Obama brings back Don't ask, Don't tell

Its for those who try and FORCE their religion on others. It has nothing to do with someone simply saying they happen to be a Christian, its about those soldiers who try to promote their own religion.

I agree with Obama. You are in the military, which is not a place to tell everyone that you are a Christian and that Jesus can save you.

Well when is the appropriate time to example the plan of salvation?

Never. You keep your damned religion to yourself. Express yourself in church, not to your fellow soldiers, because they don't want to hear about how Jesus 'saved' you.

Nonsense. Try suppressing your own speech. You'll appear less bigoted and stupid.
Never. You keep your damned religion to yourself. Express yourself in church, not to your fellow soldiers, because they don't want to hear about how Jesus 'saved' you.

So much for tolerance. Supposed someone was going to die and didn't know about Christ do Christians just allow this to happen? Sorry that is not what their faith and what their God dictates.

People KNOW about Jesus and God and they are not going to change their minds and start believing just because they are dying. Get real.

I don't give a shit what your faith dictates. Have some respect for everyone around you and keep your religious shit to yourself.

But here's a compromise - how about we allow soldiers to spread their religious beliefs to those who are not interested, and if one soldier decides to use deadly force to shut that religious soldier up for good, they can.

I don't tell the world about my religion, what the hell gives Christians the right to shove their poxy religion down my throat?

The same amendment that allows you to extoll the virtues of forcing a dick down your throat, if you must know.
I don't believe it. To do such a thing would be to break our own constitution. Browbeating someone, or holding a service in any religion or trying to convert...yes. I agree the military is not a place to do it. But to courtmartial? Hogwash. Otherwise, like somene else said..all those military chaplains will be discharged or arrested.

Ain't gonna happen.
I don't believe it. To do such a thing would be to break our own constitution. Browbeating someone, or holding a service in any religion or trying to convert...yes. I agree the military is not a place to do it. But to courtmartial? Hogwash. Otherwise, like somene else said..all those military chaplains will be discharged or arrested.

Ain't gonna happen.

Maybe it will or maybe it won't. Even threatening it is another step in that direction for the secularists.
It was Bill Clinton who started Don't ask, Don't Tell with gays in the military; even though libs like to pretend that's a conservative thing. Now, Obama has his own Don't ask, Don't Tell as he has promised court martials for any soldier who dares to express his/her religious beliefs.

Pentagon May Court Martial Soldiers Who Share Christian Faith

Only turds believe the shit posted on that site.

"Religious proselytization is not permitted within the Department of Defense...Court martials and non-judicial punishments are decided on a case-by-case basis...”.

A direct press release statement from the Pentagon. If you got something to counter that then go ahead. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
Never. You keep your damned religion to yourself. Express yourself in church, not to your fellow soldiers, because they don't want to hear about how Jesus 'saved' you.

So much for tolerance. Supposed someone was going to die and didn't know about Christ do Christians just allow this to happen? Sorry that is not what their faith and what their God dictates.

People KNOW about Jesus and God and they are not going to change their minds and start believing just because they are dying. Get real.

I don't give a shit what your faith dictates. Have some respect for everyone around you and keep your religious shit to yourself.

But here's a compromise - how about we allow soldiers to spread their religious beliefs to those who are not interested, and if one soldier decides to use deadly force to shut that religious soldier up for good, they can.

I don't tell the world about my religion, what the hell gives Christians the right to shove their poxy religion down my throat?

I spent 26 years in the US military and there is no such problem as this slime bag Wisenwenny is trying to portray. This is just more made up atheistic bullshit.
Obama will not permit proselytizing by Christians in the military yet he promotes the acceptance and understanding of Islam and speaks quite fluently about what "the Holy Quran" says....

""The contribution of Muslims to the United States are too long to catalog because Muslims are so interwoven into the fabric of our communities and our country,"

Obama Praises Islam as 'Great Religion' | Fox News
Its for those who try and FORCE their religion on others. It has nothing to do with someone simply saying they happen to be a Christian, its about those soldiers who try to promote their own religion.

I agree with Obama. You are in the military, which is not a place to tell everyone that you are a Christian and that Jesus can save you.

Wait. Are you telling me Gasbag was lying again? That almost always happens.

Cornhole, try to contribute something other than your obvious obsession with gatsby. He knows you're obsessed with him. :eusa_whistle:
You have to put up with a lot crap in the service; having to put up with someone trying to convert you to their region should not be one of them. Freedom of worship is one thing, having someone else's religion cramped down your throat is something else.

The regulation is not new. In August, the Air Force issued a policy telling
its chaplains that they must balance an airman's right to religious
exercise with a prohibition against government establishment of religion.
A violation of the policy could result in a court-martial.

snopes.com: Ban on Military Proselytizing
Its for those who try and FORCE their religion on others. It has nothing to do with someone simply saying they happen to be a Christian, its about those soldiers who try to promote their own religion.

I agree with Obama. You are in the military, which is not a place to tell everyone that you are a Christian and that Jesus can save you.

You are quite wrong.

Even mentioning that you are a Christian will be enough to warrant Non-Judicial Punishment and asking someone about their religion or attempting to spread the word of Christ will be a basis for a Courts Martial.

You need to read the other thread, it was laid out pretty well.

The group pushing this has compared it to rape.
You have to put up with a lot crap in the service; having to put up with someone trying to convert you to their region should not be one of them. Freedom of worship is one thing, having someone else's religion cramped down your throat is something else.

The regulation is not new. In August, the Air Force issued a policy telling
its chaplains that they must balance an airman's right to religious
exercise with a prohibition against government establishment of religion.
A violation of the policy could result in a court-martial.

snopes.com: Ban on Military Proselytizing

I personally hate it when people try to get me to move to Vermont.....

Anyways__ boo fucking hoo. Do you fucking listen to yourself? Wah. A person told me he believed in God and that I should too. He now needs to get kicked out of the military. Get a fucking grip for fuck's sake. How much of a loser are you for supporting this nonsense?
Soldiers who promote their faith can be prosecuted under military law, the Pentagon said in a brief statement released to the media.

“Religious proselytization is not permitted within the Department of Defense,” the statement to Fox News stated. “Court martials and non-judicial punishments are decided on a case-by-case basis.”

The statement comes on the heels of a Breitbart report about Pentagon officials who met with Mikey Weinstein, the head of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, to shape policies that prevent active duty members from sharing faith. Mr. Weinstein has a no-tolerance view of Christianity in the military, Breitbart reported. One of his beliefs: Soldiers who share the gospel of Jesus Christ are guilty of “treason” — even chaplains, Breitbart found.

And now the Pentagon has come forward with a statement that embraces Mr. Weinstein’s policies, Breitbart said.

In response, the Family Research Council has launched a petition to request Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel cut ties with Mr. Weinstein. Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin, executive vice president of the FRC, said on “Fox & Friends” on Wednesday that he would like to see a clearer definition of proselytizing by the Pentagon.

Read more: Pentagon: Soldiers who spread faith may be prosecuted - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Snopes, once again is wrong.
You have to put up with a lot crap in the service; having to put up with someone trying to convert you to their region should not be one of them. Freedom of worship is one thing, having someone else's religion cramped down your throat is something else.

The regulation is not new. In August, the Air Force issued a policy telling
its chaplains that they must balance an airman's right to religious
exercise with a prohibition against government establishment of religion.
A violation of the policy could result in a court-martial.

snopes.com: Ban on Military Proselytizing

The Snopes piece gives more credence to the claim of the OP than I suspected would be the case.
Well when is the appropriate time to example the plan of salvation?

Never. You keep your damned religion to yourself. Express yourself in church, not to your fellow soldiers, because they don't want to hear about how Jesus 'saved' you.

So much for tolerance. Supposed someone was going to die and didn't know about Christ do Christians just allow this to happen? Sorry that is not what their faith and what their God dictates.
Apparently you didn't see this statement from the Department of Defense on military proselytization issued today.

Members of the military are free to share their faith as long as they don’t harass others, the Department of Defense said in a statement today. A Pentagon ban on proselytzing had caused an uproar in social media this week. Conservative activists claimed that service members could face court martial for talking about Jesus. But a Defense Department spokesman said that evangelizing is allowed, as long as it is not disruptive.

Statement from DoD on Military Proselytization - LGF Pages
Last edited:
Notice how it is only Christians being targeted?

Not one peep about Muslims, Wiccans, or of the other "minority" religions.
Never. You keep your damned religion to yourself. Express yourself in church, not to your fellow soldiers, because they don't want to hear about how Jesus 'saved' you.

So much for tolerance. Supposed someone was going to die and didn't know about Christ do Christians just allow this to happen? Sorry that is not what their faith and what their God dictates.
Apparently you didn't see this statement from the Department of Defense on military proselytization issued today.

Members of the military are free to share their faith as long as they don’t harass others, the Department of Defense said in a statement today. A Pentagon ban on proselytzing had caused an uproar in social media this week. Conservative activists claimed that service members could face court martial for talking about Jesus. But a Defense Department spokesman said that evangelizing is allowed, as long as it is not disruptive.

Statement from DoD on Military Proselytization - LGF Pages

I suppose you ignored this example of bigotry and hate against Christians

Its for those who try and FORCE their religion on others. It has nothing to do with someone simply saying they happen to be a Christian, its about those soldiers who try to promote their own religion.

I agree with Obama. You are in the military, which is not a place to tell everyone that you are a Christian and that Jesus can save you.

Well when is the appropriate time to example the plan of salvation?

Never. You keep your damned religion to yourself. Express yourself in church, not to your fellow soldiers, because they don't want to hear about how Jesus 'saved' you.

It's close to the norm now.
You have to put up with a lot crap in the service; having to put up with someone trying to convert you to their region should not be one of them. Freedom of worship is one thing, having someone else's religion cramped down your throat is something else.

The regulation is not new. In August, the Air Force issued a policy telling
its chaplains that they must balance an airman's right to religious
exercise with a prohibition against government establishment of religion.
A violation of the policy could result in a court-martial.

snopes.com: Ban on Military Proselytizing

The Snopes piece gives more credence to the claim of the OP than I suspected would be the case.

That snopes article is fluff. It's clearly written to try and temper the reality. it doesn't even bother to mention the Pentagon press memo. I've learned that snopes has an agenda just like any other site.

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