Obama approves of same sex marriage

No, they are not. I demand that I be allowed to kill college professors who hand out less than A grades. If I get a big enough political following, do you think it is right that we should be allowed to kill someone, simply because we now have political power?

Do you even know what rights are?

No one has a right to be married, and the Presidents statements on this is another clear example of why he is unfit to be President of the United States.

If he is for gay marriage, great. But if he is for gay marriage because he was pressured into it, how can anyone expect him to stand his ground with the other nations of this world? To be President, you have to believe your views of the world are right and correct and not allow people to push you off your beliefs.


Who would be stupid enough to try to get college proffesors (Professors) killed because they hand out bad grades? Went right over your head, did it?

There is an element of intellectualism that is assumed in my statement .. but if you need a graphic depiction instead .. Civil Rights only came when African-Americans were in a position to demand them. Any questions? An element of intellectualism? Are you serious? You cannot even define what a right is, let along attempt to equate your position with intellectual reasoning. When Civil rights came about, African-Americans were still not in a position to demand anything. Perhaps you should bone up on your history a bit more. Without the support of others who WERE in positions of power, the civil rights would have taken much longer than it did. However, the point is this. Simply having numbers does not give anyone the right to demand anything.

Women's rights only came when women were in a position to demand them. Again, incorrect.

Worker's rights, the right's of the disabled, gay rights .. any right achieved in this country came through demand. Again, incorrect.

If you take a look at the wall, you'll find handwriting there. :0) Yes, there is. however, it does not say what you think it does.

There is no question, no doubt that gays will be able to marry in this country and it won't matter what people who don't like it think about it.

The handwriting is on the wall. :0)
There is no question that marriage is beyond the scope of the responsibility of the federal government. All marriage, not just gay marriage. As it stands, 30 States ban gay marriage (N. Carolina just overwhelmingly passed a law against it, wrongly in My opinion) and they have that right. This is a States Rights issue.

However, just because there is a large enough following for a thing, does not mean that the Constitution and other laws of this nation should just be ignored or abandoned. We are a nation of laws. Not demands.

The Constitution doesn't even mention marriage.

I'm betting that there were at least 30 states that banned marriage between black and white PEOPLE .. and therein lies your problem. They are PEOPLE .. and they have every right to that which is granted to PEOPLE.

"Blacks weren't in a position to demand" .. how stupid and completely out of touch with history .
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If the issue ever came up to a vote, I as a Christian would not be able to vote either for or against same sex marriage because GOD has already spoken on the issue and it is not up to me, the country or the state to make a decision. To be a Christian means to be Christ like. I do not have a right to take a position either way and neither do any other that claim to be a Christian because GOD has already settled the issue. But civil rights is another issue that can an issue to vote on. Same benefit as a common law relationship.

Obama just threw Christianity under the bus for his own interest.
My sister is gay, so yes. This is personal.

Where was your sorry lard ass when the democrats were picking on Cheney for having a gay daughter? hus asswipe?

When did she come out?

When did I arrive here?

Basic math is not your friend, I see.

I wasn't even politically active until 2007.

And I have ALWAYS been a supporter of GLAAD.

Don't worry, it's a typical novice mistake to pick the wrong team until you get a little more experience under your belt.
Where was your sorry lard ass when the democrats were picking on Cheney for having a gay daughter? hus asswipe?

When did she come out?

When did I arrive here?

Basic math is not your friend, I see.

I wasn't even politically active until 2007.

And I have ALWAYS been a supporter of GLAAD.

Don't worry, it's a typical novice mistake to pick the wrong team until you get a little more experience under your belt.

Tell me about it. I voted for Bush twice.
Bush was a man of conviction.

Obama has done whatever is politically expedient his entire life.
Riiiiight! That's why he approved of torture. :laugh:

Good greif, water boarding is not torture in the pre-911 meaing of the word.[/quote

Tell that to the Japanese commanders imprisoned or EXECUTED by us after WWII for waterboarding our people....AKA torturing our people.

But leave it to the libtards to make something that harms no one long term, takes no limbs, leaves no physical scars, to be torture.

Hell, if they were more objective they would list Biden's speeches as torture under the Geneva Convention as well.

So....has Hannity does his waterboarding for charity yet? Like he promised?
When did she come out?

When did I arrive here?

Basic math is not your friend, I see.

I wasn't even politically active until 2007.

And I have ALWAYS been a supporter of GLAAD.

Don't worry, it's a typical novice mistake to pick the wrong team until you get a little more experience under your belt.

Tell me about it. I voted for Bush twice.

Let us know when you finally finish maturing and have dropped the other half of the ruling party. ;)

I'm betting that there were at least 30 states that banned marriage between black and white PEOPLE .. and therein lies your problem. They are PEOPLE .. and they have every right to that which is granted to PEOPLE.

You're leaving out a rather crucial thing, these black/white marriages were:

White man/black woman.
Black man/white woman.

Marriages between partners of another race but of the appropriate (i.e. opposite) gender in historical times are a very poor comparison to make with "gay marriage."
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No, Blacks.

The fundies have their own worries, faced with voting for a cultist.

Blacks view Obama as black. Even though he isn't.

Of couse he's black.

Is Lenny Kravitz black?

Of course he is.

Are these guys black?


Of course they are.

We aren't that confused.

From the liberal Time magazine. Will Black Voters Punish Obama For His Support of Gay Rights? | TIME Ideas | TIME.com
Isn't gay marriage a religion issue and not a political issue? Separation of church and state? Next we will be voting on lying, adulturers, and the 7 deadly sins. wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony.
When did she come out?

When did I arrive here?

Basic math is not your friend, I see.

I wasn't even politically active until 2007.

And I have ALWAYS been a supporter of GLAAD.

Don't worry, it's a typical novice mistake to pick the wrong team until you get a little more experience under your belt.

Tell me about it. I voted for Bush twice.

You really are a novice then. Vote libertarian.

Who would be stupid enough to try to get college proffesors (Professors) killed because they hand out bad grades? Went right over your head, did it?

There is an element of intellectualism that is assumed in my statement .. but if you need a graphic depiction instead .. Civil Rights only came when African-Americans were in a position to demand them. Any questions? An element of intellectualism? Are you serious? You cannot even define what a right is, let along attempt to equate your position with intellectual reasoning. When Civil rights came about, African-Americans were still not in a position to demand anything. Perhaps you should bone up on your history a bit more. Without the support of others who WERE in positions of power, the civil rights would have taken much longer than it did. However, the point is this. Simply having numbers does not give anyone the right to demand anything.

Women's rights only came when women were in a position to demand them. Again, incorrect.

Worker's rights, the right's of the disabled, gay rights .. any right achieved in this country came through demand. Again, incorrect.

If you take a look at the wall, you'll find handwriting there. :0) Yes, there is. however, it does not say what you think it does.

There is no question, no doubt that gays will be able to marry in this country and it won't matter what people who don't like it think about it.

The handwriting is on the wall. :0)
There is no question that marriage is beyond the scope of the responsibility of the federal government. All marriage, not just gay marriage. As it stands, 30 States ban gay marriage (N. Carolina just overwhelmingly passed a law against it, wrongly in My opinion) and they have that right. This is a States Rights issue.

However, just because there is a large enough following for a thing, does not mean that the Constitution and other laws of this nation should just be ignored or abandoned. We are a nation of laws. Not demands.

The Constitution doesn't even mention marriage.

I'm betting that there were at least 30 states that banned marriage between black and white PEOPLE .. and therein lies your problem. They are PEOPLE .. and they have every right to that which is granted to PEOPLE.
Herein lays your problem. No one has a right to be married. No one. Not gays, not heterosexuals. There is a reason I asked if you knew what a right is.

Rights cannot be qualified or licensed or modified by Government(s). In fact, rights are beyond the reach of government. That is what IS in the Constitution.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Since the power of marriage has never been delegated to the Unite States, they have no business forcing people to accept any marriage.

I'm a big believer in law. Current marriage laws are pretty much just a contract that has legal bindings and privileges. There is no reason that this country cannot move all marriage issues into contract law.

Then, if someone wants to be married, they can get a preacher to marry them. But that will have no recognition in law.

But then, I never needed the government to tell Me who I was married to.
Blacks view Obama as black. Even though he isn't.

Of couse he's black.

Is Lenny Kravitz black?

Of course he is.

Are these guys black?


Of course they are.

We aren't that confused.

From the liberal Time magazine. Will Black Voters Punish Obama For His Support of Gay Rights? | TIME Ideas | TIME.com

Sure .. I should be reading Time magazine to find out what black people think. :0)

I don't think so.

If you're thinking this is an opening for Romney .. think again.

What part of "Blame it on the republicans" is it that you're missing?
There is no question that marriage is beyond the scope of the responsibility of the federal government. All marriage, not just gay marriage. As it stands, 30 States ban gay marriage (N. Carolina just overwhelmingly passed a law against it, wrongly in My opinion) and they have that right. This is a States Rights issue.

However, just because there is a large enough following for a thing, does not mean that the Constitution and other laws of this nation should just be ignored or abandoned. We are a nation of laws. Not demands.

The Constitution doesn't even mention marriage.

I'm betting that there were at least 30 states that banned marriage between black and white PEOPLE .. and therein lies your problem. They are PEOPLE .. and they have every right to that which is granted to PEOPLE.
Herein lays your problem. No one has a right to be married. No one. Not gays, not heterosexuals. There is a reason I asked if you knew what a right is.

Rights cannot be qualified or licensed or modified by Government(s). In fact, rights are beyond the reach of government. That is what IS in the Constitution.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Since the power of marriage has never been delegated to the Unite States, they have no business forcing people to accept any marriage.

I'm a big believer in law. Current marriage laws are pretty much just a contract that has legal bindings and privileges. There is no reason that this country cannot move all marriage issues into contract law.

Then, if someone wants to be married, they can get a preacher to marry them. But that will have no recognition in law.

But then, I never needed the government to tell Me who I was married to.

So, tell us. What have YOU done to get government out of marriage?
Let us know when you finally finish maturing and have dropped the other half of the ruling party. ;)


Given the representation at this form? Never happen. Never, ever.

What is that supposed to mean? You enjoy being a part of the intolerant left? I thought you had more respect for yourself than that!


It means that from the minute I landed here and Gramps gave me my first neg rep, I have never been treated so disrespectfully on the internet by a group of people who self-label as Republicans.

I know first-hand how they treat people. It's not how I treat people, nor is it how I wish to be treated so no. I'll stick with myself and my belief system.
Now all we have to do is see if his actions back his words.

And as we've seen with Obama, you never know if that's the case.
What actions can he take under the Constitution?

I've asked this at least twice, but no one has answered.

Maybe you will step up?

I will step up.

Obama can submit legislation to extend equal protection of federal law to gays. See my sig.
Given the representation at this form? Never happen. Never, ever.

What is that supposed to mean? You enjoy being a part of the intolerant left? I thought you had more respect for yourself than that!


It means that from the minute I landed here and Gramps gave me my first neg rep, I have never been treated so disrespectfully on the internet by a group of people who self-label as Republicans.

I know first-hand how they treat people. It's not how I treat people, nor is it how I wish to be treated so no. I'll stick with myself and my belief system.

Wait a minute... you missed something. I said nothing at all about Republicans.

You stated you voted for Bush twice... so did I.

I said that you would mature when you had dumped the "other" side of the party. I didn't say, dump the other side and rejoin the side you left. I thought it was very clear that I am neither Dem nor Rep. Why would you think I was recruiting you to join the Republicans? Edit: for me it was the other way around. I joined the Democratic Party and left them to become a Republican. Then I found that they were not really any different than the Democrats and I said, screw that! Took me some time, but I'll be damned if I return to either party anytime soon.
Have I treated you disrespectfully?

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The Constitution doesn't even mention marriage.

I'm betting that there were at least 30 states that banned marriage between black and white PEOPLE .. and therein lies your problem. They are PEOPLE .. and they have every right to that which is granted to PEOPLE.
Herein lays your problem. No one has a right to be married. No one. Not gays, not heterosexuals. There is a reason I asked if you knew what a right is.

Rights cannot be qualified or licensed or modified by Government(s). In fact, rights are beyond the reach of government. That is what IS in the Constitution.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Since the power of marriage has never been delegated to the Unite States, they have no business forcing people to accept any marriage.

I'm a big believer in law. Current marriage laws are pretty much just a contract that has legal bindings and privileges. There is no reason that this country cannot move all marriage issues into contract law.

Then, if someone wants to be married, they can get a preacher to marry them. But that will have no recognition in law.

But then, I never needed the government to tell Me who I was married to.

So, tell us. What have YOU done to get government out of marriage?
Everything that any citizen can legally do.

It is a strange question to ask. What have you done to preserve the Constitution of the United States?

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