Obama blames Budget Impasse on GOP fear of Limbaugh, Tea Party

So we see threads that Limbaugh is on his way out, now we see that his popularity has the GOP on the run.

Liberals, can you make up your minds? You are looking fucking stupid, I guess you are all used to that.

no kidding, last week Rush was dead so was the Tea Party and the Republican party was facing the grim fact it was dying out..

I mean if Obamabots-liberals-Democrats only knew what sheep they look like...Obama says this week it their fault and here they come baaaaaaaaa tea party, baaaa Rush, baaaa Republicans...

You are such an embarrassment, that when the other nutters on your side see one of your posts, they looked skyward and mutter to themselves, "Please, don't be on our side."

So, you can't answer the question and want to blame others for your stupidity? Is Rush dead as was claimed last week or is he running the GOP, as Obama claims?
So we see threads that Limbaugh is on his way out, now we see that his popularity has the GOP on the run.

Liberals, can you make up your minds? You are looking fucking stupid, I guess you are all used to that.
Obambam's Mah-moodswings! :lmao:
No leader in our history has had opposition this pure and mindless. Pub dupes!

That is the stupidest statement you have made to date.

That is certainly saying a lot.

But that one does take the cake considering the treatment the war criminal Obama receives from the press. If Nixon would have had the same press as Obama he never would have left office. Besides, it is a bit pathetic to see the unemployment rate, welfare rate and debt and blame it on anyone other then the man in charge. Especially when the democrats have been in power since 2006. Obama has gotten everything he wanted to do more of the same is well insanity.
Is this supposed to mean something? BOTH those dawgs don't HUNT with Constitutionalists...in fact? They REJECT the Constitution, as does Obama, and YOU.

Have any other cute Kartewns to show us hack?
Looks like I struck a nerve!!!!!

keep thinking that if it helps you and give you joy:eusa_shifty:
Liberals all of sudden forget the 8 YEARS Bush was President...that's so cute how they can do that isn't it?

they need a boat load of cheese today along with that person they call a Leader...rush rush rush rush tea party tea party

Obama whines about them and all of sudden both have been resurrected to godly status who can stop the Dear Leader of the Free World........... when last week they were all BUT DEAD
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Irony, from the person who thought just saying "Raw Story" was some kind of rebuttal.

dear I'm talking about you and your response to the Tea Party...you take one VIDEO from RAW STORY and try and use to paint it as ALL TEA PARTY town halls

now don't get mad, just don't become an rdean..you are usually better than that

You aren't, that's for sure.

The video is representative. Congressmen have scheduled a lot less town hall meetings than they did in the past, precisely because of these kinds of clowns hijacking the meetings.

Indeed. We now have less access to our elected representatives because of some assholes that can't be respectful. Of course, how do you blame a constituent for acting exactly like their congresscritter.

Douchebag (Joe Wilson) yells "You Lie" at President
dear I'm talking about you and your response to the Tea Party...you take one VIDEO from RAW STORY and try and use to paint it as ALL TEA PARTY town halls

now don't get mad, just don't become an rdean..you are usually better than that

You aren't, that's for sure.

The video is representative. Congressmen have scheduled a lot less town hall meetings than they did in the past, precisely because of these kinds of clowns hijacking the meetings.

Indeed. We now have less access to our elected representatives because of some assholes that can't be respectful. Of course, how do you blame a constituent for acting exactly like their congresscritter.

Douchebag (Joe Wilson) yells "You Lie" at President

still whining about that...man oh man
nobody is camping out on the Obama's front lawn of their home, but hey don't let someone say, he lied
it was you on the left who brought disrespect to new levels with Bush and I don't see you any better with OBama except whining how people aren't bowing down to him
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Say whatever you want about George Walker Bush he never denigrated the office of the President of the United States to sink to the level of blaming a liberal radio host for any or perhaps all his problems, like this pathetic pretender does.

Childish? YES!!

That is what you get when you expect a boy to do a man's job.
Say whatever you want about George Walker Bush he never denigrated the office of the President of the United States to sink to the level of blaming a liberal radio host for any or perhaps all his problems, like this pathetic pretender does.

Childish? YES!!

That is what you get when you expect a boy to do a man's job.

EXACTLY...this man is a disgrace and so are his followers defending this

We the people don't have to disrespect the office of President..that is all Obama has done since elected

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