Obama blames Budget Impasse on GOP fear of Limbaugh, Tea Party

it was you on the left who brought disrespect to new levels with Bush and I don't see you any better with OBama except whining how people aren't bowing down to him

The reactionary far right mirror image of the radical left: both losers in the American democracy.
it was you on the left who brought disrespect to new levels with Bush and I don't see you any better with OBama except whining how people aren't bowing down to him

The reactionary far right mirror image of the radical left: both losers in the American democracy.

In jakes mind he thinks he's main stream in reality he's far far left
We can oppose Obama without hating him.

Steph and bigrebnc in no way shape or form represent the mainstream GOP.
All this Obama hate shows that you're nothing but a bunch of children who refuse to grow up!

oh boy, this from someone who post threads asking if any RW's has the balls to post in it..I guess that isn't HATE

you lefties are just a real hoot
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the TPM has always had an immature, childish way to it, but made it even worse with the hatred and rage.

American nature is basically decent, so it was only a matter of time before good Americans on all sides simply rejected the crackpottedness of the reactionaries on the far right.
the TPM has always had an immature, childish way to it, but made it even worse with the hatred and rage.

American nature is basically decent, so it was only a matter of time before good Americans on all sides simply rejected the crackpottedness of the reactionaries on the far right.

Oh hell.........

The TEA Party is dead and buried. Rest in Peace TEA Party. Starkey has spoken and so have the mighty Liberal Horde.

Pack up your signs and your believes and head for home. The Righteous have spoken and you are done.

The shame of it all.
it was cute how he stands up for Obama running down the citizens of this country blaming them for him not GETTING HIS WAY

That is a loyal SUBJECT
He didn't blame all the citizens, just the ones who should be blamed.

I love how the right never takes responsibility for anything they do.

That's why you're not adults!
the TPM has always had an immature, childish way to it, but made it even worse with the hatred and rage.

American nature is basically decent, so it was only a matter of time before good Americans on all sides simply rejected the crackpottedness of the reactionaries on the far right.

Oh hell.........

The TEA Party is dead and buried. Rest in Peace TEA Party. Starkey has spoken and so have the mighty Liberal Horde.

Pack up your signs and your believes and head for home. The Righteous have spoken and you are done.

The shame of it all.

jakie thinks he a big shot because he puts DOWN the people in his "supposed" party
all it say's to me is loser, but the libs on the board LOVES HIM for it
All this Obama hate shows that you're nothing but a bunch of children who refuse to grow up!

Ah, yes...another variation on the "We're smart...and you're not...so go sit in the corner and shut up" mindset that progressives LOVE to trot out. Amazing how anyone who doesn't see eye to eye with "your" viewpoint is childish and ignorant!!!

That's the attitude that Barack Obama has employed with the opposition ever since he took office. He constantly talks about how Republicans in Congress aren't meeting him "halfway" but if you REALLY check it out you'll find that Obama seldom if ever meets with GOP members. He says that he reaches out but the truth is that he doesn't. Barack Obama doesn't like doing the actual work of forging compromise. He simply wants others to come around to his way of thinking.
I say fund Obamacare and let it be the disaster it's going to be. The Democrats own the ACA. Not a single Republican voted for it so allow it to ferment into the ultimate clusterfuck we all know it is and let the Democratic Party pay for it in the next couple election cycles when the misery strikes every American family.

It won't work, Obama and the democrats are able to seperate themselves from their own destructive policies and they have the MSM in their back pockets to help pull it off.
it was cute how he stands up for Obama running down the citizens of this country blaming them for him not GETTING HIS WAY

That is a loyal SUBJECT
He didn't blame all the citizens, just the ones who should be blamed.

I love how the right never takes responsibility for anything they do.

That's why you're not adults!

This from someone who worships at the feet of a President who NEVER takes responsibility for anything bad that happens in his Administration but ALWAYS takes credit for everything good that happens (even when he had nothing to do with it!).

You're amusing, Billo...
Steph: "jakie thinks he a big shot because he puts DOWN the people in his "supposed" party all it say's to me is loser, but the libs on the board LOVES HIM for it"

Remember what your psychiatrist told you, honey, that you must to learn to laugh at yourself, or others will do it for you.

Your TPM is not the tail that wags the dog any longer. Those days are over.

You shit in your own corner and we won't let you bring it out.

Tuff that.
We can oppose Obama without hating him.

Steph and bigrebnc in no way shape or form represent the mainstream GOP.
I realize that. I actually admire republican's who can stand up and go against the grain of their party. I also realize there are a lot of things to criticize Obama over. But valid criticisms, can be explained. If someone can't explain the reasons for a particular claim, there is a 100% chance, it's bullshit.

For what it's worth, I respect your opinion; I don't respect theirs.

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