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Obama appoints ebola czar

Nothing will change until we rebuild our Immigration System. This President has intentionally dismantled it. He brought us Ebola. The man is a criminal.
and you're just plain stupid is the best I can come up with ... the repub-lie-cans are afraid to come up with a plan.... why???? because no matter what plan they come up with they will lose votes over it ... thats why there isn't a plan ... incase you forgot how government works, it is the house that dismantles the Immigration System ... not the president ..... he's the one who sign in the law.... not comes up with the law you idiot .... its your repub-lie-can idiots that has dismantled it you idiot

He's a piece of shit. The fact we're even having a discussion about Ebola in America says it all about him. It truly does sum up his Presidency perfectly. We'll have to rebuild what he destroyed. To hell with him.
and the right has even more stupid remarks ... in case you haven't been paying attention thats all this president has been doing is fixing up all the messes that the previous administration made.... I can see it now ... Bush announcing in the press... " just say no to ebola that will take care of it" you do realize you're and idiot don't you....

lets see here ... we sent american doctors to these hot zones to stop the Virus ...thats what Obama did .... two doctor contracted the virus and we brought them back here to the states and cured them.... then we get a guy from a hot zone that lies, comes to the US ..... lands in Texas .... tells the hospital he's from a hot zone and what do we get from one of these private sectors companies who the repub-lie-cans say they can do it better then the government, they sent him on hois way with a couple of aspirins ... then they skimp on what they need to do the job and now you want to complain how bad the president is??? really ???? I guess these repub-lie-cans are really dumb down ... OH well...

Your Dear Leader's biggest claim to fame will now be 'He brought Ebola to America.' It's shocking we're even having this conversation. He completely dismantled our Immigration System. He's a traitorous asshole. Fuck em.
Nothing will change until we rebuild our Immigration System. This President has intentionally dismantled it. He brought us Ebola. The man is a criminal.
and you're just plain stupid is the best I can come up with ... the repub-lie-cans are afraid to come up with a plan.... why???? because no matter what plan they come up with they will lose votes over it ... thats why there isn't a plan ... incase you forgot how government works, it is the house that dismantles the Immigration System ... not the president ..... he's the one who sign in the law.... not comes up with the law you idiot .... its your repub-lie-can idiots that has dismantled it you idiot

The President enforces the laws that Congress passes. Just so you will know, both the House and the Senate must vote to change the immigration laws. Republican bills from the House are either sitting in Harry Reids' in basket or in a Senate Democrat controlled committee gathering dust.

I'll be fair and acknowledge that both Parties have been dismal on the Immigration issue. But this guy has completely dismantled the system. He's not enforcing the laws of the land. He's in violation of the oath of office he swore to. He's a criminal. It'll take many years to rebuild what he destroyed.
you are sooooooooooo uninformed ....go look it up for your self ... the Latinos are angry with obama for enforcing the laws .... he has deported more illegals who crossed the boarder then any president to date ... if you look up anything in your life which its obvious you haven't ....you wouldn't have made such a uninformed statement here ... obama has follow ever law to date that has been passed about Immigration... the only thing he did was give a executive order about sending children parents back who have been here all their lives who are here to no fault of theirs thats it ... so thats in your opinion dismantling immigration laws??? really???? the problem you have is you hate DEMS and liberals so much that it clouds your thinking ....
Nothing will change until we rebuild our Immigration System. This President has intentionally dismantled it. He brought us Ebola. The man is a criminal.
and you're just plain stupid is the best I can come up with ... the repub-lie-cans are afraid to come up with a plan.... why???? because no matter what plan they come up with they will lose votes over it ... thats why there isn't a plan ... incase you forgot how government works, it is the house that dismantles the Immigration System ... not the president ..... he's the one who sign in the law.... not comes up with the law you idiot .... its your repub-lie-can idiots that has dismantled it you idiot

He's a piece of shit. The fact we're even having a discussion about Ebola in America says it all about him. It truly does sum up his Presidency perfectly. We'll have to rebuild what he destroyed. To hell with him.
and the right has even more stupid remarks ... in case you haven't been paying attention thats all this president has been doing is fixing up all the messes that the previous administration made.... I can see it now ... Bush announcing in the press... " just say no to ebola that will take care of it" you do realize you're and idiot don't you....

lets see here ... we sent american doctors to these hot zones to stop the Virus ...thats what Obama did .... two doctor contracted the virus and we brought them back here to the states and cured them.... then we get a guy from a hot zone that lies, comes to the US ..... lands in Texas .... tells the hospital he's from a hot zone and what do we get from one of these private sectors companies who the repub-lie-cans say they can do it better then the government, they sent him on hois way with a couple of aspirins ... then they skimp on what they need to do the job and now you want to complain how bad the president is??? really ???? I guess these repub-lie-cans are really dumb down ... OH well...

Your Dear Leader's biggest claim to fame will now be 'He brought Ebola to America.' It's shocking we're even having this conversation. He completely dismantled our Immigration System. He's a traitorous asshole. Fuck em.
yep stuck in the stupid mode ... if there is a asshole here that would be you... the only thing here that is dismantled here is your ability to think for your self ....

dismantled our Immigration
thats funny
what a moron
What happens in two months when Ebola is no longer a concern in the US and our Ebola czar is spending all his time and resources in Africa?
you mean doing his job??? I guess if he cured it here he would cure it in Africa too ... problem with Ebola solved ... case closed ... then he comes back as another new liberal hero??? you know how repub-lie-cans will deny him being a hero ... they can't stand it ... especially when they are trumped by a liberal ... they will whine about cost of dollars and not even consider the cost of human lives ... thats the repub-lie-can way
What happens in two months when Ebola is no longer a concern in the US and our Ebola czar is spending all his time and resources in Africa?
you mean doing his job??? I guess if he cured it here he would cure it in Africa too ... problem with Ebola solved ... case closed ... then he comes back as another new liberal hero??? you know how repub-lie-cans will deny him being a hero ... they can't stand it ... especially when they are trumped by a liberal ... they will whine about cost of dollars and not even consider the cost of human lives ... thats the repub-lie-can way
I can't wait to start a thread about how Obama saved us from Ebola
I think him appointing a czar probably means they expect more cases to emerge in the U.S.. Obama just wants to look like he tried to do something about it.

you're in a win win situation ... he appointed someone so he wants to look like he tried to do something about it

if he hadn't appointed someone you could have said he was doing nothing about it

either way its about Obama not Ebola.

The reason why this is a bad political situation for Obama is a) he said ebola won't reach America, b) people disagree with him on a travel ban. All he's doing now is trying to cover his ass.
a) He didn't say that.
McCain We were told there d be no Ebola in the United States PolitiFact

b) why bother you made an idiot out yourself on a.

So if you want to be taken seriously, stop making an ass out of yourself. Lets try an apology and credibility going forward.

Mean while lets get adults in charge not Fox News

If he didn't say that then I do apologize. I disagree with him on not imposing a travel ban though, but I'm more concerned with not having the virus spread than the politics of it.
Obama taps former Biden aide Ron Klain as ‘Ebola czar’
A well regarded manager, not a doctor, called in to fix the federal response

President Barack Obama has picked Ron Klain, an inside-the-Beltway veteran and well regarded manager, to oversee and fix the wobbly federal government response to West Africa’s deadly Ebola outbreak.

Obama taps former Biden aide Ron Klain as Ebola czar - Yahoo News

not sure what this will accomplish. the guy isn't a doctor and of course is an veteran of the hill. so obama gave his buddy a job and is hoping to save political face over this issue.

apparently obama believes the gop senators who called for one are correct.
this guys is well know for his management skills ... his job isn't to insert IV or anything medical his job is to manage the people to go where a person who has contracted the ebola virus you dolts.... his job will be to put together the people who responds to the people who come into the us with the virus ... his job isn't to offer medical solutions.... his job is to take care of all the people who have been on the plane, train, bus, or what ever mode of transportation they took the determined if there are any other people infected with the virus, have been exposed or not.... some times you repub-lie-cans say the stupidest stuff ....
more :bsflag: from the stupid, that guy is nothing but a stooge, his management skills reflect some of the communists best ideas and ideals. :up:
Nope! just don't issue Visa's to anyone from West Africa. Problem solved.

The experts disagree. Your "solution" would make matters much worse.
The 'experts' seek to preserve trade and commerce and goodwill between the United States and these hot zones.

IMHO, the safety of Americans - the closure of every possible avenue by which new 'carriers' could enter the country - should trump such non-safety concerns.

The fewer carriers and potentials entering the country, the fewer possibilities for our own folks to become infected.

It's not an iron-clad solution, but blocking 90-95% of potential carriers from entering sure as hell beats not doing so.

It's a sensible solution, and to the devil with the so-called experts.

Hell, Belize and Mexico prevented a Carnival Cruise ship from docking today, because it carried one of the healthcare workers exposed to the dead Liberian.

I don't blame 'em one little bit.

If only we had the common sense and courage of those Central American decision-makers in this context, and shut down travel between the US and those African hot zones.

So no matter how many times times the experts tell you that blocking flights not only don't work but will help Ebola spread...
The 'experts' tell us that banning travel would prevent medical supplies and personnel from reaching the hot zones.


Ban all COMMERCIAL traffic between the US and the African hot zones.

Allow government-chartered and military aircraft and shipping to carry medical supplies and personnel TO the African hot zones.

Not using regularly-scheduled flights and sailings will add a layer of cost and logistical complexity to those outbound shipments but the safety of the Nation and our People is well worth that. If we can spend hundreds of billions on War A or B, we sure-as-hell can afford to spend a few extra millions on outbound disaster-relief shipments, for the duration of the crisis.

In such a scenario, any plane or ship that lands or docks in one of those African hot zones must undergo rigorous decontamination someplace offshore (Gitmo? one of our Caribbean islands?) before they're allowed to land or dock again in the Continental US.

All crews manning those planes and ships - but not ashore long and not involved in direct hot-zone contact or medical treatment - are thoroughly tested and screened before release.

All passengers on these returning planes and ship with any appreciable boots-on-the-ground time or direct hot-zone contact or medical treatment must go into quarantine isolation for X days in the same offshore place(s) before being allowed to proceed to our shores.

Or some-such variation on the theme.

This is all practicable,, and sustainable, for the duration of the crisis, without sinking the national debt into the project.

It's simply a matter of will.

Unimaginative and myopic types see this as an all-or-nothing black-and-white solution.

We can see - in a scenario such as that described above, or some similar solution - that there is a lot of grey-area - a lot of wiggle room - to accomplish what we need to accomplish while negating the emergency-relief and disease-spreading objections that have been articulated in the media to date.

And, if this travel ban causes people to lie about where they came from, well, there are ways around that, as well, aren't there?

Like banning anyone with a hot-zone-country passport and/or citizenship and/or dual citizenship from entering the US for the duration of the crisis, including those who might have taken two or three hops, from their home countries to Europe or Asia, and then jumping a flight or boat to the US.

Anyone we catch at entry-points, who meets those criteria, gets turned around, or, if (a) they won't go or (b) they're already manifesting symptoms, we work-out ways to handle them as well - some sort of similar quarantine/isolation - it doesn't require much imagination or brain-power to conjure-up a viable scheme for such activity and outcomes.

It's simply a matter of will.

And common sense.

Such schemes are not fool-proof... but catching 90-95% of potential carriers is a damned-sight better than sitting on our asses and catching 0% of potential carriers.

Sure seems like a 'duh - we should be doing that' kind of moment to me, but, that's just little ol' non-medical amateur me.

Perhaps I'm still missing some point or another here, and I'll be happy to 'fess-up if it comes to that, but I'm just not seeing further barriers to such a plan, at present.

...Why do you want to spread the Ebola virus?
I don't.

That's why I spent a little brain-power to conjure a better way - a middle ground - than some of these so-called 'experts' are portraying - rather than playing Sheeple, and letting somebody else do all my thinking for me.

S(ubject) M(atter) E(xperts) do, indeed, have a place at the table - a prominent place - but they are (a) not infallible, (b) oftentimes locked into a 'canned' or pre-arranged response pattern based on nothing more than academic theory and (c) lacking in flexibility to conjure middle-ground solutions that address the concerns of others as well as themselves.

If the SME's are worried about medical supplies not getting to the hot zones, then we simply move the goal posts, and accommodate such traffic, while eliminating the main threat vector, which is the range of far-less-well-controlled commercial and private traffic not engaged in disaster relief.


This is common sense - not rocket science - one does not need a medical degree nor logistics certification to figure this one out.

Let's not reject all forms of travel control simply to accommodate disaster-relief logistics concerns.

Let's not throw the baby out with the bath water, eh?

It's simply a matter of will - and modest imagination - and practicality - and common sense.
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Nothing will change until we rebuild our Immigration System. This President has intentionally dismantled it. He brought us Ebola. The man is a criminal.
and you're just plain stupid is the best I can come up with ... the repub-lie-cans are afraid to come up with a plan.... why???? because no matter what plan they come up with they will lose votes over it ... thats why there isn't a plan ... incase you forgot how government works, it is the house that dismantles the Immigration System ... not the president ..... he's the one who sign in the law.... not comes up with the law you idiot .... its your repub-lie-can idiots that has dismantled it you idiot

The President enforces the laws that Congress passes. Just so you will know, both the House and the Senate must vote to change the immigration laws. Republican bills from the House are either sitting in Harry Reids' in basket or in a Senate Democrat controlled committee gathering dust.
never said he didn't .... the poster said he dismantled it ... pay attention ... once again if we dems don't like what the republicans are passing then the basket is where it belongs ... I guess all those bills that the senate passed are either sitting in John Boehner' in basket or in a house repub-lie-can controlled committee gathering dust.... but thats not what I was talking about here... the poster said the president dismantled the plan ... he can't and he didn't ... those are the facts ... pay attention

And you said the House dismantle the Immigration system. I merely pointed out that it takes both houses to pass an Immigration law and a President to enforce it. There are 352 Republican bills that were sent to the Senate that have not been debated and voted on. Now you can tell me how many Senate bills have been sent to the House and were shelved.
Of course Obama picks a political hack with no public health/medical experience to run his unorganized response. I wonder how much he is getting paid....probably kickback money for political donations.

By not appointing a JTF Commander as a military response under DHS/USNORTHCOM, thus keeping Ebola patients in isolation at GITMO or on US Navy hospitals ships, it shows Obama has no problem if doctors and nurses spread the disease in their communities....all part of the plan.
Of course Obama picks a political hack with no public health/medical experience to run his unorganized response. I wonder how much he is getting paid....probably kickback money for political donations.

By not appointing a JTF Commander as a military response under DHS/USNORTHCOM, thus keeping Ebola patients in isolation at GITMO or on US Navy hospitals ships, it shows Obama has no problem if doctors and nurses spread the disease in their communities....all part of the plan.

Again this is another Weekend Epidemiologist who is going to tell us how it is... Brilliant...

Obama selected this two time VP chief of staff probably because he knows how Washington works. They have the experts from CDC and WHO what they need is someone who knows how to get things done.

So lets start,
Why didn't the GOP give the President $88 million he asked for?

Why was patient x in america treated like this?
"Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person to die from Ebola in the United States, spent five hours in the emergency department of a Dallas hospital before being discharged early Sept. 26, just a half-hour after his temperature hit 103 degrees, according to a congressional timeline released Friday."
Could this because he was uninsured?

What corners were cut in a private hospital in Texas that allowed Duncan to infect a nurse?
What protocols were in place by the private hospital?
If these were broken, how did the hospital not know?

So I expect the New Czar to start there first...
Of course Obama picks a political hack with no public health/medical experience to run his unorganized response. I wonder how much he is getting paid....probably kickback money for political donations.

By not appointing a JTF Commander as a military response under DHS/USNORTHCOM, thus keeping Ebola patients in isolation at GITMO or on US Navy hospitals ships, it shows Obama has no problem if doctors and nurses spread the disease in their communities....all part of the plan.

Again this is another Weekend Epidemiologist who is going to tell us how it is... Brilliant...

Obama selected this two time VP chief of staff probably because he knows how Washington works. They have the experts from CDC and WHO what they need is someone who knows how to get things done.

So lets start,
Why didn't the GOP give the President $88 million he asked for?

Why was patient x in america treated like this?
"Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person to die from Ebola in the United States, spent five hours in the emergency department of a Dallas hospital before being discharged early Sept. 26, just a half-hour after his temperature hit 103 degrees, according to a congressional timeline released Friday."
Could this because he was uninsured?

What corners were cut in a private hospital in Texas that allowed Duncan to infect a nurse?
What protocols were in place by the private hospital?
If these were broken, how did the hospital not know?

So I expect the New Czar to start there first...

You are what is known as a useful idiot.

There is plenty of money under Obama's discretion that could be used for Ebola. The core mission of the CDC, which has a huge budget, is that it exists just for such situations. Instead, the CDC has lost its mission by focusing on lifestyle (non contagious) issues such as obesity, similar to how NASA now exists to pump up Muslim self-esteem. It's also indicative that the CDC leader, Dr. Frieden, spent several years combating Trans Fat in New York.

Obama was warned in 2008 about Ebola, at which time the CDC recommended setting up 18 regional centers to provide infrastructure to deal with the disease (as opposed to having patients show up at thoroughly unprepared local hospitals). Given all the waste in the Stimulus bill, Obama certainly had plenty of money to invest in "shovel ready infrastructure" to build such centers. Instead, money was burned up on con games like Solyndra (which, not so coincidentally, is one of the new Ebola Czar's signature political achievements).

Duncan never would have been a patient in the U.S. if Obama had banned flights and travelers to and from Ebola countries. African countries have quite sensibly closed their borders to great success. Instead of doing this, President Golf Cart Obola has actually expedited visa processing out of West Africa.

And finally, shame on you for blaming the health care personnel and operation that actually treated Duncan. There is no evidence that he was prematurely kicked out due to lack of insurance. But like a good Prog Useful Idiot, you impugn their motives and reputation.
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So I expect the New Czar to start there first...

This comment deserves special mention.

The New Czar "started" by missing last week's Ebola meeting at the White House.
Nothing will change until we rebuild our Immigration System. This President has intentionally dismantled it. He brought us Ebola. The man is a criminal.
and you're just plain stupid is the best I can come up with ... the repub-lie-cans are afraid to come up with a plan.... why???? because no matter what plan they come up with they will lose votes over it ... thats why there isn't a plan ... incase you forgot how government works, it is the house that dismantles the Immigration System ... not the president ..... he's the one who sign in the law.... not comes up with the law you idiot .... its your repub-lie-can idiots that has dismantled it you idiot

He's a piece of shit. The fact we're even having a discussion about Ebola in America says it all about him. It truly does sum up his Presidency perfectly. We'll have to rebuild what he destroyed. To hell with him.
and the right has even more stupid remarks ... in case you haven't been paying attention thats all this president has been doing is fixing up all the messes that the previous administration made.... I can see it now ... Bush announcing in the press... " just say no to ebola that will take care of it" you do realize you're and idiot don't you....

lets see here ... we sent american doctors to these hot zones to stop the Virus ...thats what Obama did .... two doctor contracted the virus and we brought them back here to the states and cured them.... then we get a guy from a hot zone that lies, comes to the US ..... lands in Texas .... tells the hospital he's from a hot zone and what do we get from one of these private sectors companies who the repub-lie-cans say they can do it better then the government, they sent him on hois way with a couple of aspirins ... then they skimp on what they need to do the job and now you want to complain how bad the president is??? really ???? I guess these repub-lie-cans are really dumb down ... OH well...

Your Dear Leader's biggest claim to fame will now be 'He brought Ebola to America.' It's shocking we're even having this conversation. He completely dismantled our Immigration System. He's a traitorous asshole. Fuck em.
yep stuck in the stupid mode ... if there is a asshole here that would be you... the only thing here that is dismantled here is your ability to think for your self ....

dismantled our Immigration
thats funny
what a moron

His Obola 'Czar' is as big a piece of shit as he is.
Nothing will change until we rebuild our Immigration System. This President has intentionally dismantled it. He brought us Ebola. The man is a criminal.
and you're just plain stupid is the best I can come up with ... the repub-lie-cans are afraid to come up with a plan.... why???? because no matter what plan they come up with they will lose votes over it ... thats why there isn't a plan ... incase you forgot how government works, it is the house that dismantles the Immigration System ... not the president ..... he's the one who sign in the law.... not comes up with the law you idiot .... its your repub-lie-can idiots that has dismantled it you idiot

The President enforces the laws that Congress passes. Just so you will know, both the House and the Senate must vote to change the immigration laws. Republican bills from the House are either sitting in Harry Reids' in basket or in a Senate Democrat controlled committee gathering dust.
never said he didn't .... the poster said he dismantled it ... pay attention ... once again if we dems don't like what the republicans are passing then the basket is where it belongs ... I guess all those bills that the senate passed are either sitting in John Boehner' in basket or in a house repub-lie-can controlled committee gathering dust.... but thats not what I was talking about here... the poster said the president dismantled the plan ... he can't and he didn't ... those are the facts ... pay attention

And you said the House dismantle the Immigration system. I merely pointed out that it takes both houses to pass an Immigration law and a President to enforce it. There are 352 Republican bills that were sent to the Senate that have not been debated and voted on. Now you can tell me how many Senate bills have been sent to the House and were shelved.

The 'Party of No.' Isn't that what the Dumocrats said about the Republicans in the past? Harry Reid is the biggest steaming pile of shit to ever run the U.S. Senate. He's as corrupt as they come. To hell with em.

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