Obama blames Budget Impasse on GOP fear of Limbaugh, Tea Party

The GOP will purge the reactionaries from the Party.

The reactionaries may cause massive GOP defeats in 2014 to instrument the purging, but it will be worth it.
No, you said 500 Billion in cuts and then are dumb enough to call that half.

The military Budget was at about 750 Billion. Your not very good in math are you?
They don't count the money spent on the wars in the budget, numbnuts.

Or the money we spend to rebuild the country's we just got done destroying.

Count those in and we're well over a trillion dollars a year.
BHO is slightly left of center, in my opinion, while the far right reactionaries do not represent the mainstream of America or the Republican Party.

Eagle and Redfish and Vox and the rest of the reactionaries do not dictate to the GOP anymore its policies or programs.

aka the Rhino's like McCain.

They stopped being conservative along time ago. Figures a false Conservative would defend these No Nuts Rhinos.

McCain is a neo-con and needs to go, just like your reactionaries.

We can bring home most of the troops without compromising our national security while saving big bucks in the budget.
The GOP will purge the reactionaries from the Party.

The reactionaries may cause massive GOP defeats in 2014 to instrument the purging, but it will be worth it.

Yep, and I will piss on the ashes of what remains of the party I supported for a very, very long time


Geaux, there will only be a better and bigger Party, and your won't be remembered at all.
How do you think the healthcare industry has been able to jack up their prices to obscene levels? A one night stay in the hospital costs almost $36,000. For one fucking night!

Why do you think the healthcare lobby wanted that "public option" out of the healthcare bill? Because competition, would drive their prices down and there was no way for them to control it.

If you want to drop the cost of medical care you would need to change EMTALA laws and have a crack-down over the board tort reform.

THEN the cost of one night in the hospital won't be in thousands.
Because THEN your stay won't have to cover 10 more stays of illegals or uninsured and because you will not need all those tests of defensive medicine combined.
BHO is slightly left of center, in my opinion, while the far right reactionaries do not represent the mainstream of America or the Republican Party.

Eagle and Redfish and Vox and the rest of the reactionaries do not dictate to the GOP anymore its policies or programs.

aka the Rhino's like McCain.

They stopped being conservative along time ago. Figures a false Conservative would defend these No Nuts Rhinos.

McCain is a neo-con and needs to go, just like your reactionaries.

We can bring home most of the troops without compromising our national security while saving big bucks in the budget.

McCain, McDonnell, Reid, all the them are one in the same. Anchors on the freedom of America.

You reactionaries on the far right want to take away American values and dreams.

Your days are over. You are going away.
right, but earlier you said that we spend money on defense so that contractors can make huge profits.
I didn't say that!

I said more jobs are created when the money is spent commercially, than militarily.

why no outrage at Phizer, Apple, Microsoft, etc?
Oh, there's outrage there!

Like GE making over a billion dollars in profit and not paying any tax on that.

Don't get me started on that shit!
Reagan is far too liberal for our reactionaries today. He would spit on you.
If you want to drop the cost of medical care you would need to change EMTALA laws and have a crack-down over the board tort reform.

THEN the cost of one night in the hospital won't be in thousands.
Because THEN your stay won't have to cover 10 more stays of illegals or uninsured and because you will not need all those tests of defensive medicine combined.
All you needed was the "public option", then sit back and let capitalism do its thing. What it was designed to do.

Since the government can cut down all the administrative costs by a full 1/3, the "for-profit" healthcare companies would have no choice but to make their prices more competitive.
BHO is slightly left of center, in my opinion, while the far right reactionaries do not represent the mainstream of America or the Republican Party.

Eagle and Redfish and Vox and the rest of the reactionaries do not dictate to the GOP anymore its policies or programs.

Jake is slight left of sanity
like in 2010? :lol:
2010 was about the democrats being punished for not living up to their campaign promises. The only difference between 2010 and 2008, was that all the young voters who showed up in 2008, stayed away in 2010.

Republican's did absolutely nothing to earn votes ever since they were booted out of office in 2006.
Can't tell from my house. Drive what?


Oblamo blames everyone but Oblamo
Obama blames budget impasse on GOP fear of Limbaugh, Tea Party - The Hill's Video

President Obama said that progress on a budget deal in Congress is being hampered by Republicans worried about Tea Party primaries or Rush Limbaugh.

Obama said he's had Republican tell him privately they fear they'll be criticized by the conservative commentator or primaried if they agree with the president.

"If you are putting the American people first, if you are prioritizing them, then this shouldn't be that difficult," Obama said in an interview airing Friday on CNN's "New Day."

"And I've made this argument to my Republican friends privately, and, by the way, sometimes they say to me privately, 'I agree with you, but I'm worried about a primary from, you know, somebody in the Tea Party back in my district,' or 'I'm worried about what Rush Limbaugh is going to say about me on the radio. And so you got to understand, it's really difficult.'"

The president added that "any time we are not moving forward on things that should be simple, I get frustrated."

"I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get Congress — and Republicans in Congress in particular — to think less about politics and party and think more about what's good for the country," he said.

--What he means is that HIS ideas are what is good for the country, and only his.

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