Obama approves of same sex marriage

Obama tells Robin Roberts of ABC.

More political bullshit from the "perpetual Campaigner"...
Someone should ask: "Mr President, if one of your daughters came to you and you wife and told you they wished to marry their lesbian lover( that they previously knew nothing of) would you approve?

That kind of question only scares homophobes.

And it smacks of the bigots of days past who opposed interracial marriage and thought they were being clever when they asked, "If your white daughter came home and told you she wanted to marry a black man, would you approve?"

Some things never change. Same bedsheet and burning cross, different day.

Obama is the product of an interracial marriage, so he would probably recognize your kind from a mile away.
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And that is why marriage is not a right.

But equal protection of the laws is. Straight married people get tax breaks, Social Security death benefits, and so forth and so on. There is no rational reason for denying that same protection of those same laws to gays.
Only if in the first place, it can be shown that government has the proper authority to be regulating marriage to begin with. It can be argued that they do not.

That issue must be resolved prior to any 'equal protection' arguments.

Personally, I think that there is only two ways to even resolve the issue.

Either get government out of marriage (My preferred solution) or pass an Amendment to the Constitution that grants rights of people to be married to the person of their choice.

My only dog in this fight is the legislation of morality by government. I could care less who is partnered with whom, for how long and where they live. It simply is not any of My business.
And that is why marriage is not a right.

So why can't gays not have this right we don't have.
You are asking for something that does not exist. Marriage is not a right.

Rights cannot be licensed or regulated. Government has no business in the bedroom or any other aspect of the citizens life (unless they are harming someone).

Legislating the morality of marriage either for or against gay marriage is wrong, plain and simple.

Get government out of the lives of the people. All the way out.

Hello, that doesn't answer the question. I can get married to my dearly beloved. So why can't gays get married to their dearly beloved. I'll drop the word 'right' since apparently it's an impediment.
Obama tells Robin Roberts of ABC.

More political bullshit from the "perpetual Campaigner"...
Someone should ask: "Mr President, if one of your daughters came to you and you wife and told you they wished to marry their lesbian lover( that they previously knew nothing of) would you approve?

That kind of question only scares homophobes.

And it smacks of the bigots of days past who opposed interracial marriage and thought they were being clever when they asked, "If your white daughter came home and told you she wanted to marry a black man, would you approve?"

Some things never change. Same bedsheet and burning cross, different day.

Obama is the product of an interracial marriage, so he would probably recognize your kind from a mile away.

Bullshit. The Catholic church supported civil rights for minorities, to include blacks.

They even support civil rights for homosexuals all except for marriage rights and any sanction of their sinful lifestyle.

But the militant Gay Mafia demand complete agreemennt with their lifestyle from everyone or else be damned as a homophobe.

Fuck those ass wipes. Most homosexuals I have known do NOT support legalized gay marriage. They correctly see it as an artifical wedge issue, and nothing more than political posturing. Civil union laws can and most often do give full rights as compared to marriage.

But it is approval they crave, not living in peace with everyone else.
So why can't gays not have this right we don't have.
You are asking for something that does not exist. Marriage is not a right.

Rights cannot be licensed or regulated. Government has no business in the bedroom or any other aspect of the citizens life (unless they are harming someone).

Legislating the morality of marriage either for or against gay marriage is wrong, plain and simple.

Get government out of the lives of the people. All the way out.

Hello, that doesn't answer the question. I can get married to my dearly beloved. So why can't gays get married to their dearly beloved. I'll drop the word 'right' since apparently it's an impediment.
What is stopping you?

I have never needed government to tell Me who I love and who I am married to.

Hell, I was married by some old hippie in S. Lake Tahoe and the religious part of the ceremony was the 'Benediction of the Apache'.

I'm Cherokee. :wtf:
More political bullshit from the "perpetual Campaigner"...
Someone should ask: "Mr President, if one of your daughters came to you and you wife and told you they wished to marry their lesbian lover( that they previously knew nothing of) would you approve?

That kind of question only scares homophobes.

And it smacks of the bigots of days past who opposed interracial marriage and thought they were being clever when they asked, "If your white daughter came home and told you she wanted to marry a black man, would you approve?"

Some things never change. Same bedsheet and burning cross, different day.

Obama is the product of an interracial marriage, so he would probably recognize your kind from a mile away.

Bullshit. The Catholic church supported civil rights for minorities, to include blacks.

They even support civil rights for homosexuals all except for marriage rights and any sanction of their sinful lifestyle.

But the militant Gay Mafia demand complete agreemennt with their lifestyle from everyone or else be damned as a homophobe.

Fuck those ass wipes. Most homosexuals I have known do NOT support legalized gay marriage. They correctly see it as an artifical wedge issue, and nothing more than political posturing. Civil union laws can and most often do give full rights as compared to marriage.

But it is approval they crave, not living in peace with everyone else.

"The Militant Gay Mafia?!" I better call my sister. I want to know if I should take out stock in sensible shoes.
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You are asking for something that does not exist. Marriage is not a right.

Rights cannot be licensed or regulated. Government has no business in the bedroom or any other aspect of the citizens life (unless they are harming someone).

Legislating the morality of marriage either for or against gay marriage is wrong, plain and simple.

Get government out of the lives of the people. All the way out.

Hello, that doesn't answer the question. I can get married to my dearly beloved. So why can't gays get married to their dearly beloved. I'll drop the word 'right' since apparently it's an impediment.
What is stopping you?

I have never needed government to tell Me who I love and who I am married to.

Hell, I was married by some old hippie in S. Lake Tahoe and the religious part of the ceremony was the 'Benediction of the Apache'.

I'm Cherokee. :wtf:

Nothing. I said I CAN - she can't. You're advocating people should make other arrangements, so as not to rock the boat. If I can marry a man, Steve should be able to as well. If you can marry a woman, then my sister should be able to do the same. Not jump a broom and call it all the same.
That kind of question only scares homophobes.

And it smacks of the bigots of days past who opposed interracial marriage and thought they were being clever when they asked, "If your white daughter came home and told you she wanted to marry a black man, would you approve?"

Some things never change. Same bedsheet and burning cross, different day.

Obama is the product of an interracial marriage, so he would probably recognize your kind from a mile away.

Bullshit. The Catholic church supported civil rights for minorities, to include blacks.

They even support civil rights for homosexuals all except for marriage rights and any sanction of their sinful lifestyle.

But the militant Gay Mafia demand complete agreemennt with their lifestyle from everyone or else be damned as a homophobe.

Fuck those ass wipes. Most homosexuals I have known do NOT support legalized gay marriage. They correctly see it as an artifical wedge issue, and nothing more than political posturing. Civil union laws can and most often do give full rights as compared to marriage.

But it is approval they crave, not living in peace with everyone else.

"I'm not prejudiced. Some of my best friends are gay!"

"The Militant Gay Mafia?!" I better call my sister. I want to know if I should take out stock in sensible shoes.

You'd be better off buying stock in News Corp (parent company of Fox News) and Clear Channel Communications (parent company of Rush Limbaugh). Barack Obama just gifted them with a surge in the homophobe demographic ratings. Environmentalists should get to work on figuring out how to tap their heat as an alternative energy source. It's enough to power a city the size of Phoenix for the next 50 years.
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Hello, that doesn't answer the question. I can get married to my dearly beloved. So why can't gays get married to their dearly beloved. I'll drop the word 'right' since apparently it's an impediment.
What is stopping you?

I have never needed government to tell Me who I love and who I am married to.

Hell, I was married by some old hippie in S. Lake Tahoe and the religious part of the ceremony was the 'Benediction of the Apache'.

I'm Cherokee. :wtf:

Nothing. I said I CAN - she can't. You're advocating people should make other arrangements, so as not to rock the boat. If I can marry a man, Steve should be able to as well. If you can marry a woman, then my sister should be able to do the same. Not jump a broom and call it all the same.
Your position isn't about marriage. Its about the legal structure behind marriage. Steve, and you, can marry whomever you wish.

What you want is the government to provide you things because of the marriage.
What is stopping you?

I have never needed government to tell Me who I love and who I am married to.

Hell, I was married by some old hippie in S. Lake Tahoe and the religious part of the ceremony was the 'Benediction of the Apache'.

I'm Cherokee. :wtf:

Nothing. I said I CAN - she can't. You're advocating people should make other arrangements, so as not to rock the boat. If I can marry a man, Steve should be able to as well. If you can marry a woman, then my sister should be able to do the same. Not jump a broom and call it all the same.
Your position isn't about marriage. Its about the legal structure behind marriage. Steve, and you, can marry whomever you wish.

What you want is the government to provide you things because of the marriage.

You're daft. I'm already married. I am talking about people who are entitled to be on equal legal footing with me.
Nothing. I said I CAN - she can't. You're advocating people should make other arrangements, so as not to rock the boat. If I can marry a man, Steve should be able to as well. If you can marry a woman, then my sister should be able to do the same. Not jump a broom and call it all the same.
Your position isn't about marriage. Its about the legal structure behind marriage. Steve, and you, can marry whomever you wish.

What you want is the government to provide you things because of the marriage.

You're daft. I'm already married. I am talking about people who are entitled to be on equal legal footing with me.
I'm daft? You cannot even articulate what it is you are advocating for.

Anyone can be married. That is just a plain simple fact. The problem is, people who advocate for gay marriage as some kind of right, do so by misdirection and the use of emotionally loaded key words and phrases.

Try this. Instead of arguing for the non-existent right to marriage, just simply state that two same sex people who are partnered should have the same legal privileges as heterosexual married people. Better yet, just say that I want the same legal benefits as opposite sex partners.
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No way can the rw's say this is politically calculated move because ...

While it could lose him some votes, it probably won't gain votes for him. Why? Because the ignernt right isn't gonna vote for him no matter way and the enlightened left would vote for him anyway.There are probably a few (hiding in closets) who are so threatened by them thar homa-sax-shuls, but who are happy with the MILLIONS jobs Obama has created and the daily improvement in the economy but, for whom this issue is important enough to tip them over. Sorry for the crappy grammar but there are probably a very few of those around.

He has no power to make it the law of the land although, surely, it will be someday soon.

In any event, the Constitution of the United States does not read, '... equal rights for all, EXEPT ...' I love that the radical religious right are in a state of apoplexy tonight. Screw em.

Thank you Mr. President. Good for you and my respect for you just went up a few more notches.
Another big courageous move by this President....I think not.
The media was pushing him on his position and what else was he gonna say?
He's against it.Then he pisses off his base.

C'mon people!
No way can the rw's say this is politically calculated move because ...

While it could lose him some votes, it probably won't gain votes for him. Why? Because the ignernt right isn't gonna vote for him no matter way and the enlightened left would vote for him anyway.There are probably a few (hiding in closets) who are so threatened by them thar homa-sax-shuls, but who are happy with the MILLIONS jobs Obama has created and the daily improvement in the economy but, for whom this issue is important enough to tip them over. Sorry for the crappy grammar but there are probably a very few of those around.

He has no power to make it the law of the land although, surely, it will be someday soon.

In any event, the Constitution of the United States does not read, '... equal rights for all, EXEPT ...' I love that the radical religious right are in a state of apoplexy tonight. Screw em.

Thank you Mr. President. Good for you and my respect for you just went up a few more notches.
BTW, for those who care, he already made a very unequivocal statement of support way back in about 2007 or 2008.
But the militant Gay Mafia demand complete agreemennt with their lifestyle from everyone or else be damned as a homophobe.

What IS the gay lifestyle?

7:00 am: Awake and smoke boyfriend's pole.

7:15 am: Get pole smoked by boyfriend.

7:30 am: Gargle with strong mouthwash.

7:32 am: Breakfast of pink cotton candy and lemonade.

8:00 am: Dress in short shorts and tank top and head to work on Segway while listening to showtunes on iPod.

9:00 am: Chat with company receptionist and ask where she bought those lovely dress and shoes.

9:15 am: Flirt with hunky straight boss. Tackle him to the ground and smoke his pole.

9:30 am: Gargle with strong mouthwash.

10:00 am: Visit HR to sign promotion paperwork.

11:00 am: Tackle janitor in the 5th floor stairwell and smoke his pole.

11:15 am: Gargle with strong mouthwash.

11:30 am: Lunch on twinkies. Deep throat banana while winking at regional manager.

12:30 pm: Log on to Militant Gay Mafia secret chat room from work desk and work on Big Gay Agenda with fags and dykes from around the world.

5:00 pm: Head home on Segway while listening to Cher and Lady Gaga hits on iPod.

5:30 pm: Arrive home, tackle your pet pekinese dog and smoke his pole.

5:40 pm: Gargle with strong mouthwash.

6:00 pm: Picket outside a suburban home, demanding they accept your lifestyle. Wiggle hips salaciously and expose yourself to passing 10 year old boy.

8:00 pm: Dinner of quiche and cucumber.

9:00 pm: Ride the hershy highway with boyfriend.

10:00 pm: Wipe santorum from anus.

10:30 pm: Polish your knob until falling asleep.

There. I think I got the Big Gay Militant Mafia fantasy right.
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Your position isn't about marriage. Its about the legal structure behind marriage. Steve, and you, can marry whomever you wish.

What you want is the government to provide you things because of the marriage.

You're daft. I'm already married. I am talking about people who are entitled to be on equal legal footing with me.
I'm daft? You cannot even articulate what it is you are advocating for.

Anyone can be married. That is just a plain simple fact. The problem is, people who advocate for gay marriage as some kind of right, do so by misdirection and the use of emotionally loaded key words and phrases.

Try this. Instead of arguing for the non-existent right to marriage, just simply state that two same sex people who are partnered should have the same legal privileges as heterosexual married people. Better yet, just say that I want the same legal benefits as opposite sex partners.

I already said that.

And why do you keep assuming I'm gay? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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