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Obama Arming Al-Qaeda?

What I would like to know is why is President Obama telling about his plans to send war materials into Syria when he won't come clean and lies to his own nation, namely your Representatives and the Congress that is in charge of whether it will declare war or not?

Please call your Representative and ask him why Obama is bypassing him or her.
Weapons sent to Libyan Rebels were rerouted to 12 other Middle Eastern Countries, including Syrian Al-Qaeda through the persistence of the UAE and Qatar petitioning the Obama Administration for US Arms. Murdered Ambassador Stevens apparently was coordinating US Weapons being routed to Syrian jihadists to fight Assad. This was denied by the Obama Administration, according to the article. The administration is accused of not being truthful about the details of the protection of the Behghazi Ambassador Stevens, who was killed by terrorists after guards were allegedly told not to use bullets in their guns. The former Secretary of State denied the allegations initially.

U.N. Report Cover Up Obama Role in Arming Terrorists

Russia gives US List of Syrian Al-Qaeda Terrorists Being Armed by Obama

Something is awfully wrong when weapons provided by the Obama Administration for Libyan terrorists wind up in the hands of Al Qaeda anywhere in the world.

Oh it's far far worse than just "where did the weapons go that we gave to the rebels".

These freaking morons in this administration ended up having to go "whoopsies" because the rebels now with the overthrow of Gadhafi manage to grab all of his stashes of weapons.


Check this out and anyone arguing that your sources aren't good enough for the high and mighty HuffPo readers they can kiss my ass (pardon my french) but they piss me clean off.

My source is ABC. Fairly terrifying article when you realize what the rebels were able to get their hands on.

D'oh. The idiots in the administration really didn't think ahead did they? This article also gives a clue as to the possible motive of destroying the evidence that Doherty and others had been gathering as to the location of the stashes of weapons.

This is Glen.


Article is worth the whole read.

American Killed in Libya Was on Intel Mission to Track Weapons

One of the Americans killed alongside Ambassador Christopher Stevens in an attack on a U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya Tuesday told ABC News before his death that he was working with the State Department on an intelligence mission to round up dangerous weapons in the war-torn nation.

In an interview with ABC News last month, Glen Doherty, a 42-year-old former Navy SEAL who worked as a contractor with the State Department, said he personally went into the field to track down so-called MANPADS, shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles, and destroy them.

After the fall of dictator Moammar Gadhafi, the State Department launched a mission to round up thousands of MANPADS that may have been looted from military installations across the country. U.S. officials previously told ABC News they were concerned the MANPADS could fall into the hands of terrorists, creating a threat to commercial airliners.

Doherty said that he traveled throughout Libya chasing reports of the weapons and once they were found, his team would destroy them on the spot by bashing them with hammers or repeatedly running them over with their vehicles. When ABC News spoke to Doherty in late August, he was enjoying a short time off in California before heading back to Libya just days ago.

Rest of the article at link:

Glen Doherty, Former Navy SEAL Killed in Libya, Was on Intel Mission to Track Weapons - ABC News
Weapons sent to Libyan Rebels were rerouted to 12 other Middle Eastern Countries, including Syrian Al-Qaeda through the persistence of the UAE and Qatar petitioning the Obama Administration for US Arms. Murdered Ambassador Stevens apparently was coordinating US Weapons being routed to Syrian jihadists to fight Assad. This was denied by the Obama Administration, according to the article. The administration is accused of not being truthful about the details of the protection of the Behghazi Ambassador Stevens, who was killed by terrorists after guards were allegedly told not to use bullets in their guns. The former Secretary of State denied the allegations initially.

U.N. Report Cover Up Obama Role in Arming Terrorists

Russia gives US List of Syrian Al-Qaeda Terrorists Being Armed by Obama

Something is awfully wrong when weapons provided by the Obama Administration for Libyan terrorists wind up in the hands of Al Qaeda anywhere in the world.

Oh it's far far worse than just "where did the weapons go that we gave to the rebels".

These freaking morons in this administration ended up having to go "whoopsies" because the rebels now with the overthrow of Gadhafi manage to grab all of his stashes of weapons.


Check this out and anyone arguing that your sources aren't good enough for the high and mighty HuffPo readers they can kiss my ass (pardon my french) but they piss me clean off.

My source is ABC. Fairly terrifying article when you realize what the rebels were able to get their hands on.

D'oh. The idiots in the administration really didn't think ahead did they? This article also gives a clue as to the possible motive of destroying the evidence that Doherty and others had been gathering as to the location of the stashes of weapons.

This is Glen.


Article is worth the whole read.

American Killed in Libya Was on Intel Mission to Track Weapons

One of the Americans killed alongside Ambassador Christopher Stevens in an attack on a U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya Tuesday told ABC News before his death that he was working with the State Department on an intelligence mission to round up dangerous weapons in the war-torn nation.

In an interview with ABC News last month, Glen Doherty, a 42-year-old former Navy SEAL who worked as a contractor with the State Department, said he personally went into the field to track down so-called MANPADS, shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles, and destroy them.

After the fall of dictator Moammar Gadhafi, the State Department launched a mission to round up thousands of MANPADS that may have been looted from military installations across the country. U.S. officials previously told ABC News they were concerned the MANPADS could fall into the hands of terrorists, creating a threat to commercial airliners.

Doherty said that he traveled throughout Libya chasing reports of the weapons and once they were found, his team would destroy them on the spot by bashing them with hammers or repeatedly running them over with their vehicles. When ABC News spoke to Doherty in late August, he was enjoying a short time off in California before heading back to Libya just days ago.

Rest of the article at link:

Glen Doherty, Former Navy SEAL Killed in Libya, Was on Intel Mission to Track Weapons - ABC News
Thanks, tinydancer. I have also listed as references the Chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives' fact-finding committee on Benghazi, formed after facts were inconsistent with White House Claims, at house.gov, an article from USA Today, and an article from the Washington Post which leans left usually, but not this time.

For it, I have been berated and marginalized by unrestrained liberals who think the world revolves around the Democrat Party, which is their prerogative, but with the Congress being bypassed by the White House on actions that would place us into war with Syria, that's throwing away the Constitution. It's the congress that declares war, and the President had better not be lying his ass off.

I'm sorry Glen Doherty was killed. That's awful.
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And there is no doubt that the rebels joined forces with Al Qaeda in Syria. Daily Mail first reported on this last August and the New York Times finally had to report on last week. Think it was the 28th.

So arming the rebels = arming Al Qaeda. Cripes did you ever think you would witness the day that an American President would do this?

Now Kerry is trying to say, well we're not giving weapons to those rebels.

But hell's bells, AQ are professional jihadists and they will certainly kick "Kerry's rebels" asses and grab the weapons.
Weapons sent to Libyan Rebels were rerouted to 12 other Middle Eastern Countries, including Syrian Al-Qaeda through the persistence of the UAE and Qatar petitioning the Obama Administration for US Arms. Murdered Ambassador Stevens apparently was coordinating US Weapons being routed to Syrian jihadists to fight Assad. This was denied by the Obama Administration, according to the article. The administration is accused of not being truthful about the details of the protection of the Behghazi Ambassador Stevens, who was killed by terrorists after guards were allegedly told not to use bullets in their guns. The former Secretary of State denied the allegations initially.

U.N. Report Cover Up Obama Role in Arming Terrorists

Russia gives US List of Syrian Al-Qaeda Terrorists Being Armed by Obama

Something is awfully wrong when weapons provided by the Obama Administration for Libyan terrorists wind up in the hands of Al Qaeda anywhere in the world.

Oh it's far far worse than just "where did the weapons go that we gave to the rebels".

These freaking morons in this administration ended up having to go "whoopsies" because the rebels now with the overthrow of Gadhafi manage to grab all of his stashes of weapons.


Check this out and anyone arguing that your sources aren't good enough for the high and mighty HuffPo readers they can kiss my ass (pardon my french) but they piss me clean off.

My source is ABC. Fairly terrifying article when you realize what the rebels were able to get their hands on.

D'oh. The idiots in the administration really didn't think ahead did they? This article also gives a clue as to the possible motive of destroying the evidence that Doherty and others had been gathering as to the location of the stashes of weapons.

This is Glen.


Article is worth the whole read.

American Killed in Libya Was on Intel Mission to Track Weapons

One of the Americans killed alongside Ambassador Christopher Stevens in an attack on a U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya Tuesday told ABC News before his death that he was working with the State Department on an intelligence mission to round up dangerous weapons in the war-torn nation.

In an interview with ABC News last month, Glen Doherty, a 42-year-old former Navy SEAL who worked as a contractor with the State Department, said he personally went into the field to track down so-called MANPADS, shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles, and destroy them.

After the fall of dictator Moammar Gadhafi, the State Department launched a mission to round up thousands of MANPADS that may have been looted from military installations across the country. U.S. officials previously told ABC News they were concerned the MANPADS could fall into the hands of terrorists, creating a threat to commercial airliners.

Doherty said that he traveled throughout Libya chasing reports of the weapons and once they were found, his team would destroy them on the spot by bashing them with hammers or repeatedly running them over with their vehicles. When ABC News spoke to Doherty in late August, he was enjoying a short time off in California before heading back to Libya just days ago.

Rest of the article at link:

Glen Doherty, Former Navy SEAL Killed in Libya, Was on Intel Mission to Track Weapons - ABC News
Thanks, tinydancer. I have also listed as references the Chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives' fact-finding committee on Benghazi, formed after facts were inconsistent with White House Claims, at house.gov, an article from USA Today, and an article from the Washington Post which leans left usually, but not this time.

For it, I have been berated and marginalized by unrestrained liberals who think the world revolves around the Democrat Party, which is their prerogative, but with the Congress being bypassed by the White House on actions that would place us into war with Syria, that's throwing away the Constitution. It's the congress that declares war, and the President had better not be lying his ass off.

I'm sorry Glen Doherty was killed. That's awful.

I was just watching the board happily transplanting my heavenly blues and my beefsteaks when I saw what was going on in your thread and had to jump in with my 2 cents :eusa_angel:

Now matter how you look at this, it's a dogs breakfast and nothing is adding up. Carney at the White House today actually said "Benghazi happened a long time ago".

Cue Twilight Zone music. I've never witnessed the likes of this administration. I think the quote that pushed me personally over the edge and set my hair on fire was Hillary with the "what does it matter now" statement.

I hope Issa can get to the bottom of this. These brave souls' families deserve answers as well as the American people.
They sent the weapons to Libya, where recipients of the weapons routed them to Syria.

Last year, Speaker John Boehner asked the House committees on Armed Services, Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, Judiciary, and Oversight & Government Reform to investigate the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya that killed four Americans. Today these five committees released their progress report, which outlines their findings and the next steps in the investigation. PDF File on Benghazi Terrorist attack of Sept 11, 2012.

Very interesting report. VERY interesting report.
Zbigniew Brzezinski served as Carter's Henry Kissinger from January of 1977 until January of 1981. Recently Obama had this to say about "Biggy"

"In September 2007 during a speech on the Iraq war, Obama introduced Brzezinski as 'one of our most outstanding thinkers,' but some pro-Israel commentators questioned his criticism of the Israel lobby in the United States."

Some accuse Brzezinski of luring the Soviets into invading Afghanistan in 1979, and then arming some of the most radical Islamic elements in the Middle East in order to drive out the "godless communists."

"Brzezinski, known for his hardline policies on the Soviet Union, initiated in 1979 a campaign supporting mujaheddin in Pakistan and Afghanistan, which was run by Pakistani security services with financial support from the Central Intelligence Agency and Britain's MI6.[31]

"This policy had the explicit aim of promoting radical Islamist and anti-Communist forces."

One of the CIA's creations has an Arabic translation of "the database" or more simply "the Base" or Al-Queda. Some believe the CIA is still supporting and arming radical Muslims around the globe including those in Chechnya.

And that leads to Sibel Edmond's hypothesis regarding Boston/Benghazi pawns on Biggy's Grand Chessboard:

"The series of our analyses on the Boston Bombing-Syria-Russia-CIA connections continues with further related developments unfolding in the last few days. In my April 22 interview for Boiling Frogs Post EyeOpener Report I provided three possible US objectives associated with the Boston Terror incident.

"I emphasized the first possible scenario as the most likely: Removing Russia as the obstacle in invading Syria.

"I pointed out that to achieve this objective a back-door deal could have been struck with Russia. What sort of a deal? Here is what I hypothesized:

1-Our Back-Door Deal with Russia on Syria: Our soon-to-come Invasion of Syria immediately following the Boston Terror incident with Russia removing itself as an obstacle

2-Rise in 'Radical Islamic Terror' in Russia’s Caucasus-mainly in the Chechnya and Dagestan region

3-Per Washington’s consent a major Russian crack-down in the Caucasus- US-Western governments support attributing this to Russia’s contribution in countering Global Islamic Terrorism."

Common ground is scarce between progressives and conservatives on this board; however, if Edmond's hypothesis proves accurate we might find a few common red lines have been crossed.

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority
Zbigniew Brzezinski served as Carter's Henry Kissinger from January of 1977 until January of 1981. Recently Obama had this to say about "Biggy"

"In September 2007 during a speech on the Iraq war, Obama introduced Brzezinski as 'one of our most outstanding thinkers,' but some pro-Israel commentators questioned his criticism of the Israel lobby in the United States."

Some accuse Brzezinski of luring the Soviets into invading Afghanistan in 1979, and then arming some of the most radical Islamic elements in the Middle East in order to drive out the "godless communists."

"Brzezinski, known for his hardline policies on the Soviet Union, initiated in 1979 a campaign supporting mujaheddin in Pakistan and Afghanistan, which was run by Pakistani security services with financial support from the Central Intelligence Agency and Britain's MI6.[31]

"This policy had the explicit aim of promoting radical Islamist and anti-Communist forces."

One of the CIA's creations has an Arabic translation of "the database" or more simply "the Base" or Al-Queda. Some believe the CIA is still supporting and arming radical Muslims around the globe including those in Chechnya.

And that leads to Sibel Edmond's hypothesis regarding Boston/Benghazi pawns on Biggy's Grand Chessboard:

"The series of our analyses on the Boston Bombing-Syria-Russia-CIA connections continues with further related developments unfolding in the last few days. In my April 22 interview for Boiling Frogs Post EyeOpener Report I provided three possible US objectives associated with the Boston Terror incident.

"I emphasized the first possible scenario as the most likely: Removing Russia as the obstacle in invading Syria.

"I pointed out that to achieve this objective a back-door deal could have been struck with Russia. What sort of a deal? Here is what I hypothesized:

1-Our Back-Door Deal with Russia on Syria: Our soon-to-come Invasion of Syria immediately following the Boston Terror incident with Russia removing itself as an obstacle

2-Rise in 'Radical Islamic Terror' in Russia’s Caucasus-mainly in the Chechnya and Dagestan region

3-Per Washington’s consent a major Russian crack-down in the Caucasus- US-Western governments support attributing this to Russia’s contribution in countering Global Islamic Terrorism."

Common ground is scarce between progressives and conservatives on this board; however, if Edmond's hypothesis proves accurate we might find a few common red lines have been crossed.

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority
Thank you for sharing your findings, georgephillip.

The last time we "helped" al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, their financial arranger, turned on us and urged others to do likewise, resulting in 9/11/01 takeout of the Twin Towers in New York City.

I just read the committee report, georgephillip. 46 Representatives support it. It is horrifying. I hope you will read it. I'll post it one more time: Terrorist Attack on Benghazi, Libya of Sept 11, 2012
USA today is not WND.

And WND is as credible as any other source. Progressive extremists just don't like it.

On the front page:

Iran source: President Ahmadinejad arrested

Obama to be Democratic nominee in 2016?

Sex superbug ?worse than AIDS?

Yeah, they seem credible to me.... :eusa_whistle:

It would not surprise me to find out that democrats want obama king for life. But, Ahmadinejad has really been arrested and doctors have identified a superbug strain of gonorrhea that is more deadly than AIDS and has no cure. That's been news for a couple of days now.
Why is Obama trying to take American's guns away, but supplying jihadists on the sly is what I want to know.

Those jihadists are alQaeda over there. They're not freedom fighters. When they're done with Syria, they move on Western Nations.

We saw that in Boston.

link? Why the Obama Derangement Syndrome pop up THIS time?
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(1) Is an ad for the name of a book and a link to purchase it. :rolleyes:
(2) Is a report about opinions inside the DNC membership
(3) Is the title of one of the topics in the Health section at USMB that has been discussed for at least the last two months.

Yeah, whistle while you work. :lalala:

(1) Actually it's a full page article by Reza Khalili.
(2) The first two paragraphs explained it was a poll by Wenzel Strategies, a conservative pollster. The next 30 paragraphs were TLDR.
(3) It's a WND Health article published 1 day ago.

Guess you didn't think anyone would check a single thing you said.

pos-repped. becki :tinfoil: goes-off on these partisan rants like a clock.

As to the OP, the Repubs would wail if the President did nothing. Arms are simply ONE alternative to standing idly by
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Zbigniew Brzezinski served as Carter's Henry Kissinger from January of 1977 until January of 1981. Recently Obama had this to say about "Biggy"

"In September 2007 during a speech on the Iraq war, Obama introduced Brzezinski as 'one of our most outstanding thinkers,' but some pro-Israel commentators questioned his criticism of the Israel lobby in the United States."

Some accuse Brzezinski of luring the Soviets into invading Afghanistan in 1979, and then arming some of the most radical Islamic elements in the Middle East in order to drive out the "godless communists."

"Brzezinski, known for his hardline policies on the Soviet Union, initiated in 1979 a campaign supporting mujaheddin in Pakistan and Afghanistan, which was run by Pakistani security services with financial support from the Central Intelligence Agency and Britain's MI6.[31]

"This policy had the explicit aim of promoting radical Islamist and anti-Communist forces."

One of the CIA's creations has an Arabic translation of "the database" or more simply "the Base" or Al-Queda. Some believe the CIA is still supporting and arming radical Muslims around the globe including those in Chechnya.

And that leads to Sibel Edmond's hypothesis regarding Boston/Benghazi pawns on Biggy's Grand Chessboard:

"The series of our analyses on the Boston Bombing-Syria-Russia-CIA connections continues with further related developments unfolding in the last few days. In my April 22 interview for Boiling Frogs Post EyeOpener Report I provided three possible US objectives associated with the Boston Terror incident.

"I emphasized the first possible scenario as the most likely: Removing Russia as the obstacle in invading Syria.

"I pointed out that to achieve this objective a back-door deal could have been struck with Russia. What sort of a deal? Here is what I hypothesized:

1-Our Back-Door Deal with Russia on Syria: Our soon-to-come Invasion of Syria immediately following the Boston Terror incident with Russia removing itself as an obstacle

2-Rise in 'Radical Islamic Terror' in Russia’s Caucasus-mainly in the Chechnya and Dagestan region

3-Per Washington’s consent a major Russian crack-down in the Caucasus- US-Western governments support attributing this to Russia’s contribution in countering Global Islamic Terrorism."

Common ground is scarce between progressives and conservatives on this board; however, if Edmond's hypothesis proves accurate we might find a few common red lines have been crossed.

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority
Thank you for sharing your findings, georgephillip.

The last time we "helped" al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, their financial arranger, turned on us and urged others to do likewise, resulting in 9/11/01 takeout of the Twin Towers in New York City.

I just read the committee report, georgephillip. 46 Representatives support it. It is horrifying. I hope you will read it. I'll post it one more time: Terrorist Attack on Benghazi, Libya of Sept 11, 2012
"The decisions by the British Embassy, United Nations, and the International Committee
of the Red Cross to withdraw their personnel from Benghazi after armed assailants launched
directed attacks against each organization were additional major indicators of the increasingly
threatening environment.

"These developments caused Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Wood, who
led the U.S. military’s efforts to supplement diplomatic security in Libya, to recommend that the
State Department consider pulling out of Benghazi altogether.

"Lieutenant Colonel Wood
explained that after the withdrawal of these other organizations, 'it was apparent to me that we
were the last [Western] flag flying in Benghazi. We were the last thing on their target list to
remove from Benghazi.'”

And some of "us" have been arming "them" since 1979.
We are at it today in the Caucasus, arming violent Jihadi inside of Russia.
This has occurred over 40 years and six different administrations, regardless of which party occupies the White House.
We can't change it by "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.

(1) Is an ad for the name of a book and a link to purchase it. :rolleyes:
(2) Is a report about opinions inside the DNC membership
(3) Is the title of one of the topics in the Health section at USMB that has been discussed for at least the last two months.

Yeah, whistle while you work. :lalala:

(1) Actually it's a full page article by Reza Khalili.
(2) The first two paragraphs explained it was a poll by Wenzel Strategies, a conservative pollster. The next 30 paragraphs were TLDR.
(3) It's a WND Health article published 1 day ago.

Guess you didn't think anyone would check a single thing you said.

pos-repped. becki :tinfoil: goes-off on these partisan rants like a clock.

As to the OP, the Repubs would wail if the President did nothing. Arms are simply ONE alternative to standing idly by

Well you didn't read thru the thread did you? And obviously you've missed out on all the confirmed news reports that the rebels and AQ are tag teaming in Syria.

Confirmed reports as in "even" the New York Times had to report on this situation.
USA today is not WND.

And WND is as credible as any other source. Progressive extremists just don't like it.

On the front page:

Iran source: President Ahmadinejad arrested

Obama to be Democratic nominee in 2016?

Sex superbug ?worse than AIDS?

Yeah, they seem credible to me.... :eusa_whistle:

It would not surprise me to find out that democrats want obama king for life. But, Ahmadinejad has really been arrested and doctors have identified a superbug strain of gonorrhea that is more deadly than AIDS and has no cure. That's been news for a couple of days now.

Ahmadinejad was not arrested. The only other source I could find on it was a Dailymail article that got it's information from WND. Even that article said he was detained and released.

I was unaware of the super strain of gonorrhea, but after looking it up found no mention of it being as dangerous as AIDs. Scientists warn it COULD become untreatable. More sensationalist garbage. SARS anyone?

The article about Obama in 2016 is pure conjecture based off a poll from a right leaning polling organization, created by a known birther.

Now that I have cleared up that BS, maybe I should link to the article about "Proof ancient man lived with dinosaurs". How about the one called "Earth could not have been formed by chance"?
Why is Obama trying to take American's guns away, but supplying jihadists on the sly is what I want to know.

Those jihadists are alQaeda over there. They're not freedom fighters. When they're done with Syria, they move on Western Nations.

We saw that in Boston.

link? Why the Obama Derangement Syndrome pop up THIS time?
I've actually defended the Obama family a couple of times around here, dude.

You need to read the report starting around page 20 or 22 on, because the first pages are hard to understand without the facts. I'll post it one more time. Best that you read the rest when you're done with the last part. It's prepare you for what is the finding of the committee investigating why so many different accounts were given by the Administration when the truth was all they needed to know. Here's the report, one more time: Terrorist Attack at Benghazi, Libya, September 11, 2012

Take it easy on yourself. The Administration lied multiple times on television using a lot of top-level White House Staff. Each disproving resulted in another series of cover-ups. It isn't pretty, and the buck has been passed willy-nilly around the administration as if there is no concern someone wants to know the truth, and why whistleblowers in the administration are dealt with so harshly. (by whistleblowers, I mean, people who told the truth and were proven correct by the facts the administration couldn't quite get rid of fast enough.)

This President is causing people to account falsely. I want to know why that is, and so do other American citizens.
lots of outrage for the benghazi affair. Where was the outrage in 2001 when something of a similar nature happened, on a Repub admin watch, only multiplied 1000+ times. Better check that dress, your partisan slip is showing.
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