Obama broke the law, will he be held accountable or given yet another free pass?

even tho I do not like it...Obama is using the legal opinion from the Bush Admin about War Powers. Some mumbo jumbo about the POTUS cant be restrained by congress during war and protecting Americans or something like that.

Has anyone else heard that?
Another Free pass it look like

he's free to spit all over us and our laws because he IS, THE ONE...OUR KING
even tho I do not like it...Obama is using the legal opinion from the Bush Admin about War Powers. Some mumbo jumbo about the POTUS cant be restrained by congress during war and protecting Americans or something like that.

Has anyone else heard that?

I heard a Jay Carney presser some time ago when he said that Obama would NOT violate the law by swapping prisoners without first consulting congress.

You are the first ive heard to blame Bush. I'm not surprised
Not one of you Tea Brains can quote a law that was broken.

A law that is not superseded by any of the circumstances or war powers act.

A Federal Law.

Not a policy.

Not an SoP.

A Federal Law defining a criminal act.
Not one of you Tea Brains can quote a law that was broken.

A law that is not superseded by any of the circumstances or war powers act.

A Federal Law.

Not a policy.

Not an SoP.

A Federal Law defining a criminal act.

National Defense Authorization Act.
even tho I do not like it...Obama is using the legal opinion from the Bush Admin about War Powers. Some mumbo jumbo about the POTUS cant be restrained by congress during war and protecting Americans or something like that.

Has anyone else heard that?

I heard a Jay Carney presser some time ago when he said that Obama would NOT violate the law by swapping prisoners without first consulting congress.

You are the first ive heard to blame Bush. I'm not surprised

Blame Bush? I said the War Powers. If you want to boil that down to making it about blaming Bush then I cant stop you. Just stating facts
The one he signed into law just a few months ago saying Congress would be advised 30 days prior to any release of prisoners from Gitmo.
Obama broke the law, will he be held accountable or given yet another free pass?

As I told the press club last night, listen to no one seriously about this until the discussion includes the CiC's power to make decisions in wartime beyond the law.
One of many on Google
was just reading this

Obama's Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap: Was it illegal?

President Obama is supposed to give Congress advanced warning of Guantánamo detainee transfers. In the swap that freed Bowe Bergdahl, he didn't. Why? It has to do with 'signing statements.'

By Mark Sappenfield, Staff writer / June 1, 2014

Carolyn Kaster/AP

Well before this weekend's prisoner swap, which secured the release of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl from Taliban insurgents after five years in captivity, House Republicans accused President Obama of essentially breaking the law to get his way.

The news of how the swap was carried out will only add to their list of grievances.

A federal statute states that the secretary of Defense must notify Congress 30 days before any transfer of prisoners from Guantánamo Bay. The law allows Congress to have a say on whether the detainees could be a threat to national security.

ALL of it at
Obama's Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap: Was it illegal? - CSMonitor.com
Obama broke the law, will he be held accountable or given yet another free pass?

Are you kidding?

Laws are for the little people.
President Obama is supposed to give Congress advanced warning of Guantánamo detainee transfers. In the swap that freed Bowe Bergdahl, he didn't. Why? It has to do with 'signing statements.'

Signing statements are not laws, and have no legal impact at all. True for Bush, true for Obama.

A President can write all the "signing statements" he wants. He can paper the walls of his bedroom with them if he likes, or put them in his memoirs.

That's about all the use they are.

BTW, if he signs a law passed by Congress, and then doesn't obey it, he's committing a crime, just as if *I* didn't obey a law passed by Congress and signed by the President.

Writing out something called a "signing statement" before he refuses to obey the law, makes no difference.
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The one he signed into law just a few months ago saying Congress would be advised 30 days prior to any release of prisoners from Gitmo.
The White House took a fourth straight day of heat for not giving Congress the required 30 days notice of a detainee release. Obama had issued a statement when he signed the law containing that requirement giving himself a loophole for certain circumstances under the executive powers clause of the Constitution.

Stop watching FOXNEWS. They are leaving out the facts.

When did Chris Matthews start working for Fox? Its not just Fox that is calling obama on his lies and illegal behavior.

your messiah really stepped in it this time.

The liberals are desperate. They are kicking and squirming, trying to find ANYTHING to distract from Obama's transgressions. Their lies about him ("He didn't break any laws!!!") continue as before.
Top Lawmakers Say White House Broke Law in Bergdahl Deal - NBC News

I guess he apologized to Diane so it's all good now right?
He did not break the law.

Stop watching FOXNEWS. They are leaving out the facts.

When did Chris Matthews start working for Fox? Its not just Fox that is calling obama on his lies and illegal behavior.

your messiah really stepped in it this time.
What are you babbling about?

Are you claiming that Chris Matthews is infallible? You didn't provide a link to your bullshit.

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