Obama and Victoria Nuland, just how much harm have they done to America by sabotaging Ukraine?


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
One of the more interesting choices of the Obama Adminstration was Dick Cheney apprentice Victoria Nuland...

From 2003 to 2005, Nuland served as the principal Deputy National Security Adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney,[18] exercising an influential role during the Iraq War.[citation needed] From 2005 to 2008, during President George W. Bush's second term, Nuland served as U.S. ambassador to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Brussels,

In the summer of 2011, Nuland became special envoy for Conventional Armed Forces in Europe[20] and then became State Department spokesperson.[21]

In May 2013, Nuland was nominated to act as assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs[22] and was sworn in on September 18, 2013.[23] In her role as assistant secretary, she managed diplomatic relations with fifty countries in Europe and Eurasia, as well as with NATO, the European Union and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.[citation needed]


During the Maidan Uprising in Ukraine, Nuland made appearances supporting the Maidan protesters.[24] In December 2013, she said in a speech to the US–Ukraine Foundation that the U.S. had invested over $5 billion on democratic skills and institutions, civic participation, and good governance in Ukraine since 1991. She stated that these were preconditions for Ukraine to achieve its European aspirations.[25][24] The Russian government seized on this statement, claiming it was evidence the U.S. was orchestrating a color revolution.[24]

On February 4, 2014, a recording of a phone call between Nuland and U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt on January 28, 2014, was published on YouTube.[26][27][28][29][30][31] The call followed an offer made on January 25, 2014, by Ukrainian president Yanukovych to include two members of the opposition in his government to calm the Maidan protests in Ukraine, one being that of his Prime Minister.[32] Nuland and Pyatt voiced their opinions of this offer, specifically on the post of Prime Minister, giving their opinion of several opposition personalities. Nuland told Pyatt that Arseniy Yatsenyuk would be the best candidate to hold this post.[27][28] Nuland suggested the United Nations, rather than the European Union, should be involved in a full political solution, adding "fuck the EU". The following day, Christiane Wirtz, Deputy Government Spokesperson and Deputy Head of the Press and Information Office of the German Federal Government, stated that German Chancellor Angela Merkel termed Nuland's remark "absolutely unacceptable."[33] The president of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, condemned the remark as "unacceptable".[34][35] Department of State spokesperson Jen Psaki said the discussion was not evidence of any American plan to influence the political outcome

This is the alliance of the Zionist 911 W "Biden Republican" Zionist Fascist Left Wing Pro Israel RINOs and the hate hoaxing left wing homos...

Why did Obama bring in Victoria Nuland, obviously a Dick Cheney Zionist Fascist warmonger?

Why was Nuland quickly promoted to start messing around with our money in Ukraine?

Anyone notice that both Nuland and Cheney lie a lot, then a lot of people die and the US taxpayer gets bilked again- a pattern?

Some people have even IDed Nuland as the main person behind the Ukraine war...

"Musk accuses the U.S. undersecretary of state for political affairs, Victoria Nuland, of warmongering in this conflict"

and here we have this strange alliance and lies and misperceptions yet again. Zelenskky is Jewish. Why did the Obama Administration go so far out of its way to help Zelenskky become Ukraine's permanent warmongering dictator? The "Pro Israel Christians" say Obama is Muslim and hates Jews - LOL!!! In fact, the Obama Adminstration was packed head to toe with Jews, including non white Jews. But to post "Obama" and "Jewish" in the same topic here gets a lot of people very angry very quickly....

So what gives? Somebody is seriously WRONG about Obama. If Obama is "anti Jew/Israel" then WHY WAS VICTORIA NULAND GIVEN A HIGH POWER POST? If Obama is "anti war" why were the seeds planted?

What about the bio labs in Ukraine? Who paid for them? WE DID. Did our political or media classes tell us that? NO. Why not? Are they both "in on it?"

Why should the American taxpayer fund bio labs in Ukraine? Strange that neither party seems interested in asking that question...

If you think the Obama Administration did America a lot of harm by funding Nuland and messing with Ukraine, you win the prize. So why? What was the motive?

1. kickbacks = galore and for sure
2. warmongering = checks flow in from defense contractors and interested parties like Khazarian Mafia
3. starting another "virus outbreak" with the bio labs = that's what Putin thinks....

Barack Obama needs to be asked questions about Victoria Nuland, Ukraine, and why America spent money on bio labs in Ukraine.

Unfortunately, like the climate questions the Co2 FRAUD cannot answer, the media, including Faux, will NEVER ask those....
There is a tremendous hypocrisy on the Left here. It was horrible what W/Cheney did, but if homO does it, then, well, it is OK as long as there are kickbacks and the US Federal Debt mushrooms....

And the media coverage, including Faux, RAV etc. are all completely AWOL because those entities and "the 1%" have ZERO PATRIOTISM TO AMERICA.
They’ve done great harm to most Americans but the 1% love them, and they run the country.

Yep, using Ukraine for laundering billions of dollars and selling weapons into black markets (maybe some have been brought across our borders by illegals).

We need a full, complete accounting. Let the chips fall where they may, because I am certain some Republicans are also involved in this crime. Who cares! Trump needs to take office and order a massive and full accounting and make all of it public, all of it.
During the Maidan Uprising in Ukraine, Nuland made appearances supporting the Maidan protesters.[24] In December 2013, she said in a speech to the US–Ukraine Foundation that the U.S. had invested over $5 billion
its now about $225 billion -many weapons not authorized by Congress.
Further Biden/Harris have made committments to road buiding, school funding, paying their government salaries since Ukraine is essentially broke. It's a waste of our money since the EU/NATO can support Ukr without US involvement..

Yep, using Ukraine for laundering billions of dollars and selling weapons into black markets (maybe some have been brought across our borders by illegals).

We need a full, complete accounting. Let the chips fall where they may, because I am certain some Republicans are also involved in this crime. Who cares! Trump needs to take office and order a massive and full accounting and make all of it public, all of it.

That first requires a few things...

1. an honest patriotic American as Attorney General, not JEFF SESSIONS again
2. an honest patriotic American as FBI Director, not CHRIS WRAY again

If we put in all this work and Trump fucks up those two again, I will be one very unhappy hologram!!!

its now about $225 billion -many weapons not authorized by Congress.
Further Biden/Harris have made committments to road buiding, school funding, paying their government salaries since Ukraine is essentially broke. It's a waste of our money since the EU/NATO can support Ukr without US involvement..


A black hole of embezzlement, fraud, and treason, courtesy of the alliance between the W crowd and the homO crowd...

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