Victoria Nuland is stepping down as deputy of Secretary of State.

Diabolical witch! :mad:

Tchaikovsky Street in Kiev will be renamed Victoria Nuland Street. Yes, that's right. The street named after the great Russian composer will be renamed in honor of the American toad, the ideological inspiration for the disaster that has befallen Ukraine today.
On the one hand, a little bit offended for the composer, but on the other hand, maybe it is right. Nazis have nazi streets.
Maybe Biden can sneak in another war just before November.

China/Taiwan seems like th best one….but no Nuland to tell you what to do!

If Biden leaves office with 3 fresh new wars….what an accomlishment!
It's looking like Iran at this point.
Do you question anything the "authorities" tell you?
What "authorities" moron?

Those Ukranians were killed by Russian invaders who are annexing their country.

Who do you think needs "authorities" to understand such simple concepts?

Does anyone need "authorities" to know that Nazi Germany invaded other countries and killed millions of people? :cuckoo:
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Maybe Biden can sneak in another war just before November.

China/Taiwan seems like th best one….but no Nuland to tell you what to do!

If Biden leaves office with 3 fresh new wars….what an accomlishment!
Joe is going to leave a lot on Trump's plate come next January. Trump is going to have to hit the ground running in election night. Hell, maybe even a few months before it.
Wooohooo! Neocon warmonger is gone!

This person engineered the coup, and subsequent civil war in Ukraine in 2014. Which of course was intended to start a war with Russia. I guess her work is done?

Now the question is, what sack of Establishment shit will Biden appoint to replace her?

headed to Gitmo?
Ukrainian media will definitely never show such a thing. A famous American podcast invited an American comedian who is passionate about international relations to its meeting and together they began to discuss Ukraine and Russia in an unusual way, also remembering the President of Ukraine and his latest interview with the Western media. I would like more Ukrainians to hear more and more Western media talking about all these topics.
I am FIRMLY in Ukraine's camp. I dislike Russia more than you know. Most of the world's problems have been caused by Russia and/or the Soviets for the last 100 years. And when I say 'most' I mean around 85 -90%.
What a zombified moron you are...
What a zombified moron you are...
What we did wrong with Soviet Russia was pretty simple.....

The German socialists and the Russian socialists werre about equally evil. They were Allies for the first two (2) years of WW2. Most people, being stupid, don't know that.

So when the German socialists decided to do what socialists do best, lie and break their word and invaded Rodina, we sat back with a bunch of popcorn and enjoyed the show.

BEAUTIFUL!!! socialist scum killing socialist scum!!! Wonderfrul. What could be better?!?!?!! But then, Germany talked Japan into the dumbest move in Human Military History -- Pearl Harbor. A week later, Hitler, in his stupidity and arrogance declared War on the US. Side Note: We were the ONLY Country he bothered to decalre War on during the entire conflict.

So we kinda were stuck. We had to fight the German socialist scum whiloe being on the side of the Russian socialist scum. Very unpleasant.

Patton had the right idea, he wanted to invade them in 1945 but..... So 'they' murdered him. Oh well.

So, we were kinda allies with Soviet scum while they were busily stabbing us, and everybody else, in the back.

It was called the "Cold War". Fortunately, it never went 'hot'. Early on, we would have kicked the shit out of the Soviets. Later on, we still would have kicked the shit out of them but it would have cost us dearly because they STOLE our nuclear secrets. Just ask the Rosens.

And the unfortuante part is -- During and after WW2, we wiped out German socialism and German socialists. Made theri Party, the National Socialist German Workers Party illegal. Even made it illegal to sing their National Anthem. They'd whistle it, though. But we'd bust their asses if we heard them.

Point being is this..... We never got a chance to kill the necessary 30 - 40 Million Russian socilaists that would have ended the problem once and for all.

Too bad. We let them get away and now, now their disease is infecting the world's body.

Maybe..... Maybe someday we can finish the job.

Sooner the better
The German socialists and the Russian socialists werre about equally evil.
Statement by Nazi General Reinecke: Reinecke:
"The war between Germany and Russia is not a war between two states or two armies. It is a war between two worldviews - the National Socialist worldview and the Bolshevik worldview. The Red Army soldier is not regarded as a soldier in the ordinary sense of the word, as it is understood with regard to our Western adversaries. The Red Army soldier must be regarded as an ideological enemy, that is, as a mortal enemy of National Socialism, and must therefore be treated accordingly."

What a stupid, vile rotten bastard you have to be to continue to spout this vile, lying filth about the equality of Nazis and Bolsheviks even after 80 years after the war.... You stinking filth!

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