Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

Oh, sorry, did I hurt your ego by not answering your question?

No, you merely highlighted your unwillingness to answer a simple question... So how much of every dollar you earn should you pay in federal taxes Joe?
I'd say no more than 35% if at all possible, but we would have to tighten the belt in washington, and that doesn't mean hurting the most needed services in doing so, because we know that there is so much waist in washington that it is pathetic, and that there has been little to no accountability on such waist in which has gotten totally out of control, leading to more and more and more taxes to be taken from us, and more and more and more big government to help spend and dish it out to whom they think are worthy, and reagrdless of what we think.
we know that there is so much waist in washington that it is pathetic, and that there has been little to no accountability on such waist in which has gotten totally out of control.

You're right. A lot of those Congressmen have pretty big guts. They should really work their abs more.

Oh, sorry, did I hurt your ego by not answering your question?

No, you merely highlighted your unwillingness to answer a simple question... So how much of every dollar you earn should you pay in federal taxes Joe?

Ones like this guy do not like to answer.. because it exposes their acceptance of unequal treatment when it benefits their cause.... with those they are envious of, or those who they think can pay for the wants they could not afford for themselves or their cause, there is no limit on to how much they would tax... but when it comes to their allies or the ones they support, they will scream bloody murder when they feel they are being treated unequally

You would see ones like JoeB screaming, in a heartbeat, to have those 'evil rich' taxed at 90% on all income, if it meant that JoeB benefits from it either directly or by being able to say 'look at my generosity by redistributing to the NEEDY'... and I find it all repulsive
Oh, sorry, did I hurt your ego by not answering your question?

No, you merely highlighted your unwillingness to answer a simple question... So how much of every dollar you earn should you pay in federal taxes Joe?

Ones like this guy do not like to answer.. because it exposes their acceptance of unequal treatment when it benefits their cause.... with those they are envious of, or those who they think can pay for the wants they could not afford for themselves or their cause, there is no limit on to how much they would tax... but when it comes to their allies or the ones they support, they will scream bloody murder when they feel they are being treated unequally

You would see ones like JoeB screaming, in a heartbeat, to have those 'evil rich' taxed at 90% on all income, if it meant that JoeB benefits from it either directly or by being able to say 'look at my generosity by redistributing to the NEEDY'... and I find it all repulsive
I think most people look at it differently than this, where as it would be best that the wealthy distribute the money themselves in a more fair and more balancing way, and this by their own good character and hand to be shown. Otherwise they should without being forced do this in respect to all that is deserved of their part, be it along the chain that helped make that money for all of them in the first place, as well as with the wealthy who are given control of it for management and distribution in a proper and just manor when responsible for it all. They only play a part themselves in the entire process), and this should be all in order to make America strong with strong Americans who are paid well by their efforts and hard works in order to hold it all up (the nation), instead of the government seeing this wave of human resources showing up on it's doorstep by the hundreds of thousands, in which signals to them that something has gone arry in all of this free unregulated (to a large extent) capitalism, that is suppose to be self sustaining and righteous without hardly any government intervention or regulation at all involved.

Problem is however, is that the wealthy, well they got to greedy, and have unleashed the hounds upon themselves, but are still hard headed about somehow getting it right again, so we see this super hard resistance by those who try and chastise everyone as fools, when trying to lay it all out on the table for them, in hopes that they the wealthy will see the light before it is to late, and freedom in capaitalism is lost forever because of their greed and idiocy.
Oh, sorry, did I hurt your ego by not answering your question?

No, you merely highlighted your unwillingness to answer a simple question... So how much of every dollar you earn should you pay in federal taxes Joe?

you never got an answer did you? there's a good reason for that.

I am thinking Joe is not the most honest poster on here. He supported Santorum for president? He claims to pay a lot in federal taxes, but won't say how much he should pay?
No, you merely highlighted your unwillingness to answer a simple question... So how much of every dollar you earn should you pay in federal taxes Joe?

Ones like this guy do not like to answer.. because it exposes their acceptance of unequal treatment when it benefits their cause.... with those they are envious of, or those who they think can pay for the wants they could not afford for themselves or their cause, there is no limit on to how much they would tax... but when it comes to their allies or the ones they support, they will scream bloody murder when they feel they are being treated unequally

You would see ones like JoeB screaming, in a heartbeat, to have those 'evil rich' taxed at 90% on all income, if it meant that JoeB benefits from it either directly or by being able to say 'look at my generosity by redistributing to the NEEDY'... and I find it all repulsive
I think most people look at it differently than this, where as it would be best that the wealthy distribute the money themselves in a more fair and more balancing way, and this by their own good character and hand to be shown. Otherwise they should without being forced do this in respect to all that is deserved of their part, be it along the chain that helped make that money for all of them in the first place, as well as with the wealthy who are given control of it for management and distribution in a proper and just manor when responsible for it all. They only play a part themselves in the entire process), and this should be all in order to make America strong with strong Americans who are paid well by their efforts and hard works in order to hold it all up (the nation), instead of the government seeing this wave of human resources showing up on it's doorstep by the hundreds of thousands, in which signals to them that something has gone arry in all of this free unregulated (to a large extent) capitalism, that is suppose to be self sustaining and righteous without hardly any government intervention or regulation at all involved.

Problem is however, is that the wealthy, well they got to greedy, and have unleashed the hounds upon themselves, but are still hard headed about somehow getting it right again, so we see this super hard resistance by those who try and chastise everyone as fools, when trying to lay it all out on the table for them, in hopes that they the wealthy will see the light before it is to late, and freedom in capaitalism is lost forever because of their greed and idiocy.

"Fair" is subjective... there was no use reading after that...

Unless you support equal treatment by government under law for all.. it is all bullshit... especially when you and ones like you can cite the 'greed' of the wealthy while completely ignoring the 'greed' of the entitlement junkies and the 'greed' of those looking to force others to foot the bill
No, you merely highlighted your unwillingness to answer a simple question... So how much of every dollar you earn should you pay in federal taxes Joe?

Ones like this guy do not like to answer.. because it exposes their acceptance of unequal treatment when it benefits their cause.... with those they are envious of, or those who they think can pay for the wants they could not afford for themselves or their cause, there is no limit on to how much they would tax... but when it comes to their allies or the ones they support, they will scream bloody murder when they feel they are being treated unequally

You would see ones like JoeB screaming, in a heartbeat, to have those 'evil rich' taxed at 90% on all income, if it meant that JoeB benefits from it either directly or by being able to say 'look at my generosity by redistributing to the NEEDY'... and I find it all repulsive
I think most people look at it differently than this, where as it would be best that the wealthy distribute the money themselves in a more fair and more balancing way, and this by their own good character and hand to be shown. Otherwise they should without being forced do this in respect to all that is deserved of their part, be it along the chain that helped make that money for all of them in the first place, as well as with the wealthy who are given control of it for management and distribution in a proper and just manor when responsible for it all. They only play a part themselves in the entire process), and this should be all in order to make America strong with strong Americans who are paid well by their efforts and hard works in order to hold it all up (the nation), instead of the government seeing this wave of human resources showing up on it's doorstep by the hundreds of thousands, in which signals to them that something has gone arry in all of this free unregulated (to a large extent) capitalism, that is suppose to be self sustaining and righteous without hardly any government intervention or regulation at all involved.

Problem is however, is that the wealthy, well they got to greedy, and have unleashed the hounds upon themselves, but are still hard headed about somehow getting it right again, so we see this super hard resistance by those who try and chastise everyone as fools, when trying to lay it all out on the table for them, in hopes that they the wealthy will see the light before it is to late, and freedom in capaitalism is lost forever because of their greed and idiocy.
The purpose of government regulation and taxation should not be to redistribute wealth but rather to raise revenues and protect public interest. In today's world, this is one of the most important and difficult jobs of government. Too much taxes and regulation will destroy the incentive to produce. Too little and the private sector will destroy competition and free markets.

IMHO, we have under taxed individual income, over taxed corporations. However, our biggest mistake is deregulation within the financial sector which has destroyed competition and shifted trillions of dollars into the hands of the wealthy at the expense of the middle class.
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Ones like this guy do not like to answer.. because it exposes their acceptance of unequal treatment when it benefits their cause.... with those they are envious of, or those who they think can pay for the wants they could not afford for themselves or their cause, there is no limit on to how much they would tax... but when it comes to their allies or the ones they support, they will scream bloody murder when they feel they are being treated unequally

You would see ones like JoeB screaming, in a heartbeat, to have those 'evil rich' taxed at 90% on all income, if it meant that JoeB benefits from it either directly or by being able to say 'look at my generosity by redistributing to the NEEDY'... and I find it all repulsive
I think most people look at it differently than this, where as it would be best that the wealthy distribute the money themselves in a more fair and more balancing way, and this by their own good character and hand to be shown. Otherwise they should without being forced do this in respect to all that is deserved of their part, be it along the chain that helped make that money for all of them in the first place, as well as with the wealthy who are given control of it for management and distribution in a proper and just manor when responsible for it all. They only play a part themselves in the entire process), and this should be all in order to make America strong with strong Americans who are paid well by their efforts and hard works in order to hold it all up (the nation), instead of the government seeing this wave of human resources showing up on it's doorstep by the hundreds of thousands, in which signals to them that something has gone arry in all of this free unregulated (to a large extent) capitalism, that is suppose to be self sustaining and righteous without hardly any government intervention or regulation at all involved.

Problem is however, is that the wealthy, well they got to greedy, and have unleashed the hounds upon themselves, but are still hard headed about somehow getting it right again, so we see this super hard resistance by those who try and chastise everyone as fools, when trying to lay it all out on the table for them, in hopes that they the wealthy will see the light before it is to late, and freedom in capaitalism is lost forever because of their greed and idiocy.
The purpose of government regulation and taxation should not be to redistribute wealth but rather to raise revenues and protect public interest. In today's world, this is one of the most important and difficult jobs of government. Too much taxes and regulation will destroy the incentive to produce. Too little and the private sector will destroy competition and free markets.

IMHO, we have under taxed individual income, over taxed corporations. However, our biggest mistake is deregulation within the financial sector which has destroyed competition and shifted trillions of dollars into the hands of the wealthy at the expense of the middle class.

obama's own words in my signature condemns what he's doing.
Noted lefty constitutional scholar, Jonathan Turly, appears none too pleased about this, and points out the roaring silence amongst the Ozombies, who more than certainly would've gone bat shit had BOOOOOOOSH! similarly ruled by decree:
Presidents are given extreme deference in decisions on the enforcement of federal laws. It would be difficult for anyone to challenge this policy for that reason. However, that does not mean that this is a good practice — regardless of the merits of specific policy. It is also hard to ignore the obvious political play for Hispanic votes in key swing states. Obama waited for years to take this action and did so with polls showing that Hispanics will likely select the next president. Even some of the more liberal columnists and reporters are acknowledging that this change appears driven by politics.

Obama officials do not deny that they are circumventing Congress. In a recent interview, senior Obama adviser David Plouff told CNN “if congress would act, we would be happy to sign the DREAM Act tomorrow.” Since it has not done so, the White House is going to accomplish the same objection unilaterally.


Here the Administration is implementing a categorical policy not to enforce federal law, which dictates deportation for illegal immigrations regardless of their age. Congress has refused to pass such laws and this is an obvious effort to circumvent Congress — something of a signature for this Administration. Liberals were outraged by Bush’s use of signing statements as a circumvention of Congress. Yet, when Obama broke his promise and started using signing statements, liberals were again silent. Now, he has gone further and (rather than advancing a restrictive interpretation) he has announced that he will simply not enforce the law.


This is part of a pattern for the Administration. For example, the Administration has announced that it will ignore two federal statutes that bar betting across state lines. That effectively legalized Internet gambling. While his Administration claims that it has no choice but to enforce other laws like marijuana enforcement and for years, both DOMA and Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell laws, it has not hesitated to declare other laws as unenforceable as a matter of policy. Ultimately, it took the same approach to DOMA — after years of defending it. DOMA is striking in that the Administration still refuses to accept that sexual orientation should be treated like race or gender as a category of discrimination. If it did, the refusal to defend DOMA would have been more clearly based on a view that it is unconstitutional. Instead, the Administration made general claims of states rights (that do not apply to areas like medical marijuana it seems) and even more vague references to privacy and equal protection.

What is left is a conflicted approach to enforcement based on the president’s changing views — in the latest case a change that seems motivated in large part by political advantage.

Liberals and civil libertarians were united on such questions in denouncing the circumvention of Congress by Bush. However, once again, there appears to be a blindness to the dangers of this practice when it comes to Obama.

Obama Administration Declares It Will Not Deport Young Illegal Immigrants « JONATHAN TURLEY
Obama Administration Declares It Will Not Deport Young Illegal Immigrants « JONATHAN TURLEY[/QUOTE]

He is right that it would be very difficult to bring Obama up on charges for this, but geez, surely people are capable of making the distinction between not agressively pushing to deport illegals (apathy) versus a President intentionally overturning an existing law?

And our esteemed leftwing media isn't going to ask the hard questions that should go with that. Namely, that we share a border with a country beset by its own financial problems and who has a large nunber of marginally educated and extremely poor people. And that country is encouraging its poorer, less educated citizens to go to the United States where they will be able to work or receive government monies to send home to Mexico.

No comprehensive immigration reform is going to be possible until that issue is dealt with and apparently none of our elected leaders, much less so our President, are willing to acknowledge that such a situation even exists. It is not politically correct to mention it.

Does anybody with a brain think the problem will be any less now? We already have a huge neon sign flashing over our nation saying: "YA'LL COME and if you lay low for a little while, we will let you stay as long as you want."

Every amnesty we have granted so far was to correct the existing problem and then we would get tough with future illegals. But the 'tough' never happened. It just encouraged a much heavier flow into the country.
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This is different. Here the Administration is implementing a categorical policy not to enforce federal law, which dictates deportation for illegal immigrations regardless of their age.

As with conservatives in this thread, Turley has failed to read or comprehend the policy.

The policy offers only a two-year deferment of the prosecution of these types of cases, after which time the cases will be reviewed for further action. No Federal law is going enforced.
It's ok to be business alright, and it's ok to make a profit alright, but when greed becomes the style and trend or route that businesses take, then everything goes straight out of the window. This is when weakness is born into the structure/business model that is projected, and soon the structure begins to emplode under it's own weight before long, but before that happens you would see these golden parachutes drifting off into the distance, as they had made their escape before the implosion.

Say it ain't so, and that this hasn't been a problem Americans have been experiencing for quite sometime now, in which has caused alot of bad in this nation to date. Ignoring this fact is how history has away of repeating itself, and many people don't want history like that to continue to repeat itself, so it best not to deny history or to try and act as if it never existed in this way, because no one else will forget, and they will be diligent on making sure that it does not happen again if at all possible.. Just my take on the conversation here is all...

One mans greed is another mans envy.

The greed that caused the housing market collapse leads right back to politicians like Barney Fran as well. But I digress, your rant is meaningless. The issue is how does a capitalist society operate best for everyone. The answer is free markets (meaning minimum interference) this would include taxes and regulatory interference. And before you have a cow- I am not opposed to all taxes or all regulations- just those that allow for corruption i.e. Barney Frank, unions, cronyism and those that make doing business in other countries more appealing (profitable) then staying here.
They say that the south shall rise again, well maybe it has, only in the form of corrupt corporations who operate like an 1800's plantation, where the desire is again slavery almost for the majority of their workforces, instead of a way to balance it out like it is suppose to be in America, in which empowered America to become the greatest it had ever been, just as we had touched on before in this nation for a period of time, we could go there again maybe.

Empowering corruption is the wrong way to go always, and it seems that we have been quite good at this for a good long time now, and it just blows my mind that people still refuse to acknowledge these things, and just spin and spin and spin on the issue when it pops up.

Now that's really funny! Talk about projecting! If anyone is turning this nation back to slavery, it's the idiot liberals like you. When the rest of us have to labor all day, and 50% of the fruits of that labor is taken against our will and handed over to those that do NOTHING - that is the very definition of slavery.

I guess it only makes sense - it was the liberals who fought Abraham Lincoln in freeing the slaves, it was the liberals who fought the GOP in their advancement of the civil rights movement, it should be the liberals who bring us full circle right back to slavery.
Too much taxes and regulation will destroy the incentive to produce. Too little and the private sector will destroy competition and free markets.


And you came to that conclusion how?!?!?!?!?

Consider bank deregulation. Financial deregulation has made possible the elimination of nearly 10,000 banks in the last 40 years through mergers and acquisitions. The top 10 banks now control 54% of the assets and that percent is increasing. New banks are a rarity. The big banks call the tune and the rest of the country dances. Deregulation has put the country in a position of having to either bailout these financial giants when they fail or face a financial collapse.

Security disclosure regulations, laws against insider trading, regulations on investment advisers, and laws that protect stockholder rights are largely responsible for the huge growth of individual investors in our markets.

The Laws That Govern the Securities Industry
Economist's View: Bank Mergers
Well, funny you should mention that.

The GOP has gotten by because they've played on the social issues. They keep offering to take our country back from the abortionists and liberals and gays and make it all like it was under Ward and June Cleaver.

But what they forget is why the real life Ward had a good paying job, so June could stay home.

Today, Ward has to worry about someone sending his job to China, while June is out working a second job and maybe having an affair with a co-worker. Meanwhile Wally and the Beaver are out hanging around with Eddy Haskel, and getting into all sorts of trouble.

The ironic thing is that in destroying that middle class you've created most of the problems you guys get upset about.

But Joe- you supported Santorum the biggest social issue primary candidate? You know Joe you support organized labor too??? You know what Joe- I think you are probably the most disingenuous poster on here- I submit you have never supported any GOP candidate.

Everyone loves to blame “corporations” for shipping jobs overseas. But a corporation—or any business—that ceases to be profitable will soon cease to exist, depriving consumers of whatever goods and/or services it once provided.

U.S. wages are higher than they are almost anywhere else. Our health, safety and environmental laws are among the most stringent. Our affirmative action demands are the most exacting, except possibly for those of Malaysia and South Africa.

Unions raise the cost of labor. They block out non-union workers, carve out exclusive deals for themselves (sometimes with wages and benefits well above what the market should bear), and in the case of public unions, do all of this on the taxpayer’s dime.

The government, for its part, swoops in and regulates more and more, raising compliance costs. Then, it taxes (with the second-highest and soon-to-be the highest corporate tax in the world) and makes things even harder.

You want jobs? Stop punishing business for being business.

A good article here
It's ok to be business alright, and it's ok to make a profit alright, but when greed becomes the style and trend or route that businesses take, then everything goes straight out of the window. This is when weakness is born into the structure/business model that is projected, and soon the structure begins to emplode under it's own weight before long, but before that happens you would see these golden parachutes drifting off into the distance, as they had made their escape before the implosion.

Say it ain't so, and that this hasn't been a problem Americans have been experiencing for quite sometime now, in which has caused alot of bad in this nation to date. Ignoring this fact is how history has away of repeating itself, and many people don't want history like that to continue to repeat itself, so it best not to deny history or to try and act as if it never existed in this way, because no one else will forget, and they will be diligent on making sure that it does not happen again if at all possible.. Just my take on the conversation here is all...

1.) Nothing has caused more problems, or repeated itself more often, than government unconstitutionally sticking it's nose where it doesn't belong. *The federal government is not, in any way, authorized to intercede in matters of the free market. *The current disaster of our economy can be traced directly back to Slick Willy Bill Clinton and his "Community Re-investment Act" bill which essentially forced banks to make loans to people who couldn't previously afford it (because the idiot liberal believes everyone is entitled to their own $300,000 mansion, whether they can afford it or not). *So if you're willing to become the first liberal in US history to put his money where his big mouth is, then step 1 to avoid repeating history would be to return to Constitutional goverment and reject everything the left stands for.

2.) Even if you liberals were not exaggerating, and in some cases - flat out lying - about the "corruption" of business, at the end of the day it's NOT for you to say. *It's the free market, and if you don't like a how a business conducts themselves, then don't work for them. *It's the free market, and if you don't like how a business conducts themselves, then don't buy their products or services. *Who the hell are you liberals to decide what is "greed"? *You people are about as righteous as Adolf freaking Hitler. *You want to talk about GREED - talk about your unions which take minimum wage jobs and collapse a company by turning them into $28 an hour jobs, complete with executive level pensions, cadillac healthcare plans, and more vacation time then days working (such as the case with janitors at GM). *You're the side that believes killing babies by the millions is a "right". It was the liberals "Occupy Wall Street" that were raping women by the dozens, shooting and stabbing people, experiencing some murders, and stealing everything that wasn't nailed down, while Tea Party protests were conducted with the highest form of class and dignity. The moral compass of the left is damaged beyond repair. *So who the hell are any of you to decide how a business should conduct itself?

3.) Like a typical liberal, you're not pissed that there were "golden parachutes". *You're pissed that you did not get one of the "golden parachutes". *See, if a liberal didn't behave like an entitled little spoiled rich child, they would each have their own "golden parachute". *They would recognize that they are not guaranteed, nor entitled, to permanent employment. *And as such, they would actually prepare for the time when they no longer had a job. *They would continue to increase their skill sets while constantly putting away savings. *But instead, all of you buy you're little $700 iPhones which you can't afford, your $400 iPad which you can't afford, and other senseless items. *Then, when the company collapses because of the idiot policies of your unions, you cry when the owners walk away prepared and you scream that the American tax payer owes you. *You create the failure and misery in the US because you are GREEDY and LAZY.
But Joe- you supported Santorum the biggest social issue primary candidate? You know Joe you support organized labor too??? You know what Joe- I think you are probably the most disingenuous poster on here- I submit you have never supported any GOP candidate.

Everyone loves to blame &#8220;corporations&#8221; for shipping jobs overseas. But a corporation&#8212;or any business&#8212;that ceases to be profitable will soon cease to exist, depriving consumers of whatever goods and/or services it once provided.

U.S. wages are higher than they are almost anywhere else. Our health, safety and environmental laws are among the most stringent. Our affirmative action demands are the most exacting, except possibly for those of Malaysia and South Africa.

Unions raise the cost of labor. They block out non-union workers, carve out exclusive deals for themselves (sometimes with wages and benefits well above what the market should bear), and in the case of public unions, do all of this on the taxpayer&#8217;s dime.

The government, for its part, swoops in and regulates more and more, raising compliance costs. Then, it taxes (with the second-highest and soon-to-be the highest corporate tax in the world) and makes things even harder.

You want jobs? Stop punishing business for being business.

A good article here
It's ok to be business alright, and it's ok to make a profit alright, but when greed becomes the style and trend or route that businesses take, then everything goes straight out of the window. This is when weakness is born into the structure/business model that is projected, and soon the structure begins to emplode under it's own weight before long, but before that happens you would see these golden parachutes drifting off into the distance, as they had made their escape before the implosion.

Say it ain't so, and that this hasn't been a problem Americans have been experiencing for quite sometime now, in which has caused alot of bad in this nation to date. Ignoring this fact is how history has away of repeating itself, and many people don't want history like that to continue to repeat itself, so it best not to deny history or to try and act as if it never existed in this way, because no one else will forget, and they will be diligent on making sure that it does not happen again if at all possible.. Just my take on the conversation here is all...

1.) Nothing has caused more problems, or repeated itself more often, than government unconstitutionally sticking it's nose where it doesn't belong. *The federal government is not, in any way, authorized to intercede in matters of the free market. *The current disaster of our economy can be traced directly back to Slick Willy Bill Clinton and his "Community Re-investment Act" bill which essentially forced banks to make loans to people who couldn't previously afford it (because the idiot liberal believes everyone is entitled to their own $300,000 mansion, whether they can afford it or not). *So if you're willing to become the first liberal in US history to put his money where his big mouth is, then step 1 to avoid repeating history would be to return to Constitutional goverment and reject everything the left stands for.

2.) Even if you liberals were not exaggerating, and in some cases - flat out lying - about the "corruption" of business, at the end of the day it's NOT for you to say. *It's the free market, and if you don't like a how a business conducts themselves, then don't work for them. *It's the free market, and if you don't like how a business conducts themselves, then don't buy their products or services. *Who the hell are you liberals to decide what is "greed"? *You people are about as righteous as Adolf freaking Hitler. *You want to talk about GREED - talk about your unions which take minimum wage jobs and collapse a company by turning them into $28 an hour jobs, complete with executive level pensions, cadillac healthcare plans, and more vacation time then days working (such as the case with janitors at GM). *You're the side that believes killing babies by the millions is a "right". It was the liberals "Occupy Wall Street" that were raping women by the dozens, shooting and stabbing people, experiencing some murders, and stealing everything that wasn't nailed down, while Tea Party protests were conducted with the highest form of class and dignity. The moral compass of the left is damaged beyond repair. *So who the hell are any of you to decide how a business should conduct itself?

3.) Like a typical liberal, you're not pissed that there were "golden parachutes". *You're pissed that you did not get one of the "golden parachutes". *See, if a liberal didn't behave like an entitled little spoiled rich child, they would each have their own "golden parachute". *They would recognize that they are not guaranteed, nor entitled, to permanent employment. *And as such, they would actually prepare for the time when they no longer had a job. *They would continue to increase their skill sets while constantly putting away savings. *But instead, all of you buy you're little $700 iPhones which you can't afford, your $400 iPad which you can't afford, and other senseless items. *Then, when the company collapses because of the idiot policies of your unions, you cry when the owners walk away prepared and you scream that the American tax payer owes you. *You create the failure and misery in the US because you are GREEDY and LAZY.
Your whole rant speaks to your lunacy in your opinions on this, because when the feds who in many ways lend big time to the so called free markets, especially as or when they come begging, this is what makes the feds somewhat investers and/or us as investers also, just as much as anyone ese is in these markets, so you bet your bottom dollar that we all have a say into what goes on or what impact these companies will have on a nation, so what do you think UNITED stands for in this nation, do you think that it only pertains to the citizens ? No it doesn't, where as it pertains to everything that holds this nation together and makes it strong on whole, not in just some sectors, while most or the rest become gaping holes for our enemies in the world to just come trounsing upon us and/or through with ease because of.
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Too much taxes and regulation will destroy the incentive to produce. Too little and the private sector will destroy competition and free markets.


And you came to that conclusion how?!?!?!?!?

Consider bank deregulation. Financial deregulation has made possible the elimination of nearly 10,000 banks in the last 40 years through mergers and acquisitions.

My clueless friend.


So banking deregulation is a fiction.

The Federal Reserve Board has rigged the banking system to favor the biggest banks." This has been true ever since 1914.

Come on dude snap out of the propaganda induced stupor.


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