Obama - Bigger Government, Higher Taxes, Less Freedom

Indeed. Welfare just encourages people to stay where they are, income-wise.
Right, because being on welfare is "living the good life". If it's so great, why don't you do it?

Plus, Obama's socialism also aids certain segments of the rich, like electric car producers and green energy companies like Solyndra. Socialism isn't rich vs. poor. It's government-mandated outcomes versus individual initiative.

Someone doesn't know what socialism means. Guess who that is?

Welfare gives you enough to be comfortable, and in some cases discourages you from earning more as if you do your benefits decrease more than the value of the work performed. Some people are perfectly fine being comfortable and paid by the government.

LOL. comfortable he says.

Ask me how I know you have no clue what being on welfare is like..

LOL, comfortable.
I am afraid your are misinformed or uninformed or both. The trend of more wealth to the top tiers is a 30 plus year trend that accelerated after the Reagan years and the attacks on Unions. This is not my opinion regarding the 30 plus year trend

Heres the bigger point. Redfish doesn't give a dam about the wealth gap, how big it Is or who caused it.

He supports every policy that perpetuates the gap.

The ONLY reason hes bringing it up is to try to beat Obama over the head with the policies Redfish supports. :D

Not true at all. I support individual FREEDOM and individual RESPONSIBILITY. I support the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail.

We already have a tax system that takes from the successful and gives to the unsuccessful. What you want is a system whereby the government confiscates all income and then passes it out as it sees fit----------you want a monarchy.

LOL, did you really just call it a "monarchy".

Do you people have a big wheel of terms that you spin in order to choose which baseless term you'll use today?
5 years after Obama set out to "fundamentally transform America", we have seen Right wing hysteria rise, claims of being victimized by poor people sky rocketing from cry baby whiners, and the inability to tax at the same level as during the Clinton era plus the Bush unfunded liabilities leading to a larger National debt. We need to turn things around. We need to get rid of Tea Party ninnies in the Congress . The GOP stands for a Nation of 99 percent serfs and an elite aristocracy of private industry looters. We believe in equality of opportunity that requires leveling the playing field not guaranteed success for 1 percent of the population. Lets preserve the progress of the last 75 years through the New Deal and progress farther/further...:cool:

The only thing we're" progressing" toward is the Detroitification of America
Right, because being on welfare is "living the good life". If it's so great, why don't you do it?

Someone doesn't know what socialism means. Guess who that is?

Welfare gives you enough to be comfortable, and in some cases discourages you from earning more as if you do your benefits decrease more than the value of the work performed. Some people are perfectly fine being comfortable and paid by the government.

LOL. comfortable he says.

Ask me how I know you have no clue what being on welfare is like..

LOL, comfortable.

So you are saying everyone on welfare works and strives to get off of it because it is so so terrible?
Taxes are in the Constitution.

Which shows how much these folks seriously respect it.

taxes are necessary, no one has ever said otherwise. Government waste and fiscal mismanagement are not necessary, but have been prevalent for years.

And not once have I seen you or any other conservative posters here address government waste and fiscal mismanagement.

You could start with the military..one of the biggest money sinks in the country.

We just spent close to a trillion dollars for 2 exotic planes, one of which actually got made, the F22 and the F35.

You could also address the Missile Defense Systems which Billions have been spent on and essentially doesn't work.

But naw..you bray on and on about social programs. Those..you want to get completely rid of..because starving babies and putting grandma on the street will make us a stronger nation.


They just pretend they care about the budget. They need some way to pick on the least amongst us. Going after the military is hard. Repubs don't like a tough fight they like to pick on the poor, children and the elderly
Welfare gives you enough to be comfortable, and in some cases discourages you from earning more as if you do your benefits decrease more than the value of the work performed. Some people are perfectly fine being comfortable and paid by the government.

LOL. comfortable he says.

Ask me how I know you have no clue what being on welfare is like..

LOL, comfortable.

So you are saying everyone on welfare works and strives to get off of it because it is so so terrible?

LOL, yup, that's exactly what I said. :eusa_eh:

Of course there are lazy ass people who will ALWAYS be poor no matter what. But the fact that you think being on welfare is comfortable shows how truly clueless you are.

Go ahead though, set up another strawman argument if it makes you feel better about your shitty/incorrect view of the world.
5 years after Obama set out to "fundamentally transform America", we have seen Right wing hysteria rise, claims of being victimized by poor people sky rocketing from cry baby whiners, and the inability to tax at the same level as during the Clinton era plus the Bush unfunded liabilities leading to a larger National debt. We need to turn things around. We need to get rid of Tea Party ninnies in the Congress . The GOP stands for a Nation of 99 percent serfs and an elite aristocracy of private industry looters. We believe in equality of opportunity that requires leveling the playing field not guaranteed success for 1 percent of the population. Lets preserve the progress of the last 75 years through the New Deal and progress farther/further...:cool:

horseshit. the gap between rich and poor has gotten larger due to obama's policies. He is screwing the people who put him in office and you are too stupid to realize it. Pathetic.

It's really not too smart in placing entire the blame for the inequality one one president or even several presidents. Since when do they have the control of the wages employees are paid? How much employees are paid by their employer in wages determines their place on the income ladder, the President of the US has nothing to do with it.
As facts show, worker wages are less now than they were in the 1970s.
Real Wages Decline Again — Literally No One Notices

Real wages fell 0.2% in 2012, down from $295.49 (1982-84 dollars) to $294.83 per week, according to the 2013 Economic Report of the President. Thus, a 1.9% increase in nominal wages was more than wiped out by inflation, marking the 40th consecutive year that real wages have remained below their 1972 peak.
Read more: Real Wages Decline Again ? Literally No One Notices - Business Insider
Historical wages in Real Dollars from the linked article:
1972 $341.73 (peak)
1975 $314.77
1980 $290.80
1985 $284.96
1990 $271.10
1992 $266.46 (lowest point; 22% below peak)
1995 $267.17
2000 $285.00
2005 $285.05
2010 $297.79
2011 $295.49
2012 $294.83 (still 14% below peak)
Real Dollars are used as a measuring point by the Department of Labor and economist to measure true wage growth. To learn exactly why, go to; Historical Income Tables - Current versus Constant (or Real) Dollars - U.S Census Bureau

So it seems that employer greed has led to the Great Divide between the "haves and the have-nots" regarding income and a wage earners place on the income ladder and thus the inequality that is weakening America's working Middle Class.
5 years after Obama set out to "fundamentally transform America", we have seen Right wing hysteria rise, claims of being victimized by poor people sky rocketing from cry baby whiners, and the inability to tax at the same level as during the Clinton era plus the Bush unfunded liabilities leading to a larger National debt. We need to turn things around. We need to get rid of Tea Party ninnies in the Congress . The GOP stands for a Nation of 99 percent serfs and an elite aristocracy of private industry looters. We believe in equality of opportunity that requires leveling the playing field not guaranteed success for 1 percent of the population. Lets preserve the progress of the last 75 years through the New Deal and progress farther/further...:cool:

The only thing we're" progressing" toward is the Detroitification of America

That happened in 2007-2009 the last gasps of the reign of error...
Heres the bigger point. Redfish doesn't give a dam about the wealth gap, how big it Is or who caused it.

He supports every policy that perpetuates the gap.

The ONLY reason hes bringing it up is to try to beat Obama over the head with the policies Redfish supports. :D

Freedom... it does not assure equality in outcome.. but I will take it every day instead of your crap

exactly, the jealousy of the left of successful people is behind all of their bullshit. "take it from Trump and give it to me" "I didn't work for it, but the govt owes it to me" assholes!
A desire for Fair play and for Justice is not "jealousy". That is a label used to bloviate the reality of economic injustice...
Buzzwords like "entitlement" and buzz-phrases like "mandated outcomes" are the building blocks of the demonization by vested interest of the middle class, progressives and those who seek social and economic Justice. It builds from there to a phantasmagoric view of progressives and liberals as enemies.
There are abusive practices and conditions in the system however folks are being manipulated to target the wrong folks by the folks who are benefiting.....We are Americans we can rise above being manipulated through fear and hatred of other Americans...
Freedom... it does not assure equality in outcome.. but I will take it every day instead of your crap

exactly, the jealousy of the left of successful people is behind all of their bullshit. "take it from Trump and give it to me" "I didn't work for it, but the govt owes it to me" assholes!
A desire for Fair play and for Justice is not "jealousy". That is a label used to bloviate the reality of economic injustice...

Fairness is subjective... funny how you don't talk about equality in treatment or taxes, but only in areas where you want it... but hey, treat other unequally when it benefits you and your cause and you and your ilk are all for it.. go figure

It is not just to take from those who you THINK earn enough to pay for what they need and what you want
exactly, the jealousy of the left of successful people is behind all of their bullshit. "take it from Trump and give it to me" "I didn't work for it, but the govt owes it to me" assholes!
A desire for Fair play and for Justice is not "jealousy". That is a label used to bloviate the reality of economic injustice...

Fairness is subjective... funny how you don't talk about equality in treatment or taxes, but only in areas where you want it... but hey, treat other unequally when it benefits you and your cause and you and your ilk are all for it.. go figure

It is not just to take from those who you THINK earn enough to pay for what they need and what you want

LOL! Here is Dave with his subjective view of fairness rant. Dave is still convinced HIS view is unbiased and fair. Pay him no mind...no one else here does.
I am afraid your are misinformed or uninformed or both. The trend of more wealth to the top tiers is a 30 plus year trend that accelerated after the Reagan years and the attacks on Unions. This is not my opinion regarding the 30 plus year trend

How do you suggest that the government punish people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet, George Soros, the Koch brothers, Oprah, and Trump for being successful? How much more of their money should the government take from them?

You are defining taxes as "punishment"...Warren Buffett has said he is under taxed...Taxes are the price we pay for civilization and infrastructure...

Buffett to Congress: The wealthy are under-taxed :clap2:

Warren is free to pay more if he feels that way.
I am afraid your are misinformed or uninformed or both. The trend of more wealth to the top tiers is a 30 plus year trend that accelerated after the Reagan years and the attacks on Unions. This is not my opinion regarding the 30 plus year trend

Heres the bigger point. Redfish doesn't give a dam about the wealth gap, how big it Is or who caused it.

He supports every policy that perpetuates the gap.

The ONLY reason hes bringing it up is to try to beat Obama over the head with the policies Redfish supports. :D

Freedom... it does not assure equality in outcome.. but I will take it every day instead of your crap

Freedom is also the freedom of the People to choose the kind of government they want.
How do you suggest that the government punish people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet, George Soros, the Koch brothers, Oprah, and Trump for being successful? How much more of their money should the government take from them?

You are defining taxes as "punishment"...Warren Buffett has said he is under taxed...Taxes are the price we pay for civilization and infrastructure...

Buffett to Congress: The wealthy are under-taxed :clap2:

Warren is free to pay more if he feels that way.

In dealing with system imbalances solution by individual fiat is not realistic. It takes a village it takes policy solutions not individual decisions...
horseshit. the gap between rich and poor has gotten larger due to obama's policies. He is screwing the people who put him in office and you are too stupid to realize it. Pathetic.

Indeed. Welfare just encourages people to stay where they are, income-wise. Plus, Obama's socialism also aids certain segments of the rich, like electric car producers and green energy companies like Solyndra. Socialism isn't rich vs. poor. It's government-mandated outcomes versus individual initiative.

That needs to be said again It's government-mandated outcomes versus individual initiative.which in turn determines success and prosperity.

Is that why there's so much poverty in the third world? ...because the governments there give the poor people too much help? too much welfare? and that keeps them poor?

Face it, you people would be happy to see America have a third world type poverty/wealth gap,

but only because you think you, personally, would be on the good side of the divide.
A desire for Fair play and for Justice is not "jealousy". That is a label used to bloviate the reality of economic injustice...

Fairness is subjective... funny how you don't talk about equality in treatment or taxes, but only in areas where you want it... but hey, treat other unequally when it benefits you and your cause and you and your ilk are all for it.. go figure

It is not just to take from those who you THINK earn enough to pay for what they need and what you want

LOL! Here is Dave with his subjective view of fairness rant. Dave is still convinced HIS view is unbiased and fair. Pay him no mind...no one else here does.

Funny, idiot, never called mine FAIR... and yes, I have a biased view based on an agenda of equality in treatment without exception, exemption, deduction, ceiling, or floor... and you have progressive subjective shit

And methinks it is commonly known that most here, except for extreme liberals and the trolls such as rdummy, hold me and my stances in much higher regard than yours...

But nice try, winger
LOL. comfortable he says.

Ask me how I know you have no clue what being on welfare is like..

LOL, comfortable.

So you are saying everyone on welfare works and strives to get off of it because it is so so terrible?

LOL, yup, that's exactly what I said. :eusa_eh:

Of course there are lazy ass people who will ALWAYS be poor no matter what. But the fact that you think being on welfare is comfortable shows how truly clueless you are.

Go ahead though, set up another strawman argument if it makes you feel better about your shitty/incorrect view of the world.

Comfortable is a relative term. To some,a bottle of ripple and a car seat on the front porch is just fine.
The problem is the guy/girl/6 kids, also has a cell phone,big screen TV,A/C and three squares a day.
Most on the tax payers dime. The rest ill gotten.
You dems say that these are isolated incidents. Yet the walmart fiasco and many other incidents say different.
Stop being an enabler.
Heres the bigger point. Redfish doesn't give a dam about the wealth gap, how big it Is or who caused it.

He supports every policy that perpetuates the gap.

The ONLY reason hes bringing it up is to try to beat Obama over the head with the policies Redfish supports. :D

Freedom... it does not assure equality in outcome.. but I will take it every day instead of your crap

Freedom is also the freedom of the People to choose the kind of government they want.

Yes. we have an amendment process for that,... not just simply having things changed by whim
Fairness is subjective... funny how you don't talk about equality in treatment or taxes, but only in areas where you want it... but hey, treat other unequally when it benefits you and your cause and you and your ilk are all for it.. go figure

It is not just to take from those who you THINK earn enough to pay for what they need and what you want

LOL! Here is Dave with his subjective view of fairness rant. Dave is still convinced HIS view is unbiased and fair. Pay him no mind...no one else here does.

Funny, idiot, never called mine FAIR... and yes, I have a biased view based on an agenda of equality in treatment without exception, exemption, deduction, ceiling, or floor... and you have progressive subjective shit

And methinks it is commonly known that most here, except for extreme liberals and the trolls such as rdummy, hold me and my stances in much higher regard than yours...

But nice try, winger

Hahah, like clockwork. The nutter feels vindicated because fellow hypocritical nutters pat him on the back.

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