Obama Birth Certificate: Mark Steyn enters the Birthershpere.

He didn't write that but what does that matter?

His publisher put it on his autobiography and left it there for a decade. But he's not responsible for that, he said so. And you believe him, totally and blindly. Again, telemarketers, don't take their calls, seriously.
Media star jumps into Obama eligibility debate

he is fairly well known. he comments on the subject/controversy being packaged and sold as "too cray to be true"...

but now we have a little distance, and the idea of this chicago machine being corrupt after all.

sheryl atkinson will lead the parade of media that has been intimidated. only history will tell us how transparent this administration really is/was.

i wonder what mr. steyn knows about and has seen questionable provenance/story presented.

i wonder if he has seen the selective service registration.
Steyn's logic is seriously flawed.

He says that as a foreigner, he has to provide a long form birth certificate to live here. Then he asks why Obama does not.

Hello? The key words are "as a foreigner". That is why Steyn has to provide a long form birth certificate.

Obama is not a foreigner. Steyn's argument is a classic example of a "begging the question" fallacy.

Who the fuck is Mark Steyn?

Amazing talk host and author. Subs for Rush and he is one of the funniest commentators out there. Honestly he could do stand up if he wanted to.

He does conservative with a huge sense of humour.

Columnist for many news organizations.

And if you read the interview transcript that the link takes you to and you knew how Steyn rolls he's a smart ass bar none.

He's not a true dyed in the wool birther.

"He explained to Boyles, who regularly tackles the eligibility issue, he was born in Toronto, and “oddly enough as a condition of my presence in this country, I did have to provide my long-form birth certificate.”

“I don’t know whether I’m ready to go full birther, but I think it’s slightly odd,” Steyn said."

Read more at Media star jumps into Obama eligibility debate
You seem to think that the person reflects reality, when in truth they portray a character they invent in media and politics...

And that justifies getting the country you were born in wrong in your ... autobiography? If a Republican did that, Democrats would be beyond birthers and you'd all be doing it.
Oh please, it's done all the time even by the GOP...

The GOP told Obama to put in his ... autobiography ... he was born in Kenya?

Where did this happen?

Reading comprehension isn't your thing, that's what I asked Moonbat.

I see I forgot to dumb-down for the audience...
In "where did this happen", this refers to "putting in his autobiography... he was born in Kenya".

Link? Image?

And again, I've been asking this as long as Birferism has been around -- how would O'bama --- or anybody else --- know anything about their own birth? Nobody's memory goes that far.

OMG that's funny. So he wasn't lying when his autobiography said he was born in Kenya because he can't remember it. That's classic, even for you.

So were you born on Krypton? Feel free to say yes...

How the fuck would I know directly? I go by what I was told and my birth certificate.

Let that sink in for a while...

And you know who's below birthers? People who get their own country of birth wrong for their own autobiography. Now that's moron cubed. But that is the Chi Town Clown.

Why do you people have to lie about everything all the time?

Who the fuck is Mark Steyn?

Amazing talk host and author. Subs for Rush and he is one of the funniest commentators out there. Honestly he could do stand up if he wanted to.

He does conservative with a huge sense of humour.

Columnist for many news organizations.

And if you read the interview transcript that the link takes you to and you knew how Steyn rolls he's a smart ass bar none.

He's not a true dyed in the wool birther.

"He explained to Boyles, who regularly tackles the eligibility issue, he was born in Toronto, and “oddly enough as a condition of my presence in this country, I did have to provide my long-form birth certificate.”

“I don’t know whether I’m ready to go full birther, but I think it’s slightly odd,” Steyn said."

Read more at Media star jumps into Obama eligibility debate

Thanks TD. Straight answer, woo hoo! :woohoo:
He didn't write that but what does that matter?

His publisher put it on his autobiography and left it there for a decade.

Nope. His publisher put it in a trade circular.

If his publisher was lying, why did obama let it stand for years? Are you claiming that obama did not read the hype for his own books?

So wait.... you guys think authors control what's on the covers of the book their publisher puts out?
Media star jumps into Obama eligibility debate

he is fairly well known. he comments on the subject/controversy being packaged and sold as "too cray to be true"...

but now we have a little distance, and the idea of this chicago machine being corrupt after all.

sheryl atkinson will lead the parade of media that has been intimidated. only history will tell us how transparent this administration really is/was.

i wonder what mr. steyn knows about and has seen questionable provenance/story presented.

i wonder if he has seen the selective service registration.
Steyn's logic is seriously flawed.

He says that as a foreigner, he has to provide a long form birth certificate to live here. Then he asks why Obama does not.

Hello? The key words are "as a foreigner". That is why Steyn has to provide a long form birth certificate.

Obama is not a foreigner. Steyn's argument is a classic example of a "begging the question" fallacy.

He's a smart ass.

"To live in the United States, “I have to provide a long-form birth certificate,” Steyn said, “but if it’s the president, any old photocopy from Kinko’s will do.”


Media star jumps into Obama eligibility debate
Anyone who ever gave even tacit support to birther conspiracy theories has no credibility of any kind, on any issue, ever.
He didn't write that but what does that matter?

His publisher put it on his autobiography and left it there for a decade.

Nope. His publisher put it in a trade circular.

If his publisher was lying, why did obama let it stand for years? Are you claiming that obama did not read the hype for his own books?

So wait.... you guys think authors control what's on the covers of the book their publisher puts out?

If I was an author, I would certainly control what my publisher said about me, as would anyone with a lick of common sense.

So, now you are saying that obama was either too stupid to read what his publisher said, or that he just didn't give a shit as long as his books sold? is that it?

Who the fuck is Mark Steyn?

Oh, he's a "well-known conservative commentator".

WND said so.

Yesterday, the burfurs were all over some unknown sheriff deputy in Arizona.

What can I say? They get hysterical over nothing and believe every lie they hear - if it fits their agenda.

Remembering when RWs had to be told that Hawaii is a state.

They're also big on home schooling.



I take it your enema didn't take again today Luddly. Bitchy so early?
You are such an asshole. Try better suppositories and light up Francis.
Media star jumps into Obama eligibility debate

he is fairly well known. he comments on the subject/controversy being packaged and sold as "too cray to be true"...

but now we have a little distance, and the idea of this chicago machine being corrupt after all.

sheryl atkinson will lead the parade of media that has been intimidated. only history will tell us how transparent this administration really is/was.

i wonder what mr. steyn knows about and has seen questionable provenance/story presented.

i wonder if he has seen the selective service registration.
Media star jumps into Obama eligibility debate

he is fairly well known. he comments on the subject/controversy being packaged and sold as "too cray to be true"...

but now we have a little distance, and the idea of this chicago machine being corrupt after all.

sheryl atkinson will lead the parade of media that has been intimidated. only history will tell us how transparent this administration really is/was.

i wonder what mr. steyn knows about and has seen questionable provenance/story presented.

i wonder if he has seen the selective service registration.

I guess you didn't read your own op!

After mentioning his birthplace is Toronto, author, radio host and commentator Steyn jumped feet first into the eligibility issue in an interview with Peter Boyles on KNUS Radio in Denver.

To live in the United States, “I have to provide a long-form birth certificate,” Steyn said, “but if it’s the president, any old photocopy from Kinko’s will do.”

Steyn, whose new book, “The Undocumented Mark Steyn,” compiles some of his best work, also has authored “After America” and “Lights Out: Islam, Free Speech And the Twilight of the West.” He’s been a guest host for Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.

He explained to Boyles, who regularly tackles the eligibility issue, he was born in Toronto, and “oddly enough as a condition of my presence in this country, I did have to provide my long-form birth certificate.”

“I don’t know whether I’m ready to go full birther, but I think it’s slightly odd,” Steyn said.

Read more at Media star jumps into Obama eligibility debate

And he's just comparing as a way to sell his book. Calm the hell down.

That isn't exactly the conspiracy theory the nuts on your side of the aisle tried to make with Bush's grandpa being a Hitler lover or something. Anyone remember that. It was in all the left wing.

How Bush s grandfather helped Hitler s rise to power World news The Guardian

Bush Family Funded Adolf Hitler
You seem to think that the person reflects reality, when in truth they portray a character they invent in media and politics...

And that justifies getting the country you were born in wrong in your ... autobiography? If a Republican did that, Democrats would be beyond birthers and you'd all be doing it.
Oh please, it's done all the time even by the GOP...

The GOP told Obama to put in his ... autobiography ... he was born in Kenya?

Where did this happen?

And again, I've been asking this as long as Birferism has been around -- how would O'bama --- or anybody else --- know anything about their own birth? Nobody's memory goes that far.

He didn't write that but what does that matter?

And, as I've said before, he was able to transport from Kenya to Hawaii, place those TWO birth announcements and then get all the way back to Kenya in time to be born. He probably has a strong memory of that pre-birth trip.

Thanks for clearing that up. I always thought that parents or grandparents placed birth announcements in the newspaper, not newborn children themselves. Your superior intellect is once again displayed.
Anyone who ever gave even tacit support to birther conspiracy theories has no credibility of any kind, on any issue, ever.

including the Ted Cruz birthers?????? and the McCain birthers? or only the obama birthers?

I always thought the birther thing was stupid.

If McCain could run who was born in Panama, then why not Obama or Ted Cruz?

The citizenship thing in the Constitution is actually quite vague.

The morons that thought somehow we would find some long form certificate that Obama was born in Kenya and be marched out of the Whitehouse was NEVER going to happen.

As far as I'm concerned, one of Obama's parents was American. No matter where he was born, he's American.

Although, I think it's going to be hilariously hypocritical that the same lefties that didn't care about Obama's birthplace making a fit about Cruz when he runs.

You watch, they will. Liberals have always been hypocrites.

Who the fuck is Mark Steyn?

Amazing talk host and author. Subs for Rush and he is one of the funniest commentators out there. Honestly he could do stand up if he wanted to.

He does conservative with a huge sense of humour.

Columnist for many news organizations.

And if you read the interview transcript that the link takes you to and you knew how Steyn rolls he's a smart ass bar none.

He's not a true dyed in the wool birther.

"He explained to Boyles, who regularly tackles the eligibility issue, he was born in Toronto, and “oddly enough as a condition of my presence in this country, I did have to provide my long-form birth certificate.”

“I don’t know whether I’m ready to go full birther, but I think it’s slightly odd,” Steyn said."

Read more at Media star jumps into Obama eligibility debate

Thanks TD. Straight answer, woo hoo! :woohoo:

You're welcome! He's promoting his new book so of course his agent has him booked on shows that are dicey.

Honestly if you ever get a chance to hear his radio schtick he's hysterical.
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