obama: Bigggest LIAR To Ever Park His Illegal Butt In The White House.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H64yKJhB528]Barack Obama Lies To America - YouTube[/ame]
You know you have a winner when the odumbobots avoid a thread like the plague. They HATE it when you put their messiah's lies and BULL SHIT on display. There is NO defense of it, so the libroid odumbobots just slink away, secretly ASHAMED of the SHIT STAIN they're STUCK having to support and make PATHETIC excuses for.
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sorry...tired of the same old bullshit misinformation and hyperbole. I love the hypocrisy though....during the GOP primary race, most of you bated Romney and wanted the Perry's. and the Bachmann's to win. Now that you're stuck with Mitt, all of the shit you said about him in the primaries is null and void.

so why should we even bother?
"Obama: Biggest LIAR To Ever Park His Illegal Butt In The White House', is the name of this thread.

OK, first of all, let's get this off the table. I voted for Obama in 2008. I gave him two years to show me what he's got. Based on his performance, I won't be voting for Obama again!

Now to Romney, he's being honest with all of his flip-flopping? About the only thing I trust his campaign with is their Etch-A-Sketch revelation. Who was/is he talking straight to, the far right base or Main Street America? Does anyone know? And, isn't he dishonest with all of his flip-flopping and his Etch-A-Sketch campaign talk? To me Romney will say anything to get elected, even lie (and I could care less about all the talk about Bain).

As a voter, I choose not to vote for either major party candidate. Some will say I'm wasting my vote. I say that I using my guaranteed right to use my of free speech. I'm saying that I don't have to vote for a major party's candidate for prez because I absolutely don't like those two choices. The "Lesser of two evils",,,,now that's a wasted vote. A person isn't voting their conscience, they are just walking lock-step with their party.
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The real question is: Did coke-snorting, lying Obama defraud his colleges and Universities by pretending to be a foreign born student?
what, another thread about bain?

move it to the conspiracy section.
sorry...tired of the same old bullshit misinformation and hyperbole. I love the hypocrisy though....during the GOP primary race, most of you bated Romney and wanted the Perry's. and the Bachmann's to win. Now that you're stuck with Mitt, all of the shit you said about him in the primaries is null and void.

so why should we even bother?

And there ya go... there's a real good example of the type of IDIOT that supports odumbo. He calls the blatant lies coming STRAIGHT FROM THE LIPS OF OBAMA HIMSELF, "bullshit misinformation and hyperbole."

This is why we have odumbo in the Black House... morons who he can lie straight to their face and they'll pretend he didn't and make excuses for it. Sheeeeezuz... stupid sons a bitches.
Naaaahh... not going to let this get forgotten... not now... not before this election. Everyone needs to be kept reminded just what kind of a SHIT STAIN obama really is.
Sorry bout that,

Naaaahh... not going to let this get forgotten... not now... not before this election. Everyone needs to be kept reminded just what kind of a SHIT STAIN obama really is.

1. I agree, Obama is a LIAR, and his whole life is a lie.
2. Worst human being walking the planet, right now.
3. Its a miracle he made it all the way to the Presidency!!!!
4. Just shows you how many fools we got here in USA.
5. Libturds are soooo stupid.........:badgrin:
6. Not to mention the *Independents*!!!!!


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