Obama approves of same sex marriage

That's not a logical answer.

You've given no motive for said dishonesty.

If it's for political means - then you'd have to explain that because he's done just the opposite in the very last Election; thus, that would make no sense unless a great deal of Gay-rights issue voters suddenly changed their position in 3 years to suddenly make the opposite stance a better one now.
Because he didn't *need* gays last time around.

It's the shit end of the stick the left has handed to gays for decades....But now that he comes out in favor of something that he himself said wasn't even a federal issue, the leftists fainting in the aisles returns!

You make no sense.

Why would people in support of gay marriage not be happy about this? Because dickish people like you are going to claim theyre fainting for Obama? I dont think so. I think it's a victory for anyone who supports gay marriage, in spite of feelings towards Obama. The jadedness is yours.

Partisan hacks forget - people live outside this vile and putrid world of partisan politics. There ARE many young children out there who look up to their Presidents as role models.

A US President's endorsement of Gay marriage is progress for our Country, and children will be adults one day and move society further towards progress on this issue.

Like it - or not.

Your Boiking spun on a dime, and all you can do is try to project your own slavish hackery onto the people who are pointing out what a two-faced douchebag he is.

All you give a hoot in hell bout is the (D) by his name...Plain and simple.
I'm glad Obama decided to show real leadership by following Joe Biden on this
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Oh, I didn't even think what impact it would have on his campaign. But since he's pandering to off-the-cliff rights, I don't see it happening.

It won't happen today. But I do expect Romney to start "evolving" now. It will be particulary difficult for him to do as a Mormon, though.

Up to now, the opposition to gay marriage has come from the Left and the Right, although it has generally been perceived as more opposed from the Right. But blacks are also overwhelmingly opposed.

Obama has just turned bi-partisan opposition into two distinct poles. Now the GOP is going to go down as always having been the sole opponent, and on the wrong side of history.
The media will paste Romney as a flip flopper. :eusa_whistle:
I think he pasted himself as a flip flopper.

Personal responsibility, Meister!
obama knew full well that he wasn't fooling anyone with this evolving crap. He was afraid, pushed into a corner he could not possibly take a chance on pissing off what little base he has left.

He has just alienated the black vote by taking this position.

He isn't worried about that. He has always taken the black vote for granted .. with good reason.

I'm sure he believes that he could re-institute slavery and still get a majority of that vote.
Because he didn't *need* gays last time around.

It's the shit end of the stick the left has handed to gays for decades....But now that he comes out in favor of something that he himself said wasn't even a federal issue, the leftists fainting in the aisles returns!

You make no sense.

Why would people in support of gay marriage not be happy about this? Because dickish people like you are going to claim theyre fainting for Obama? I dont think so. I think it's a victory for anyone who supports gay marriage, in spite of feelings towards Obama. The jadedness is yours.

Partisan hacks forget - people live outside this vile and putrid world of partisan politics. There ARE many young children out there who look up to their Presidents as role models.

A US President's endorsement of Gay marriage is progress for our Country, and children will be adults one day and move society further towards progress on this issue.

Like it - or not.

Your Boiking spun on a dime, and all you can do is try to project your own slavish hackery onto the people who are pointing out what a two-faced douchebag he is.

All you give a hoot in hell bout is the (D) by his name...Plain and simple.

Yea, except no.

I give a hoot about Gay Marriage - and that's an easily verifiable fact.

Don't let the attempt to verify confuse you too much, doucher.
No other President has endorsed Gay marriage, outwardly. It's a milestone, albeit there's work to do.

That quote has helped zero gay couples get married.


Thats all obvious shit, but words are not completely meaningless either.

Once society is in higher and higher percentages accepting gay marriage, and then a US President follows suit, it means something.

not as much as an "action," but it means something.

Not to me. In my opinion he was forced to say it because of public opinion. Public opinion and states allowing gay marriage happened long before Obama's pandering and would continue to happen at the same rate had he skipped pandering to this particular group.
That quote has helped zero gay couples get married.


Thats all obvious shit, but words are not completely meaningless either.

Once society is in higher and higher percentages accepting gay marriage, and then a US President follows suit, it means something.

not as much as an "action," but it means something.

Not to me. In my opinion he was forced to say it because of public opinion. Public opinion and states allowing gay marriage happened long before Obama's pandering and would continue to happen at the same rate had he skipped pandering to this particular group.

Thats to say that the US President is no child's role model.
When did she come out?

When did I arrive here?

Basic math is not your friend, I see.

I wasn't even politically active until 2007.

And I have ALWAYS been a supporter of GLAAD.

we've heard that "I was just a baby" bullshit before..We you aware of the debates and election of obama or were you knot?

As I told my daughter - I don't speak gibberish. Try posting in English.

:lol::lol::lol: fraidy cat..
Did obama carry NC in 2008?

Yes he did. Barely. It was a squeaker.

President Map - Election Results 2008 - The New York Times

I don't think it will be a squeaker this time. Did I hear on the news today that he cancelled a trip there yestertday?

Democrats were planning on having their convention there!

This is being blamed on Biden saying that Biden forced his hand. obama planned on waiting untll after the election (more flexibility after he's elected). I would not want to be Biden today. obama is probably fit to be tied having to say something that will lose him the election.
I'm not a fundie, you fool...I'm against the state being involved in marriage in any case.Your Boiking has done a 180° from three years ago, and you can't even pick your shamelessly biased tongue up off the ground long enough to be appalled at the blatant pander job being put over on your gullible ass.
That's a weak argument and you ought to know better. The reason the state is involved in marriage is MARRIAGE IS A CONTRACT and, as such, bears legal obligations for the parties involved. That's specifically why there are divorce courts in the various states.
Nobody who draws up a common law marriage contract needs a state license...This is a fact.

A marriage license basically makes the state an interested third party to a marriage, licensing the action in lieu of a common law contract.

I've studied this topic a lot deeper than you have...Don't think you can outflank me with any spurious crap about contracts.
Then perhaps you can fill me in on some troubling details. What is the percentage of common law marriages in the United States today? What states or regions have the greatest occurrence of common law marriages? What is the divorce process like when a common law marriage is dissolved? What records are required by the IRS, state departments of taxation, hospitals, adoption agencies and the like when someone claiming common law marriage attempts to legally present a spouse for some considerations?
obama knew full well that he wasn't fooling anyone with this evolving crap. He was afraid, pushed into a corner he could not possibly take a chance on pissing off what little base he has left.

He has just alienated the black vote by taking this position.

He isn't worried about that. He has always taken the black vote for granted .. with good reason.

I'm sure he believes that he could re-institute slavery and still get a majority of that vote.

omg! what did you do to black as coal? is there a ransom to be paid..
Thats all obvious shit, but words are not completely meaningless either.

Once society is in higher and higher percentages accepting gay marriage, and then a US President follows suit, it means something.

not as much as an "action," but it means something.

Not to me. In my opinion he was forced to say it because of public opinion. Public opinion and states allowing gay marriage happened long before Obama's pandering and would continue to happen at the same rate had he skipped pandering to this particular group.

Thats to say that the US President is no child's role model.

The last thing any child should do is look toward a politician for their morals.

If they do that, they'll be fucked up either way.
I think this is Obama's cynical way of trying to distract us form the Obama Eats Dog issue
The hell you say?....Little Lord Obammyroy throwing a bone to a favored political pressure group in an election year??

I am shocked, shocked, I tell you!


You honestly, with all the rigid fundies posting right here at this very board, can't see what it is likely to cost him?
You're using the words 'Oddball' and 'honestly' in the same sentence?
Nothing is as it seems in the Hussein regime. He did before he didn't but maybe he did after all. He wouldn't have though if Biden didn't open his big mouth.
How comical!!!

You Teabaggers don't know WHAT-the-fuck to say!!!! (....Until Porky Limbaugh hits-the-air, tomorrow.)


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