Obama blames Budget Impasse on GOP fear of Limbaugh, Tea Party

Youn stupid fuck, your max out of pocket with the ACA will be 6700 bucks....huge difference eh?

Thats what none of you dick wads wants to talk about.....how are "poor" people who are so very fortunate to be able to sign up for Obamacare going to pay for that 6700?

Stupid ass.
First off, that's not the point. The point is obscene healthcare costs are out of control.

Secondly, I've said several times in this thread, the ACA needed the "public option" to bring prices down, yet you "act" like you didn't see it!

And thirdly, when the ACA dropped the "public option" from the bill, I stopped supporting it.

But let's not let the truth get in the way of your rant?

You are the one ignoring reality, bile-0.

The so-called public option was designed to destroy the private insurance industry and put everyone under government control for their medical care.

Its not competition when one entity can operate at a loss as long as it takes to destroy the competition----and thats exactly what the public option was set up to do.

Your failure to acknowledge that FACT makes you nothing but a parisan bullshitter.
Youn stupid fuck, your max out of pocket with the ACA will be 6700 bucks....huge difference eh?

Thats what none of you dick wads wants to talk about.....how are "poor" people who are so very fortunate to be able to sign up for Obamacare going to pay for that 6700?

Stupid ass.
First off, that's not the point. The point is obscene healthcare costs are out of control.

Secondly, I've said several times in this thread, the ACA needed the "public option" to bring prices down, yet you "act" like you didn't see it!

And thirdly, when the ACA dropped the "public option" from the bill, I stopped supporting it.

But let's not let the truth get in the way of your rant?

HC is my business.....

If you think I am reading an entire thread to see what YOU think....well no.

Why do costs on the West Coast (where I am from but no longer live) are so damn high?

I now am in Nebraska....about half the cost...just sayin.
Youn stupid fuck, your max out of pocket with the ACA will be 6700 bucks....huge difference eh?

Thats what none of you dick wads wants to talk about.....how are "poor" people who are so very fortunate to be able to sign up for Obamacare going to pay for that 6700?

Stupid ass.
First off, that's not the point. The point is obscene healthcare costs are out of control.

Secondly, I've said several times in this thread, the ACA needed the "public option" to bring prices down, yet you "act" like you didn't see it!

And thirdly, when the ACA dropped the "public option" from the bill, I stopped supporting it.

But let's not let the truth get in the way of your rant?

You are the one ignoring reality, bile-0.

The so-called public option was designed to destroy the private insurance industry and put everyone under government control for their medical care.

Its not competition when one entity can operate at a loss as long as it takes to destroy the competition----and thats exactly what the public option was set up to do.

Your failure to acknowledge that FACT makes you nothing but a parisan bullshitter.

The ACA as it stands will destroy HC within two years and usher in Universal Single payor.

We are fucked.
First off, that's not the point. The point is obscene healthcare costs are out of control.

Secondly, I've said several times in this thread, the ACA needed the "public option" to bring prices down, yet you "act" like you didn't see it!

And thirdly, when the ACA dropped the "public option" from the bill, I stopped supporting it.

But let's not let the truth get in the way of your rant?

You are the one ignoring reality, bile-0.

The so-called public option was designed to destroy the private insurance industry and put everyone under government control for their medical care.

Its not competition when one entity can operate at a loss as long as it takes to destroy the competition----and thats exactly what the public option was set up to do.

Your failure to acknowledge that FACT makes you nothing but a parisan bullshitter.

The ACA as it stands will destroy HC within two years and usher in Universal Single payor.

We are fucked.

I think that was the plan all the time if the healthy young singles don't get into the program.
HC is my business.....

If you think I am reading an entire thread to see what YOU think....well no.

Why do costs on the West Coast (where I am from but no longer live) are so damn high?

I now am in Nebraska....about half the cost...just sayin.
Go Sooners!
Want to reduce healthcare costs??? get the damn lawyers out of it. put caps on malpractice cases and make the loser pay court costs, limit payment to lawyers to their costs plus 10%, no more % contingency contracts.

those changes alone would cut costs greatly, malpractice insurance cost would drop, duplicate and redundant testing would stop, defensive medicine would go away.
Want to reduce healthcare costs??? get the damn lawyers out of it. put caps on malpractice cases and make the loser pay court costs, limit payment to lawyers to their costs plus 10%, no more % contingency contracts.

those changes alone would cut costs greatly, malpractice insurance cost would drop, duplicate and redundant testing would stop, defensive medicine would go away.
Lawyers will NEVER go for TORT reform.
You are the one ignoring reality, bile-0.

The so-called public option was designed to destroy the private insurance industry and put everyone under government control for their medical care.

Its not competition when one entity can operate at a loss as long as it takes to destroy the competition----and thats exactly what the public option was set up to do.

Your failure to acknowledge that FACT makes you nothing but a parisan bullshitter.
The "public option" was just what it said it was................an "option"!
prove it or admit that you are lying. put up or shut up
I always "put up"; never "shut up".

the following is from your cite:

"[A]dminis*trative costs refer to any expenses insurers incur that are not payments for health care services, including the profits retained by private insurers and the taxes paid on those profits...
Administrative costs can be divided into three categories:

- Marketing costs include expenses for advertising, sales, enrollment processing, customer service, billing, and actuarial and underwriting activities. (Underwrit*ing involves an assessment of an applicant’s health and expected use of health care in order to determine what premium to charge.)

- Costs associated with medical activities include expenses for claims review and processing, medical management (such as utilization review, case manage*ment, quality assurance, and regulatory compliance), and provider and network management (contracting with doctors and hospitals and maintaining relations with providers).

- General administrative costs are difficult to allocate to a specific function; they include expenses for infor*mation technology, general management overhead, profits, and taxes."

its an apples to oranges comparison created by proponents of one payer socialized medicine. What it does not address is that medicare and medicaid are operating at a loss. Whereas private insurance must at least break even in order to stay in business.

Nice try-----------but FAIL
But . . . our party had twelve years in which to do something reasonable and it did not.

We punted the ball to the Dems and they grounds us into defeat.

This is over.
You are the one ignoring reality, bile-0.

The so-called public option was designed to destroy the private insurance industry and put everyone under government control for their medical care.

Its not competition when one entity can operate at a loss as long as it takes to destroy the competition----and thats exactly what the public option was set up to do.

Your failure to acknowledge that FACT makes you nothing but a parisan bullshitter.
The "public option" was just what it said it was................an "option"!

and you believe that? I explained several times how the "option" was a ruse to destroy private insurance. Sorry, if that was beyond your comprehension level.
But . . . our party had twelve years in which to do something reasonable and it did not.

We punted the ball to the Dems and they grounds us into defeat.

This is over.
My goal is to purge republicans completely from government.

Then work on purging the democrats as well.

I want both of them completely out of public office.
Want to reduce healthcare costs??? get the damn lawyers out of it. put caps on malpractice cases and make the loser pay court costs, limit payment to lawyers to their costs plus 10%, no more % contingency contracts.

those changes alone would cut costs greatly, malpractice insurance cost would drop, duplicate and redundant testing would stop, defensive medicine would go away.
Lawyers will NEVER go for TORT reform.

of course not, and congress is full of lawyers----------we the people are screwed.

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