Obama Attempting To Take Over Our Elections With Executive Order

Obama is going to make "suggestions" to states on how to run elections.

If they don't do what he "suggests" he's going to ether sue them or claim they're trying to keep blacks from voting. Ether way it's yet again another way to divide us.

Do you have some proof of that or are you simply pulling it from your bunghole?

Numerous lawsuits have already been filed around the country by the DoJ.
Listening to his speeches.
His past lies about not wanting to take over GM and did, not having the authority to grant immunity to illegals and yet he did anyway.
His calling for background check expansion when he already has done it.
It's just a logical conclusion any rational person could come to.

That's a whole lotta self-serving BS. Do you really believe any rational person could find you to be logical?
Obama started a commission last Dec on gun violence too, headed by the VP.

He's setting the stage for a takeover of the election process.

He's a liar and a cheat and cannot be trusted.

You want to trust. Folks like me have no reason to trust him.

Wasn't there a (Terral?) 2008 conspiracy theory which included an Obama "takeover of the election process?" Spending all your time screaming "wolf" will insure that when and if the wolf does come, nobody will believe you and we'll all be fooked. Thanks.

I remember mentioning Obama's plans to go after gun-owners soon after he's reelected.

Nobody believed me then ether.

His takeover of GM, nobody believed that.

That the Muslim Brotherhood would takeover Egypt......shall I go on?????

Dude ... please stop pretending you are some kind of fortune teller. Obama is not taking your fuking guns, does not control GM nor is he controlling elections. Sheesh. Just stop, Chicken Little, the sky is not falling.
Yeah, just like poll taxes and literacy tests! The feds should have kept their noses out of it!

So, the Republicans can't win unless they cheat, they know it, and thus they're butthurt because the Republicans aren't being allowed to cheat. Here's a thought. Instead of spending their days dreaming up ways to reinstate Jim Crow laws, why don't the Republicans instead adopt some policies that people want to vote for?

How many ballots did you cast for your Messiah® in 2012?

Anything less than 10 makes the baby Barack cry....

Woo. That's just plain stupid.
Obama started a commission last Dec on gun violence too, headed by the VP.

He's setting the stage for a takeover of the election process.

He's a liar and a cheat and cannot be trusted.

You want to trust. Folks like me have no reason to trust him.

Wasn't there a (Terral?) 2008 conspiracy theory which included an Obama "takeover of the election process?" Spending all your time screaming "wolf" will insure that when and if the wolf does come, nobody will believe you and we'll all be fooked. Thanks.

Dude, we're all "fooked" now. Just some of you frogs are still enjoying your warm bath. Some of us are trying to get the heat turned off the pot.

Didn't that silly CT, which garnered nodding heads from the same loony CTs at work on this thread, predict marshall law, military patrols and checkpoints and the suspension of our rights by Obama prior to the 2008 elections? Don't you flamin' loons ever look back at the silliness you regularly buy in to? Does reality ever creep into your heads?
Do you have some proof of that or are you simply pulling it from your bunghole?

Numerous lawsuits have already been filed around the country by the DoJ.
Listening to his speeches.
His past lies about not wanting to take over GM and did, not having the authority to grant immunity to illegals and yet he did anyway.
His calling for background check expansion when he already has done it.
It's just a logical conclusion any rational person could come to.

Well, there you go...how many worshipers of Big Government handouts and the messiah of BG, Barry S., do you know of who are rational people who are able to reason logically?

So who here do you figure to be "worshipers of Big Government handouts and the messiah of BG, Barry S?"
Mudwhistle has to make up anti Obama threads because Obama is such a good President.

Pssst, Comrade?

You do realize that the EO is posted for all to see, right?

Maybe I lack CT vision but what the hell is wrong with a federal commission to recommend ways to improve our election process? Frankly, if no efforts to make things better are undertaken, things won't get better.
Maybe I lack CT vision but what the hell is wrong with a federal commission to recommend ways to improve our election process? Frankly, if no efforts to make things better are undertaken, things won't get better.

Let's see, because of Obama's sequester, we can't patrol the border. BUT we can create commissions that tell the many states how to conduct elections despite constitutional mandates that ONLY the states are to conduct such elections....

outside of wild speculation do you have any reason to believe - any plans, any comments, any threats - that would lead you to believe that the commission would somehow end up in federal or more specifically presidential control of the outcomes of elections?

5 years of Obama and the crooked Chicago politics have clearly shown that coercion WILL be used to force the dictates of his commission on the many states.

A man who will murder a 16 year old American Citizen will not hesitate in using federal funding as a club to force federalization of the election process.

I suspect that the main recommendation of the commission will be the dissolution of the electoral college. The party is best served if California and New York alone decide all presidential elections.

Assumptions and wild-eyed speculations.
outside of wild speculation do you have any reason to believe - any plans, any comments, any threats - that would lead you to believe that the commission would somehow end up in federal or more specifically presidential control of the outcomes of elections?

5 years of Obama and the crooked Chicago politics have clearly shown that coercion WILL be used to force the dictates of his commission on the many states.

A man who will murder a 16 year old American Citizen will not hesitate in using federal funding as a club to force federalization of the election process.

I suspect that the main recommendation of the commission will be the dissolution of the electoral college. The party is best served if California and New York alone decide all presidential elections.

so you're concerned that the commission would recommend an act that would require an amendment to the constitution - and you also believe that it would be implemented without that amendment.

that about sum it up?

you're flat out crazy. you're a conspiracy theorist - and a bad one at that. you're afraid of actions that are solely the creation of your mind. with no proof, no evidence, and no real reason to even suspect such a thing you've turned a commission designed to make voting faster, more reliable, and fraud more difficult into one in which the president seizes power and becomes a dictator.

you are the worst kind of idiot - one who believes his own bullshit.

Is there such a thing as a good CT? They are so silly that their incessant sky-is-falling whining has reduced the cry of "wolf" to something to be ignored at all costs.
outside of wild speculation do you have any reason to believe - any plans, any comments, any threats - that would lead you to believe that the commission would somehow end up in federal or more specifically presidential control of the outcomes of elections?

5 years of Obama and the crooked Chicago politics have clearly shown that coercion WILL be used to force the dictates of his commission on the many states.

A man who will murder a 16 year old American Citizen will not hesitate in using federal funding as a club to force federalization of the election process.

I suspect that the main recommendation of the commission will be the dissolution of the electoral college. The party is best served if California and New York alone decide all presidential elections.

so you're concerned that the commission would recommend an act that would require an amendment to the constitution - and you also believe that it would be implemented without that amendment.

that about sum it up?

you're flat out crazy. you're a conspiracy theorist - and a bad one at that. you're afraid of actions that are solely the creation of your mind. with no proof, no evidence, and no real reason to even suspect such a thing you've turned a commission designed to make voting faster, more reliable, and fraud more difficult into one in which the president seizes power and becomes a dictator.

you are the worst kind of idiot - one who believes his own bullshit.

Dude you need too wake up and smell the coffee, but first wipe obama's shit away from your nose.
Fact is elections are in the control of states. Obama is sticking his nose into something that is none of his God Damned business.

Yeah, just like poll taxes and literacy tests! The feds should have kept their noses out of it!

So, the Republicans can't win unless they cheat, they know it, and thus they're butthurt because the Republicans aren't being allowed to cheat. Here's a thought. Instead of spending their days dreaming up ways to reinstate Jim Crow laws, why don't the Republicans instead adopt some policies that people want to vote for?

Same day registration
Vote Farming
Early voting that lasts a full month
Not needing a photo I.D. to vote.

These are all ways that Democrats cheat.

Executive Order -- Establishment of the Presidential Commission of Election Administration | The White House

Federal elections are run by the individual states. Obama signed an executive order Thurdsay attempting to change the way elections will be held from now on, essentially nationalizing elections.

One more step toward dictatorship.
Isn't that what Hugo did in Venezuela during his lifetime, in addition to getting rid of the Venezuelan constitution that disallowed him from a third term before he trashed it?

This messy Democracy keeps getting in his way.
Wow, the NYT says he found nothing.

Problem solved.

Dude, quit being a hack.

Well, before you try to disenfranchise whole groups of their hard-won right to vote, shouldn't you at least have some EVIDENCE of fraud.

Unless it's just you don't like the way "Those people" vote.

Executive Order -- Establishment of the Presidential Commission of Election Administration | The White House

Federal elections are run by the individual states. Obama signed an executive order Thurdsay attempting to change the way elections will be held from now on, essentially nationalizing elections.

One more step toward dictatorship.
Another instance where Obama is overstepping his powers.
His attitude is "I know I am not legally permitted to do this, but I am doing it anyway. Let them sue me"...
This guy is a fucking tyrant.
I don't give a shit which party the President wears. This is wrong on many levels.
I read the text of the Order.
It is so vague, it has no defined role in elections.
It even states "This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person."
Essentially, this order gives the Commission of Obama lackeys broad powers. Powers which on the surface violates the States Rights clause of the 10th Amendment.
No doubt, this is subject to challenges in the courts.

Executive Order -- Establishment of the Presidential Commission of Election Administration | The White House

Federal elections are run by the individual states. Obama signed an executive order Thurdsay attempting to change the way elections will be held from now on, essentially nationalizing elections.

One more step toward dictatorship.
Crap, this is a commission to make recommendations to promote efficient elections and terminates 30 days after preparing a report. That's it.

If you think the federal government is nationalizing elections, you should be complaining about the federal election laws that have been in effect for nearly 40 years which actually regulate national elections or the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which regulates all elections local, state, or federal.

Mission. (a) The Commission shall identify best practices and otherwise make recommendations to promote the efficient administration of elections in order to ensure that all eligible voters have the opportunity to cast their ballots without undue delay, and to improve the experience of voters facing other obstacles in casting their ballots, such as members of the military, overseas voters, voters with disabilities, and voters with limited English proficiency.

Oh....Ok, define "efficient". As to this issue alone.
This is Obama doing trial lawyers a HUGE solid...
For this kind of vague Order will open the litigation flood gates.
No election will be conducted without excessive delays because every person who gets a hang nail is going to claim their right to vote was violated.

Executive Order -- Establishment of the Presidential Commission of Election Administration | The White House

Federal elections are run by the individual states. Obama signed an executive order Thurdsay attempting to change the way elections will be held from now on, essentially nationalizing elections.

One more step toward dictatorship.
Another instance where Obama is overstepping his powers.
His attitude is "I know I am not legally permitted to do this, but I am doing it anyway. Let them sue me"...
This guy is a fucking tyrant.
I don't give a shit which party the President wears. This is wrong on many levels.
I read the text of the Order.
It is so vague, it has no defined role in elections.
It even states "This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person."
Essentially, this order gives the Commission of Obama lackeys broad powers. Powers which on the surface violates the States Rights clause of the 10th Amendment.
No doubt, this is subject to challenges in the courts.

What, exactly, is subject to challenges in court? The formation of a commission to explore ways of making our elections better? Really?

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