Obama blames "structural" flaw of Congress

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The founders knew that gridlock is a good thing as far as congress is concerned.

It's Obama that's too fucking stupid to realize that.

Gridlock was good for an isolated country of mostly rural farming communities when the fastest communication from one end of the country to the other was horseback. Not so much in the world of instant communications we live in today.

The less congress does domestically the better.

I think we all have realized that by now
The funny thing about the constant whining of the wingnuts is that any study of our history demonstrates clearly who gets things done, and it is the democrats and in the past it was often bipartisan, consider all the times Reagan raised taxes and helped keep social security solvent into the distance future as examples. Nothing would get done if republicans ran the world, they show that daily. Doing nothing doesn't counts as work in the real world.

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The founders knew that gridlock is a good thing as far as congress is concerned.

It's Obama that's too fucking stupid to realize that.

Gridlock was good for an isolated country of mostly rural farming communities when the fastest communication from one end of the country to the other was horseback. Not so much in the world of instant communications we live in today.

The less congress does domestically the better.

I think we all have realized that by now

Only the neanderthalls
Gridlock was good for an isolated country of mostly rural farming communities when the fastest communication from one end of the country to the other was horseback. Not so much in the world of instant communications we live in today.

The less congress does domestically the better.

I think we all have realized that by now

Only the neanderthalls

No man's life liberty or property is safe while congress is in session
Check it out. Obama simply accurately comments on how things are, and the ODS crowd shits themselves and then wildly flings feces about the room. ODSers, this is why nobody of any political persuasion wants you near them. You're all crazy. At the family gatherings, you're the one everyone just smiles and nods at, and then moves away from.

Seriously kooks, commenting on how things are is not a "Swipe at the founding fathers". Obama did not complain, suggest any changes, or "blame" in any way. You all are just making shit up again. But then, if you were honest, you wouldn't be ODSers. In the lying assbag department, nobody on the planet outdoes the ODSers. If they don't lie about Obama 3 times before breakfast, they get ejected from the cult.

Personally, I think the ODS crowd is doing us a favor by showing the whole world how unbelievably batshit crazy it is. I really the ODSers should scream even louder in 2016.....
No, it's because the system if flawed.

Canada does not allow any corporate campaign contributions. As a result they have universal healthcare, gay marriage, sensible gun laws, and a well regulated banking system. In fact since 1790 the United States has had 16 banking system failures, Canada has had 0.

Now Republicans on the Supreme Court have voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions. This basically means legalized secret bribes.

Are the Canadians smarter than us? Yes.

The canadian healthcare system? I know you're serious. That's the hilarious part. We have gun laws, many of which infringe on the second. Our serious banking problems have occurred from the fed tinkering around and creating bubbles that produce unintended consequences. You're wrong. The politicians have continually screwed this country. If they were to follow the constitution we wouldn't be in the shape that we're in.

"President Obama is taking a swipe at the Founding Fathers, blaming his inability to move his agenda on the “disadvantage” of having each state represented equally in the Senate

Obama is arguing for Madison's original Big State plan that would make representation in both Senate and House based on population. Washington agreed with it and some others as well.

I think Obama, Washington, and Madison were wrong, but it does put the president in good company.
. Obama is what the Founding Fathers worried about.

Then that must mean that they are also worried about Washington, right`?
I prefer the Declaration of Independence to the Constitution.

"We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal."

Everyone's vote should count equally.

A vote in Alaska should not be 40 times more powerful in the U.S. Senate than a vote in California.

8 swing states should not decide every presidential election.

Abolish the electoral college, abolish the U.S. Senate, and make the House districts geographic instead of gerrymandered.

The Declaration was a form of propaganda based on the Age of Enlightenment; the Constitution did not measure up to it, and democracy was almost a dirty word at the time. The Constitution convention did not have many average citizens, if any, giving input to the new government. A famous historian wrote one history book regarding the moneied interests and writing of the Constitution. But over the years America has become more democratic, if only we had citizens that took advantage of that democracy.
Me: Obama is arguing for Madison's original Big State plan that would make representation in both Senate and House based on population. Washington agreed with it and some others as well. I think Obama, Washington, and Madison were wrong, but it does put the president in good company
Obama is what the Founding Fathers worried about
Me: Sure, they would not have abided a person of color in office as their equal.
------------------------ and
Read the fucking Patriot Act you ignorant fuck. How old were you during the Bush presidency, 10?

me: The immediate above quote completely dismantles the doosh and neo-cons.
Obumbler was allegedly a Constitutional law professor.


He was actually merely a Con Law teacher.

And his first infamous pronouncements ABOUT the Constitution constituted OBJECTIONS to it being so filled with negative powers.

Like many socialists and liberals and other so-called "progressives," when it comes to the Constitution, Obumbler is largely against it.

He NOW even opposes the grand compromise that made the Constitution possible.

He doesn't much care for the "limit" component of a LIMITED Constitutional Republic, either.

If the general public were a bit more well educated in the very roots of our nation, Obumbler would never have gotten elected much less re-elected. He is disgraceful.
OMG he called the Democrats diseased too.

Impeachment can not be far off!!!!!!!!

Yeah not enough thread about :

He also said Democrats suffer from the “congenital disease” of not voting in midterm elections
Read more: Obama blames 'structural' design of Congress for gridlock - Washington Times
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Boy, that was a truism. Democrats vote in presidential elections but slack off in the midterms. Is that because of the long lines and waiting that some state seem unable, or unwilling, to change or what? That two year midterm is bad also because as soon as a rep is elected he has to start running for reelection.
Me: Obama is arguing for Madison's original Big State plan that would make representation in both Senate and House based on population. Washington agreed with it and some others as well. I think Obama, Washington, and Madison were wrong, but it does put the president in good company
Obama is what the Founding Fathers worried about
Me: Sure, they would not have abided a person of color in office as their equal.
------------------------ and
Read the fucking Patriot Act you ignorant fuck. How old were you during the Bush presidency, 10?

me: The immediate above quote completely dismantles the doosh and neo-cons.

Washington came from Virginia, A Big State, thus it should shock no one to hear he approved of fellow Viginian Madison's plan: The plan, also has the lower house electing members of the upper house.

The Legislature would then elect the Executive.

I doubt Lincoln would have ever been President.
Obama blames "structural" flaw of Congress

I suppose he really couldn't blame Bush...

Bush should have dissolved congress after 9/11....perfect fucking time: Blame the WTC destructuion on congressional radicals....lined the entire HoR up against the Vietnam War Memorial and had them summarily executed for teason!


But no.....BUSH YOU BEASTARD!!!!


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