Victoria Nuland is stepping down as deputy of Secretary of State.

She stopped Poland from giving Ukraine migs when they could have helped.

Many Ukrainians are dead because of democrats and they are happy because they are white.

Democrats = WEF
Dummy who is blocking Ukrainian millitary support this year?

A. Democrats.
B. Republicans.

Lets see if you are in touch with basic reality.
Dummy who is blocking Ukrainian millitary support this year?

A. Democrats.
B. Republicans.

Lets see if you are in touch with basic reality.
^^^ WEF shill gaslighting Americans.

The war is a scam made apparent by democrats blocking migs from Poland. After that, no need for US funding.

Democrats also blocked a peace deal and 1000s of Ukrainians are dead today because of it.
^^^ WEF shill gaslighting Americans.

The war is a scam made apparent by democrats blocking migs from Poland. After that, no need for US funding.

Democrats also blocked a peace deal and 1000s of Ukrainians are dead today because of it.
You are talking about THESE Migs, right?

Maybe Biden can sneak in another war just before November.

China/Taiwan seems like th best one….but no Nuland to tell you what to do!

If Biden leaves office with 3 fresh new wars….what an accomlishment!
Dummy who is blocking Ukrainian millitary support this year?

A. Democrats.
B. Republicans.

Lets see if you are in touch with basic reality.
Republicans would support a Clean Ukraine Aid bill.

But not what dimocrap FILTH want in it. Pork. Aid for Illegals. More Pork. More aid to illegals. More Pork.

You'll believe anything you see on TV, won't you?
You are talking about THESE Migs, right?

Yup, the ones you support blocking.

Now we have f-16s there, but it's a bit late.

Many Ukrainians died because Democrats like this stopped migs from Poland.
She claims the Ukraine war is good for the MIC, so it is good for America.


She is actually telling the truth.
Yup, the ones you support blocking.

Now we have f-16s there, but it's a bit late.

Many Ukrainians died because Democrats like this stopped migs from Poland.
Ukraine's biggest mistake was trusting The Rapist, Clinton.

The Budapest Memorandum promised the Ukes that we'd back them and protect them if they'd give up their Nukes. After Ronald Reagan took down the Soviet Union, Ukraine became the 3rd biggest Nuclear power in the world. Thousands of Nukes were left there by the socialists in Russia. Idiots.

But The Rapist and, of course, Russia, wanted them to give them up. So The Rapist promised to protect them if they did. "Honest Injun, we'll protect you from the Russians that murdered millions of your people not so long ago. Honest; cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye," said The Rapist

Note to self: Never trust dimocrap FILTH.
Ukraine's biggest mistake was trusting The Rapist, Clinton.

The Budapest Memorandum promised the Ukes that we'd back them and protect them if they'd give up their Nukes. After Ronald Reagan took down the Soviet Union, Ukraine became the 4th biggest Nuclear power in the world. Thousands of Nukes were left there by the socialists in Russia. Idiots.

But The Rapist and, of course, Russia, wanted them to give them up. So The Rapist promised to protect them if they did. "Honest Injun, we'll protect you from the Russians that murdered millions of your people not so long ago. Honest; cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye," said The Rapist

Note to self: Never trust dimocrap FILTH.
The WEF been planning this war for a while.
I hope the next DOJ under Trump investigates her... she is an evil woman...

Absolutely. The way this admin makes light of blowing up Nordstream really casts a light on the hypocrisy of the left.



Fuck you all who freaked out over NOKO, but are now silent over RUSSIA. GTFO.

I hope you are perpetually constipated.
Republicans would support a Clean Ukraine Aid bill.

Of course they would, but the Republican House leadership has been refusing to put it up for a vote.

They first demanded that there would be a border deal attached and when they were given bipartisan border deal with Ukrainian funding they sank it.

Months have gone by, Ukrainians are losing ground because they don't have ammunition to keep up and Republican House leadership to this will not put up funding for vote.
Absolutely. The way this admin makes light of blowing up Nordstream really casts a light on the hypocrisy of the left.



Fuck you all who freaked out over NOKO, but are now silent over RUSSIA. GTFO.

I hope you are perpetually constipated.
I actually forgot about the pipeline because there is so damn much corruption on the left its unbelievable...
The WEF been planning this war for a while.
Sorry, I don't buy into that. Theyre not that smart.

Putin saw an opportunity to expand his Empire and took it. He knew that Sponge Brains Shits Pants was a dimocrap and, therefore, a coward. He saw what happened in Asscrackistan.

Russia doesn't have any Warm Water Ports in or near Europe. And they've wanted one for 300 years.

Now, thanks to dimocrap scum, they have one.

Next, they have to compromise Turkey. If Turkey stays in NATO, they can destroy any Russian Naval deployments before they get to the action.

They'll work on Turkey. And, with dimocrap scum in Office, we're in peril. Always
US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland is resigning. It's not just a bell, but a bell for Zelensky, or even a funeral bell. One of the architects of the Revolution of Shame disappears from the chessboard - a sign that she has failed. Something has gone wrong.
Nuland is to Ukraine as Fauci is to Covid.
What was Nuland’s job at the State Department supposed to be? Diplomacy.
What did she actually do? Foment conflict with Russia.
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Of course they would, but the Republican House leadership has been refusing to put it up for a vote.

They first demanded that there would be a border deal attached and when they were given bipartisan border deal with Ukrainian funding they sank it.

Months have gone by, Ukrainians are losing ground because they don't have ammunition to keep up and Republican House leadership to this will not put up funding for vote.
I am FIRMLY in Ukraine's camp. I dislike Russia more than you know. Most of the world's problems have been caused by Russia and/or the Soviets for the last 100 years. And when I say 'most' I mean around 85 -90%.

dimocraps are the ones willing to sacrifice Ukraine. Republicans would likely vote 'yes' on a CLEAN Ukraine Aid. But dimocraps, being the scum they are, attach all kinds of SHIT to the bill.

Granted, this latest one is much cleaner than the piece of garbage they sent the House in Dec of '22 but it's still full of garbage, PLUS, they've managed to piss a bunch of Congressmen off.

I think it's HR 815 and is still being worked on. Don't know, don't really care. Once OMB gets into Office, the War will end anyway.

“A statement from Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday morning read:

Victoria Nuland has let me know that she intends to step down in the coming weeks as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs – a role in which she has personified President Biden’s commitment to put diplomacy back at the center of our foreign policyand revitalize America’s global leadership at a crucial time for our nation and the world.“

At a congressional hearing in early 2023, Nuland stated regarding the 2022 Nord Stream pipeline sabotage, "I am, and I think the administration is, very gratified to know that Nord Stream 2 is now . . . a hunk of metal at the bottom of the sea."

In a February 2024 interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour, Nuland advocated for congressional approval of a $95.34 billion aid package, which is also designated for Ukraine, by delivering the following remarks: "We have to remember that the bulk of this money is going right back into the U.S., to make those weapons."

Goodbye to a crazy war monger and cause of hundreds of thousands of deaths during her SD tenure.

Aint no lie, baby BYE BYE BYE.

Dems gonna have to find another war monger to fill her shoes.

95 billion would have solved many of our problems... priorities are messed up

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