Obama brings back Don't ask, Don't tell

Never. You keep your damned religion to yourself. Express yourself in church, not to your fellow soldiers, because they don't want to hear about how Jesus 'saved' you.

So much for tolerance. Supposed someone was going to die and didn't know about Christ do Christians just allow this to happen? Sorry that is not what their faith and what their God dictates.
Apparently you didn't see this statement from the Department of Defense on military proselytization issued today.

Members of the military are free to share their faith as long as they don’t harass others, the Department of Defense said in a statement today. A Pentagon ban on proselytzing had caused an uproar in social media this week. Conservative activists claimed that service members could face court martial for talking about Jesus. But a Defense Department spokesman said that evangelizing is allowed, as long as it is not disruptive.

Statement from DoD on Military Proselytization - LGF Pages

So, they back stepped. They never should have released that statement. Clearly, it was unAmerican.
Its for those who try and FORCE their religion on others. It has nothing to do with someone simply saying they happen to be a Christian, its about those soldiers who try to promote their own religion.

I agree with Obama. You are in the military, which is not a place to tell everyone that you are a Christian and that Jesus can save you.

It's one thing to state you are a Christian and Jesus saves (freedom of speech) but to "force" it on someone is actually trying to convert them to faith is another issue all together and should not be tolerated.
Its for those who try and FORCE their religion on others. It has nothing to do with someone simply saying they happen to be a Christian, its about those soldiers who try to promote their own religion.

I agree with Obama. You are in the military, which is not a place to tell everyone that you are a Christian and that Jesus can save you.

It's one thing to state you are a Christian and Jesus saves (freedom of speech) but to "force" it on someone is actually trying to convert them to faith is another issue all together and should not be tolerated.

Who has been "forced" into anything? Name one case. You can't. Americans see this as part of the continued assault against liberties.
Never. You keep your damned religion to yourself. Express yourself in church, not to your fellow soldiers, because they don't want to hear about how Jesus 'saved' you.

So much for tolerance. Supposed someone was going to die and didn't know about Christ do Christians just allow this to happen? Sorry that is not what their faith and what their God dictates.
Apparently you didn't see this statement from the Department of Defense on military proselytization issued today.

Members of the military are free to share their faith as long as they don’t harass others, the Department of Defense said in a statement today. A Pentagon ban on proselytzing had caused an uproar in social media this week. Conservative activists claimed that service members could face court martial for talking about Jesus. But a Defense Department spokesman said that evangelizing is allowed, as long as it is not disruptive.

Statement from DoD on Military Proselytization - LGF Pages

My comment was based directly on the comment of naomi, it had nothing to do with the link. Try to keep up.
It was Bill Clinton who started Don't ask, Don't Tell with gays in the military; even though libs like to pretend that's a conservative thing. Now, Obama has his own Don't ask, Don't Tell as he has promised court martials for any soldier who dares to express his/her religious beliefs.

Pentagon May Court Martial Soldiers Who Share Christian Faith

Really? Breitbart is still considered to be a credible source?

I guess it is if you're a far right wing fringe lunatic.

As far as being able to state your faith? It didn't come up during the 20 years that I was in the Navy unless it was a time when things were boring and you were stuck talking to someone while doing a job.

Yeah.......................I'm a Taoist, and I was set up in a stateroom for 2 years with an evangelical preacher (who also happened to be the ship's chaplain), and yeah, we did talk religion, but we always respected the viewpoints that each other was coming from.

Matter of fact, by the time I'd transferred off the ship to go to Amarillo and take over the MEPS, about half of the ship had read "The Tao of Pooh", and no matter what their religion (Catholic, Protestant, Baptist or other), they all said that that book had good points.

I've shared my personal belief system with others, and they've shared theirs with me, nobody had any problem, and I served until around August of 2002.
Its for those who try and FORCE their religion on others. It has nothing to do with someone simply saying they happen to be a Christian, its about those soldiers who try to promote their own religion.

I agree with Obama. You are in the military, which is not a place to tell everyone that you are a Christian and that Jesus can save you.


The Australian ambassador of ill will and contempt towards America wants Christians to fear for their lives and well-being if they admit they believe in Jesus Christ.
It was Bill Clinton who started Don't ask, Don't Tell with gays in the military; even though libs like to pretend that's a conservative thing. Now, Obama has his own Don't ask, Don't Tell as he has promised court martials for any soldier who dares to express his/her religious beliefs.

Pentagon May Court Martial Soldiers Who Share Christian Faith

snopes.com: Ban on Military Proselytizing

yep, it's true

Obama has removed the right of free speech from our troops.

Fuck that ******, and fuck all you sheep that suck his cock day in and day out.
Anyone that knows the Bible knows these things are going to happen....I just can't believe I'm alive to see it.
The next progressive step is to feed Christians to the lions like the Romans did to show contempt. Anyone who objects is ridiculed and has government benefits removed or denied, even if they spent a lifetime paying Social Security and all other taxes required. That is already going on.
Anyone that knows the Bible knows these things are going to happen....I just can't believe I'm alive to see it.
The next progressive step is to feed Christians to the lions like the Romans did to show contempt. Anyone who objects is ridiculed and has government benefits removed or denied, even if they spent a lifetime paying Social Security and all other taxes required. That is already going on.

Christians and Jews have nothing to fear, at least as long as I and others like me have the ability to fight the fight for them.
Anyone that knows the Bible knows these things are going to happen....I just can't believe I'm alive to see it.
The next progressive step is to feed Christians to the lions like the Romans did to show contempt. Anyone who objects is ridiculed and has government benefits removed or denied, even if they spent a lifetime paying Social Security and all other taxes required. That is already going on.

Christians and Jews have nothing to fear, at least as long as I and others like me have the ability to fight the fight for them.

If they have to depend on the bigotry of those such as yourself, they have everything to fear.

Especially you...........................
The next progressive step is to feed Christians to the lions like the Romans did to show contempt. Anyone who objects is ridiculed and has government benefits removed or denied, even if they spent a lifetime paying Social Security and all other taxes required. That is already going on.

Christians and Jews have nothing to fear, at least as long as I and others like me have the ability to fight the fight for them.

If they have to depend on the bigotry of those such as yourself, they have everything to fear.

Especially you...........................

holy fucking shit dumb ass I'm not the one that bashes Christians or Jews.
But if you have proof of that claim show or not I will neg your ass for lying as I have told you in the past.
Its for those who try and FORCE their religion on others. It has nothing to do with someone simply saying they happen to be a Christian, its about those soldiers who try to promote their own religion.

I agree with Obama. You are in the military, which is not a place to tell everyone that you are a Christian and that Jesus can save you.

It's one thing to state you are a Christian and Jesus saves (freedom of speech) but to "force" it on someone is actually trying to convert them to faith is another issue all together and should not be tolerated.

All a person has to do is say not interested. Why only Christians, there are approximately 21 different religions in the world. although I can see why they wouldn't want Muslim's forcing their religion since it involves losing a head if you don't agree.
Its for those who try and FORCE their religion on others. It has nothing to do with someone simply saying they happen to be a Christian, its about those soldiers who try to promote their own religion.

I agree with Obama. You are in the military, which is not a place to tell everyone that you are a Christian and that Jesus can save you.



What's "force"?

I agree with obama too. HIS military is no place for a Christian. No Christian nor Jew for that matter has any business fighting for obamamerica.
Its for those who try and FORCE their religion on others. It has nothing to do with someone simply saying they happen to be a Christian, its about those soldiers who try to promote their own religion.

I agree with Obama. You are in the military, which is not a place to tell everyone that you are a Christian and that Jesus can save you.



What's "force"?

I agree with obama too. HIS military is no place for a Christian. No Christian nor Jew for that matter has any business fighting for obamamerica.

For the love of me, I hope you were kidding.
Its for those who try and FORCE their religion on others. It has nothing to do with someone simply saying they happen to be a Christian, its about those soldiers who try to promote their own religion.

I agree with Obama. You are in the military, which is not a place to tell everyone that you are a Christian and that Jesus can save you.

It's one thing to state you are a Christian and Jesus saves (freedom of speech) but to "force" it on someone is actually trying to convert them to faith is another issue all together and should not be tolerated.
True. You shouldn't be allowed to force your religious beliefs on others to a point of harassment. The DOD made that quite clear in their statement, "Members of the military are free to share their faith as long as they don’t harass others". This is particularly important in the military. Unlike in civil life, you don't have a choice of who live and work with.
Its for those who try and FORCE their religion on others. It has nothing to do with someone simply saying they happen to be a Christian, its about those soldiers who try to promote their own religion.

I agree with Obama. You are in the military, which is not a place to tell everyone that you are a Christian and that Jesus can save you.

It's one thing to state you are a Christian and Jesus saves (freedom of speech) but to "force" it on someone is actually trying to convert them to faith is another issue all together and should not be tolerated.
True. You shouldn't be allowed to force your religious beliefs on others to a point of harassment. The DOD made that quite clear in their statement, "Members of the military are free to share their faith as long as they don’t harass others". This is particularly important in the military. Unlike in civil life, you don't have a choice of who live and work with.

There are plenty of remedies for "harassment" that do not include court martial. And the initial press release did not state that word even. This is Obama's continued assault against Christianity. He's a bully.

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