Obama blames Budget Impasse on GOP fear of Limbaugh, Tea Party

Redfish is a disengenuous liar, and ignore deal his far right reactionary bullshit and lying claims to be a conservative. I think he is a McCarthyite plant of the 1950s.

What is a True Conservative? Define that in your own words.
ten times more??? got anything to back that up?
There's only a select few companies that compete for defense contracts. Public works contracts, on the otherhand, have a much larger list of contractors bidding on them. Historically, the largest impact on the economy comes from construction, because it affects so many other industry's. That's why a good indicator of how the economy is doing, is "housing starts". When that is up, we are growing.

Or look at it this way, maintaining a US base in Germany, does not put money back into our economy at home. However, an infrastructure project that builds a bridge in Virginia, affects practically everyone in that area and after it's done, at the very least, you have a bridge!

When you spend our money bombing Fallujah, we don't get shit out of the deal!

which anti trust laws are not being enforced?
How do you think the healthcare industry has been able to jack up their prices to obscene levels? A one night stay in the hospital costs almost $36,000. For one fucking night!

Why do you think the healthcare lobby wanted that "public option" out of the healthcare bill? Because competition, would drive their prices down and there was no way for them to control it.

How do you think the banks got too big to fail? By buying out the little banks.
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Redfish is a disengenuous liar, and ignore deal his far right reactionary bullshit and lying claims to be a conservative. I think he is a McCarthyite plant of the 1950s.

What is a True Conservative? Define that in your own words.


Because of his posts. He posts like he's the chit on this subject, and determines who is conservative and who isn't.

So I'm asking for his expert views on this issue..........................

Redfish is a disengenuous liar, and ignore deal his far right reactionary bullshit and lying claims to be a conservative. I think he is a McCarthyite plant of the 1950s.

What is a True Conservative? Define that in your own words.

The mainstream no longer will play justification games with reactionaries such as Eagle or Redfish. Those days are over.

The reactionaries will toe the line or may go their own way. There are no other alternatives.
ten times more??? got anything to back that up?
There's only a select few companies that compete for defense contracts. Public works contracts, on the otherhand, have a much larger list of contractors bidding on them. Historically, the largest impact on the economy comes from construction, because it affects so many other industry's. That's why a good indicator of how the economy is doing, is "housing starts". When that is up, we are growing.

Or look at it this way, maintaining a US base in Germany, does not put money back into our economy at home. However, an infrastructure project that builds a bridge in Virginia, affects practically everyone in that area and after it's done, at the very least, you have a bridge!

When you spend our money to bomb Fallujah, we don't get shit out of the deal!

which anti trust laws are not being enforced?
How do you think the healthcare industry has been able to jack up their prices to obscene levels? A one night stay in the hospital costs almost $36,000. For one fucking night!

Why do you think the healthcare lobby wanted that "public option" out of the healthcare bill? Because competition, would drive their prices down and there was no way for them to control it.

How do you think the banks got too big to fail? By buying out the little banks.

I have no issue with my health care cost and the service I receive.

Americans that complained about the cost need to eat out less, go to the movies less, give up the cell phone, etc.

It's all about priorities

Redfish is a disengenuous liar, and ignore deal his far right reactionary bullshit and lying claims to be a conservative. I think he is a McCarthyite plant of the 1950s.

What is a True Conservative? Define that in your own words.

The mainstream no longer will play justification games with reactionaries. Those days are over.

The reactionaries will toe the line or may go their own way. There are no other alternatives.

That is not what I asked. You have been preaching what a true conservative is and that you know.

Again, what is a true conservative?
ten times more??? got anything to back that up?
There's only a select few companies that compete for defense contracts. Public works contracts, on the otherhand, have a much larger list of contractors bidding on them. Historically, the largest impact on the economy comes from construction, because it affects so many other industry's. That's why a good indicator of how the economy is doing, is "housing starts". When that is up, we are growing.

Or look at it this way, maintaining a US base in Germany, does not put money back into our economy at home. However, an infrastructure project that builds a bridge in Virginia, affects practically everyone in that area and after it's done, at the very least, you have a bridge!

When you spend our money to bomb Fallujah, we don't get shit out of the deal!

which anti trust laws are not being enforced?
How do you think the healthcare industry has been able to jack up their prices to obscene levels? A one night stay in the hospital costs almost $36,000. For one fucking night!

Why do you think the healthcare lobby wanted that "public option" out of the healthcare bill? Because competition, would drive their prices down and there was no way for them to control it.

How do you think the banks got too big to fail? By buying out the little banks.

I have no issue with my health care cost and the service I receive.

Americans that complained about the cost need to eat out less, go to the movies less, give up the cell phone, etc.

It's all about priorities


But your opinion does not matter on the major issues of the day. Good though that you have balanced your money and its outlay.
There's only a select few companies that compete for defense contracts. Public works contracts, on the otherhand, have a much larger list of contractors bidding on them. Historically, the largest impact on the economy comes from construction, because it affects so many other industry's. That's why a good indicator of how the economy is doing, is "housing starts". When that is up, we are growing.

Or look at it this way, maintaining a US base in Germany, does not put money back into our economy at home. However, an infrastructure project that builds a bridge in Virginia, affects practically everyone in that area and after it's done, at the very least, you have a bridge!

When you spend our money to bomb Fallujah, we don't get shit out of the deal!

How do you think the healthcare industry has been able to jack up their prices to obscene levels? A one night stay in the hospital costs almost $36,000. For one fucking night!

Why do you think the healthcare lobby wanted that "public option" out of the healthcare bill? Because competition, would drive their prices down and there was no way for them to control it.

How do you think the banks got too big to fail? By buying out the little banks.

I have no issue with my health care cost and the service I receive.

Americans that complained about the cost need to eat out less, go to the movies less, give up the cell phone, etc.

It's all about priorities


But your opinion does not matter on the major issues of the day. Good though that you have balanced your money and its outlay.

Please expound

What is a True Conservative? Define that in your own words.

The mainstream no longer will play justification games with reactionaries. Those days are over.

The reactionaries will toe the line or may go their own way. There are no other alternatives.

That is not what I asked. You have been preaching what a true conservative is and that you know.

Again, what is a true conservative?

This is the answer you deserve. You and Geaux get no discussion on matters that are off limits to you. Support the party or go your way.
ten times more??? got anything to back that up?
There's only a select few companies that compete for defense contracts. Public works contracts, on the otherhand, have a much larger list of contractors bidding on them. Historically, the largest impact on the economy comes from construction, because it affects so many other industry's. That's why a good indicator of how the economy is doing, is "housing starts". When that is up, we are growing.

Or look at it this way, maintaining a US base in Germany, does not put money back into our economy at home. However, an infrastructure project that builds a bridge in Virginia, affects practically everyone in that area and after it's done, at the very least, you have a bridge!

When you spend our money to bomb Fallujah, we don't get shit out of the deal!

which anti trust laws are not being enforced?
How do you think the healthcare industry has been able to jack up their prices to obscene levels? A one night stay in the hospital costs almost $36,000. For one fucking night!

Why do you think the healthcare lobby wanted that "public option" out of the healthcare bill? Because competition, would drive their prices down and there was no way for them to control it.

How do you think the banks got too big to fail? By buying out the little banks.

I have no issue with my health care cost and the service I receive.

Americans that complained about the cost need to eat out less, go to the movies less, give up the cell phone, etc.

It's all about priorities


they can thank lawyers for the high cost of our heath care...they sue everything and anything that has to do with heath care...but instead of Obama and Democrats addressing that they just handed our health care to them on a SLIVER PLATTER...but you can't drill that into these ObamaTax supporter heads...they just buy all the lies they feed them
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1. The only damn thing you want to cut is the military. Obama is already doing so aka 50 BILLION IN CUTS and people like you love it. .
No, no, no, no, no....

....I want to cut the military budget in half! A full fucking $500 billion dollars a year.

I also want to end all these wars. That's $12 billion a month.

I also want to close the over 1000 US bases we have around the world. Unless the country their in, pays us for all the operating costs of the base to be there. You want our base there, we'll send you a bill.

Obama doesn't want to do that, so stop saying I support the prick, you fuckin' asshole!
The mainstream no longer will play justification games with reactionaries. Those days are over.

The reactionaries will toe the line or may go their own way. There are no other alternatives.

That is not what I asked. You have been preaching what a true conservative is and that you know.

Again, what is a true conservative?

This is the answer you deserve. You get no justification. Support the party or go your way.

aka You don't want to answer that simple question.

Whatever floats your boat. You have no credibility with me anyway.

You attack a Conservative Group as radical and refuse to pony up on your own views of a TRUE CONSERVATIVE. I've posted their Core beliefs, and want you experts to DISAVOW These Principles to prove they aren't Conservatives.

It's that simple, and I consider a non answer to mean you don't know jack.
There's only a select few companies that compete for defense contracts. Public works contracts, on the otherhand, have a much larger list of contractors bidding on them. Historically, the largest impact on the economy comes from construction, because it affects so many other industry's. That's why a good indicator of how the economy is doing, is "housing starts". When that is up, we are growing.

Or look at it this way, maintaining a US base in Germany, does not put money back into our economy at home. However, an infrastructure project that builds a bridge in Virginia, affects practically everyone in that area and after it's done, at the very least, you have a bridge!

When you spend our money to bomb Fallujah, we don't get shit out of the deal!

How do you think the healthcare industry has been able to jack up their prices to obscene levels? A one night stay in the hospital costs almost $36,000. For one fucking night!

Why do you think the healthcare lobby wanted that "public option" out of the healthcare bill? Because competition, would drive their prices down and there was no way for them to control it.

How do you think the banks got too big to fail? By buying out the little banks.

I have no issue with my health care cost and the service I receive.

Americans that complained about the cost need to eat out less, go to the movies less, give up the cell phone, etc.

It's all about priorities


But your opinion does not matter on the major issues of the day. Good though that you have balanced your money and its outlay.

But opinions from those that say cost are to high carry the day? :confused:

I have no issue with my health care cost and the service I receive.

Americans that complained about the cost need to eat out less, go to the movies less, give up the cell phone, etc.

It's all about priorities

You think it's okay to charge someone $36,000 for one night in the hospital?

Over half the bankruptcy's filed per year, are because of healthcare costs.
ten times more??? got anything to back that up?
There's only a select few companies that compete for defense contracts. Public works contracts, on the otherhand, have a much larger list of contractors bidding on them. Historically, the largest impact on the economy comes from construction, because it affects so many other industry's. That's why a good indicator of how the economy is doing, is "housing starts". When that is up, we are growing.

Or look at it this way, maintaining a US base in Germany, does not put money back into our economy at home. However, an infrastructure project that builds a bridge in Virginia, affects practically everyone in that area and after it's done, at the very least, you have a bridge!

When you spend our money bombing Fallujah, we don't get shit out of the deal!

which anti trust laws are not being enforced?
How do you think the healthcare industry has been able to jack up their prices to obscene levels? A one night stay in the hospital costs almost $36,000. For one fucking night!

Why do you think the healthcare lobby wanted that "public option" out of the healthcare bill? Because competition, would drive their prices down and there was no way for them to control it.

How do you think the banks got too big to fail? By buying out the little banks.

We agree on a couple of things. We should tell every country where we have a base that we will close the base if the host country does not pay 100% of the cost to have the base in their country. It they want us there to protect them, then they should pay 100% of the cost.

Infrastructure does create jobs, but not the same kinds of jobs that defense constrution creates, we need both. We need a strong defense and we need infrastructure updates.

Insurance companies have virtual monopolies because the govt will not let them compete across state lines. Hospitals do charge ridiculous prices - on paper- look at your 36K hospital bill and see what the insurance company actually paid the hospital after discounts and write offs, a lot less than 36K.

the public option would not create competition, it would eliminate it. The govt would always be lower because the govt can lose money and still exist. the public option was designed to become one-payer govt healthcare.

No company should be too big to fail. GM, Chrysler, Goldman et al should have been forced to go through bankruptcy.

BTW, the GM bailout was to save the UAW, not GM
Any Republican who makes any effort towards bipartisanship or compromise is immediately and viciously attacked by the rightwing media. They work their listeners into a frenzy and try to drive them out of the party

To the Republican extremists, a win-win solution is unacceptable because it allows the other side to win also
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1. The only damn thing you want to cut is the military. Obama is already doing so aka 50 BILLION IN CUTS and people like you love it. .
No, no, no, no, no....

....I want to cut the military budget in half! A full fucking $500 billion dollars a year.

I also want to end all these wars. That's $12 billion a month.

I also want to close the over 1000 US bases we have around the world. Unless the country their in, pays us for all the operating costs of the base to be there. You want our base there, we'll send you a bill.

Obama doesn't want to do that, so stop saying I support the prick, you fuckin' asshole!

Fuck off.

aka Your a Liberal Jerk who hates the military. Nothing new here and your mad because your boy doesn't end the military altogether.

Your a Lunatic.

And spare me you aren't a boot licker of Obama. You don't fool anyone.

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