Obama Attempting To Take Over Our Elections With Executive Order


Executive Order -- Establishment of the Presidential Commission of Election Administration | The White House

Federal elections are run by the individual states. Obama signed an executive order Thurdsay attempting to change the way elections will be held from now on, essentially nationalizing elections.

One more step toward dictatorship.

You're right, he should be working on a way to stop the cheating GOP House from redistricting instead.

Examples please?
I have one
Look at THIS mess...Now, can you with a straight face state this district looks just fine to you? Members of Congress & Congressional District Maps - GovTrack.us
Click on the link then go to NC-12....Is THIS the gerrymandering and cheating you were referring to?....Good. Because this is a DEMOCRAT drawn district.
So shut your hypocritical pie hole.
Wasn't there a (Terral?) 2008 conspiracy theory which included an Obama "takeover of the election process?" Spending all your time screaming "wolf" will insure that when and if the wolf does come, nobody will believe you and we'll all be fooked. Thanks.

I remember mentioning Obama's plans to go after gun-owners soon after he's reelected.

Nobody believed me then ether.

His takeover of GM, nobody believed that.

That the Muslim Brotherhood would takeover Egypt......shall I go on?????

Dude ... please stop pretending you are some kind of fortune teller. Obama is not taking your fuking guns, does not control GM nor is he controlling elections. Sheesh. Just stop, Chicken Little, the sky is not falling.

Mudthwithle's first avatar at usmb:


The crazy shit these people push about Obama is so over the top as to desefrve mockery.
The President was supposed to national the banks and auto industry and bring European style socialism to America.:cuckoo:

Executive Order -- Establishment of the Presidential Commission of Election Administration | The White House

Federal elections are run by the individual states. Obama signed an executive order Thurdsay attempting to change the way elections will be held from now on, essentially nationalizing elections.

One more step toward dictatorship.
Another instance where Obama is overstepping his powers.
His attitude is "I know I am not legally permitted to do this, but I am doing it anyway. Let them sue me"...
This guy is a fucking tyrant.
I don't give a shit which party the President wears. This is wrong on many levels.
I read the text of the Order.
It is so vague, it has no defined role in elections.
It even states "This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person."
Essentially, this order gives the Commission of Obama lackeys broad powers. Powers which on the surface violates the States Rights clause of the 10th Amendment.
No doubt, this is subject to challenges in the courts.

What, exactly, is subject to challenges in court? The formation of a commission to explore ways of making our elections better? Really?

It is the vagueness of the Order which will be questioned.
This no more explores efficiency( define THAT) than the man in the moon.
All this will do is create unnecessary delays, expenses and tied up court dockets.
I remember mentioning Obama's plans to go after gun-owners soon after he's reelected.

Nobody believed me then ether.

His takeover of GM, nobody believed that.

That the Muslim Brotherhood would takeover Egypt......shall I go on?????

Dude ... please stop pretending you are some kind of fortune teller. Obama is not taking your fuking guns, does not control GM nor is he controlling elections. Sheesh. Just stop, Chicken Little, the sky is not falling.

Mudthwithle's first avatar at usmb:


The crazy shit these people push about Obama is so over the top as to desefrve mockery.
The President was supposed to national the banks and auto industry and bring European style socialism to America.:cuckoo:
Please re-post in English...

Executive Order -- Establishment of the Presidential Commission of Election Administration | The White House

Federal elections are run by the individual states. Obama signed an executive order Thurdsay attempting to change the way elections will be held from now on, essentially nationalizing elections.

One more step toward dictatorship.
Another instance where Obama is overstepping his powers.
His attitude is "I know I am not legally permitted to do this, but I am doing it anyway. Let them sue me"...
This guy is a fucking tyrant.
I don't give a shit which party the President wears. This is wrong on many levels.
I read the text of the Order.
It is so vague, it has no defined role in elections.
It even states "This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person."
Essentially, this order gives the Commission of Obama lackeys broad powers. Powers which on the surface violates the States Rights clause of the 10th Amendment.
No doubt, this is subject to challenges in the courts.

What, exactly, is subject to challenges in court? The formation of a commission to explore ways of making our elections better? Really?
Oh..Another God Damned federal bureaucracy. Great!
Dude ... please stop pretending you are some kind of fortune teller. Obama is not taking your fuking guns, does not control GM nor is he controlling elections. Sheesh. Just stop, Chicken Little, the sky is not falling.

Mudthwithle's first avatar at usmb:


The crazy shit these people push about Obama is so over the top as to desefrve mockery.
The President was supposed to national the banks and auto industry and bring European style socialism to America.:cuckoo:
Please re-post in English...

English? You have no clue

The crazy shit these people push about Obama is so over the top as to desefrve mockery.
The President was supposed to national the banks and auto industry and bring European style socialism to America.:cuckoo:

He's working on it. Any day now.


Executive Order -- Establishment of the Presidential Commission of Election Administration | The White House

Federal elections are run by the individual states. Obama signed an executive order Thurdsay attempting to change the way elections will be held from now on, essentially nationalizing elections.

One more step toward dictatorship.
Another instance where Obama is overstepping his powers.
His attitude is "I know I am not legally permitted to do this, but I am doing it anyway. Let them sue me"...
This guy is a fucking tyrant.
I don't give a shit which party the President wears. This is wrong on many levels.
I read the text of the Order.
It is so vague, it has no defined role in elections.
It even states "This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person."
Essentially, this order gives the Commission of Obama lackeys broad powers. Powers which on the surface violates the States Rights clause of the 10th Amendment.
No doubt, this is subject to challenges in the courts.

What "broad powers" does this EO give to "the Commission of Obama lackeys"?

Executive Order -- Establishment of the Presidential Commission of Election Administration | The White House

Federal elections are run by the individual states. Obama signed an executive order Thurdsay attempting to change the way elections will be held from now on, essentially nationalizing elections.

One more step toward dictatorship.
Another instance where Obama is overstepping his powers.
His attitude is "I know I am not legally permitted to do this, but I am doing it anyway. Let them sue me"...
This guy is a fucking tyrant.
I don't give a shit which party the President wears. This is wrong on many levels.
I read the text of the Order.
It is so vague, it has no defined role in elections.
It even states "This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person."
Essentially, this order gives the Commission of Obama lackeys broad powers. Powers which on the surface violates the States Rights clause of the 10th Amendment.
No doubt, this is subject to challenges in the courts.

What "broad powers" does this EO give to "the Commission of Obama lackeys"?

Zippo. Ziltch. Nada. This thread is a lot of Chicken Littles wringing their hands and crying "wolf!"
Last edited:
Quote: Originally Posted by SAYIT
Another really stupid statement. You on a roll today. Pol Pot is dead and Obama is not a reincarnation.

Quote: Originally Posted by Uncensored2008
But they do share a common vision...

But they do share a common vision...

Really dude? Really? Sometimes it is better to lay off the keyboard and let board members just wonder about just how stupid you can be.

That's actually pretty good advice, you should try it.

So you believe Obama and Pol Pot share a common vision?
You'll need to surrender your Mensa card.
Zippo. Ziltch. Nada. This thread is a lot of Chicken Littles wringing their hands and crying "wolf!"

So then the "commission" is just a way for Obama to shovel federal money to well connected (donors) cronies? It has no power and no purpose other than to line the pockets of Obama stooges?
Really dude? Really? Sometimes it is better to lay off the keyboard and let board members just wonder about just how stupid you can be.

Have I blasphemed your god?


I'll just let your words do the talking:

Quote: Originally Posted by SAYIT
Another really stupid statement. You on a roll today. Pol Pot is dead and Obama is not a reincarnation.

Quote: Originally Posted by Uncensored2008
But they do share a common vision...
Zippo. Ziltch. Nada. This thread is a lot of Chicken Littles wringing their hands and crying "wolf!"

So then the "commission" is just a way for Obama to shovel federal money to well connected (donors) cronies? It has no power and no purpose other than to line the pockets of Obama stooges?

Once more for the terminally dense:
The commission's task is to recommend ways to improve our election system.
Now how is that such a bad thing? :cuckoo:
Zippo. Ziltch. Nada. This thread is a lot of Chicken Littles wringing their hands and crying "wolf!"

So then the "commission" is just a way for Obama to shovel federal money to well connected (donors) cronies? It has no power and no purpose other than to line the pockets of Obama stooges?

Once more for the terminally dense:
The commission's task is to recommend ways to improve our election system.
Now how is that such a bad thing? :cuckoo:

Once more, the taxpayers are paying for a commission that has no other purpose than to take our money, they aren't even expected to come up with results. (Not that the States want or need the results of some moronic "commission".)
So then the "commission" is just a way for Obama to shovel federal money to well connected (donors) cronies? It has no power and no purpose other than to line the pockets of Obama stooges?

Once more for the terminally dense:
The commission's task is to recommend ways to improve our election system.
Now how is that such a bad thing? :cuckoo:

Once more, the taxpayers are paying for a commission that has no other purpose than to take our money, they aren't even expected to come up with results. (Not that the States want or need the results of some moronic "commission".)

Soooo, you're claiming the system is perfect or even the best it can be and we shouldn't try to improve it?
Soooo, you're claiming the system is perfect or even the best it can be and we shouldn't try to improve it?

There are 50 systems, not one.

Dear Leader would like to replace them with a single system, under his control, but that might have to wait.

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