Obama approves of same sex marriage

No it doesn't.

He knows that he has the black vote in his pocket no matter what he does.

I doubt if he spent more than 5 minutes factoring that into his calulation. He knows that he'll even get black churches .. a hot bed of homophobic thought.

Clearly, his 'convictions' are politically calculated.

Absolutely. That's the only calulation that he makes .. how it affects him politically ..

.. and he has a history of tossing out timely bones that are full of nuances. This one os no different.
Yep. No different than a shape shifter. :lmao:
The Biden gaffe gave him no choice....even left leaning commentators agree.

Now...if he had shown leadership and offered his sentiments before Biden did? That would show courage.

Reacting when your backed into a corner is not a sign of leadership....it is a sign of fear.

Nonsense. Cheney disagreed with Bush on Gay rights and said so in the VP debate. It didn't force Bush to take Cheney's position.

That's because Bush was a real man
Real Men Torture.

Maybe you were swayed by his flight suit bulge? :lol:

Fucking idiot - Blacks do not favor same-sex marriage. Are they not a huge part of his base?

That being said, I do not believe this is a big enough issue among the black community to get them to change their vote. Those who do not favor same sex marriage may grumble, but this is not enough to shake them from the hold the DNC has had on them for so long. It will take a hell of a lot more than this to shake them from the erroneous belief that Democrats care about the people and Republicans only care about rich people.

The fact remains that Obama will do what is correct even if it pisses off his base. Bishop Romney won't even stand up to an audience wingnut who says that Obama should be tried for treason. Because he's a coward, who needs every single vote he can get.

Well, I disagree with you, Synth, he's not risking all that much with his base. What he is doing is gaining support among the independents who can be swayed to vote for "equal rights" even if homosexuality bothers them.

In America, rights are determined by what you can demand...

The Supreme Court would disagree. Fortunately so do those that understand the difference between a Republic and a Democracy.

Really? you might try telling that to second generation japanese americans during WWII,.... or blacks during the era of Plessy v Ferguson and Brown v Bd of Ed.

Nice words, though. Would be nice if you knew what any of them mean.
In America, rights are determined by what you can demand...

The Supreme Court would disagree. Fortunately so do those that understand the difference between a Republic and a Democracy.

Really? you might try telling that to second generation japanese americans during WWII,.... or blacks during the era of Plessy v Ferguson and Brown v Bd of Ed.

Nice words, though. Would be nice if you knew what any of them mean.

That being said, I do not believe this is a big enough issue among the black community to get them to change their vote. Those who do not favor same sex marriage may grumble, but this is not enough to shake them from the hold the DNC has had on them for so long. It will take a hell of a lot more than this to shake them from the erroneous belief that Democrats care about the people and Republicans only care about rich people.

The fact remains that Obama will do what is correct even if it pisses off his base. Bishop Romney won't even stand up to an audience wingnut who says that Obama should be tried for treason. Because he's a coward, who needs every single vote he can get.

Well, I disagree with you, Synth, he's not risking all that much with his base. What he is doing is gaining support among the independents who can be swayed to vote for "equal rights" even if homosexuality bothers them.

Someone pointed out that he may end up losing more Hispanic votes than Black votes. But add them up, and it could be a chunk.
I for one am ecstatic, in a deadpan manner, to know of Barry's position on this deviant lifestyle called gay marriage. It shows you just how important the actual concerns of normal, non-radically left members of the US are to him: totally unimportant and contemptuous.

North Carolina is only the 30th state to ban "gay marriage" and out trots the One to mock the people of the country, effectively subverting state sovereignty and the will of the people via executive proclamation, and a totally irrelevant issue is turned into a matter of earthshaking importance. Gays don't interest me in the slightest; if they want to bugger and sodomize each other in the privacy of their own homes, fine, but I don't want their gay lifestyle being shoved in my face in public.

A comment by Napoleon about the French at the time of the French Revolution can sum people like Obummer up perfectly: The French love equality ; they care little for liberty.
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The flip-flops of elections past are now re-classified as "evolving"....

Whoda thunk?
They learned it from the sea. :)

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmDTtkZlMwM"]Shapeshifting Octopus, amazing camouflage - YouTube[/ame]

If ye be fooled ye may be eaten.
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Your fake quote machine won't save you.

Since 2001, ten countries have begun allowing same-sex couples to marry nationwide: Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, South Africa, and Sweden. Same-sex marriages are also performed and recognized in the Brazilian state of Alagoas,[2] Mexico City and parts of the United States. Some jurisdictions that do not perform same-sex marriages recognize same-sex marriages performed elsewhere: Israel, the Caribbean countries of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, parts of the United States, and all states of Brazil and Mexico. Australia recognises same-sex marriages only by one partner changing their sex after marriage.[3] As of 2012, proposals exist to introduce same-sex marriage in at least ten other countries.

Same-sex marriage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So you admit to faking quotes.

Oddball will be along soon to issue you a demerit.


Cool beans.


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Bush was a man of conviction.

Obama has done whatever is politically expedient his entire life.
Riiiiight! That's why he approved of torture. :laugh:

Good greif, water boarding is not torture in the pre-911 meaing of the word.

But leave it to the libtards to make something that harms no one long term, takes no limbs, leaves no physical scars, to be torture.

Hell, if they were more objective they would list Biden's speeches as torture under the Geneva Convention as well.
A political calculation without question.

It doesn't matter how much whining the right does, there is no way they can stop this from becoming the law of the land.

Why? Because gays and supporters are gaining enough political power to demand it. It's that simple.

In America, rights are determined by what you can demand .. not by what is right, just, fair, humane, or what Jesus would do.

It's just that simple.
No, they are not. I demand that I be allowed to kill college professors who hand out less than A grades. If I get a big enough political following, do you think it is right that we should be allowed to kill someone, simply because we now have political power?

Do you even know what rights are?

No one has a right to be married, and the Presidents statements on this is another clear example of why he is unfit to be President of the United States.

If he is for gay marriage, great. But if he is for gay marriage because he was pressured into it, how can anyone expect him to stand his ground with the other nations of this world? To be President, you have to believe your views of the world are right and correct and not allow people to push you off your beliefs.


Who would be stupid enough to try to get college proffesors (Professors) killed because they hand out bad grades? Went right over your head, did it?

There is an element of intellectualism that is assumed in my statement .. but if you need a graphic depiction instead .. Civil Rights only came when African-Americans were in a position to demand them. Any questions? An element of intellectualism? Are you serious? You cannot even define what a right is, let along attempt to equate your position with intellectual reasoning. When Civil rights came about, African-Americans were still not in a position to demand anything. Perhaps you should bone up on your history a bit more. Without the support of others who WERE in positions of power, the civil rights would have taken much longer than it did. However, the point is this. Simply having numbers does not give anyone the right to demand anything.

Women's rights only came when women were in a position to demand them. Again, incorrect.

Worker's rights, the right's of the disabled, gay rights .. any right achieved in this country came through demand. Again, incorrect.

If you take a look at the wall, you'll find handwriting there. :0) Yes, there is. however, it does not say what you think it does.

There is no question, no doubt that gays will be able to marry in this country and it won't matter what people who don't like it think about it.

The handwriting is on the wall. :0)
There is no question that marriage is beyond the scope of the responsibility of the federal government. All marriage, not just gay marriage. As it stands, 30 States ban gay marriage (N. Carolina just overwhelmingly passed a law against it, wrongly in My opinion) and they have that right. This is a States Rights issue.

However, just because there is a large enough following for a thing, does not mean that the Constitution and other laws of this nation should just be ignored or abandoned. We are a nation of laws. Not demands.
The left is so amusing. Romney is unelectable because he has "flip flopped" when he changed a couple positions. Obama is sophisticated because he allows his views to evolve depending on what happens.
The fact remains that Obama will do what is correct even if it pisses off his base. Bishop Romney won't even stand up to an audience wingnut who says that Obama should be tried for treason. Because he's a coward, who needs every single vote he can get.

Well, I disagree with you, Synth, he's not risking all that much with his base. What he is doing is gaining support among the independents who can be swayed to vote for "equal rights" even if homosexuality bothers them.

Someone pointed out that he may end up losing more Hispanic votes than Black votes. But add them up, and it could be a chunk.

There again, I don't think the Hispanics are going to vote for Romney either.

What does Romney offer them? Hell, what does Romney offer any of us? To me, I see more of the same.

I'm not voting for either one of them. I will no longer choose the lesser of two evils.

the opposite bone he threw last election? How come, I'd ask you - honest answer pls.
Because...uhhh.... he doesn't...uhhh.... believe a word....uhhh... that comes out of....uhhhh... his own mouth.

Okay. But if you're claiming it's dishonest because it was a cave to pressure - then why did he have the exact opposite stance the last election if it was simply for votes? That is contrary to logic. I asked for an honest answer, all I heard was "derp derp derp."

Maybe this is his way of admitting that the base has changed.

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