Obama banned Iraq immigration, Carter banned Iranian

Iran held our embassy.

Republicans invaded Iraq.

You guys are asswipes, I swear.

And the syrian refugees have been causing terrorist attacks in their host countries.

But I guess THAT's okay. Who's an a-wipe?
And guess what? The liberals were silent.

Trump bans Syrian, and EVERYONE GOES INSANE!!!!!!!!!!

It's totally political, totally fake, and proves totally how STUPID liberals are.

Either they don't know Obama did the same thing. or they don't care.

It's just about protesting a Republican.

Stop letting them get away with it.

Obama did not ban Iraqi immigration. After a specific incident where supposedly vetted individuals from Iraq were caught plotting a terrorist act, new vetting procedures, which severely slowed down processing were implanted. There was no actual ban.

Carter put a ban on Iran, because, at the time, the government of Iran was holding U.S. citizens hostage. Visas for Iranians coming to the U.S. were stopped and no future visas, with some exceptions, were to be issued. Specific exemptions for national security or humanitarian reasons were allowed.

So neither is the same thing.

And Trump banned the citizens of 7 countries, because....why?
One, the question is not is it illegal, but is it right and fair.

Two, the American public does not support the Ban.
It satisfies his supporters that he "kept" a promise, and it's something that doesn't really give him additional political baggage. Whatever we are doing to keep people like the 9-11 terrorists from coming here appears to be working in that most terror attacks have come from citizens who were radicalized. There have been some attacks or planned attacks from individuals allowed to go to school or work here, though.

And it got the "fake" news to look at a different shiny object and took the light off his "big border tax" that even the gop was not pleased with.

You are avoiding that Obama did it too and you liberals didn't object one bit.

So try again.
And it made little sense when Obama did it and absolutely no sense when Carter did it.
But Trump is just pandering to the neoright

so try again.

Then why didn't you object to it?
No one needs to convince you of anything, you're irrelevant.
One, the question is not is it illegal, but is it right and fair.

Two, the American public does not support the Ban.
It satisfies his supporters that he "kept" a promise, and it's something that doesn't really give him additional political baggage. Whatever we are doing to keep people like the 9-11 terrorists from coming here appears to be working in that most terror attacks have come from citizens who were radicalized. There have been some attacks or planned attacks from individuals allowed to go to school or work here, though.

And it got the "fake" news to look at a different shiny object and took the light off his "big border tax" that even the gop was not pleased with.

You are avoiding that Obama did it too and you liberals didn't object one bit.

So try again.
He did not ban; he re-did the vetting. Trump can't even get it right.
It may be time to repeat this again:

"Yep liberals are all politics all the time."

All phony politics, all the time.
Look at your thread.

Look at your inability to address it.

If I was a liberal who was all about (phony) politics all the time I would have been sucked into your childish tantrum, pass.

Who's having the tantrum? I'm just pointing out both Obama and Carter did immigration bans and liberals said ZERO about it. Now they are having a tantrum

Still waiting for you to address that INSTEAD of trying to deflect.
And guess what? The liberals were silent.

Trump bans Syrian, and EVERYONE GOES INSANE!!!!!!!!!!

It's totally political, totally fake, and proves totally how STUPID liberals are.

Either they don't know Obama did the same thing. or they don't care.

It's just about protesting a Republican.

Stop letting them get away with it.
Glad to see you've turned it around and become a Carter/Obama supporter.
One, the question is not is it illegal, but is it right and fair.

Two, the American public does not support the Ban.
It satisfies his supporters that he "kept" a promise, and it's something that doesn't really give him additional political baggage. Whatever we are doing to keep people like the 9-11 terrorists from coming here appears to be working in that most terror attacks have come from citizens who were radicalized. There have been some attacks or planned attacks from individuals allowed to go to school or work here, though.

And it got the "fake" news to look at a different shiny object and took the light off his "big border tax" that even the gop was not pleased with.

You are avoiding that Obama did it too and you liberals didn't object one bit.

So try again.
And it made little sense when Obama did it and absolutely no sense when Carter did it.
But Trump is just pandering to the neoright

so try again.

Then why didn't you object to it?
No one needs to convince you of anything, you're irrelevant.

I think we can see who's irrelevant when you come into a thread about the history of immigration bans and you can't even address the subject.

All you can do is deflect and when that doesn't work, just start attacking.

Notice not on liberal can address the actual subject?

Still waiting for them to do that.
It satisfies his supporters that he "kept" a promise, and it's something that doesn't really give him additional political baggage. Whatever we are doing to keep people like the 9-11 terrorists from coming here appears to be working in that most terror attacks have come from citizens who were radicalized. There have been some attacks or planned attacks from individuals allowed to go to school or work here, though.

And it got the "fake" news to look at a different shiny object and took the light off his "big border tax" that even the gop was not pleased with.

You are avoiding that Obama did it too and you liberals didn't object one bit.

So try again.
And it made little sense when Obama did it and absolutely no sense when Carter did it.
But Trump is just pandering to the neoright

so try again.

Then why didn't you object to it?
No one needs to convince you of anything, you're irrelevant.

I think we can see who's irrelevant when you come into a thread about the history of immigration bans and you can't even address the subject.

All you can do is deflect and when that doesn't work, just start attacking.

Have a nice day.
You are avoiding that Obama did it too and you liberals didn't object one bit.

So try again.
And it made little sense when Obama did it and absolutely no sense when Carter did it.
But Trump is just pandering to the neoright

so try again.

Then why didn't you object to it?
No one needs to convince you of anything, you're irrelevant.

I think we can see who's irrelevant when you come into a thread about the history of immigration bans and you can't even address the subject.

All you can do is deflect and when that doesn't work, just start attacking.

Have a nice day.

Yeah, I agree, you lost and need to run away.


Who's the next pathetic liberal who can even begin to try and address that Obama and Carter also did immigration bans?
And guess what? The liberals were silent.

Trump bans Syrian, and EVERYONE GOES INSANE!!!!!!!!!!

It's totally political, totally fake, and proves totally how STUPID liberals are.

Either they don't know Obama did the same thing. or they don't care.

It's just about protesting a Republican.

Stop letting them get away with it.

Bullshit premise. Trump claimed it, you mindlessly posted it but fact checkers find stark differences between what happened under Obama and what Trump did with Executive Order:

Fact check: Trump's claim that his refugee policy is similar to Obama's in 2011

Trump’s facile claim that his refugee policy is similar to Obama’s in 2011

So what's the difference with Trump's action?

First, Obama responded to an actual threat - the discovery that two Iraqi refugees has been implicated in bomb-making in Iraq that had targeted U.S. troops. Under congressional pressure, officials decided to reexamine all previous refugees and also impose new screening procedures, which led to a slowdown in processing new applications. Trump, by contrast, issued his executive order without any known triggering threat.

Second, Obama did not announce there was a ban on visa applications. In fact, as seen in Napolitano's answer to Collins, administration officials danced around that question. There was certainly a lot of news reporting that visa applications had been slowed to a trickle. But the Obama administration never said it was their policy to halt all applications. Even so, the delays did not go unnoticed, so there was a lot of critical news reporting at the time about the angst of Iraqis waiting for approval.

Former Obama administration Jon Finer denied there was any ban in Iraqi refugees admissions put in place under Obama. “While the flow of Iraqi refugees slowed significantly during the Obama administration’s review, refugees continued to be admitted to the United States during that time, and there was not a single month in which no Iraqis arrived here,he wrote in Foreign Policy. “In other words, while there were delays in processing, there was no outright ban.

Third, Obama's policy did not prevent all citizens of that country, including green-card holders, from traveling the United States. Trump's policy is much more sweeping.
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And guess what? The liberals were silent.

Trump bans Syrian, and EVERYONE GOES INSANE!!!!!!!!!!

It's totally political, totally fake, and proves totally how STUPID liberals are.

Either they don't know Obama did the same thing. or they don't care.

It's just about protesting a Republican.

Stop letting them get away with it.

Bullshit premise. Trump claimed it, you mindlessly posted it but fact checkers find stark differences between what happened under Obama and what Trump did with Executive Order:

Fact check: Trump's claim that his refugee policy is similar to Obama's in 2011

Trump’s facile claim that his refugee policy is similar to Obama’s in 2011

I'm not making any claim. Obama DID have an immigration ban.

Carter DID have an immigration ban.

UNLESS you can deny those happen, this is just another attempt by liberals to say it doesn't count because of some technicality.

Nice try but that isn't going to work.
And the liberals grow quiet.

You know when they do that, it's because they can't refute the premise and they just want it to go away.
And guess what? The liberals were silent.

Trump bans Syrian, and EVERYONE GOES INSANE!!!!!!!!!!

It's totally political, totally fake, and proves totally how STUPID liberals are.

Either they don't know Obama did the same thing. or they don't care.

It's just about protesting a Republican.

Stop letting them get away with it.

Bullshit premise. Trump claimed it, you mindlessly posted it but fact checkers find stark differences between what happened under Obama and what Trump did with Executive Order:

Fact check: Trump's claim that his refugee policy is similar to Obama's in 2011

Trump’s facile claim that his refugee policy is similar to Obama’s in 2011

I'm not making any claim. Obama DID have an immigration ban.

Yes you are and no he didn't stupid.

Former Obama administration Jon Finer denied there was any ban in Iraqi refugees admissions put in place under Obama. “While the flow of Iraqi refugees slowed significantly during the Obama administration’s review, refugees continued to be admitted to the United States during that time, and there was not a single month in which no Iraqis arrived here,” he wrote in Foreign Policy. “In other words, while there were delays in processing, there was no outright ban.”
And the liberals grow quiet.

You know when they do that, it's because they can't refute the premise and they just want it to go away.

And guess what? The liberals were silent.

Trump bans Syrian, and EVERYONE GOES INSANE!!!!!!!!!!

It's totally political, totally fake, and proves totally how STUPID liberals are.

Either they don't know Obama did the same thing. or they don't care.

It's just about protesting a Republican.

Stop letting them get away with it.

Bullshit premise. Trump claimed it, you mindlessly posted it but fact checkers find stark differences between what happened under Obama and what Trump did with Executive Order:

Fact check: Trump's claim that his refugee policy is similar to Obama's in 2011

Trump’s facile claim that his refugee policy is similar to Obama’s in 2011

I'm not making any claim. Obama DID have an immigration ban.

Yes you are and no he didn't stupid.

Former Obama administration Jon Finer denied there was any ban in Iraqi refugees admissions put in place under Obama. “While the flow of Iraqi refugees slowed significantly during the Obama administration’s review, refugees continued to be admitted to the United States during that time, and there was not a single month in which no Iraqis arrived here,” he wrote in Foreign Policy. “In other words, while there were delays in processing, there was no outright ban.”

Obama put a hold on immigration from Iraq, that's all Trump has done.

Nice try guys but you are trying to snatch at straws.

Obama Also Put A Hold On Muslim Immigrants In 2011, And The Countries He Banned Were The Same (But He Didn’t Mean It) | VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform

FLASHBACK: Obama Suspended Iraq Refugee Program for Six Months Over Terrorism Fears in 2011 - Breitbart
And guess what? The liberals were silent.

Trump bans Syrian, and EVERYONE GOES INSANE!!!!!!!!!!

It's totally political, totally fake, and proves totally how STUPID liberals are.

Either they don't know Obama did the same thing. or they don't care.

It's just about protesting a Republican.

Stop letting them get away with it.

Bullshit premise. Trump claimed it, you mindlessly posted it but fact checkers find stark differences between what happened under Obama and what Trump did with Executive Order:

Fact check: Trump's claim that his refugee policy is similar to Obama's in 2011

Trump’s facile claim that his refugee policy is similar to Obama’s in 2011

I'm not making any claim. Obama DID have an immigration ban.

Yes you are and no he didn't stupid.

Former Obama administration Jon Finer denied there was any ban in Iraqi refugees admissions put in place under Obama. “While the flow of Iraqi refugees slowed significantly during the Obama administration’s review, refugees continued to be admitted to the United States during that time, and there was not a single month in which no Iraqis arrived here,” he wrote in Foreign Policy. “In other words, while there were delays in processing, there was no outright ban.”

Obama put a hold on immigration from Iraq, that's all Trump has done.

Nice try guys but you are trying to snatch at straws.

Obama Also Put A Hold On Muslim Immigrants In 2011, And The Countries He Banned Were The Same (But He Didn’t Mean It) | VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform

FLASHBACK: Obama Suspended Iraq Refugee Program for Six Months Over Terrorism Fears in 2011 - Breitbart

Are you fucking retarded?

I just posted you direct sourcing from someone that specifically dealt with Iraqi refugees during Obama's term and he states in no uncertain terms that there was no outright ban, only slowdowns due to longer vetting process. Fo you to claim that there was six month stop of Iraqis coming is PURE BULLSHIT.

ONE MORE TIME, so you can maybe read it:

Jon Finer denied there was any ban in Iraqi refugees admissions put in place under Obama. “While the flow of Iraqi refugees slowed significantly during the Obama administration’s review, refugees continued to be admitted to the United States during that time, and there was not a single month in which no Iraqis arrived here,” he wrote in Foreign Policy. “In other words, while there were delays in processing, there was no outright ban.”

Sorry, Mr. President: The Obama Administration Did Nothing Similar to Your Immigration Ban

Leaving aside the unusual nature of team Trump looking to his predecessors’ policies for cover, it seems worth pointing out this statement obscures enormous differences between the executive order the White House issued on Friday and what the Obama administration did. Here are six important points of differentiation:

1. Scope: The Obama administration conducted a review in 2011 of the vetting procedures applied to citizens of a single country (Iraq) and then only to refugees and applicants for Special Immigrant Visas (SIVs), created by Congress to help Iraqis (and later Afghans) who supported the United States in those conflicts. The Trump executive order, on the other hand, applies to seven countries with total population more than 130 million, and to virtually every category of immigrant other than diplomats, including tourists and business travelers.

2. Rationale: The Obama administration’s 2011 review came in response to specific threat information, including the arrest in Kentucky of two Iraqi refugees, still the only terrorism-related arrests out of about 130,000 Iraqi refugees and SIV holders admitted to the United States. Thus far the Trump administration has provided no evidence, nor even asserted, that any specific information or intelligence has led to its draconian order.

"The Grabber" has turned governing into a wrestlemania promo.

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