Obama approves of same sex marriage

You're using the words 'Oddball' and 'honestly' in the same sentence?

Yeah, well. Definition of insanity, and all that. ;)
The hell you say?....Little Lord Obammyroy throwing a bone to a favored political pressure group in an election year??

I am shocked, shocked, I tell you!


You honestly, with all the rigid fundies posting right here at this very board, can't see what it is likely to cost him?
I'm not a fundie, you fool...I'm against the state being involved in marriage in any case.

Your Boiking has done a 180° from three years ago, and you can't even pick your shamelessly biased tongue up off the ground long enough to be appalled at the blatant pander job being put over on your gullible ass.
You oppose NC Amendment 1?

Have you stated that position anywhere on the board?
[I'm not a fundie, you fool...I'm against the state being involved in marriage in any case.

Your Boiking has done a 180° from three years ago, and you can't even pick your shamelessly biased tongue up off the ground long enough to be appalled at the blatant pander job being put over on your gullible ass.

Fine, I'll use the quote function.

I SAID with all the fundies. You not being one has jack shit to do with the conversation. He is the first and only American President to come out in support of same-sex marriage so no matter how you try to make it look bad? It's still a Very Big Deal.
Yeah...Only three years after he threw the same political pressure group under the bus.
Yeah.....ending DADT was a real tragedy.


I can tell you what Limbaugh will say. He'll claim this is a distraction from Obama's dismal record of coddling the rich and screwing the middle class. Limbaugh will call this whole issue pandering and distracting and inconsequential.

What Limbaugh won't do, what no one CAN do is present a rational argument against same sex marriage. He will avoid the reality of the homophobes and never call same sex marriage what they think it is: just too icky.
I have nothing but respect for the man. Talk about being true to your convictions. He made this announcement in an election year, six months before we vote. Knowing what it could cost him. NOTHING but admiration and respect, Mr. President. Thank you.

In political terms this is called pandering to your base.
Fucking idiot - Blacks do not favor same-sex marriage. Are they not a huge part of his base?
Meh, marry, don't marry, honestly the issue means little to me except to say I see no reason they shouldn't have the right. So long as we don't start to see people suing churches to force them to perform same sex ceremonies I take no issue. And I speak as a borderline Atheist...

One question...

Is it a cop out for him to say it's an issue to be decided by the state?

That being said, what I am curious about is this...

Would this be considered a "flip-flop?" I know the ABC article essentially called it a "reversal" and our President has described his thoughts on the issue as "evolving..."

So when does it become a "flip-flop?" Or is this merely a description used to bash one's political opponents?
Because...uhhh.... he doesn't...uhhh.... believe a word....uhhh... that comes out of....uhhhh... his own mouth.

Okay. But if you're claiming it's dishonest because it was a cave to pressure - then why did he have the exact opposite stance the last election if it was simply for votes? That is contrary to logic. I asked for an honest answer, all I heard was "derp derp derp."
Because he's fucking dishonest little punk....It's no more complicated than that.
Then don't vote for him. He will still be your POTUS until 2017. :)
well whoopTee do...I'm sure all those people in the 8.2% unemployed are getting ready to throw Obama a parade because of this..

Maybe some day the man will think about them..
He was trying to have it both ways but realized he had to make a decision. I personally support gay marriage as well but think Obama has been punking out due to his "evolving" views. Will it be a big deal in the election? Probably not. The economy as always will be what elects the next president.

This is the kind of issue that galvanizes people to get out and vote. Because this was on the ballot in North Carolina, the turnout was huge and the bill banning same sex marriage passed with 61% of the vote. North Carolina is (or was up to this point) a must win battleground state for obama, as Colorado is (or was) a battleground state. Colorado banned so much as civil unions.

This is just the kind of issue that is going to get people to the polls. There are conservatives on the fence about Romney, they won't be after today.

Y'all might want to brace yourselves for a similar endorsement by Romney.
Nah - his cult will not allow it.
He was a bigot when he said "marriage is between a man and a woman." there's no way around that.
Sure there is. He just DID it!!!

Wait'll your boy, Mitt, starts hearing the drum-beats.....broadcasting this news from the RNC.

First Read - Obama backs same-sex marriage

The president had found himself under increasing pressure this week to state his position unequivocally after Vice President Joe Biden voiced support for same-sex marriage.

He explained that he had hesitated in fully supporting same-sex marriage because he thought civil unions would be sufficient.

"I have to tell you that over the course of several years as I have talked to friends and family and neighbors when I think about members of my own staff who are in incredibly committed monogamous relationships, same-sex relationships, who are raising kids together, when I think about those soldiers or airmen or marines or sailors who are out there fighting on my behalf and yet feel constrained, even now that Don't Ask Don't Tell is gone, because they are not able to commit themselves in a marriage, at a certain point I’ve just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same sex couples should be able to get married," he told ABC.

"I am absolutely comfortable with the fact that men marrying men, women marrying women, and heterosexual men and women marrying another are entitled to the same exact rights, all the civil rights, all the civil liberties," Biden said on NBC’s "Meet the Press." "And quite frankly, I don't see much of a distinction beyond that."

I'm not so sure that is any different than what he said three years ago. In one of these two videos, watched it yesterday, he states that he is for civil unions, but agrees that a church should be allowed to marry homosexuals. Basically, he is simply couching that very same belief in his lastest statement.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6K9dS9wl7U]Barack Obama on Gay Marriage - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73oZ_pe1MZ8]Barack Obama on Gay Marriage - YouTube[/ame]

Three years ago, he stated same sex couples should be allowed to get married. He says the same thing here.

I hate to say it, but I agree. A same sex couple should be allowed to get married. If, they attend a church that will marry same sex couples then they have every right to be married.

On the other hand, the state should stay out of the marriage business altogether for both straight and gay couples.


PS thank you to Valarie for bringing these two videos to my attention yesterday.
Meh, marry, don't marry, honestly the issue means little to me except to say I see no reason they shouldn't have the right. So long as we don't start to see people suing churches to force them to perform same sex ceremonies I take no issue. And I speak as a borderline Atheist...

One question...

Is it a cop out for him to say it's an issue to be decided by the state?

That being said, what I am curious about is this...

Would this be considered a "flip-flop?" I know the ABC article essentially called it a "reversal" and our President has described his thoughts on the issue as "evolving..."

So when does it become a "flip-flop?" Or is this merely a description used to bash one's political opponents?

Well, he was in favor of civil unions before, so it is an evolution, IMO.
Okay. But if you're claiming it's dishonest because it was a cave to pressure - then why did he have the exact opposite stance the last election if it was simply for votes? That is contrary to logic. I asked for an honest answer, all I heard was "derp derp derp."
Because he's fucking dishonest little punk....It's no more complicated than that.

What politician isn't?

While this may be true, I cannot agree with using it as a valid reply in a thread, any more than Big Rebecca using it in the thread about Lyin' Paul Ryan.

"Everyone does it" is not discourse.
Because he's fucking dishonest little punk....It's no more complicated than that.

Sure it is. If he's pandering now, why didn't he pander then.

I'll rewrite it in "herpaderp," if that's your primary language.

He really didn't have to pander in '08. He was a sure thing before....now he knows he's not.

He was??? All you wingnuts assured us that Palin was the game changer that was going to assure McCain's win.

I'm sure the threads still exist . . . :)
He said he talked to his daughters about it, does he sound a lot like Jimmeh Carter my daughter Amy is a-skerred of Noo-clear Proliferation to you?

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