strong fringe benefit for me and my wife...phone calls, text, and more from our daughter as she lives 1000 miles away so we do not get to see her that often.
My life was the same with Obama as POTUS as it is with DJT. We debate and razz one another a lot on this site but has anyone’s life been specifically impacted by either POTUS and if so, how?


PS. —- I still think the current Democrat Party has gone insane.

so, your life is the same now that Trump is in office as it was when Obama was in office?

So, nothing has changed for you & your life still sucks?

Sounds like you should have no complaints about Obama then ........

where do you get the idea that his life sucks?
She paid her premiums (as we all do).

I get it but we are again extending adolescence and not providing our kids coping skills. I believe Disabled kids can remain on ones insurance so long as they are legal dependents anyway.

So $0, right?

No. Because kids eventually turn 27 and don’t possess the coping skills to live as adults without dependency on their parents. All BHO did was extend adolescence. Now that didn’t impact me at all but I found this action puzzling. You cannot measure everything in $$. The economy is cranking and you still vilify DJT. You’re being a hypocrite.

No. He made it to where you can extend insurance to your child past 18. Your opinion on adolescence and dependence is your own business. The cost of this part of the ACA remains $0.00.

Your child can be on your insurance later than 18 so long as they go to college and remain a dependent. I was on my folks insurance until I graduated at 22.

My goodness…you didn’t learn responsibility or coping skills soon enough.

Not everyone goes to college.

Again, you asked how Obama or Trump changed things. This is one big way for likely millions of Americans. The money taken out of your pocket or our Treasury? $0.00.

The resistance to this is just a matter of hating Obama….nothing else.
My life was the same with Obama as POTUS as it is with DJT. We debate and razz one another a lot on this site but has anyone’s life been specifically impacted by either POTUS and if so, how?


PS. —- I still think the current Democrat Party has gone insane.

so, your life is the same now that Trump is in office as it was when Obama was in office?

So, nothing has changed for you & your life still sucks?

Sounds like you should have no complaints about Obama then ........

Tattle tale, don't project. Oh I have complaints and if you could read we debate and razz but in reality, no, Obama had zero impact on me personally. BTW - You're a cry baby tattle tale and an embarrassment.
The age is 26 so at 27 they are on their own. If kids are in school then they may remain on their parents insurance, that has always been the case. It has everything to do with coping schools. We and I am guilty of it too, baby our kids. I left my house at 17 to go to college and never came back. I had to get a job, my own insurance, my own place to live, etc. It would have been sweet to live at home but then I would have just extended my dependency phase of my life.

It has nothing to do with coping skills. My daughter left 2 weeks after graduating high school to start a summer term at college, she has not lived at home since. After 1.5 years at a state school she decided she wanted to live in Florida and not Ill and did all the leg work and found a school to transfer to and moved. I drove down with her in her car to help get her there. She then worked for a year and established residency and has since finished school is now a thriving, productive member of society. Me keeping her on our insurance did nothing to erode her coping skills and did not hamper her Independence.

Perhaps when your kids are older you will understand.

That is possible. My kids are still young but my plan is to get them on their own once they graduate. Plans could obviously change.
You do what you like. I think "kids" need to grow up and take care of themselves. I baby my kids too and I think I need to stop. My wife agrees.

She takes care of herself, again keeping her on our plan is a matter of common sense. I have 4 lines with unlimited data, TV and internet all through the same company. Dropping one line would save me less than 1/4 of what it would cost her to get her own line. There is no life lesson in "here, waste this money paying more than you need to so you learn something".

The lesson she is learning is to make wise financial decisions. She offered to get her own line, but it was silly, besides there is a strong fringe benefit for me and my wife...phone calls, text, and more from our daughter as she lives 1000 miles away so we do not get to see her that often.

That makes sense. I get it. You have changed my mind.
My life was the same with Obama as POTUS as it is with DJT. We debate and razz one another a lot on this site but has anyone’s life been specifically impacted by either POTUS and if so, how?


PS. —- I still think the current Democrat Party has gone insane.

so, your life is the same now that Trump is in office as it was when Obama was in office?

So, nothing has changed for you & your life still sucks?

Sounds like you should have no complaints about Obama then ........

where do you get the idea that his life sucks?
He doesn't have ideas. And when you attack him he tattles to the Mods, who ignore him.
I get it but we are again extending adolescence and not providing our kids coping skills. I believe Disabled kids can remain on ones insurance so long as they are legal dependents anyway.

So $0, right?

No. Because kids eventually turn 27 and don’t possess the coping skills to live as adults without dependency on their parents. All BHO did was extend adolescence. Now that didn’t impact me at all but I found this action puzzling. You cannot measure everything in $$. The economy is cranking and you still vilify DJT. You’re being a hypocrite.

No. He made it to where you can extend insurance to your child past 18. Your opinion on adolescence and dependence is your own business. The cost of this part of the ACA remains $0.00.

Your child can be on your insurance later than 18 so long as they go to college and remain a dependent. I was on my folks insurance until I graduated at 22.

My goodness…you didn’t learn responsibility or coping skills soon enough.

Not everyone goes to college.

Again, you asked how Obama or Trump changed things. This is one big way for likely millions of Americans. The money taken out of your pocket or our Treasury? $0.00.

The resistance to this is just a matter of hating Obama….nothing else.

No I asked how they impacted people personally. This impacted your assistant. Neither Obama nor Trump really impacted me personally. I didn't like some of their decisions but for me life went on the same whether BHO or DJT was the President.
My life was the same with Obama as POTUS as it is with DJT. We debate and razz one another a lot on this site but has anyone’s life been specifically impacted by either POTUS and if so, how?


PS. —- I still think the current Democrat Party has gone insane.

so, your life is the same now that Trump is in office as it was when Obama was in office?

So, nothing has changed for you & your life still sucks?

Sounds like you should have no complaints about Obama then ........

where do you get the idea that his life sucks?

His life obviously sucks because he has been stalking me here @ USMB since March 14, calling me a tattle tale.

That's over a month & a half of insanity from some psycho so, his life must really suck.
My life was the same with Obama as POTUS as it is with DJT. We debate and razz one another a lot on this site but has anyone’s life been specifically impacted by either POTUS and if so, how?


PS. —- I still think the current Democrat Party has gone insane.

so, your life is the same now that Trump is in office as it was when Obama was in office?

So, nothing has changed for you & your life still sucks?

Sounds like you should have no complaints about Obama then ........

where do you get the idea that his life sucks?

His life obviously sucks because he has been stalking me here @ USMB since March 14, calling me a tattle tale.

That's over a month & a half of insanity from some psycho so, his life must really suck.

Tattle tale, you seem to be the stalker here. There was no need to opine on my post in the thread I started. You chose to do so. Please explain how that equates to me stalking you? This should be rich. Stupid tattle tale.
So $0, right?

No. Because kids eventually turn 27 and don’t possess the coping skills to live as adults without dependency on their parents. All BHO did was extend adolescence. Now that didn’t impact me at all but I found this action puzzling. You cannot measure everything in $$. The economy is cranking and you still vilify DJT. You’re being a hypocrite.

No. He made it to where you can extend insurance to your child past 18. Your opinion on adolescence and dependence is your own business. The cost of this part of the ACA remains $0.00.

Your child can be on your insurance later than 18 so long as they go to college and remain a dependent. I was on my folks insurance until I graduated at 22.

My goodness…you didn’t learn responsibility or coping skills soon enough.

Not everyone goes to college.

Again, you asked how Obama or Trump changed things. This is one big way for likely millions of Americans. The money taken out of your pocket or our Treasury? $0.00.

The resistance to this is just a matter of hating Obama….nothing else.

No I asked how they impacted people personally. This impacted your assistant. Neither Obama nor Trump really impacted me personally. I didn't like some of their decisions but for me life went on the same whether BHO or DJT was the President.

Correct. Allowing children to stay on someone else’s insurance until they are 26 didn’t affect you or anyone else at all.

My assistant and her special needs child did affect me actually. How? Assistants provide assistance. As she did for 11 years (a lot of that was with me). She was at work more often, less distracted, had more disposable income, was able to buy me gifts on “boss’s day” LOL. She has since been promoted to where she is my equal in the organizational structure. Did the ACA allow her to:
  • do excellent work because she wasn’t distracted,
  • wasn’t having to take time off to take her child to a doctor in Prescott or Tucson and let her child keep it’s local doctor,
  • or perhaps even buy better clothing and keep her gym membership which allowed her to have the presence of an authority figure?
Who knows. I do know it didn’t hurt.

Believe it or not, policies that don’t “target” your demographic… do affect you.

Yeah, I want that as my President. Sheesh.
My life was the same with Obama as POTUS as it is with DJT. We debate and razz one another a lot on this site but has anyone’s life been specifically impacted by either POTUS and if so, how?


PS. —- I still think the current Democrat Party has gone insane.

so, your life is the same now that Trump is in office as it was when Obama was in office?

So, nothing has changed for you & your life still sucks?

Sounds like you should have no complaints about Obama then ........

where do you get the idea that his life sucks?

His life obviously sucks because he has been stalking me here @ USMB since March 14, calling me a tattle tale.

That's over a month & a half of insanity from some psycho so, his life must really suck.

Tattle tale, you seem to be the stalker here. There was no need to opine on my post in the thread I started. You chose to do so. Please explain how that equates to me stalking you? This should be rich. Stupid tattle tale.

there you go; twice in one post. You can't get over it. Maybe take your meds PSYCHO

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