Obama blames Budget Impasse on GOP fear of Limbaugh, Tea Party

right, but earlier you said that we spend money on defense so that contractors can make huge profits.
I didn't say that!

I said more jobs are created when the money is spent commercially, than militarily.

why no outrage at Phizer, Apple, Microsoft, etc?
Oh, there's outrage there!

Like GE making over a billion dollars in profit and not paying any tax on that.

Don't get me started on that shit!

Go ahead and get started because corps like GE pass the costs on to the consumer anyway. Something you leftist loons tend to ignore.
If one goes to the ER and needs a CT scan of the head ( let's say) becasue of the fall - the bill just of the CT scan is going to be ~8K.

If one goes two blocks away to a private imaging center which is not limited by EMTALA laws - the CT scan is 250$ in cash( you pay 150-200$ out of pocket in the ER anyway).

And the center still makes nice profit.

Obviously, one can not let the people die on the street if one doe not have insurance or is illegal.
But it also should not mean that if you are uninsured or illegal you will get the heart transplant on the taxpayers dime.
Neither should this happen in the prisons.
Geaux, there will only be a better and bigger Party, and your won't be remembered at all.

Sure they will. Maybe if they can raise Reagan from his dirt nap. Other than that, curtains



So say we all.............

If your a Liberal that is..............


BTW What happened to the Blue Dog Dems in the last election?

They refused to Obey and got axed. Refused to stay on the Liberal Party line. And they were always considered in the Center of the political spectrum.

You fakes are out there. And your predictions don't mean jack squat as a Liberal has always been his own worst enemy.
If you want to drop the cost of medical care you would need to change EMTALA laws and have a crack-down over the board tort reform.

THEN the cost of one night in the hospital won't be in thousands.
Because THEN your stay won't have to cover 10 more stays of illegals or uninsured and because you will not need all those tests of defensive medicine combined.
All you needed was the "public option", then sit back and let capitalism do its thing. What it was designed to do.

Since the government can cut down all the administrative costs by a full 1/3, the "for-profit" healthcare companies would have no choice but to make their prices more competitive.

Nope. We have "public option" - it is called Medicaid - does not save shit. We also have "public hospitals" - the costs are skyrocketing there as well.

all we need is the real reform - which starts with over the board TORT reform.

"public option" without tort reform is only going to let rationing take place, not lower the price.
Adding to my last post.

One Party. Which has always been the agenda of the Left. Our way or the high way.

Or to the Back of the Bus from Obama.

Eventually you'll understand that you don't own America.
like in 2010? :lol:
2010 was about the democrats being punished for not living up to their campaign promises. The only difference between 2010 and 2008, was that all the young voters who showed up in 2008, stayed away in 2010.

Republican's did absolutely nothing to earn votes ever since they were booted out of office in 2006.

sweet dreams :lol:

are you guys really that :cuckoo:
If you want to drop the cost of medical care you would need to change EMTALA laws and have a crack-down over the board tort reform.

THEN the cost of one night in the hospital won't be in thousands.
Because THEN your stay won't have to cover 10 more stays of illegals or uninsured and because you will not need all those tests of defensive medicine combined.
All you needed was the "public option", then sit back and let capitalism do its thing. What it was designed to do.

Since the government can cut down all the administrative costs by a full 1/3, the "for-profit" healthcare companies would have no choice but to make their prices more competitive.

are you really that naive? so the govt can operate healthcare at a loss and you expect a private company to be able to compete with that? LOL

the end game of obamacare was always socialized medicine with some GS 7 deciding if you can get a heart transplant or a knee replacement. Is that really what you want?
Time to work in my sil's yard.

And I so enjoy toying with the reactionaries' and their adolescent understanding of America.

Enjoy the day, kids.
Time to work in my sil's yard.

And I so enjoy toying with the reactionaries' and their adolescent understanding of America.

Enjoy the day, kids.

It'll probably take you all day.

Hint.. Make sure it has gas in it. And pull the cord.
Frank, you brighten our day. Reagan would have deported you to the USSR, to be with your heroes.

Now to all you wannabee heroes, thanks for the chuckles.
Jake longs for the days of jackboots and Soviet oppression, he has a very low regard for human life
Jake longs for the days of jackboots and Soviet oppression, he has a very low regard for human life

he is a simple leftard bot, weak and easily "offended" as they all are ( a crucial distinction, BTW)

I am not long on this site and am constantly amazed that sombody can not see what fakey is for real and take him seriously.

crybaby fakey without a spine and immediate call for moderator's help when trolled the way he is trolling.
Yes, even democrats know that obama has been the worst president in modern times. That's what's causing his trouble today. Past election results is no predictor of future results. If it were, John McCain would have won in 2008 because Bush won in 2004.

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