Obama and Trump

My life was the same with Obama as POTUS as it is with DJT. We debate and razz one another a lot on this site but has anyone’s life been specifically impacted by either POTUS and if so, how?


PS. —- I still think the current Democrat Party has gone insane.

so, your life is the same now that Trump is in office as it was when Obama was in office?

So, nothing has changed for you & your life still sucks?

Sounds like you should have no complaints about Obama then ........

where do you get the idea that his life sucks?

His life obviously sucks because he has been stalking me here @ USMB since March 14, calling me a tattle tale.

That's over a month & a half of insanity from some psycho so, his life must really suck.

Tattle tale, you seem to be the stalker here. There was no need to opine on my post in the thread I started. You chose to do so. Please explain how that equates to me stalking you? This should be rich. Stupid tattle tale.

there you go; twice in one post. You can't get over it. Maybe take your meds PSYCHO

Are you tattle tale? Yes or no? LOL

My portfolio swelled considerably following Trump's election.
Mine swelled 258% during Obama`s 8 years. So far only 25% under Trump. If Trump does as well as Obama the DOW will be around 61,000 if he gets a second term.

Rates were on the floor under BHO...where would people invest their funds? Only alternative was equiities. The market was artificially inflated. Think about it logically.
CNN just showed the latest polls on Trump:
Overall approval of 45% a significant increase
On the Economy 54% approve 41% disapprove (WTF is there to complain about?)
No, things are much better under Trump. Unemployment is so low that companies for the first time in decades are forced to raise wages past the rate of inflation to attract qualified employees.

Energy prices are low allowing individuals to stretch their budgets, and companies to operate at lower costs. That savings can be used elsewhere to invest, or buy necessities, or even for leisure items. The Media never mentions this fact.

Just two items that are better without Obama or any Democrat in the White House.
And that’s what GG doesn’t get.
I have been working in Uniondale, NY recently...the employment rate is high, beautiful stores and homes are being built and Black Americans are smiling and saying hello as I pass them on the street.
The Ds are probably chewing on Rolaids.
so, your life is the same now that Trump is in office as it was when Obama was in office?

So, nothing has changed for you & your life still sucks?

Sounds like you should have no complaints about Obama then ........

where do you get the idea that his life sucks?

His life obviously sucks because he has been stalking me here @ USMB since March 14, calling me a tattle tale.

That's over a month & a half of insanity from some psycho so, his life must really suck.

Tattle tale, you seem to be the stalker here. There was no need to opine on my post in the thread I started. You chose to do so. Please explain how that equates to me stalking you? This should be rich. Stupid tattle tale.

there you go; twice in one post. You can't get over it. Maybe take your meds PSYCHO

Are you tattle tale? Yes or no? LOL


Your life must really suck as you can't get over it. Maybe take your meds PSYCHO
No, things are much better under Trump. Unemployment is so low that companies for the first time in decades are forced to raise wages past the rate of inflation to attract qualified employees.

Energy prices are low allowing individuals to stretch their budgets, and companies to operate at lower costs. That savings can be used elsewhere to invest, or buy necessities, or even for leisure items. The Media never mentions this fact.

Just two items that are better without Obama or any Democrat in the White House.
And that’s what GG doesn’t get.
I have been working in Uniondale, NY recently...the employment rate is high, beautiful stores and homes are being built and Black Americans are smiling and saying hello as I pass them on the street..

Same thing was happening 4 years ago

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CNN just showed the latest polls on Trump:
Overall approval of 45% a significant increase
On the Economy 54% approve 41% disapprove (WTF is there to complain about?)

How about a Financial market that has been stagnant for 465 days???

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Trump is helping the U.S. economy to kick ass and raising the standard of living of Americans. The America first policy is working.
where do you get the idea that his life sucks?

His life obviously sucks because he has been stalking me here @ USMB since March 14, calling me a tattle tale.

That's over a month & a half of insanity from some psycho so, his life must really suck.

Tattle tale, you seem to be the stalker here. There was no need to opine on my post in the thread I started. You chose to do so. Please explain how that equates to me stalking you? This should be rich. Stupid tattle tale.

there you go; twice in one post. You can't get over it. Maybe take your meds PSYCHO

Are you tattle tale? Yes or no? LOL


Your life must really suck as you can't get over it. Maybe take your meds PSYCHO

Please answer the question. Thank you. And stop stalking me in my thread.
CNN just showed the latest polls on Trump:
Overall approval of 45% a significant increase
On the Economy 54% approve 41% disapprove (WTF is there to complain about?)

How about a Financial market that has been stagnant for 465 days???

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With rates higher, people have alternatives such as bonds and CDs. Under BHO you really had to go into equities because rates were so low.
Trump's tariffs cost me $40-$50K in profits.

I have to put up with his lying

He is putting my children & grandchildren's future at great risk with his stance on AGW

He is allowing for dirtier air & water that my family breathes

He is trying to take healthcare away from my family.

He is pushing us into another Republican recession.
My life was the same with Obama as POTUS as it is with DJT. We debate and razz one another a lot on this site but has anyone’s life been specifically impacted by either POTUS and if so, how?


PS. —- I still think the current Democrat Party has gone insane.
My taxes are lower.

I no longer have to pay an idiotic fine for not having a medical insurance policy that my alleged betters deem to be "not good enough".

You don’t have medical ?

Oh great . The second you get sick (which will happen ) you’ll come crying “Obamacare save me !!!!”
I have what used to be known as "hospitalization", or major medical...Your Kenyan Kleptomaniac deemed my plan as "not good enough"....IOW, I liked my plan but I didn't get to keep it, if I was to comply with Ovomitcare's idiotic mandates.
The evil fucking Obama made you get a better plan. The horrors!!!
Trump's tariffs cost me $40-$50K in profits.

I have to put up with his lying

He is putting my children & grandchildren's future at great risk with his stance on AGW

He is allowing for dirtier air & water that my family breathes

He is trying to take healthcare away from my family.

He is pushing us into another Republican recession.

Dude, you need professional help. I am stunned nature allowed you to reproduce.

#1) All politicians lie.

#2) Not any more than our fellow politicians and their $22Trn in debt.

#3) How so? Healthcare plans are readily available.

#4) How so? What signs of recession do you see?

Lastly, as far as dirty air and water you'll need to prove how he has anything to do with that. Your TDS is comical.
No, things are much better under Trump. Unemployment is so low that companies for the first time in decades are forced to raise wages past the rate of inflation to attract qualified employees.

Energy prices are low allowing individuals to stretch their budgets, and companies to operate at lower costs. That savings can be used elsewhere to invest, or buy necessities, or even for leisure items. The Media never mentions this fact.

Just two items that are better without Obama or any Democrat in the White House.
And that’s what GG doesn’t get.
I have been working in Uniondale, NY recently...the employment rate is high, beautiful stores and homes are being built and Black Americans are smiling and saying hello as I pass them on the street..

Same thing was happening 4 years ago

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Not in Nassau County.
Simon Property gutter out the Roosevelt Field Mall and it was Dead City for 2 years.
Hempstead Turnpike was a graveyard under Obama’s 8 years.

But I forgot you live in a very wealthy Libertarian area.
Trump's tariffs cost me $40-$50K in profits.

I have to put up with his lying

He is putting my children & grandchildren's future at great risk with his stance on AGW

He is allowing for dirtier air & water that my family breathes

He is trying to take healthcare away from my family.

He is pushing us into another Republican recession.
What slum area of what city do you live in?
Even the slums in Brooklyn are seeing a renaissance.
"The costs to the republic and to anyone else? $0.00"

If this is an individual plan you are a lying piece of shit.

She paid her premiums (as we all do).

I get it but we are again extending adolescence and not providing our kids coping skills. I believe Disabled kids can remain on ones insurance so long as they are legal dependents anyway.

So $0, right?

No. Because kids eventually turn 27 and don’t possess the coping skills to live as adults without dependency on their parents. All BHO did was extend adolescence. Now that didn’t impact me at all but I found this action puzzling. You cannot measure everything in $$. The economy is cranking and you still vilify DJT. You’re being a hypocrite.

No. He made it to where you can extend insurance to your child past 18. Your opinion on adolescence and dependence is your own business. The cost of this part of the ACA remains $0.00.

No. He took it from 24 to 26

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