Obama broke the law, will he be held accountable or given yet another free pass?

When did Chris Matthews start working for Fox? Its not just Fox that is calling obama on his lies and illegal behavior.

your messiah really stepped in it this time.

The liberals are desperate. They are kicking and squirming, trying to find ANYTHING to distract from Obama's transgressions. Their lies about him ("He didn't break any laws!!!") continue as before.

You have not showed that he has broken any law. He exempted himself from that 30 day notification under his Constitutional powers as Commander in Chief.

Sooooo, he just declared himself Der Fuhrer? Is that what you're saying? There was no compelling need to trade any terrorists for a deserter. None. Obama abrogated the law, knowingly, and hopefully Congress will get off their collective dumb asses and do something about it.

JEFFREY TOOBIN: I think he clearly broke the law. The law says 30-days' notice. He didn't give 30-days notice. Now, it is true he issued a signing statement but signing statements are not law. Signing statements are the president's opinion about what the law should mean. Now, it may be that the law is unconstitutional, a violation of his power as commander-in-chief but no court has held that. The law is on the books and he didn't follow it.
So Diane Feinstein, most of congress & a lot of the media are all wrong but Fake Jake & ClosedCaption are right?

Get over yourselves

You keep ignoring the Wartime Powers. You should.
Doesn't make it right, but it is funny they are now crying over something the left pointed out when bush used it...

Big told you so.

Thats what I said in the first post. I dont like the shit but there is precedence from the Bush admin.

Gramps decided to raise the level of discussion by saying "you blame Bush" :lol:

Every post since then Gramps refuses to even speak about the Wartime powers because if he did he'd have to get off of the Repub approved talking points. So now he wants to deflect to a dick measuring contest between me and Feinstein...or something:lol:
The liberals are desperate. They are kicking and squirming, trying to find ANYTHING to distract from Obama's transgressions. Their lies about him ("He didn't break any laws!!!") continue as before.

You have not showed that he has broken any law. He exempted himself from that 30 day notification under his Constitutional powers as Commander in Chief.

Sooooo, he just declared himself Der Fuhrer? Is that what you're saying? There was no compelling need to trade any terrorists for a deserter. None. Obama abrogated the law, knowingly, and hopefully Congress will get off their collective dumb asses and do something about it.

no answer is good enough
This is what I told the OP and he whined about blaming Bush.

Its like the only good answer for them is the one they already have in their heads and additional facts mean shit to them

So Diane Feinstein, most of congress & a lot of the media are all wrong but Fake Jake & ClosedCaption are right?

Get over yourselves

You keep ignoring the Wartime Powers. You should.

Grampa is being Grampa, which, in fact, is better than being Yurt, although Grampa is yurtling a bit.

Yes, the Wartime Powers trump all this.
The liberals are desperate. They are kicking and squirming, trying to find ANYTHING to distract from Obama's transgressions. Their lies about him ("He didn't break any laws!!!") continue as before.

You have not showed that he has broken any law. He exempted himself from that 30 day notification under his Constitutional powers as Commander in Chief.

Sooooo, he just declared himself Der Fuhrer? Is that what you're saying? There was no compelling need to trade any terrorists for a deserter. None. Obama abrogated the law, knowingly, and hopefully Congress will get off their collective dumb asses and do something about it.

Learn to read, retard.

He exercised his Constitutional power as Commander in Chief.
Jeffrey Toobin: Obama "Clearly Broke The Law" | Video | RealClearPolitics

JEFFREY TOOBIN: I think he clearly broke the law. The law says 30-days' notice. He didn't give 30-days notice. Now, it is true he issued a signing statement but signing statements are not law. Signing statements are the president's opinion about what the law should mean. Now, it may be that the law is unconstitutional, a violation of his power as commander-in-chief but no court has held that. The law is on the books and he didn't follow it.
And Bush's top lawyer says Obama did not break the law.
Remember, as Obama constantly reminds us, he used to teach constitutional law so he is smarter than all of us poor saps...he just makes up the law as he goes along.
You have not showed that he has broken any law. He exempted himself from that 30 day notification under his Constitutional powers as Commander in Chief.

Sooooo, he just declared himself Der Fuhrer? Is that what you're saying? There was no compelling need to trade any terrorists for a deserter. None. Obama abrogated the law, knowingly, and hopefully Congress will get off their collective dumb asses and do something about it.

no answer is good enough

For once you're correct. No one is above the law...funny how you sycophants think Obama is. If this had been Bush you would all be yelling and screaming for blood. A more blatant example of the hypocrisy endemic to the progressive movement would be hard to find.
Doesn't matter what he does = free pass. The left won't even get pissed...Left only cares about power.

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