Obama - Bigger Government, Higher Taxes, Less Freedom

Cute story. Now that we know how to handle your brother. How about an actual solution for the nation.

Again, try not to be lazy this time.

Yeah I know....I lost you at personal responsibility and sacrifice.
And if you dont see the truth in what I said you're blind. I suppose you would have watched your bros life spiral out of control? Yeah that figures.
Oh and my bro? I think he's seen the light. He's actively looking for a better job because he has no one left to bail him out...and he knows it.

If I had asked you how to handle the situation with your brother it would have been a great answer. But that's not what I asked you.

RDD: What is your favorite color?
HereWeGoAgain: McDonalds
RDD: That's not what I asked you.
HereWeGoAgain: It's not my fault you don't "understand" my answer

Fixed that for you......
Yeah I know....I lost you at personal responsibility and sacrifice.
And if you dont see the truth in what I said you're blind. I suppose you would have watched your bros life spiral out of control? Yeah that figures.
Oh and my bro? I think he's seen the light. He's actively looking for a better job because he has no one left to bail him out...and he knows it.

If I had asked you how to handle the situation with your brother it would have been a great answer. But that's not what I asked you.

RDD: What is your favorite color?
HereWeGoAgain: McDonalds
RDD: That's not what I asked you.
HereWeGoAgain: It's not my fault you don't "understand" my answer

Fixed that for you......

I'm glad you didn't disagree with how asinine your response was to my question.
How do you explain the wealth gap increasing well before Obama took office.....still Obamas fault, right?

No, obviously no president is responsible for things that happened before he took office. But you guys elected obama to fix the income gap and to make everything "fair" and "equal". Instead what you got was more of the same. In fact, his policies have helped big business at the expense of the poor and middle classes.

the big losers under obama have been the inner city blacks, he has done NOTHING to help the people who needed the most help.

Obama has failed the people who elected him---------face that reality and move on.

Where do "you guys" get this shit? Obama was elected because the best the Republican party could offer was McCain/Palin. Or Romney/ Ryan. That was the best you all could offer and more people thought Obama the better choice.

Not the first choice, or a brilliant choice, just a better choice than what the Repubs were offering.

wrong again, obama was elected because the media refused to do a proper vetting of the first black candidate.

black pride
white guilt
biased media

thats why we have this idiot for 8 years. McCain/Palin was a weak ticket, but Romney/Ryan was a very good one. Had Romney won, this country would be a much better place today, in every way.

but 52% wanted obama/biden and the country deserves what it votes for.
If I had asked you how to handle the situation with your brother it would have been a great answer. But that's not what I asked you.

RDD: What is your favorite color?
HereWeGoAgain: McDonalds
RDD: That's not what I asked you.
HereWeGoAgain: It's not my fault you don't "understand" my answer

Fixed that for you......

I'm glad you didn't disagree with how asinine your response was to my question.

What we haven't heard is your solution.
More welfare? We all know where that road leads.
No, obviously no president is responsible for things that happened before he took office. But you guys elected obama to fix the income gap and to make everything "fair" and "equal". Instead what you got was more of the same. In fact, his policies have helped big business at the expense of the poor and middle classes.

the big losers under obama have been the inner city blacks, he has done NOTHING to help the people who needed the most help.

Obama has failed the people who elected him---------face that reality and move on.

Where do "you guys" get this shit? Obama was elected because the best the Republican party could offer was McCain/Palin. Or Romney/ Ryan. That was the best you all could offer and more people thought Obama the better choice.

Not the first choice, or a brilliant choice, just a better choice than what the Repubs were offering.

wrong again, obama was elected because the media refused to do a proper vetting of the first black candidate.

black pride
white guilt
biased media

thats why we have this idiot for 8 years. McCain/Palin was a weak ticket, but Romney/Ryan was a very good one. Had Romney won, this country would be a much better place today, in every way.

but 52% wanted obama/biden and the country deserves what it votes for.

And what would the media have found if they "properly vetted" Obama?

Gather around everyone....this is going to be good.
Fixed that for you......

I'm glad you didn't disagree with how asinine your response was to my question.

What we haven't heard is your solution.
More welfare? We all know where that road leads.

So let me see if I have this straight.

You complain about all the moochers who are living the good life on welfare and when asked how you would fix the problem, you give a lame story about your brother and then insist I come up with the solution to the thing you have been complaining about.

That about sum it up?
taxes are necessary, no one has ever said otherwise. Government waste and fiscal mismanagement are not necessary, but have been prevalent for years.

And not once have I seen you or any other conservative posters here address government waste and fiscal mismanagement.

You could start with the military..one of the biggest money sinks in the country.

We just spent close to a trillion dollars for 2 exotic planes, one of which actually got made, the F22 and the F35.

You could also address the Missile Defense Systems which Billions have been spent on and essentially doesn't work.

But naw..you bray on and on about social programs. Those..you want to get completely rid of..because starving babies and putting grandma on the street will make us a stronger nation.


They just pretend they care about the budget. They need some way to pick on the least amongst us. Going after the military is hard. Repubs don't like a tough fight they like to pick on the poor, children and the elderly

Complete BS. We support empowering poor people, and Republicans have never voted to eliminate Medicare or Social Security since its creation. We're for free-market ideals and less government bureaucracy. Contrary to popular belief, we're not evil.
And not once have I seen you or any other conservative posters here address government waste and fiscal mismanagement.

You could start with the military..one of the biggest money sinks in the country.

We just spent close to a trillion dollars for 2 exotic planes, one of which actually got made, the F22 and the F35.

You could also address the Missile Defense Systems which Billions have been spent on and essentially doesn't work.

But naw..you bray on and on about social programs. Those..you want to get completely rid of..because starving babies and putting grandma on the street will make us a stronger nation.


They just pretend they care about the budget. They need some way to pick on the least amongst us. Going after the military is hard. Repubs don't like a tough fight they like to pick on the poor, children and the elderly

Complete BS. We support empowering poor people, and Republicans have never voted to eliminate Medicare or Social Security since its creation. We're for free-market ideals and less government bureaucracy. Contrary to popular belief, we're not evil.

Yeah by empowering you mean stripping them naked and screaming "get tougher"

No one said you're evil victim guy, I said you dont care about the budget or you'd go after the military waste. But you dont, you go after the poorest, most ran over segment of our population. That's how tough guys do it :lol:
Where do "you guys" get this shit? Obama was elected because the best the Republican party could offer was McCain/Palin. Or Romney/ Ryan. That was the best you all could offer and more people thought Obama the better choice.

Not the first choice, or a brilliant choice, just a better choice than what the Repubs were offering.

wrong again, obama was elected because the media refused to do a proper vetting of the first black candidate.

black pride
white guilt
biased media

thats why we have this idiot for 8 years. McCain/Palin was a weak ticket, but Romney/Ryan was a very good one. Had Romney won, this country would be a much better place today, in every way.

but 52% wanted obama/biden and the country deserves what it votes for.

And what would the media have found if they "properly vetted" Obama?

Gather around everyone....this is going to be good.

maybe some of the marxist quotes from his books, who his mentors were, what his plans to 'fundamentally' change america really were, his lack of experience, the truth about how he got into columbia and harvard, his wife's hatred of the USA, the racism that they both have, his lies.
So you are saying everyone on welfare works and strives to get off of it because it is so so terrible?

LOL, yup, that's exactly what I said. :eusa_eh:

Of course there are lazy ass people who will ALWAYS be poor no matter what. But the fact that you think being on welfare is comfortable shows how truly clueless you are.

Go ahead though, set up another strawman argument if it makes you feel better about your shitty/incorrect view of the world.

Comfortable is a relative term. To some,a bottle of ripple and a car seat on the front porch is just fine.
The problem is the guy/girl/6 kids, also has a cell phone,big screen TV,A/C and three squares a day.
Most on the tax payers dime. The rest ill gotten.
You dems say that these are isolated incidents. Yet the walmart fiasco and many other incidents say different.
Stop being an enabler.

The stereotypical guy with 6 kids and consumer goods is an unreal figure to generalize about in terms of recipients of Government assistance.

The Walmart fiasco is simply a variation of what happens when occasionally for examplean armored truck carrying money disgorges by accident money on the street. People rush to the money...that is what happened at Walmart
wrong again, obama was elected because the media refused to do a proper vetting of the first black candidate.

black pride
white guilt
biased media

thats why we have this idiot for 8 years. McCain/Palin was a weak ticket, but Romney/Ryan was a very good one. Had Romney won, this country would be a much better place today, in every way.

but 52% wanted obama/biden and the country deserves what it votes for.

And what would the media have found if they "properly vetted" Obama?

Gather around everyone....this is going to be good.

maybe some of the marxist quotes from his books, who his mentors were, what his plans to 'fundamentally' change america really were, his lack of experience, the truth about how he got into columbia and harvard, his wife's hatred of the USA, the racism that they both have, his lies.

Those are tired, trite debunked and hackneyed shrill partisan attacks on Obama...
Warren is free to pay more if he feels that way.

In dealing with system imbalances solution by individual fiat is not realistic. It takes a village it takes policy solutions not individual decisions...

Why the hell are we even talking about this? It's common knowledge that you could confiscate every dime from the rich and it wouldnt put a dent in the debt.
The middle class pays the vast majority of taxes and obama is pretty much wiping that out with his policies. So where's the money going to come from then?
It sure as hell wont be the rich. If there's not enough of them to make an appreciable difference now,what makes you think there will be at a later date?

what specific policies of Obama are wiping out the middle class...what are you saying Obama is doing to harm the middle class ?
Why the hell are we even talking about this? It's common knowledge that you could confiscate every dime from the rich and it wouldnt put a dent in the debt.
The middle class pays the vast majority of taxes and obama is pretty much wiping that out with his policies. So where's the money going to come from then?
It sure as hell wont be the rich. If there's not enough of them to make an appreciable difference now,what makes you think there will be at a later date?

Wait, I thought the conservative talking point is that Obama is hiking the takes on the middle class. But you just said Obama is wiping that out. So which is it?

No I just said obama was wiping out the middle class.

By what process and what specific policies he advocates do that?
I'm glad you didn't disagree with how asinine your response was to my question.

What we haven't heard is your solution.
More welfare? We all know where that road leads.

So let me see if I have this straight.

You complain about all the moochers who are living the good life on welfare and when asked how you would fix the problem, you give a lame story about your brother and then insist I come up with the solution to the thing you have been complaining about.

That about sum it up?

OK ....I think we're done here. You have nothing to add to the solution. That makes you part of the problem.
in reality, its both.

WTF. Seriously? How do you people expect to be taken seriously.

So now your claim is Obama is raising taxes on the middle class AND he's wiping taxes out for the middle class as well.

I'd ask you to explain, but we both know you can't.

raising taxes and destroying the middle class. I thought thats what you meant by "wiping it out"

For "the average middle-class family, your taxes today are lower than when I took office."

PolitiFact | Barack Obama says taxes are lower for middle class today than when he took office

"Now, I know you hear a lot of folks on cable TV claiming that I’m this big tax-and-spend liberal," Obama said. "Next time you hear that, you just remind the people who are saying it that since I’ve taken office, I’ve cut your taxes. … The average middle-class family, your taxes today are lower than when I took office, just remember that. We have cut taxes for small businesses not once, not twice, but 17 times. The average family’s tax burden is among the lowest it’s been in the last 60 years. So the problem is not that we’ve been raising taxes. We’ve actually been trying to give families a break during these tough times."
You don't address the actual issue. You just call me clueless without refuting a single thing I am saying.

Eat a neg troll.

The issue is you have no clue what it's like to be on welfare. I absolutely addressed that. Neg me all day...it's all you have left.

I see it all the time when I drive through poor neighborhoods in NYC, it appears to be quite cushy. I see it when people buy expensive crap with thier EBT instead of cheaper more wholesome products. I see it when people complain that if they get a raise at thier job, they lose benefits and lose money.

The system is set up to keep people on it, because if they got off it, all the burecrats running the programs would be out of a job. The system is set up to keep people placated, not to get them on thier feet. The fact the system exists is enough for some people just not to try anymore, and to live of the lagress of others.

What you believe about the poor is purely a subjective projection you make on the poor...its not fact based its no empirical it is purely an emotional biased view of poor folks...
LOL, yup, that's exactly what I said. :eusa_eh:

Of course there are lazy ass people who will ALWAYS be poor no matter what. But the fact that you think being on welfare is comfortable shows how truly clueless you are.

Go ahead though, set up another strawman argument if it makes you feel better about your shitty/incorrect view of the world.

Comfortable is a relative term. To some,a bottle of ripple and a car seat on the front porch is just fine.
The problem is the guy/girl/6 kids, also has a cell phone,big screen TV,A/C and three squares a day.
Most on the tax payers dime. The rest ill gotten.
You dems say that these are isolated incidents. Yet the walmart fiasco and many other incidents say different.
Stop being an enabler.

The stereotypical guy with 6 kids and consumer goods is an unreal figure to generalize about in terms of recipients of Government assistance.

The Walmart fiasco is simply a variation of what happens when occasionally for examplean armored truck carrying money disgorges by accident money on the street. People rush to the money...that is what happened at Walmart

Seriously? :lol: Either way you're a thief. :clap2:

And they ask why we dont trust welfare recipients and liberals. The things you try and justify are amazing.
No, obviously no president is responsible for things that happened before he took office. But you guys elected obama to fix the income gap and to make everything "fair" and "equal". Instead what you got was more of the same. In fact, his policies have helped big business at the expense of the poor and middle classes.

the big losers under obama have been the inner city blacks, he has done NOTHING to help the people who needed the most help.

Obama has failed the people who elected him---------face that reality and move on.

Where do "you guys" get this shit? Obama was elected because the best the Republican party could offer was McCain/Palin. Or Romney/ Ryan. That was the best you all could offer and more people thought Obama the better choice.

Not the first choice, or a brilliant choice, just a better choice than what the Repubs were offering.

wrong again, obama was elected because the media refused to do a proper vetting of the first black candidate.

black pride
white guilt
biased media

thats why we have this idiot for 8 years. McCain/Palin was a weak ticket, but Romney/Ryan was a very good one. Had Romney won, this country would be a much better place today, in every way.

but 52% wanted obama/biden and the country deserves what it votes for.

This Romney ?
: http://petters-fraud.com/haas_v_romney_lawsuit_press_release.pdf
Source: Press Release Friday October 18, 2013

Romney Sued for RICO in Fed Court

By Collateral Logistics, Inc.,
CEO Steven (“Laser”) Haas
([email protected])
October 18, 2013

Los Angeles – Steven (“Laser”) Haas owns Collateral Logistics, Inc., (“CLI”) locally. Haas sued Mitt Romney for $100 million today for Racketeering in the Central Federal District Court in Los Angeles at 3:47 pm. The case was assigned to the Honorable District Justice Stephen V. Wilson presiding; and Magistrate Justice Alicia G. Rosenberg to hear discovery motions.

Nature of Proceeding

The case is titled “Haas v Romney” and is assigned docket number CV13-07738. District Court Clerk’s office remarked that it may take several days to scan in the initial Complaint.

CLI’s owner Steven Haas (more commonly known as Laser) was compelled to file the Complaint in an alternative venue. The Delaware Bankruptcy Court Justice Mary F Walrath refused to address issues that Plaintiff Haas alleges are frauds upon the court and organized crimes by RICO Romney and his Gang.

Civil Racketeering complaints permit a plaintiff to become a “Private Attorney General” to address issues of “Prosecutorial Gaps”. Plaintiff Laser Haas claims that such prosecution gaps exist. The litigant alleges the former United States Attorney in Delaware (Colm F Connolly) had been a partner at the MNAT law firm in 2001. MNAT represents Goldman Sachs/ Bain Capital.
And not once have I seen you or any other conservative posters here address government waste and fiscal mismanagement.

You could start with the military..one of the biggest money sinks in the country.

We just spent close to a trillion dollars for 2 exotic planes, one of which actually got made, the F22 and the F35.

You could also address the Missile Defense Systems which Billions have been spent on and essentially doesn't work.

But naw..you bray on and on about social programs. Those..you want to get completely rid of..because starving babies and putting grandma on the street will make us a stronger nation.


They just pretend they care about the budget. They need some way to pick on the least amongst us. Going after the military is hard. Repubs don't like a tough fight they like to pick on the poor, children and the elderly

Complete BS. We support empowering poor people, and Republicans have never voted to eliminate Medicare or Social Security since its creation. We're for free-market ideals and less government bureaucracy. Contrary to popular belief, we're not evil.

Eric Cantor Admits Republicans Want to Kill Social Security | Firedoglake
Caught Eric Cantor (R-VA) on NPR this morning [03-29-2011], talking about his vision for America (2:20 in).

“50% of beneficiaries under the Social Security program use those moneys as their sole source of income. So we’ve got to protect today’s seniors. But for the rest of us? Listen, we’re going to have to come to grips with the fact that these programs cannot exist if we want America to be what we want America to be.”

Why do Republicans often refer to Social Security as a Ponzi scheme?
Comfortable is a relative term. To some,a bottle of ripple and a car seat on the front porch is just fine.
The problem is the guy/girl/6 kids, also has a cell phone,big screen TV,A/C and three squares a day.
Most on the tax payers dime. The rest ill gotten.
You dems say that these are isolated incidents. Yet the walmart fiasco and many other incidents say different.
Stop being an enabler.

The stereotypical guy with 6 kids and consumer goods is an unreal figure to generalize about in terms of recipients of Government assistance.

The Walmart fiasco is simply a variation of what happens when occasionally for example an armored truck carrying money disgorges by accident money on the street. People rush to the money...that is what happened at Walmart

Seriously? :lol: Either way you're a thief. :clap2:

And they ask why we dont trust welfare recipients and liberals. The things you try and justify are amazing.

Maybe it is so that either way you are a thief however it takes away from the argument the Walmart incident indicates something is fundamentally wrong morally wrong with the the people who charged up past their limit. That is simply human nature of getting something for nothing is an opportunity appears. The Walmart incident says nothing about people on food stamps..

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