Obama Attempting To Take Over Our Elections With Executive Order

The Commission will be disbanded after it submits its final report. All they have to do to perpetuate the their milking of the cash cow is to NEVER produce a final report!

What a fucking crock of shit!

you think these are the types of people that are going to get rich off of per diem?

what is so horrible about trying to make our elections more efficient?
look, you're the one seeing boogey men in every corner.

Facts that are not meant for the public don't cease to be factual due to embarrassment by your party.

What I see is an EO of dubious constitutionality which is pushed by the Obama administration. Not exactly the paragons of constitutional compliance.

And yes, I realize that the hate sites have primers on how to defeat conservatives that advise "mocking" and "derision." The problem is, you're not very convincing since your entire position is based on logical fallacy.

if funds, highway or otherwise, were to be denied to any state for not going along with the recommendations congress would have to approve that.


You have no idea at all how government works, do you?

do you see congress going along with that?

Congress has no say over it.

Congress submits a budget - well, under Dear Leader, no such is needed. But under the Constitution - which was used prior to Obama, Congress approved a budget that granted executive departments certain sums. Some might be "earmarked" for certain projects, but the majority is "discretionary spending." Highway and education grants are at the discretion of these executive departments.

Do you grasp what an "executive" department is? Part of the executive branch, under the President?

further, what recommendations do you think the commission could make that would in any way 'take over' elections?

Hard to say. Recommend that all states use paper ballots. Recommend that ID never be checked. Recommend that address verification be forgone. I'm sure that Obama and the party can come of with some real doozies.
The Commission will be disbanded after it submits its final report. All they have to do to perpetuate the their milking of the cash cow is to NEVER produce a final report!

What a fucking crock of shit!

you think these are the types of people that are going to get rich off of per diem?

what is so horrible about trying to make our elections more efficient?

that tool earned his very own image:

Thank you. The usual flock of irrational paranoid mental cases getting all worked up about whatever they can work their little pea brains into getting worked up about.

I'd love to hear you explain how creating a commission to make recommendations for efficient elections is either unconstitutional or dictatorial.

Nothing about recommendation

the Commission shall consider as appropriate:

"(b) The Commission shall be advisory in nature and shall submit a final report to the President within 6 months of the date of the Commission's first public meeting."

Do I have to define "advisory in nature" for you?
Obama started a commission last Dec on gun violence too, headed by the VP.

He's setting the stage for a takeover of the election process.

He's a liar and a cheat and cannot be trusted.

You want to trust. Folks like me have no reason to trust him.
"(b) The Commission shall be advisory in nature and shall submit a final report to the President within 6 months of the date of the Commission's first public meeting."

Do I have to define "advisory in nature" for you?

And those states failing to follow the "advice" of Dear Leader's commission will soon find federal highway funds and other funds suspended.

Obama is nationalizing elections. We all know it - you simply support it.

yeah... congress going to go for that?

you people are afraid of your own shadows
ok how would you feel about a Republican doing this?
Some suggest as long as we have the right too vote we don't have to use a second amendment solution what if we have the 1980's Russian style of elections? Our election process is being tampered with, and you think nothing is wrong?
Obama is going to make "suggestions" to states on how to run elections.

If they don't do what he "suggests" he's going to ether sue them or claim they're trying to keep blacks from voting. Ether way it's yet again another way to divide us.
Obama is going to make "suggestions" to states on how to run elections.

If they don't do what he "suggests" he's going to ether sue them or claim they're trying to keep blacks from voting. Ether way it's yet again another way to divide us.

These suggestions wouldn't be necessary if the GOP hadn't tried all these stunts to try to keep blacks from voting in the last election cycle.

Hey, here's a crazy idea... instead of trying to keep brown people from voting, how about actually giving them a reason to vote for you?
Obama is going to make "suggestions" to states on how to run elections.

If they don't do what he "suggests" he's going to ether sue them or claim they're trying to keep blacks from voting. Ether way it's yet again another way to divide us.

These suggestions wouldn't be necessary if the GOP hadn't tried all these stunts to try to keep blacks from voting in the last election cycle.

Hey, here's a crazy idea... instead of trying to keep brown people from voting, how about actually giving them a reason to vote for you?

Shut up asshole.

Attempting to stop the cheating isn't a stunt.
Obama is going to make "suggestions" to states on how to run elections.

If they don't do what he "suggests" he's going to ether sue them or claim they're trying to keep blacks from voting. Ether way it's yet again another way to divide us.

These suggestions wouldn't be necessary if the GOP hadn't tried all these stunts to try to keep blacks from voting in the last election cycle.

Hey, here's a crazy idea... instead of trying to keep brown people from voting, how about actually giving them a reason to vote for you?

Shut up asshole.

Attempting to stop the cheating isn't a stunt.

Except the Bush Administration spent five years trying to document this "Cheating", and couldn't.


WASHINGTON, April 11 — Five years after the Bush administration began a crackdown on voter fraud, the Justice Department has turned up virtually no evidence of any organized effort to skew federal elections, according to court records and interviews.

Although Republican activists have repeatedly said fraud is so widespread that it has corrupted the political process and, possibly, cost the party election victories, about 120 people have been charged and 86 convicted as of last year.

Most of those charged have been Democrats, voting records show. Many of those charged by the Justice Department appear to have mistakenly filled out registration forms or misunderstood eligibility rules, a review of court records and interviews with prosecutors and defense lawyers show.

Whooooops. So really, not much cheating going on at all.... Hmmmmm. I wonder what their real motivation was.
Wow, the NYT says he found nothing.

Problem solved.

Dude, quit being a hack.

Dude ... nowhere in that EO does it say that any state shall be punished for not adhering to any of the recommendations which have yet to be written by that commission.
Quit being a Chicken Little. The sky is not falling.
The Commission will be disbanded after it submits its final report. All they have to do to perpetuate the their milking of the cash cow is to NEVER produce a final report!

What a fucking crock of shit!

you think these are the types of people that are going to get rich off of per diem?

what is so horrible about trying to make our elections more efficient?

Some peeps just see an "evil conspiracy" in everything.
Nothing about recommendation

the Commission shall consider as appropriate:

"(b) The Commission shall be advisory in nature and shall submit a final report to the President within 6 months of the date of the Commission's first public meeting."

Do I have to define "advisory in nature" for you?
Obama started a commission last Dec on gun violence too, headed by the VP.

He's setting the stage for a takeover of the election process.

He's a liar and a cheat and cannot be trusted.

You want to trust. Folks like me have no reason to trust him.

Wasn't there a (Terral?) 2008 conspiracy theory which included an Obama "takeover of the election process?" Spending all your time screaming "wolf" will insure that when and if the wolf does come, nobody will believe you and we'll all be fooked. Thanks.
Obama is going to make "suggestions" to states on how to run elections.

If they don't do what he "suggests" he's going to ether sue them or claim they're trying to keep blacks from voting. Ether way it's yet again another way to divide us.

Do you have some proof of that or are you simply pulling it from your bunghole?
Wow, the NYT says he found nothing.

Problem solved.

Dude, quit being a hack.

Dude ... nowhere in that EO does it say that any state shall be punished for not adhering to any of the recommendations which have yet to be written by that commission.
Quit being a Chicken Little. The sky is not falling.

I'm just looking out for your best interests.

There has been way too many times Obama has pulled the wool over you liberal's eyes and then when he gets caught red-handed he makes up excuses. You continue to believe him regardless. I'm just doing my job here. Trying to keep the public informed so to speak.
These suggestions wouldn't be necessary if the GOP hadn't tried all these stunts to try to keep blacks from voting in the last election cycle.

Hey, here's a crazy idea... instead of trying to keep brown people from voting, how about actually giving them a reason to vote for you?

Lying AGAIN, Comrade Joeb Stalin?
Obama is going to make "suggestions" to states on how to run elections.

If they don't do what he "suggests" he's going to ether sue them or claim they're trying to keep blacks from voting. Ether way it's yet again another way to divide us.

Do you have some proof of that or are you simply pulling it from your bunghole?

Numerous lawsuits have already been filed around the country by the DoJ.
Listening to his speeches.
His past lies about not wanting to take over GM and did, not having the authority to grant immunity to illegals and yet he did anyway.
His calling for background check expansion when he already has done it.
It's just a logical conclusion any rational person could come to.
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"(b) The Commission shall be advisory in nature and shall submit a final report to the President within 6 months of the date of the Commission's first public meeting."

Do I have to define "advisory in nature" for you?
Obama started a commission last Dec on gun violence too, headed by the VP.

He's setting the stage for a takeover of the election process.

He's a liar and a cheat and cannot be trusted.

You want to trust. Folks like me have no reason to trust him.

Wasn't there a (Terral?) 2008 conspiracy theory which included an Obama "takeover of the election process?" Spending all your time screaming "wolf" will insure that when and if the wolf does come, nobody will believe you and we'll all be fooked. Thanks.

I remember mentioning Obama's plans to go after gun-owners soon after he's reelected.

Nobody believed me then ether.

His takeover of GM, nobody believed that.

That the Muslim Brotherhood would takeover Egypt......shall I go on?????
Fact is elections are in the control of states. Obama is sticking his nose into something that is none of his God Damned business.

Yeah, just like poll taxes and literacy tests! The feds should have kept their noses out of it!

So, the Republicans can't win unless they cheat, they know it, and thus they're butthurt because the Republicans aren't being allowed to cheat. Here's a thought. Instead of spending their days dreaming up ways to reinstate Jim Crow laws, why don't the Republicans instead adopt some policies that people want to vote for?
Yeah, just like poll taxes and literacy tests! The feds should have kept their noses out of it!

So, the Republicans can't win unless they cheat, they know it, and thus they're butthurt because the Republicans aren't being allowed to cheat. Here's a thought. Instead of spending their days dreaming up ways to reinstate Jim Crow laws, why don't the Republicans instead adopt some policies that people want to vote for?

How many ballots did you cast for your Messiah® in 2012?

Anything less than 10 makes the baby Barack cry....

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