Obama appointee confirms: Kids 'cages' created 'under Obama'

President Obama’s top official in charge of removing illegal aliens has confirmed that the “cages” used to detain juveniles who are in the country illegally were established by the Obama administration.

“I’ve been to that facility, where they talk about cages. That facility was built under President Obama under (Homeland Security) Secretary Jeh Johnson,” said Thomas Homan, Obama’s executive associate director for Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

“I was there … when it was built,” he said, reported Paul Bedard at the Washington Examiner.

Democrats made the facilities an emotional political issue, widely distributing an image of a crying child “in a cage.”

But it was later revealed that the photograph was taken during Obama’s tenure in the White House.

Homan now is under consideration for the new position of “border czar.”

He expressed anger at questions about the “cages.”

At a conference held by the Center for Immigration Studies, he cited a Democrat who demanded of a Trump official: “You still keeping kids in cages?”

(Excerpt) Read more at wnd.com ...

So, if Trump REALLY cared, he would have put an end to the practice right? As earlier:

At round 2 of the libocrap de-bait tonight, if a moderator had the balls, they would ask each of the contestants how many of the “freedom seekers”(free stuff seekers) are they planning to house, feed, clothe and provide medical care for at their own residences? Hello?! Buehler? Is this thing on?

Obama did not argue that the giving of soap and toothbrushes to immigrant children is not required. That is inhuman and the judges were astounded at the audacity of Trump to suggest that humane treatment does not require soap and toothbrushes.
What is really stupid is the fake outrage of the left that didn't give a damn about these kids in 2014 and now it is a crisis that needs to be solved right now. Tough to take that bunch seriously, politics and all.

No give Trump the money to fix the problem, it is in Congress' hands.

See here fella? read Papa's post and you might not look so stupid next time.
Pelosi and crowd were all aware of this 5 years ago but didn't give a fuck all.
How about this little fella... did you know the Obama administration gave kids to child traffickers...repeatedly? Yeah... go ahead and research that. If Trump had done that...good night... it would cause a media frenzy not seen since 9/11. But Obama did it, so....who cares right?

You can run against 'five years ago' all you want. Who is President now, you yammering fuckstick?
What's Trump doing about it?

Trying to build a wall to prevent it.....get on board, asshole

Piss up a rope, stupid.

Trump could have had his wall two years ago, but he prefers keeping you troglodytes in a lather over it.

An honest answer would have been, 'Trump is pointing fingers and whining, same as always'.
Democrats voted for a wall when Obungo was President. What changed?

Trump said he would build the wall and have Mexico pay for it. Why should anyone vote to pay for a wall when I Am The Only One has the situation in hand? We're just waiting on the check.
BS. Democrats are against the wall now because Trump is President. Get honest.

Anyone who voted for a conman who said Mexico is going to pay for the U.S. to build a wall embraces bullshit - has it for breakfast, along with rightwing hate radio.
Trying to build a wall to prevent it.....get on board, asshole

Piss up a rope, stupid.

Trump could have had his wall two years ago, but he prefers keeping you troglodytes in a lather over it.

An honest answer would have been, 'Trump is pointing fingers and whining, same as always'.
Democrats voted for a wall when Obungo was President. What changed?

Trump said he would build the wall and have Mexico pay for it. Why should anyone vote to pay for a wall when I Am The Only One has the situation in hand? We're just waiting on the check.
BS. Democrats are against the wall now because Trump is President. Get honest.

Anyone who voted for a conman who said Mexico is going to pay for the U.S. to build a wall embraces bullshit - has it for breakfast, along with rightwing hate radio.

Orange Man bad!!!!!!!!!! Goofy loon
So the best argument we have got is, lets say Obama was doing and we have done nothing to fix it in 2 1/2 years... .
Why don't you be a man and admit that Trump is doing nothing different from Obama. The only thing different is Trump is President. Admit it.

Ah, the BS Hose is at it again.

President Obama housed immigrant kids that way in case they came unaccompanied, or if there was clear indication that their guardians posed a threat to the kids, and only for the shortest possible time. Whereas The Donald, the ghoulish clown, chose to make family separation U.S. policy, and housed kids that way for weeks or even months.

Yeah, "doing nothing different". How demented are you, really?
President Obama’s top official in charge of removing illegal aliens has confirmed that the “cages” used to detain juveniles who are in the country illegally were established by the Obama administration.

“I’ve been to that facility, where they talk about cages. That facility was built under President Obama under (Homeland Security) Secretary Jeh Johnson,” said Thomas Homan, Obama’s executive associate director for Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

“I was there … when it was built,” he said, reported Paul Bedard at the Washington Examiner.

Democrats made the facilities an emotional political issue, widely distributing an image of a crying child “in a cage.”

But it was later revealed that the photograph was taken during Obama’s tenure in the White House.

Homan now is under consideration for the new position of “border czar.”

He expressed anger at questions about the “cages.”

At a conference held by the Center for Immigration Studies, he cited a Democrat who demanded of a Trump official: “You still keeping kids in cages?”

(Excerpt) Read more at wnd.com ...

So, if Trump REALLY cared, he would have put an end to the practice right? As earlier:

At round 2 of the libocrap de-bait tonight, if a moderator had the balls, they would ask each of the contestants how many of the “freedom seekers”(free stuff seekers) are they planning to house, feed, clothe and provide medical care for at their own residences? Hello?! Buehler? Is this thing on?
Yes if Trump cared and was really a christian like he brags about...
Christian's believe in law enforcement. How come Democrats don't?
Well there goes your only argument for abortion to stop.
Why don't you be a man and admit that Trump is doing nothing different from Obama. The only thing different is Trump is President. Admit it.

Ah, the BS Hose is at it again.

President Obama housed immigrant kids that way in case they came unaccompanied, or if there was clear indication that their guardians posed a threat to the kids, and only for the shortest possible time. Whereas The Donald, the ghoulish clown, chose to make family separation U.S. policy, and housed kids that way for weeks or even months.

Yeah, "doing nothing different". How demented are you, really?
And once again we see the left justify their hypocrisy.
Why don't you be a man and admit that Trump is doing nothing different from Obama. The only thing different is Trump is President. Admit it.

Ah, the BS Hose is at it again.

President Obama housed immigrant kids that way in case they came unaccompanied, or if there was clear indication that their guardians posed a threat to the kids, and only for the shortest possible time. Whereas The Donald, the ghoulish clown, chose to make family separation U.S. policy, and housed kids that way for weeks or even months.

Yeah, "doing nothing different". How demented are you, really?
Like when you have two kids and they both get caught doing something wrong one tattles to try and save it's ass from the belt.
President Obama’s top official in charge of removing illegal aliens has confirmed that the “cages” used to detain juveniles who are in the country illegally were established by the Obama administration.

“I’ve been to that facility, where they talk about cages. That facility was built under President Obama under (Homeland Security) Secretary Jeh Johnson,” said Thomas Homan, Obama’s executive associate director for Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

“I was there … when it was built,” he said, reported Paul Bedard at the Washington Examiner.

Democrats made the facilities an emotional political issue, widely distributing an image of a crying child “in a cage.”

But it was later revealed that the photograph was taken during Obama’s tenure in the White House.

Homan now is under consideration for the new position of “border czar.”

He expressed anger at questions about the “cages.”

At a conference held by the Center for Immigration Studies, he cited a Democrat who demanded of a Trump official: “You still keeping kids in cages?”

(Excerpt) Read more at wnd.com ...

So, if Trump REALLY cared, he would have put an end to the practice right? As earlier:

At round 2 of the libocrap de-bait tonight, if a moderator had the balls, they would ask each of the contestants how many of the “freedom seekers”(free stuff seekers) are they planning to house, feed, clothe and provide medical care for at their own residences? Hello?! Buehler? Is this thing on?

The left loons will ignore it and continue to scream "Orange Man BAD!!!!!!!!"

What's Trump doing about it?

Nothing needs to be done. The process is the process. They can go back home if they don't like it.

Clearly, the whining and finger-pointing remain. You can always tell how big a failure Trump's 'process' is, by the degree to which Trumpkins want to pin it on someone else.

You have two problems here son. I'm not a Pub, nor am I constrained by the false two party paradigm. Rump works for the same Bankers Barry did.
President Obama’s top official in charge of removing illegal aliens has confirmed that the “cages” used to detain juveniles who are in the country illegally were established by the Obama administration.

“I’ve been to that facility, where they talk about cages. That facility was built under President Obama under (Homeland Security) Secretary Jeh Johnson,” said Thomas Homan, Obama’s executive associate director for Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

“I was there … when it was built,” he said, reported Paul Bedard at the Washington Examiner.

Democrats made the facilities an emotional political issue, widely distributing an image of a crying child “in a cage.”

But it was later revealed that the photograph was taken during Obama’s tenure in the White House.

Homan now is under consideration for the new position of “border czar.”

He expressed anger at questions about the “cages.”

At a conference held by the Center for Immigration Studies, he cited a Democrat who demanded of a Trump official: “You still keeping kids in cages?”

(Excerpt) Read more at wnd.com ...

So, if Trump REALLY cared, he would have put an end to the practice right? As earlier:

At round 2 of the libocrap de-bait tonight, if a moderator had the balls, they would ask each of the contestants how many of the “freedom seekers”(free stuff seekers) are they planning to house, feed, clothe and provide medical care for at their own residences? Hello?! Buehler? Is this thing on?

The left loons will ignore it and continue to scream "Orange Man BAD!!!!!!!!"

What's Trump doing about it?

Trying to build a wall to prevent it.....get on board, asshole

Piss up a rope, stupid.

Trump could have had his wall two years ago, but he prefers keeping you troglodytes in a lather over it.

An honest answer would have been, 'Trump is pointing fingers and whining, same as always'.

GFY, moron. You come here illegally don't expect to be coddled.

It's okay, goofy. I didn't expect an honest or reasonable answer. Troll on.

Irony. You are the troll here son
And once again we see the left justify their hypocrisy.

I am not "the left", and if I ever choose to justify any major aspect of U.S. immigration policy, I will let you know. Otherwise, I just pointed out yet another instance of your ubiquitous over-confident blabbing about yet another policy issue about which you know absolutely nothing, BS Hose.
President Obama’s top official in charge of removing illegal aliens has confirmed that the “cages” used to detain juveniles who are in the country illegally were established by the Obama administration.

“I’ve been to that facility, where they talk about cages. That facility was built under President Obama under (Homeland Security) Secretary Jeh Johnson,” said Thomas Homan, Obama’s executive associate director for Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

“I was there … when it was built,” he said, reported Paul Bedard at the Washington Examiner.

Democrats made the facilities an emotional political issue, widely distributing an image of a crying child “in a cage.”

But it was later revealed that the photograph was taken during Obama’s tenure in the White House.

Homan now is under consideration for the new position of “border czar.”

He expressed anger at questions about the “cages.”

At a conference held by the Center for Immigration Studies, he cited a Democrat who demanded of a Trump official: “You still keeping kids in cages?”

(Excerpt) Read more at wnd.com ...

So, if Trump REALLY cared, he would have put an end to the practice right? As earlier:

At round 2 of the libocrap de-bait tonight, if a moderator had the balls, they would ask each of the contestants how many of the “freedom seekers”(free stuff seekers) are they planning to house, feed, clothe and provide medical care for at their own residences? Hello?! Buehler? Is this thing on?

The left loons will ignore it and continue to scream "Orange Man BAD!!!!!!!!"

What's Trump doing about it?

Nothing needs to be done. The process is the process. They can go back home if they don't like it.

Clearly, the whining and finger-pointing remain. You can always tell how big a failure Trump's 'process' is, by the degree to which Trumpkins want to pin it on someone else.

You have two problems here son. I'm not a Pub, nor am I constrained by the false two party paradigm. Rump works for the same Bankers Barry did.

You quack like a duck, but feel free ....

I referred to the on-going attempt, on this page, to whine and point fingers at Obama. I didn't really have you in mind. Son. It has been a years-long theory of mine that the effort to pin Birtherism on Hillary is directly proportional to the embarrassment a Trumpkin feels at Trump's role as Birther-in-Chief. I think the same applies to Kids in Cages.
Like when you have two kids and they both get caught doing something wrong one tattles to try and save it's ass from the belt.

I really have no idea what you are trying to say. In 2014/5 the Obama administration was facing a crisis of unaccompanied minors arriving in unprecedented numbers, and they struggled for quite some time to get the policy right. It did not work overnight, and makeshift shelters and ad-hoc solutions proved inapt. They changed policies, requested funds, and solved it in a manner that wasn't perfect but at least bearable. That's an entirely different ballpark compared to Trump's deliberately inflicted brutality. If you get my drift...
President Obama’s top official in charge of removing illegal aliens has confirmed that the “cages” used to detain juveniles who are in the country illegally were established by the Obama administration.

“I’ve been to that facility, where they talk about cages. That facility was built under President Obama under (Homeland Security) Secretary Jeh Johnson,” said Thomas Homan, Obama’s executive associate director for Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

“I was there … when it was built,” he said, reported Paul Bedard at the Washington Examiner.

Democrats made the facilities an emotional political issue, widely distributing an image of a crying child “in a cage.”

But it was later revealed that the photograph was taken during Obama’s tenure in the White House.

Homan now is under consideration for the new position of “border czar.”

He expressed anger at questions about the “cages.”

At a conference held by the Center for Immigration Studies, he cited a Democrat who demanded of a Trump official: “You still keeping kids in cages?”

(Excerpt) Read more at wnd.com ...

So, if Trump REALLY cared, he would have put an end to the practice right? As earlier:

At round 2 of the libocrap de-bait tonight, if a moderator had the balls, they would ask each of the contestants how many of the “freedom seekers”(free stuff seekers) are they planning to house, feed, clothe and provide medical care for at their own residences? Hello?! Buehler? Is this thing on?

Obama did not argue that the giving of soap and toothbrushes to immigrant children is not required. That is inhuman and the judges were astounded at the audacity of Trump to suggest that humane treatment does not require soap and toothbrushes.

Do you think they have soap and toothbrushes at home?

If they had them at home, why didn't they take them?

If they took them with them where are they now?

These illegals are living in fucking luxury compared to the shitholes they come from.
If they don't like it they can self deport.
What is really stupid is the fake outrage of the left that didn't give a damn about these kids in 2014 and now it is a crisis that needs to be solved right now. Tough to take that bunch seriously, politics and all.

No give Trump the money to fix the problem, it is in Congress' hands.

See here fella? read Papa's post and you might not look so stupid next time.
Pelosi and crowd were all aware of this 5 years ago but didn't give a fuck all.
How about this little fella... did you know the Obama administration gave kids to child traffickers...repeatedly? Yeah... go ahead and research that. If Trump had done that...good night... it would cause a media frenzy not seen since 9/11. But Obama did it, so....who cares right?

You can run against 'five years ago' all you want. Who is President now, you yammering fuckstick?

It needs to be addressed and taken care of, unlike five years ago when all the Democrats sat in silence because they had no answers and didn't care about the poor children at the border. Now, the Democrats are pretending to be all upset and all ticked off that this wasn't taken care of yesterday.

These kids need to be reunited with their parents and unfortunately the governments who should be handling this crisis are inept to do a damn thing.
President Obama’s top official in charge of removing illegal aliens has confirmed that the “cages” used to detain juveniles who are in the country illegally were established by the Obama administration.

“I’ve been to that facility, where they talk about cages. That facility was built under President Obama under (Homeland Security) Secretary Jeh Johnson,” said Thomas Homan, Obama’s executive associate director for Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

“I was there … when it was built,” he said, reported Paul Bedard at the Washington Examiner.

Democrats made the facilities an emotional political issue, widely distributing an image of a crying child “in a cage.”

But it was later revealed that the photograph was taken during Obama’s tenure in the White House.

Homan now is under consideration for the new position of “border czar.”

He expressed anger at questions about the “cages.”

At a conference held by the Center for Immigration Studies, he cited a Democrat who demanded of a Trump official: “You still keeping kids in cages?”

(Excerpt) Read more at wnd.com ...

So, if Trump REALLY cared, he would have put an end to the practice right? As earlier:

At round 2 of the libocrap de-bait tonight, if a moderator had the balls, they would ask each of the contestants how many of the “freedom seekers”(free stuff seekers) are they planning to house, feed, clothe and provide medical care for at their own residences? Hello?! Buehler? Is this thing on?

The left loons will ignore it and continue to scream "Orange Man BAD!!!!!!!!"

What's Trump doing about it?

Nothing needs to be done. The process is the process. They can go back home if they don't like it.

Clearly, the whining and finger-pointing remain. You can always tell how big a failure Trump's 'process' is, by the degree to which Trumpkins want to pin it on someone else.

You have two problems here son. I'm not a Pub, nor am I constrained by the false two party paradigm. Rump works for the same Bankers Barry did.

You quack like a duck, but feel free ....

I referred to the on-going attempt, on this page, to whine and point fingers at Obama. I didn't really have you in mind. Son. It has been a years-long theory of mine that the effort to pin Birtherism on Hillary is directly proportional to the embarrassment a Trumpkin feels at Trump's role as Birther-in-Chief. I think the same applies to Kids in Cages.

(Shrugs) You, like all Progs are a hypocrite . You scream about what Rump is doing even though Barry did it first. When someone points that you then scream well "Why doesn't Rump change it?" Rump or Pubs don't NEED to change it. It isn't broke, the system is working. I know that all of that will fly right over your pointy little head but there it Is. You want to straddle both sides of the fence. Won't happen kid. You're a hypocrite.

As for me? We aren't the world's parent/guardian and adults understand that there is a limit to just how much we can do/spend here. You idiot's think that money grows on trees.

I am a conservative, not a Pub. The truth is that both sides are distracted by Rump's words and not paying attention to what he's doing. THOUSANDS of immigrants are being transported to cities all over the nation.

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