Obama blames Budget Impasse on GOP fear of Limbaugh, Tea Party

I just hope we cave into the dust sooner than later, so we can start to put this country back into the one respected by all Americans and countries abroad.

Right now we are the laughing stock under Adolf Obama

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FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY means not overspending, and not burdening our children and grandchildren with our bills. In the words of Thomas Jefferson: “the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity [is] swindling futurity on a large scale.” A more fiscally responsible government will take fewer taxes from our paychecks.

CONSTITUTIONALLY LIMITED GOVERNMENT means power resides with the people and not with the government. Governing should be done at the most local level possible where it can be held accountable. America’s founders believed that government power should be limited, enumerated, and constrained by our Constitution. Tea Party Patriots agree. The American people make this country great, not our government.

FREE MARKET ECONOMICS made America an economic superpower that for at least two centuries provided subsequent generations of Americans more opportunities and higher standards of living. An erosion of our free markets through government intervention is at the heart of America’s current economic decline, stagnating jobs, and spiraling debt and deficits. Failures in government programs and government-controlled financial markets helped spark the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Further government interventions and takeovers have made this Great Recession longer and deeper. A renewed focus on free markets will lead to a more vibrant economy creating jobs and higher standards of living for future generations.


How dare they want Fiscal Responsibility?

How dare they want a smaller Federal Gov't?

How dare they want Free Markets?

Quick. Someone get the Feathers and someone get the Tar.

We've got to put an end to these RIDICULOUS PEOPLE demanding these things. They are complete Psycho's and they must be STOPPED.

Call obama quick and set up another Web site to report these people quick. Call the IRS and tell them to be AUDITED NOW.......................

My God how can this be in our Liberal States of America.
We can oppose Obama without hating him.

Steph and bigrebnc in no way shape or form represent the mainstream GOP.
I realize that. I actually admire republican's who can stand up and go against the grain of their party. I also realize there are a lot of things to criticize Obama over. But valid criticisms, can be explained. If someone can't explain the reasons for a particular claim, there is a 100% chance, it's bullshit.

For what it's worth, I respect your opinion; I don't respect theirs.

Thanks. For what its worth, the mainstream of the party does not respect the reactionary far right either.
This from someone who worships at the feet of a President who NEVER takes responsibility for anything bad that happens in his Administration but ALWAYS takes credit for everything good that happens (even when he had nothing to do with it!).

You're amusing, Billo...
I like how you claim I "worship at his feet", a full 5 years after I withdrew my support of his policies.
it was cute how he stands up for Obama running down the citizens of this country blaming them for him not GETTING HIS WAY

That is a loyal SUBJECT
He didn't blame all the citizens, just the ones who should be blamed.

I love how the right never takes responsibility for anything they do.

That's why you're not adults!

you need to grow up you think it's a President's JOB TO GO around attacking the PEOPLE HE REPRESENTS. you should leave this up to the ADULTS, that's for sure
go start some more silly threads
Thanks. For what its worth, the mainstream of the party does not respect the reactionary far right either.
Like they say in the hood, "Control your bitch!"

And we'll handle the Rosie O'Donnells on our side. I'm still a little pissed at her for going after Tom Sellack on gun control.
you need to grow up you think it's a President's JOB TO GO around attacking the PEOPLE HE REPRESENTS. you should leave this up to the ADULTS, that's for sure
go start some more silly threads
Well, if you're not going to represent the country by wanting to shut it down, then you kind of sleep in the bed you made, doncha think?
We can oppose Obama without hating him.

Steph and bigrebnc in no way shape or form represent the mainstream GOP.
I realize that. I actually admire republican's who can stand up and go against the grain of their party. I also realize there are a lot of things to criticize Obama over. But valid criticisms, can be explained. If someone can't explain the reasons for a particular claim, there is a 100% chance, it's bullshit.

For what it's worth, I respect your opinion; I don't respect theirs.

yeah, too bad you haven't learned to do that with YOUR PARTY...
what a joker..and you want to eat up what jakie says, you're more immature than we thought
and this thread isn't ABOUT Republicans...but I would change the subject too if I was an Obama cult member
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This from someone who worships at the feet of a President who NEVER takes responsibility for anything bad that happens in his Administration but ALWAYS takes credit for everything good that happens (even when he had nothing to do with it!).

You're amusing, Billo...
I like how you claim I "worship at his feet", a full 5 years after I withdrew my support of his policies.

This is going to be the narrative of more and more former Obama supporters going forward...

Funny how so many of you now claim to have stopped supporting him right from the start of this two term debacle!

Like I said before, Billo...I find you quite amusing.

Accept when it comes to the obscene defense budget, then you're more than willing to spend over a trillion US tax payer dollars in someone else's god-damn country, with no direct benefit for average American's.

Unless you're talking about a woman's vagina or gay marriage, then you're all up in there with your "limited" (or labian) government!

Which really is, totalitarian capitolism.
Obama- I can't get my VISIONS to transform America done because of those DAMN CITIZENS I REPRESENT..

so mature
And, of course, the hate Obama shows towards any and all who is not a blind admirer of his inflated ego, shows that he refused to grow up and act like a man.
It's childish statements like that, which showed you people are just kids and have no business participating in politics.
One more time for the libs and obamabots----------congress can fund every operation of the government EXCEPT obamacare. There would be no government shut down unless obama and the dems shut it down.
I just hope we cave into the dust sooner than later, so we can start to put this country back into the one respected by all Americans and countries abroad.

Right now we are the laughing stock under Adolf Obama

And you don't think we were under Bush?
yeah, too bad you haven't learned to do that with YOUR PARTY...
what a joker..and you want to eat up what jakie says, you're more immature than we thought
and this thread isn't ABOUT Republicans...but I would change the subject too if I was an Obama cult member
You don't even know what party I belong to, you little dishrag whore!

Accept when it comes to the obscene defense budget, then you're more than willing to spend over a trillion US tax payer dollars in someone else's god-damn country, with no direct benefit for average American's.

Unless you're talking about a woman's vagina or gay marriage, then you're all up in there with your "limited" (or labian) government!

Which really is, totalitarian capitolism.

The defense budget--------yep, lots of fat that could be removed. BUT, money spent on defense creates american jobs for blue collar americans. Is it better to have them building tanks, planes, and ships or sitting on their asses collecting unemployment?

vaginas and gay marriage------------the society in general should decide on those issues, not the federal government

free market capitalism-----------how awful, letting supply and demand set the prices of goods and labor.

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