Obama - Bigger Government, Higher Taxes, Less Freedom

I am afraid your are misinformed or uninformed or both. The trend of more wealth to the top tiers is a 30 plus year trend that accelerated after the Reagan years and the attacks on Unions. This is not my opinion regarding the 30 plus year trend

How do you suggest that the government punish people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet, George Soros, the Koch brothers, Oprah, and Trump for being successful? How much more of their money should the government take from them?

You are defining taxes as "punishment"...Warren Buffett has said he is under taxed...Taxes are the price we pay for civilization and infrastructure...

Buffett to Congress: The wealthy are under-taxed :clap2:

Nothing is preventing Buffet from sending more money to the govt. Wonder why he takes every deduction and exemption that his accountants can come up with?

Punative taxation is punishment and is a disincentive to innovation and invention---and job creation
5 years after Obama set out to "fundamentally transform America", we've seen unemployment rise, welfare claims skyrocket, and the national debt go through the roof. We are seeing the transformation of the American economy from free enterprise to government-mandated socialism. We need to turn things around. The GOP stands for less government and more freedom. We believe in equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome. Let's win one for the next generation.

So which of your taxes has gone up since Obama became president?
How do you suggest that the government punish people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet, George Soros, the Koch brothers, Oprah, and Trump for being successful? How much more of their money should the government take from them?

You are defining taxes as "punishment"...Warren Buffett has said he is under taxed...Taxes are the price we pay for civilization and infrastructure...

Buffett to Congress: The wealthy are under-taxed :clap2:

Taxes are in the Constitution.

Which shows how much these folks seriously respect it.

taxes are necessary, no one has ever said otherwise. Government waste and fiscal mismanagement are not necessary, but have been prevalent for years.
5 years after Obama set out to "fundamentally transform America", we've seen unemployment rise, welfare claims skyrocket, and the national debt go through the roof. We are seeing the transformation of the American economy from free enterprise to government-mandated socialism. We need to turn things around. The GOP stands for less government and more freedom. We believe in equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome. Let's win one for the next generation.


Another newbie who thinks he's the first one saying all this.
I am afraid your are misinformed or uninformed or both. The trend of more wealth to the top tiers is a 30 plus year trend that accelerated after the Reagan years and the attacks on Unions. This is not my opinion regarding the 30 plus year trend

Heres the bigger point. Redfish doesn't give a dam about the wealth gap, how big it Is or who caused it.

He supports every policy that perpetuates the gap.

The ONLY reason hes bringing it up is to try to beat Obama over the head with the policies Redfish supports. :D

Not true at all. I support individual FREEDOM and individual RESPONSIBILITY. I support the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail.

We already have a tax system that takes from the successful and gives to the unsuccessful. What you want is a system whereby the government confiscates all income and then passes it out as it sees fit----------you want a monarchy.

Liberals and progressives also support Individual Freedom and Responsibility...you are not unique in that...We have tax system called crony Capitalism where the Govt guarantees some people's success but it is not the average American getting this help...its corporations and the wealthy...they have created a separate reality and convinced some that it is the poor that are causing problems...that is an absurd notion in my opinion..
You are defining taxes as "punishment"...Warren Buffett has said he is under taxed...Taxes are the price we pay for civilization and infrastructure...

Buffett to Congress: The wealthy are under-taxed :clap2:

Taxes are in the Constitution.

Which shows how much these folks seriously respect it.

taxes are necessary, no one has ever said otherwise. Government waste and fiscal mismanagement are not necessary, but have been prevalent for years.

I agree in general with this however I do not agree this started 5 years ago.....
I am afraid your are misinformed or uninformed or both. The trend of more wealth to the top tiers is a 30 plus year trend that accelerated after the Reagan years and the attacks on Unions. This is not my opinion regarding the 30 plus year trend

Heres the bigger point. Redfish doesn't give a dam about the wealth gap, how big it Is or who caused it.

He supports every policy that perpetuates the gap.

The ONLY reason hes bringing it up is to try to beat Obama over the head with the policies Redfish supports. :D

Not true at all. I support individual FREEDOM and individual RESPONSIBILITY. I support the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail.

We already have a tax system that takes from the successful and gives to the unsuccessful. What you want is a system whereby the government confiscates all income and then passes it out as it sees fit----------you want a monarchy.

What if the American People want Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, public education, public roads and bridges, a taxpayer funded government run military, taxpayer funded scientific research, FEMA, the CDC, an EPA, an FDA, and on and on?

Then where does that leave you? Well, it leaves you as the one who wants some sort of 'monarchy',

or other form of undemocratic anti-will of the people government, than can somehow impose your minority view of what the country should be.

Face it, democracy is your enemy.
How do you suggest that the government punish people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet, George Soros, the Koch brothers, Oprah, and Trump for being successful? How much more of their money should the government take from them?

You are defining taxes as "punishment"...Warren Buffett has said he is under taxed...Taxes are the price we pay for civilization and infrastructure...

Buffett to Congress: The wealthy are under-taxed :clap2:

Nothing is preventing Buffet from sending more money to the govt. Wonder why he takes every deduction and exemption that his accountants can come up with?

Punative taxation is punishment and is a disincentive to innovation and invention---and job creation

The most one can say is "Buffett is a hypocrite" what remains untouched is his argument for more taxes. Lets say a thief declared "stealing is wrong" and you pointed out"hey you are a thief too"...you showed the person is a hypocrite but stealing continues to be wrong...
Heres the bigger point. Redfish doesn't give a dam about the wealth gap, how big it Is or who caused it.

He supports every policy that perpetuates the gap.

The ONLY reason hes bringing it up is to try to beat Obama over the head with the policies Redfish supports. :D

Not true at all. I support individual FREEDOM and individual RESPONSIBILITY. I support the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail.

We already have a tax system that takes from the successful and gives to the unsuccessful. What you want is a system whereby the government confiscates all income and then passes it out as it sees fit----------you want a monarchy.

What if the American People want Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, public education, public roads and bridges, a taxpayer funded government run military, taxpayer funded scientific research, FEMA, the CDC, an EPA, an FDA, and on and on?

Then where does that leave you? Well, it leaves you as the one who wants some sort of 'monarchy',

or other form of undemocratic anti-will of the people government, than can somehow impose your minority view of what the country should be.

Face it, democracy is your enemy.

wrong, if a majority of the citizens vote for those things, then they deserve the results of those votes. If those votes destroy the fiscal sanity of the country, then so be it.

and thats exactly where we are today.
5 years after Obama set out to "fundamentally transform America", we have seen Right wing hysteria rise, claims of being victimized by poor people sky rocketing from cry baby whiners, and the inability to tax at the same level as during the Clinton era plus the Bush unfunded liabilities leading to a larger National debt. We need to turn things around. We need to get rid of Tea Party ninnies in the Congress . The GOP stands for a Nation of 99 percent serfs and an elite aristocracy of private industry looters. We believe in equality of opportunity that requires leveling the playing field not guaranteed success for 1 percent of the population. Lets preserve the progress of the last 75 years through the New Deal and progress farther/further...:cool:

horseshit. the gap between rich and poor has gotten larger due to obama's policies. He is screwing the people who put him in office and you are too stupid to realize it. Pathetic.

Indeed. Welfare just encourages people to stay where they are, income-wise. Plus, Obama's socialism also aids certain segments of the rich, like electric car producers and green energy companies like Solyndra. Socialism isn't rich vs. poor. It's government-mandated outcomes versus individual initiative.

That needs to be said again It's government-mandated outcomes versus individual initiative.which in turn determines success and prosperity.
I am afraid your are misinformed or uninformed or both. The trend of more wealth to the top tiers is a 30 plus year trend that accelerated after the Reagan years and the attacks on Unions. This is not my opinion regarding the 30 plus year trend

How do you suggest that the government punish people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet, George Soros, the Koch brothers, Oprah, and Trump for being successful? How much more of their money should the government take from them?

You are defining taxes as "punishment"...Warren Buffett has said he is under taxed...Taxes are the price we pay for civilization and infrastructure...

Buffett to Congress: The wealthy are under-taxed :clap2:

And Buffet has the freedom to give more according to his FEELINGS.... funny how he says that after he got his, eh??

The truth is we are not taxed equally in rate.. we have half the adult citizenry paying no income tax yet they are earning income... and we have those that are on 'assistance' when they are not paying taxes... lest we forget the luxuries that those who 'cannot make it on their own' have while they are on the 'assistance'...
Heres the bigger point. Redfish doesn't give a dam about the wealth gap, how big it Is or who caused it.

He supports every policy that perpetuates the gap.

The ONLY reason hes bringing it up is to try to beat Obama over the head with the policies Redfish supports. :D

Not true at all. I support individual FREEDOM and individual RESPONSIBILITY. I support the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail.

We already have a tax system that takes from the successful and gives to the unsuccessful. What you want is a system whereby the government confiscates all income and then passes it out as it sees fit----------you want a monarchy.

What if the American People want Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, public education, public roads and bridges, a taxpayer funded government run military, taxpayer funded scientific research, FEMA, the CDC, an EPA, an FDA, and on and on?

Then where does that leave you? Well, it leaves you as the one who wants some sort of 'monarchy',

or other form of undemocratic anti-will of the people government, than can somehow impose your minority view of what the country should be.

Face it, democracy is your enemy.

what % of their income should the top 1% have taken by the government? I want a number, not words.
horseshit. the gap between rich and poor has gotten larger due to obama's policies. He is screwing the people who put him in office and you are too stupid to realize it. Pathetic.

I am afraid your are misinformed or uninformed or both. The trend of more wealth to the top tiers is a 30 plus year trend that accelerated after the Reagan years and the attacks on Unions. This is not my opinion regarding the 30 plus year trend

Heres the bigger point. Redfish doesn't give a dam about the wealth gap, how big it Is or who caused it.

He supports every policy that perpetuates the gap.

The ONLY reason hes bringing it up is to try to beat Obama over the head with the policies Redfish supports. :D

Freedom... it does not assure equality in outcome.. but I will take it every day instead of your crap
5 years after Obama set out to "fundamentally transform America", we've seen unemployment rise, welfare claims skyrocket, and the national debt go through the roof. We are seeing the transformation of the American economy from free enterprise to government-mandated socialism. We need to turn things around. The GOP stands for less government and more freedom. We believe in equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome. Let's win one for the next generation.

So which of your taxes has gone up since Obama became president?

Income tax, payroll tax, capital gains tax... the list goes on when you delve into Obamacare, fuel taxes, etc that have all gone up under Obamalama
I am afraid your are misinformed or uninformed or both. The trend of more wealth to the top tiers is a 30 plus year trend that accelerated after the Reagan years and the attacks on Unions. This is not my opinion regarding the 30 plus year trend

Heres the bigger point. Redfish doesn't give a dam about the wealth gap, how big it Is or who caused it.

He supports every policy that perpetuates the gap.

The ONLY reason hes bringing it up is to try to beat Obama over the head with the policies Redfish supports. :D

Freedom... it does not assure equality in outcome.. but I will take it every day instead of your crap

exactly, the jealousy of the left of successful people is behind all of their bullshit. "take it from Trump and give it to me" "I didn't work for it, but the govt owes it to me" assholes!
You are defining taxes as "punishment"...Warren Buffett has said he is under taxed...Taxes are the price we pay for civilization and infrastructure...

Buffett to Congress: The wealthy are under-taxed :clap2:

Taxes are in the Constitution.

Which shows how much these folks seriously respect it.

taxes are necessary, no one has ever said otherwise. Government waste and fiscal mismanagement are not necessary, but have been prevalent for years.

And not once have I seen you or any other conservative posters here address government waste and fiscal mismanagement.

You could start with the military..one of the biggest money sinks in the country.

We just spent close to a trillion dollars for 2 exotic planes, one of which actually got made, the F22 and the F35.

You could also address the Missile Defense Systems which Billions have been spent on and essentially doesn't work.

But naw..you bray on and on about social programs. Those..you want to get completely rid of..because starving babies and putting grandma on the street will make us a stronger nation.

I am afraid your are misinformed or uninformed or both. The trend of more wealth to the top tiers is a 30 plus year trend that accelerated after the Reagan years and the attacks on Unions. This is not my opinion regarding the 30 plus year trend

Heres the bigger point. Redfish doesn't give a dam about the wealth gap, how big it Is or who caused it.

He supports every policy that perpetuates the gap.

The ONLY reason hes bringing it up is to try to beat Obama over the head with the policies Redfish supports. :D

Not true at all. I support individual FREEDOM and individual RESPONSIBILITY. I support the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail.

We already have a tax system that takes from the successful and gives to the unsuccessful. What you want is a system whereby the government confiscates all income and then passes it out as it sees fit----------you want a monarchy.

Exactly what I said, you support the bullshit while complaining about the bullshit.

Spray water in the dirt, jump in it then cry that you're all muddy while supporting the mud pit. You sound conflicted, stupid or both
Heres the bigger point. Redfish doesn't give a dam about the wealth gap, how big it Is or who caused it.

He supports every policy that perpetuates the gap.

The ONLY reason hes bringing it up is to try to beat Obama over the head with the policies Redfish supports. :D

Not true at all. I support individual FREEDOM and individual RESPONSIBILITY. I support the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail.

We already have a tax system that takes from the successful and gives to the unsuccessful. What you want is a system whereby the government confiscates all income and then passes it out as it sees fit----------you want a monarchy.

What if the American People want Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, public education, public roads and bridges, a taxpayer funded government run military, taxpayer funded scientific research, FEMA, the CDC, an EPA, an FDA, and on and on?

Then where does that leave you? Well, it leaves you as the one who wants some sort of 'monarchy',

or other form of undemocratic anti-will of the people government, than can somehow impose your minority view of what the country should be.

Face it, democracy is your enemy.

It leaves budgetary and government choices ..those ought to be made for the benefit of the majority..
Not true at all. I support individual FREEDOM and individual RESPONSIBILITY. I support the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail.

We already have a tax system that takes from the successful and gives to the unsuccessful. What you want is a system whereby the government confiscates all income and then passes it out as it sees fit----------you want a monarchy.

What if the American People want Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, public education, public roads and bridges, a taxpayer funded government run military, taxpayer funded scientific research, FEMA, the CDC, an EPA, an FDA, and on and on?

Then where does that leave you? Well, it leaves you as the one who wants some sort of 'monarchy',

or other form of undemocratic anti-will of the people government, than can somehow impose your minority view of what the country should be.

Face it, democracy is your enemy.

It leaves budgetary and government choices ..those ought to be made for the benefit of the majority..

While restricted by the rule of law, AKA the constitution...

Otherwise, you have tyranny of the majority.. which is not what this country was founded to be, nor should it be

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