Obama buys a burger for a spy


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2010
It is unbelievable to me that Obama didn't know of the FBI investigation of the Russian spies
recently arrested yet he happily ate a burger with the communist scumbag that probably knew of this spy ring and said zip.
Jimmy Carter? I wish we had Jimbo back in place of this weak ass buffoon.
it is unbelievable to me that obama didn't know of the fbi investigation of the russian spies
recently arrested yet he happily ate a burger with the communist scumbag that probably knew of this spy ring and said zip.
Jimmy carter? I wish we had jimbo back in place of this weak ass buffoon.

It is unbelievable to me that Obama didn't know of the FBI investigation of the Russian spies
recently arrested yet he happily ate a burger with the communist scumbag that probably knew of this spy ring and said zip.
Jimmy Carter? I wish we had Jimbo back in place of this weak ass buffoon.

You think O'Same-O knew about the Russian spies??:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

He probably can't remember his caddie's name from last Tuesday.
It is unbelievable to me that Obama didn't know of the FBI investigation of the Russian spies
recently arrested yet he happily ate a burger with the communist scumbag that probably knew of this spy ring and said zip.
Jimmy Carter? I wish we had Jimbo back in place of this weak ass buffoon.

But did he have regular yellow mustard on the burger or was it dijon?

These things are important you know.
Obama is really a Russian spy. :eek:

According to a World Net Daily article, Obama is a Soviet Spy who is also a Atheist.

Also, the OP is a moron.

Russian Spy Ring: Obama Knew About FBI Operation Before Meeting Dmitry Medvedev -- Signs of the Times News

Barack Obama knew about the FBI operation to arrest an alleged spy ring before meeting his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev last week, but did not raise it at the talks, according to the White House.

Robert Gibbs, the White House spokesman, said the revelations, which were condemned by Russia, would not interfere with the effort by both sides to "reset" their relations, which has been pursued ever since Mr Obama became president last year.

Why did she claim the US president "passed through my hands"?

Was she lying? Did she say it for political gain??

Why did another grandmother put a birth notice in a Hawaii paper?
I think I am going to believe the grandmother who was actually involved in his life.

Maybe for acceptance in her social circle.

I wasn't born anywhere near Chicago, but my father's mother had a notice of my birth posted in her church's bulletin so she would get the congrats from her friends.

Maybe Grandma Dunham did the same.
It is unbelievable to me that Obama didn't know of the FBI investigation of the Russian spies
recently arrested yet he happily ate a burger with the communist scumbag that probably knew of this spy ring and said zip.
Jimmy Carter? I wish we had Jimbo back in place of this weak ass buffoon.
I wish we had Carter back, too. He was a good and decent man and it was wrong not to stick with him and give him a second term.

As for Obama, he's neither weak nor a buffoon. He simply doesn't give a damn. My impression is he was carried into the Presidency with the understanding that fulfilling his obligations to the kingmakers who enabled him would leave little chance for a second term, so he's just making the most of this term, doing what he can while avoiding pissing off the power structure and going along to get along.

He is a young man and his future is secure. Having achieved his present status ensures him of power and prestige for the rest of his life. He will become the president of some Ivy League university or be a partner in some prestigious law firm.

While Obama is better than George W. Bush in every way, he is by no means what we hoped he would be or what he promised to be. I believe he is a Trojan Horse wheeled in by the same corporate kingmakers who imposed Bush on us. My hope is he becomes so clearly a loser by 2012 that the DNC puts up someone like Kucinich or Grayson -- which is the type of President we need.

No more Mr. Nice Guy. We need someone who bites!
It is unbelievable to me that Obama didn't know of the FBI investigation of the Russian spies
recently arrested yet he happily ate a burger with the communist scumbag that probably knew of this spy ring and said zip.
Jimmy Carter? I wish we had Jimbo back in place of this weak ass buffoon.

Why is that unbelievable?

Sounds pretty credible to me.
I wonder how many American spies can be arrested in Russia, ten thousand perhaps?
I doubt the President knew of the targets that were arrested. However, I'm sure the President is briefed about espionage investigations.
These operative working for Russia apparently weren't reporting anything that wasn't already known.

They were gleaning the newpapers and internet and sending that stuff to Moscow. they were reporting rumors and musing they might have heard in their capacity as journalists

Anybody every see the movie "Our Man in Havana"?

Sounds like these folks were about as effective as spys the protagonist in that movie.

The fact that they're not being charged for espionage (but are being charged for not reporting themselves as agents of a forign power) is rather telling about how ineffective they truly were.
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And Bill Clinton was right there: look at the reaction had come to Russia. If Americans will not smell badly, Putin, too, worry not, but if the wave will break up that "The answer will be adequate, less costly and more visible"

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