Obama Attempting To Take Over Our Elections With Executive Order

No one makes recommindations when they are also considering what is appropriate

Sec. 3. Mission. (a) The Commission shall identify best practices and otherwise make recommendations to promote the efficient administration of elections in order to ensure that all eligible voters have the opportunity to cast their ballots without undue delay, and to improve the experience of voters facing other obstacles in casting their ballots, such as members of the military, overseas voters, voters with disabilities, and voters with limited English proficiency.

In doing so, the Commission shall consider as appropriate:

You god damn democrats have been screaming for years that nothing was wrong with elections, but now we have this god damn son of a bitch trying to influence elections.

6) (e) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

Executive Order -- Establishment of the Presidential Commission of Election Administration | The White House

Oh the same confusing verbiage created in the NDAA 2012 and then we find out that American citizens can be detained, and drones can be used on Americans on American soil.

Drones? Not many people who go on about drones tell the whole truth. You fit right in. The scenarios under which a drone would be used to 'get' an American on American soil are so far fetched, as to make the hysterical concerns of people like you look ridiculous.

No one makes recommindations when they are also considering what is appropriate

Sec. 3. Mission. (a) The Commission shall identify best practices and otherwise make recommendations to promote the efficient administration of elections in order to ensure that all eligible voters have the opportunity to cast their ballots without undue delay, and to improve the experience of voters facing other obstacles in casting their ballots, such as members of the military, overseas voters, voters with disabilities, and voters with limited English proficiency.

In doing so, the Commission shall consider as appropriate:

You god damn democrats have been screaming for years that nothing was wrong with elections, but now we have this god damn son of a bitch trying to influence elections.

Sec. 5. Termination. The Commission shall terminate 30 days after it presents its final report to the President.

Executive Order -- Establishment of the Presidential Commission of Election Administration | The White House

And? 30 days after the mid-term elections no big deal right? You see absolutely nothing wrong here.

more proof this thread belongs in Conspiracy Forum or the Flame Zone
"(b) The Commission shall be advisory in nature and shall submit a final report to the President within 6 months of the date of the Commission's first public meeting."

Do I have to define "advisory in nature" for you?

And those states failing to follow the "advice" of Dear Leader's commission will soon find federal highway funds and other funds suspended.

Obama is nationalizing elections. We all know it - you simply support it.
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another conspiracy thread? :cuckoo:

you people are so sad

The link goes to the White House so I'd hardly call it a conspiracy thread.

Dainty has an IQ in the low 40's - basic facts elude him.

Uncensored speaking about IQs? :eek:


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sweet fuck sometimes i think the people of the united states are okay, then i come on here and find out that half of them are retarded.

if you can't be bothered to read you're own link one wonders how you manage to get through the day without causing serious injury to yourself or others.
"(b) The Commission shall be advisory in nature and shall submit a final report to the President within 6 months of the date of the Commission's first public meeting."

Do I have to define "advisory in nature" for you?

And those states failing to follow the "advice" of Dear Leader's commission will soon find federal highway funds and other funds suspended.

Obama is nationalizing elections. We all know it - you simply support it.

yeah... congress going to go for that?

you people are afraid of your own shadows
yeah... congress going to go for that?

Congress has no say over it. Obama appointed a commission to "advise" the many states on how they shall conduct elections. Where do you see the involvement of congress?

Traditionally, unconstitutional mandates are enforced by the executive by holding funding from executive departments hostage, coercing compliance from the states. States that fail to abide by "recommendations" will find highway grants and education grants denied.

you people are afraid of your own shadows

Like most leftists, you're not very bright.
yeah... congress going to go for that?

Congress has no say over it. Obama appointed a commission to "advise" the many states on how they shall conduct elections. Where do you see the involvement of congress?

Traditionally, unconstitutional mandates are enforced by the executive by holding funding from executive departments hostage, coercing compliance from the states. States that fail to abide by "recommendations" will find highway grants and education grants denied.

you people are afraid of your own shadows

Like most leftists, you're not very bright.

look, you're the one seeing boogey men in every corner. if funds, highway or otherwise, were to be denied to any state for not going along with the recommendations congress would have to approve that.

do you see congress going along with that?

further, what recommendations do you think the commission could make that would in any way 'take over' elections?
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The Commission will be disbanded after it submits its final report. All they have to do to perpetuate the their milking of the cash cow is to NEVER produce a final report!

What a fucking crock of shit!

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