Obama brings back Don't ask, Don't tell

Its for those who try and FORCE their religion on others. It has nothing to do with someone simply saying they happen to be a Christian, its about those soldiers who try to promote their own religion.

I agree with Obama. You are in the military, which is not a place to tell everyone that you are a Christian and that Jesus can save you.

It's one thing to state you are a Christian and Jesus saves (freedom of speech) but to "force" it on someone is actually trying to convert them to faith is another issue all together and should not be tolerated.

All a person has to do is say not interested. Why only Christians, there are approximately 21 different religions in the world. although I can see why they wouldn't want Muslim's forcing their religion since it involves losing a head if you don't agree.

U.S. military's anti-proselytization policy has been consistent among all religions, and it targets only disruptive activities. A statement released May 2 by Defense Department spokesman Lt. Cmdr. Nate Christensen clarified the military's policy that "members of the military are free to share their faith as long as they don't harass others.

No doubt that had a Muslim, Jew, or Buddhist instead of a Christian fundamentalist complained, the DOD response would have been quit different.

The entire issue of prostration is interesting. A person certainly has the right to express themselves but they do not have the right to harass others. It really boils down to a specific incident. A minister has the right to harass his congregation because the congregation choose to attend the service. It's a different matter of a bunkmate harassing a fellow solider who has far less choice.
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Its for those who try and FORCE their religion on others. It has nothing to do with someone simply saying they happen to be a Christian, its about those soldiers who try to promote their own religion.

I agree with Obama. You are in the military, which is not a place to tell everyone that you are a Christian and that Jesus can save you.

You are quite wrong.

Even mentioning that you are a Christian will be enough to warrant Non-Judicial Punishment and asking someone about their religion or attempting to spread the word of Christ will be a basis for a Courts Martial.

You need to read the other thread, it was laid out pretty well.

The group pushing this has compared it to rape.

Someone is welcome to say that they are a Christian. They should not be permitted to try and 'spread' the word of Christ. That is shoving your religion down the throats of those who are not interested, and if you want to do that to me, go right ahead, but I believe I have the right to remove you if I see fit.
Have you seen anyone argue for the right to harass? You're decidedly changing the parameters of the argument/discussion. And I have no idea what you're talking about with the Christian fundamentalist allegedly complaining. Nobody has mentioned such a thing.

And frankly, soldiers spiritual rights should not only not be infringed; but openly accepted. How's the saying go? There's no atheists in office buildings? Oh, no. It's there's no fucking atheists in fucking foxholes.
Its for those who try and FORCE their religion on others. It has nothing to do with someone simply saying they happen to be a Christian, its about those soldiers who try to promote their own religion.

I agree with Obama. You are in the military, which is not a place to tell everyone that you are a Christian and that Jesus can save you.

You are quite wrong.

Even mentioning that you are a Christian will be enough to warrant Non-Judicial Punishment and asking someone about their religion or attempting to spread the word of Christ will be a basis for a Courts Martial.

You need to read the other thread, it was laid out pretty well.

The group pushing this has compared it to rape.

Someone is welcome to say that they are a Christian. They should not be permitted to try and 'spread' the word of Christ. That is shoving your religion down the throats of those who are not interested, and if you want to do that to me, go right ahead, but I believe I have the right to remove you if I see fit.

This must be the tolerance that the left brags about. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

I get tired of hearing your nonsense points of views. Nobody is saying you don't have the right to say it.
Its for those who try and FORCE their religion on others. It has nothing to do with someone simply saying they happen to be a Christian, its about those soldiers who try to promote their own religion.

I agree with Obama. You are in the military, which is not a place to tell everyone that you are a Christian and that Jesus can save you.

I don't agree with Obama or you. You're in the military to defend the freedoms of the country, so why should the soldier not be able to express his or her own religious beliefs repectfully, no matter who happens to be listening. Fellow soldiers might be shot or killed. Whould you rather they went to eternity without any opportunity to hear about salvation? Or do YOU're and Obama's opinions/ beliefs supersede mine.

And frankly, I must agree with those who have stated that they never thought such things would happen here, now and seemingly so quickly. But the government removes religious thought from public education. Next it wants to cut the surplus population among undesirables (abortion). Next comes the redefining of social institutions (no fault divorce, gay marriage). Then government wants to remove the spiritual conscience from the military. What will be next?:eusa_shhh: Don't ask don't tell...
Its for those who try and FORCE their religion on others. It has nothing to do with someone simply saying they happen to be a Christian, its about those soldiers who try to promote their own religion.

I agree with Obama. You are in the military, which is not a place to tell everyone that you are a Christian and that Jesus can save you.

You are quite wrong.

Even mentioning that you are a Christian will be enough to warrant Non-Judicial Punishment and asking someone about their religion or attempting to spread the word of Christ will be a basis for a Courts Martial.

You need to read the other thread, it was laid out pretty well.

The group pushing this has compared it to rape.

Someone is welcome to say that they are a Christian. They should not be permitted to try and 'spread' the word of Christ. That is shoving your religion down the throats of those who are not interested, and if you want to do that to me, go right ahead, but I believe I have the right to remove you if I see fit.

Look, all you have to say is that YOU are not interested. Thank you very much. And that is it. However, if you are in a group discussion and voicing YOUR particular opinion concerning something, and another says, "But the Bible says this or that, and I believe..." Your really have no right to tell that person to shut up. In fact you opened the can of worms when you voiced your own opinion. Everyone is entitled to voice their own opinion on a matter no matter how uncomfortable that value may seem to you're own point of view. A person only needs to demonstrate respect by not yelling or using foul language towards those concerned. And I will go so far as to say, most Christians talking about their faith do not yell or use foul language or intentionally provoke others. But I have found some people are very thinned skinned ---- for seemingly obvious reasons...:eusa_pray:
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Its for those who try and FORCE their religion on others. It has nothing to do with someone simply saying they happen to be a Christian, its about those soldiers who try to promote their own religion.

I agree with Obama. You are in the military, which is not a place to tell everyone that you are a Christian and that Jesus can save you.

I don't agree with Obama or you. You're in the military to defend the freedoms of the country, so why should the soldier not be able to express his or her own religious beliefs repectfully, no matter who happens to be listening. Fellow soldiers might be shot or killed. Whould you rather they went to eternity without any opportunity to hear about salvation? Or do YOU're and Obama's opinions/ beliefs supersede mine.

And frankly, I must agree with those who have stated that they never thought such things would happen here, now and seemingly so quickly. But the government removes religious thought from public education. Next it wants to cut the surplus population among undesirables (abortion). Next comes the redefining of social institutions (no fault divorce, gay marriage). Then government wants to remove the spiritual conscience from the military. What will be next?:eusa_shhh: Don't ask don't tell...

Noomi is not attached to the first amendment. I'm still not sure whether they have an equivalent in Australia.

I like George Carlin, but I disagree with him. I find him funniest when he does not use foul language and bathroom humor. Churches don't speak mostly about politics. There are times when an issue is biblically examined. But the reality is this: If the government collected even more tax revenue, the government would simply find additional ways to squander it. And we would be in the hole once again. The church is not allowed to express itself in various public institutions because of a separation of Church and State. The State should not expect to put its hand in the pocket of the Church without also funding Church programs. And we all know what would happen if that happened ---- the only thing that would then be read in church would be the President's speeches.
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We have a "Godless" Constitution. I also want a "Godless" military. It's not God's Army.

Can you show me where it says the Constitution is Godless? Thought so, chump. But I can give you pages of pretext and post text that show that the Constitution is based upon God.
We have a "Godless" Constitution. I also want a "Godless" military. It's not God's Army.

If we had a "Godless" constitution, there would be no Second Amendment. Get enough Gay activists in the military and you may get your wish...:eek:
Anyone that knows the Bible knows these things are going to happen....I just can't believe I'm alive to see it.

Yea you are just like the other millions of nut jobs In the last 2000 years that thought you would witness the rapture.
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We have a "Godless" Constitution. I also want a "Godless" military. It's not God's Army.

Can you show me where it says the Constitution is Godless? Thought so, chump. But I can give you pages of pretext and post text that show that the Constitution is based upon God.

Provide proof the Constitution isn't Godless. How many times is God, Creator, Jesus, or Lord mentioned in the Constitution? You lose!

The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

Our Godless Constitution
It has often been seen on the Internet that to find God in the Constitution, all one has to do is read it, and see how often the Framers used the words "God," or "Creator," "Jesus," or "Lord." Except for one notable instance, however, none of these words ever appears in the Constitution, neither the original nor in any of the Amendments. The notable exception is found in the Signatory section, where the date is written thusly: "Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven". The use of the word "Lord" here is not a religious reference, however. This was a common way of expressing the date, in both religious and secular contexts. This lack of any these words does not mean that the Framers were not spiritual people, any more than the use of the word Lord means that they were. What this lack of these words is expositive of is not a love for or disdain for religion, but the feeling that the new government should not involve itself in matters of religion. In fact, the original Constitution bars any religious test to hold any federal office in the United States.

Things That Are Not In the U.S. Constitution - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

Constitutional Topic: The Constitution and Religion - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net
So much for tolerance. Supposed someone was going to die and didn't know about Christ do Christians just allow this to happen? Sorry that is not what their faith and what their God dictates.

People KNOW about Jesus and God and they are not going to change their minds and start believing just because they are dying. Get real.

I don't give a shit what your faith dictates. Have some respect for everyone around you and keep your religious shit to yourself.

But here's a compromise - how about we allow soldiers to spread their religious beliefs to those who are not interested, and if one soldier decides to use deadly force to shut that religious soldier up for good, they can.

I don't tell the world about my religion, what the hell gives Christians the right to shove their poxy religion down my throat?

This isn't about just whether the word of Jesus will go forth. All men should be allowed to express the dictates of their conscious. Stop acting like an arrogant jackass.
Then you'd be OK with Muslims discussing Islam in our military?

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