Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

You know what, I used to believe that crap, but watching how the private sector pits people who want to work against each other, keeping us all fighting over the last cookie, I kind of doubt it.

How's this for a trade. We replace all welfare with workfare. You get a check, but you have to be doing something useful to earn it.

And we tax the wealthy at an appropriate rate to pay for it.

Sounds fair to me.

we already tax the wealthy. don't tax the wealthy anything more until the 50% of so called Americans who don't currently pay.. pay.. that's what sounds fair to me.

Okay, so you think we should tax little children, then? Because when you talk about the 50% who pay no income tax, that includes children. And Retired people. And people with disabilities.

As I pointed out earlier, it's dishonest to use that figure because those who do earn incomes that are so low the IRS doesn't bother with them are still paying sales taxes, property taxes, and so on.

you can point it out till the cows come home.. 50% of Americans pay FEDERAl Income taxes.. 50% do not.. and the 50% who do pay all the other taxes to which you refer.. so you're the one being dishonest here.
You know what, I used to believe that crap, but watching how the private sector pits people who want to work against each other, keeping us all fighting over the last cookie, I kind of doubt it.

How's this for a trade. We replace all welfare with workfare. You get a check, but you have to be doing something useful to earn it.

And we tax the wealthy at an appropriate rate to pay for it.

Sounds fair to me.

we already tax the wealthy. don't tax the wealthy anything more until the 50% of so called Americans who don't currently pay.. pay.. that's what sounds fair to me.

Okay, so you think we should tax little children, then? Because when you talk about the 50% who pay no income tax, that includes children. And Retired people. And people with disabilities.

As I pointed out earlier, it's dishonest to use that figure because those who do earn incomes that are so low the IRS doesn't bother with them are still paying sales taxes, property taxes, and so on.

No, Joe, it does not. The stats are directly related to working Americans.
You know what, I used to believe that crap, but watching how the private sector pits people who want to work against each other, keeping us all fighting over the last cookie, I kind of doubt it.

How's this for a trade. We replace all welfare with workfare. You get a check, but you have to be doing something useful to earn it.

And we tax the wealthy at an appropriate rate to pay for it.

Sounds fair to me.

we already tax the wealthy. don't tax the wealthy anything more until the 50% of so called Americans who don't currently pay.. pay.. that's what sounds fair to me.

Payroll tax
Sales Tax
Property Tax

Shut the Fuck up.

Some on the right discount taxes paid primarily by Americans; tax cuts for those outside the US is AOK with them. And do not forget USER FEES, Court costs, parking at government buildings, fuel taxes, and even copying costs at Courthouses, all have have skyrocketed.* The filing fees in Florida increased 250% in ONE day, post 'Bush tax cut'. His Saudi brethren cleaned up however.

*Jeb! Bush used a cute trick; Florida did not raise the sales tax percentage, more items are now subject to the tax however.
here's the facts,, democrats have murdered millions of America's unborn so now,, don't try to tell us we need new youth from another shithole of a country.. that damn dog don't hunt.

Um, yeah, the prisons are filled with people who avoided abortion, unfortunately.

I don't want to share my streets with millions of people whose parents never wanted them to start with.

No, you'd rather share the streets with millions of criminals whose (illegitimate) votes are for sale.
So which GOP candidate did you support Joe?

When and where?

I gave Perry a good look until I realized he was stupid. I gave Gingrich a good look, I think he's a smart guy. In the end, I voted for Santorum in the primary because I think Santorum is one of these guys who actually gets it that the worst part of this recession is the impact it's having on working class folks, not that Mitt Can't afford a new Car Elevator.

So could you point me to a link where you supported Santorum? I really just want to get a better understanding of how you could go all in for Santorum on the one hand and all in for Obama on the other.
we already tax the wealthy. don't tax the wealthy anything more until the 50% of so called Americans who don't currently pay.. pay.. that's what sounds fair to me.

Payroll tax
Sales Tax
Property Tax

Shut the Fuck up.

Some on the right discount taxes paid primarily by Americans; tax cuts for those outside the US is AOK with them. And do not forget USER FEES, Court costs, parking at government buildings, fuel taxes, and even copying costs at Courthouses, all have have skyrocketed.* The filing fees in Florida increased 250% in ONE day, post 'Bush tax cut'. His Saudi brethren cleaned up however.

*Jeb! Bush used a cute trick; Florida did not raise the sales tax percentage, more items are now subject to the tax however.

No one on the right has discounted any of that shit liar.. we pay all those taxes in addition to carrrying the load of the 50% who pay FEDERAL income tax as opposed to you 50% who represent the leeches who don't pay FEDERAL Income tax but cry for more more more.. you don't pay that's fine but don't screech for more from us who do pay.. asswipe.
you can point it out till the cows come home.. 50% of Americans pay FEDERAl Income taxes.. 50% do not.. and the 50% who do pay all the other taxes to which you refer.. so you're the one being dishonest here.

But federal income taxes aren't the only taxes there are...

There are a whole slew of other taxes that hit working poor just as hard as the rich are hit by a wopping top income tax rate of 35%.

I make mid five figures, and when you calculate all my taxes together, I'm paying a lot more of a percentage than Mitt Romney does on his Cayman Island Bank stash.
There have been various versions of the DREAM Act introduced in the Congress since 2001, with both Republican and Democratic support. One version (H.R.5281) passed the House in 2010 on a 216-198 vote, but it later died in the Senate by failing to achieve cloture 55-41 (and 4 not voting). A Senate version also made to the Senate in 2005 (S.2205) when it failed a cloture vote 52-44 (and 4 not voting). As best I can tell, all other versions of the bill died in committee in both chambers (but I may be overlooking something). However, what we can see in terms of recorded votes that there has been majority support in the congress, at times, for the bill[.] [T]he rules of the Senate have precluded passage since twice the measure failed to achieve cloture.

The DREAM Act and the 60-vote Senate
you can point it out till the cows come home.. 50% of Americans pay FEDERAl Income taxes.. 50% do not.. and the 50% who do pay all the other taxes to which you refer.. so you're the one being dishonest here.

But federal income taxes aren't the only taxes there are...

There are a whole slew of other taxes that hit working poor just as hard as the rich are hit by a wopping top income tax rate of 35%.

I make mid five figures, and when you calculate all my taxes together, I'm paying a lot more of a percentage than Mitt Romney does on his Cayman Island Bank stash.

No one on the right has discounted any of that shit liar.. we pay all those taxes in addition to carrrying the load of the 50% who pay FEDERAL income tax as opposed to you 50% who represent the leeches who don't pay FEDERAL Income tax but cry for more more more.. you don't pay that's fine but don't screech for more from us who do pay.. asswipe
you can point it out till the cows come home.. 50% of Americans pay FEDERAl Income taxes.. 50% do not.. and the 50% who do pay all the other taxes to which you refer.. so you're the one being dishonest here.

But federal income taxes aren't the only taxes there are...

There are a whole slew of other taxes that hit working poor just as hard as the rich are hit by a wopping top income tax rate of 35%.

I make mid five figures, and when you calculate all my taxes together, I'm paying a lot more of a percentage than Mitt Romney does on his Cayman Island Bank stash.

But those ARE the taxes being discussed when you demand the wealthy pay more... Let's at least try and stay intellectually honest and relevant Joe.
we already tax the wealthy. don't tax the wealthy anything more until the 50% of so called Americans who don't currently pay.. pay.. that's what sounds fair to me.

Shut the Fuck up.

Nice mouth~

Except when a discussion about increasing taxes on the wealthy is mentioned they are not discussing Payroll tax; Sales Tax or Property Tax- of which the wealthy also pay. No, the discussion is about federal income taxes now isn't it <rhetorical question>

OH, hai Mom! I didn't realize the language patrol was in full force this morning.

Listen, Fucknose, I repled to the person saying that 50% of Americans don't pay taxes. So (correctly) pointed out that they do in fact pay taxes. Does anyone want to answer my earlier point that the reason a lot of people don't pay income taxes is because they literally do not make enough to be worth taxing. At that point you'd be taxing them into poverty, and then they'd have to use Welfare, and we all know how you ConservaFascists think about that.

No matter how you look at it, Conservatives care more about taking care of the top than they do the middle or bottom. You can spin it all you want, but since there's been no trickle down, and the highest period of growth in this country came when marginal tax rates were much, much higher, your entire economic philosophy is bo'sheet. It's just kicking as much money up to the top as possible to keep them happy so they don't fuck with us.

You know, like Mobsters do.
we already tax the wealthy. don't tax the wealthy anything more until the 50% of so called Americans who don't currently pay.. pay.. that's what sounds fair to me.

Okay, so you think we should tax little children, then? Because when you talk about the 50% who pay no income tax, that includes children. And Retired people. And people with disabilities.

As I pointed out earlier, it's dishonest to use that figure because those who do earn incomes that are so low the IRS doesn't bother with them are still paying sales taxes, property taxes, and so on.

No, Joe, it does not. The stats are directly related to working Americans.

Actually, no, it's a myth..

It's A Myth That 47% Of Americans Pay No Taxes, In Truth 86% Pay Taxes

The Tax Policy Center has tried to correct Fox News and the right wing media’s misuse of their research. In April 2010, Howard Glickman of the TPC wrote,

Let me explain—repeat actually—what this means: About half of taxpayers paid no federal income tax last year. It does not mean they paid no tax at all. Many shelled out Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes. In fact, only 14 percent of Americans didn’t pay either income or payroll taxes. Some paid property taxes and, it is fair to say, just about all of them paid sales taxes of one kind or another. So to say they pay no taxes is flat wrong.

However, this class warfare-like rhetoric plays to a perception that the income tax is a chump tax: Only hard-working folks like us pay it. The welfare queens don’t. The super-rich don’t. It is a powerful emotional argument. It is also flat wrong.

The actual number of Americans who don’t pay any taxes isn’t half, but 14%. This group of non-taxpayers of any kind is largely composed of the elderly and disabled. The people who don’t pay taxes do so because they can’t work.
you can point it out till the cows come home.. 50% of Americans pay FEDERAl Income taxes.. 50% do not.. and the 50% who do pay all the other taxes to which you refer.. so you're the one being dishonest here.

But federal income taxes aren't the only taxes there are...

There are a whole slew of other taxes that hit working poor just as hard as the rich are hit by a wopping top income tax rate of 35%.

I make mid five figures, and when you calculate all my taxes together, I'm paying a lot more of a percentage than Mitt Romney does on his Cayman Island Bank stash.

No one on the right has discounted any of that shit liar.. we pay all those taxes in addition to carrrying the load of the 50% who pay FEDERAL income tax as opposed to you 50% who represent the leeches who don't pay FEDERAL Income tax but cry for more more more.. you don't pay that's fine but don't screech for more from us who do pay.. asswipe

I pay income taxes, fuckstick. I'm just not a heartless fuck who wants people to starve on the streets before The Koch brothers are asked to actually pay income taxes. Capital Gains taxes don't get you guys off this hook either, since the Capital Gains tax rate is much, much lower than their income taxes would be.

We're onto your shell game, fools. Just because you have some sad, middle-class white folks brainwashed into buying into your Pyramid scheme, doesn't mean the rest of us buy into it.
you can point it out till the cows come home.. 50% of Americans pay FEDERAl Income taxes.. 50% do not.. and the 50% who do pay all the other taxes to which you refer.. so you're the one being dishonest here.

But federal income taxes aren't the only taxes there are...

There are a whole slew of other taxes that hit working poor just as hard as the rich are hit by a wopping top income tax rate of 35%.

I make mid five figures, and when you calculate all my taxes together, I'm paying a lot more of a percentage than Mitt Romney does on his Cayman Island Bank stash.

If you don't have investment capital on a five figure salary you're an idiot. AGAIN, the taxes always being discussed with regards to raising them are income taxes and investment income- Of which half of American's don't even pay.

So how much of every dollar you work for are you willing to give to the government? And why are you not giving it to them now? Lead the way dude- lead the way.
okay, so you think we should tax little children, then? Because when you talk about the 50% who pay no income tax, that includes children. And retired people. And people with disabilities.

As i pointed out earlier, it's dishonest to use that figure because those who do earn incomes that are so low the irs doesn't bother with them are still paying sales taxes, property taxes, and so on.

no, joe, it does not. The stats are directly related to working americans.

actually, no, it's a myth..

it's a myth that 47% of americans pay no taxes, in truth 86% pay taxes

the tax policy center has tried to correct fox news and the right wing media’s misuse of their research. In april 2010, howard glickman of the tpc wrote,

let me explain—repeat actually—what this means: About half of taxpayers paid no federal income tax last year. It does not mean they paid no tax at all. Many shelled out social security and medicare payroll taxes. In fact, only 14 percent of americans didn’t pay either income or payroll taxes. Some paid property taxes and, it is fair to say, just about all of them paid sales taxes of one kind or another. So to say they pay no taxes is flat wrong.

However, this class warfare-like rhetoric plays to a perception that the income tax is a chump tax: Only hard-working folks like us pay it. The welfare queens don’t. The super-rich don’t. It is a powerful emotional argument. It is also flat wrong.

The actual number of americans who don’t pay any taxes isn’t half, but 14%. This group of non-taxpayers of any kind is largely composed of the elderly and disabled. The people who don’t pay taxes do so because they can’t work.

Funny, I see people flying Irish flags on St. Paddy's day and people flying Italian flags on Columbus Day and people flying Polish flags on whatever the Poles celebrate here in Chicago.

If your not a native American, your ancestors didn't stay in whatever shithole of a country they came from, and you don't whine about that.

Because they are white.

Well, goodie, based on your very own statement, you can get the hell out of my country and go back to where you came from.

Well, actually, I'm 1/8th Native American, so I probably have stronger ties than you do.

But the point being, you guys who get all upset about the Mexicans flying their flag don't seem all that bothered when the Europeans fly their flags.

You wanna race.... You win. Everything's got to be some kind of "my dick's bigger than yours" competition. Frankly, I don't generally bring up certain personal information because it is not relevant.
Oh, and up here, our illegal population is not primarily Mexican. I do not agree with rewarding criminal behavior.
you can point it out till the cows come home.. 50% of Americans pay FEDERAl Income taxes.. 50% do not.. and the 50% who do pay all the other taxes to which you refer.. so you're the one being dishonest here.

But federal income taxes aren't the only taxes there are...

There are a whole slew of other taxes that hit working poor just as hard as the rich are hit by a wopping top income tax rate of 35%.

I make mid five figures, and when you calculate all my taxes together, I'm paying a lot more of a percentage than Mitt Romney does on his Cayman Island Bank stash.

But those ARE the taxes being discussed when you demand the wealthy pay more... Let's at least try and stay intellectually honest and relevant Joe.

I'm being completely relevent.. you are the ones who keeps going off into the weeds by repeating this MYTH about how half hte country are tax cheats..

Fact is, the country works best when the rich pay their fair share and we get consumer activity due to investment in infrastructure.

The dirty little secret of the Reagan years. Reagan might have taxed liked a supply sider, but he spent like a Keynesian.
Okay, so you think we should tax little children, then? Because when you talk about the 50% who pay no income tax, that includes children. And Retired people. And people with disabilities.

As I pointed out earlier, it's dishonest to use that figure because those who do earn incomes that are so low the IRS doesn't bother with them are still paying sales taxes, property taxes, and so on.

No, Joe, it does not. The stats are directly related to working Americans.

Actually, no, it's a myth..

It's A Myth That 47% Of Americans Pay No Taxes, In Truth 86% Pay Taxes

The Tax Policy Center has tried to correct Fox News and the right wing media’s misuse of their research. In April 2010, Howard Glickman of the TPC wrote,

Let me explain—repeat actually—what this means: About half of taxpayers paid no federal income tax last year. It does not mean they paid no tax at all. Many shelled out Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes. In fact, only 14 percent of Americans didn’t pay either income or payroll taxes. Some paid property taxes and, it is fair to say, just about all of them paid sales taxes of one kind or another. So to say they pay no taxes is flat wrong.

However, this class warfare-like rhetoric plays to a perception that the income tax is a chump tax: Only hard-working folks like us pay it. The welfare queens don’t. The super-rich don’t. It is a powerful emotional argument. It is also flat wrong.

The actual number of Americans who don’t pay any taxes isn’t half, but 14%. This group of non-taxpayers of any kind is largely composed of the elderly and disabled. The people who don’t pay taxes do so because they can’t work.

All that your link provided is what I already said- Mixing in taxes that are never before us in an argument is disingenuous. The tax hikes proposed against the wealthy are the taxes that 50% of Americans do not pay- not the taxes we all pay. The talking points at your link was provided for lemmings just like you.
But federal income taxes aren't the only taxes there are...

There are a whole slew of other taxes that hit working poor just as hard as the rich are hit by a wopping top income tax rate of 35%.

I make mid five figures, and when you calculate all my taxes together, I'm paying a lot more of a percentage than Mitt Romney does on his Cayman Island Bank stash.

But those ARE the taxes being discussed when you demand the wealthy pay more... Let's at least try and stay intellectually honest and relevant Joe.

I'm being completely relevent.. you are the ones who keeps going off into the weeds by repeating this MYTH about how half hte country are tax cheats..

Fact is, the country works best when the rich pay their fair share and we get consumer activity due to investment in infrastructure.

The dirty little secret of the Reagan years. Reagan might have taxed liked a supply sider, but he spent like a Keynesian.

I already took your link to task. Federal income tax is the tax that 50% of Americans do not pay- lets talk about just that tax SINCE that is the tax you want the wealthy to pay more of. So again Mr. 5 figure guy how much of every one of those 5 figures do you want to give the government? 20 cents? 30. 40, 50? How much Joe is a "fair share".
No, twisting the data to make your point is disingenuous. That's what his link actually shows, that your side has been twisting that data before they propagate to the sycophants. Clever doesn't mean literate, does it?

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