Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

Oh, sorry, did I hurt your ego by not answering your question?

No, you merely highlighted your unwillingness to answer a simple question... So how much of every dollar you earn should you pay in federal taxes Joe?

Ones like this guy do not like to answer.. because it exposes their acceptance of unequal treatment when it benefits their cause.... with those they are envious of, or those who they think can pay for the wants they could not afford for themselves or their cause, there is no limit on to how much they would tax... but when it comes to their allies or the ones they support, they will scream bloody murder when they feel they are being treated unequally

You would see ones like JoeB screaming, in a heartbeat, to have those 'evil rich' taxed at 90% on all income, if it meant that JoeB benefits from it either directly or by being able to say 'look at my generosity by redistributing to the NEEDY'... and I find it all repulsive

Yawn... I'm always amazed when I see working people defend the people who are screwing them. It never ceases to amaze, really.

If it's a choice between taxing rich douchebags who have plenty, or taxing working people who are just getting by, it's an easy choice.o

If it's a choice between taxing rich douchebags and borrowing more money from the Chinese, it's an easy choice.

If it's a choice between taxing rich douchebags and letting children starve or old people die of treatable diseaes, it's an easy choice.

Except for people like you who just looooooove them some rich people, becuase they hope to get there themselves one day.
This is why we shouldn't let them listen to hate radio all day.


1.) Nothing has caused more problems, or repeated itself more often, than government unconstitutionally sticking it's nose where it doesn't belong. *The federal government is not, in any way, authorized to intercede in matters of the free market. *The current disaster of our economy can be traced directly back to Slick Willy Bill Clinton and his "Community Re-investment Act" bill which essentially forced banks to make loans to people who couldn't previously afford it (because the idiot liberal believes everyone is entitled to their own $300,000 mansion, whether they can afford it or not). *So if you're willing to become the first liberal in US history to put his money where his big mouth is, then step 1 to avoid repeating history would be to return to Constitutional goverment and reject everything the left stands for.

Yawn. This again. The CRA - a sensible law that prevented discrmination enacted in the 1970s, did not cause the meltdown. Even the douchebags in the banking industry are not making this claim.

The banking disaster occured because - surprise, surprise - you had the banks aggressively making sub-prime loans to people who had already paid off their houses, realtors who were letting the cost of homes run up, and folks who bought houses hoping to flip them in a few years for twice what they paid for them. Oh, yeah, and the inability or unwillingness of the government to regulate it. In short, this disaster was caused by what you considered the greatest of virtues- Greed. Then the bankers took all these bad loans and sold them off as investments, which t urned out not to be worth the money they were printed on.

[2.) Even if you liberals were not exaggerating, and in some cases - flat out lying - about the "corruption" of business, at the end of the day it's NOT for you to say. *It's the free market, and if you don't like a how a business conducts themselves, then don't work for them. *It's the free market, and if you don't like how a business conducts themselves, then don't buy their products or services. *Who the hell are you liberals to decide what is "greed"? *You people are about as righteous as Adolf freaking Hitler. *You want to talk about GREED - talk about your unions which take minimum wage jobs and collapse a company by turning them into $28 an hour jobs, complete with executive level pensions, cadillac healthcare plans, and more vacation time then days working (such as the case with janitors at GM). *You're the side that believes killing babies by the millions is a "right". It was the liberals "Occupy Wall Street" that were raping women by the dozens, shooting and stabbing people, experiencing some murders, and stealing everything that wasn't nailed down, while Tea Party protests were conducted with the highest form of class and dignity. The moral compass of the left is damaged beyond repair. *So who the hell are any of you to decide how a business should conduct itself?

Tsk, tsk, tsk.. Not even sure to make of this ink blot. So you are upset a worker at GM gets $28.00 an hour (when in fact, the UAW agreed to reduce starting salaries to $14.00 an hour) but you have no problem with a CEO at GM getting 12 million for essentially crashing the company? Seriously?

And then you go off on some tangent about abortions like liberals are the only ones getting them. That's a laugh.

[3.) Like a typical liberal, you're not pissed that there were "golden parachutes". *You're pissed that you did not get one of the "golden parachutes". *See, if a liberal didn't behave like an entitled little spoiled rich child, they would each have their own "golden parachute". *They would recognize that they are not guaranteed, nor entitled, to permanent employment. *And as such, they would actually prepare for the time when they no longer had a job. *They would continue to increase their skill sets while constantly putting away savings. *But instead, all of you buy you're little $700 iPhones which you can't afford, your $400 iPad which you can't afford, and other senseless items. *Then, when the company collapses because of the idiot policies of your unions, you cry when the owners walk away prepared and you scream that the American tax payer owes you. *You create the failure and misery in the US because you are GREEDY and LAZY.

Gee, guy, I don't own an IPad and most companies give away phones as part of their packages. (They figure if they give you the expensive phone, they can bleed you with the expensive services, those clever dogs.)

What's wrong with someone having a job for life, as long as they do it well? You know, in my dad's generation, that was the norm.

Yesterday, I did a lady's resume who moved up from a clerk position to an general manager, over a 25 year period, and they are laying her off now so they don't have to pay her a pension she would have been entitled to in 2 years. Sweet. I'd call that totally scummy behavior. but this is probably just all so fine with you, and that's the problem.

I'd say you're the one with a faulty moral compasss, not I.
Obama has a lot of nerve.

We have quite a bit of footage of him making comments in direct opposition of what he did Friday.

I wonder if Obama can claim he has an evil twin that keeps undermining his actions by giving these crazy speeches that show him to be a liar.
Obama has a lot of nerve.

We have quite a bit of footage of him making comments in direct opposition of what he did Friday.

I wonder if Obama can claim he has an evil twin that keeps undermining his actions by giving these crazy speeches that show him to be a liar.

Still whining that you got outmanuevered on ths one?


Obama did what he always does......screw it up.

Seems congress was working on a bill behind the scenes that does exactly what Obama said, but now this speech is essentially a leak to the press with Obama attempting to grab credit from members of congress. It was a bi-partisan effort. Both Democrats and Republicans were working on it together and this prick does what he always does, tries to steal it.

Now they don't know if they can push through a permanent legal way to do this in light of what the Great Divider just did, drawing media attention to it. More and more are starting to come out against it that might have gone along with it.......and because Obama couldn't wait to take advantage of it.....it probably won't even be voted on this year because of the extra publicity. GOP Immigration Hawk Rebuffs Rubio and Rivera DREAM Act Proposals | Fox News Latino
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Obama has a lot of nerve.

We have quite a bit of footage of him making comments in direct opposition of what he did Friday.

I wonder if Obama can claim he has an evil twin that keeps undermining his actions by giving these crazy speeches that show him to be a liar.

Still whining that you got outmanuevered on ths one?

It's all a game for you people, whether it's good for our country and us legal citizens or not.
Obama has a lot of nerve.

We have quite a bit of footage of him making comments in direct opposition of what he did Friday.

I wonder if Obama can claim he has an evil twin that keeps undermining his actions by giving these crazy speeches that show him to be a liar.

Still whining that you got outmanuevered on ths one?


Obama did what he always does......screw it up.

Seems congress was working on a bill behind the scenes that does exactly what Obama said, but now this speech is essentially a leak to the press with Obama attempting to grab credit from members of congress. It was a bi-partisan effort. Both Democrats and Republicans were working on it together and this prick does what he always does, tries to steal it.

Now they don't know if they can push through a permanent legal way to do this in light of what the Great Divider just did. More and more are starting to come out against it.......and because Obama couldn't wait to take advantage of it.....it probably won't even be voted on this year because of the extra publicity. GOP Immigration Hawk Rebuffs Rubio and Rivera DREAM Act Proposals | Fox News Latino

Like I said, you got outmanuevered, and you are whining about it.

Frankly, the real problem is that your party couldn't get this done because you are scared to death of alienating the Bubba Rednecks who live in fear that a Mexican is going to deflower their daughter.

Your party has pandered to these people instead of calling them out as the bigots they are, and Obama just beat you to the punch. Probably cemented Hispanics as a Democratic constituency for decades....
Obama has a lot of nerve.

We have quite a bit of footage of him making comments in direct opposition of what he did Friday.

I wonder if Obama can claim he has an evil twin that keeps undermining his actions by giving these crazy speeches that show him to be a liar.

Still whining that you got outmanuevered on ths one?

It's all a game for you people, whether it's good for our country and us legal citizens or not.

You have yet to convince me that this is a bad thing. What Obama did was fair, right and just here, and should have happened years ago.

But your party has been pandering to the Nativists and Minutemen, to the point where McCain had to denounce his own immigration bill like Winston Smith expressing his love for Big Brother.

So you are the ones who turned policy into a game, and then are squealing when you got outmanuevered.

Kind of the same thing on Gay marriage. You played on hate for years, even after it wasn't fashionable anymore.
Still whining that you got outmanuevered on ths one?


Obama did what he always does......screw it up.

Seems congress was working on a bill behind the scenes that does exactly what Obama said, but now this speech is essentially a leak to the press with Obama attempting to grab credit from members of congress. It was a bi-partisan effort. Both Democrats and Republicans were working on it together and this prick does what he always does, tries to steal it.

Now they don't know if they can push through a permanent legal way to do this in light of what the Great Divider just did. More and more are starting to come out against it.......and because Obama couldn't wait to take advantage of it.....it probably won't even be voted on this year because of the extra publicity. GOP Immigration Hawk Rebuffs Rubio and Rivera DREAM Act Proposals | Fox News Latino

Like I said, you got outmanuevered, and you are whining about it.

Frankly, the real problem is that your party couldn't get this done because you are scared to death of alienating the Bubba Rednecks who live in fear that a Mexican is going to deflower their daughter.

Your party has pandered to these people instead of calling them out as the bigots they are, and Obama just beat you to the punch. Probably cemented Hispanics as a Democratic constituency for decades....

They could get it done if they sneak it into some appropriations bill. You are correct, there are Rednecks that are against it, but the African-American community is just as much against it.

The point is this was supposed to be something they wanted to sneak through and Obama's 'maneuver' basically blew that all to hell.

The issue is one of Obama's favorites and he doesn't want it to go away by signing anything that makes it law.

So Obama get the credit, nothing changes, and fools like you think this is a good thing.

What a wanker.

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They could get it done if they sneak it into some appropriations bill. You are correct, there are Rednecks that are against it, but the African-American community is just as much against it.

The point is this was supposed to be something they wanted to sneak through and Obama's 'maneuver' basically blew that all to hell.

The issue is one of Obama's favorites and he doesn't want it to go away by signing anything that makes it law.

So Obama get the credit, nothing changes, and fools like you think this is a good thing.

What a wanker.

Why should they be "sneaking through" something that should have been done years ago, and would have been had you not let the bigots dictate to your party?

The real problem is that the GOP has played people against each other to distract them. Straight against gay, brown against white, non-union against union. And they've been doing this for years. Because the last thing you want is for these people to realize that they are all in the same boat that the rich have been swamping with water since 1980.

And Obama has figured out how to turn this around on you, and you are stuck saying, "Um, yeah, I was going to get around to that, but only in a way that doesn't offend people I despise but need the support of, but you went ahead and changed the policy on your own."
Once again Obama illustrates why the economy is still in the shitter.

He cannot be trusted to do what he says he will do.

They feel he is capable of doing anything on a whim unilaterally.

Nobody can feel safe in this kind of environment....because our biggest fear is an abusive government that is capable of ignoring or outright breaking our laws. The protections we once had under the constitution have been flushed.
They could get it done if they sneak it into some appropriations bill. You are correct, there are Rednecks that are against it, but the African-American community is just as much against it.

The point is this was supposed to be something they wanted to sneak through and Obama's 'maneuver' basically blew that all to hell.

The issue is one of Obama's favorites and he doesn't want it to go away by signing anything that makes it law.

So Obama get the credit, nothing changes, and fools like you think this is a good thing.

What a wanker.

Why should they be "sneaking through" something that should have been done years ago, and would have been had you not let the bigots dictate to your party?

The real problem is that the GOP has played people against each other to distract them. Straight against gay, brown against white, non-union against union. And they've been doing this for years. Because the last thing you want is for these people to realize that they are all in the same boat that the rich have been swamping with water since 1980.

And Obama has figured out how to turn this around on you, and you are stuck saying, "Um, yeah, I was going to get around to that, but only in a way that doesn't offend people I despise but need the support of, but you went ahead and changed the policy on your own."

you are really pathetic you think this is the way a President should act..And it's the Democrats who go out of their way to pit Americans against Amercians...if you all didn't have class warfare you wouldn't have anything
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Once again Obama illustrates why the economy is still in the shitter.

He cannot be trusted to do what he says he will do.

They feel he is capable of doing anything on a whim unilaterally.

Nobody can feel safe in this kind of environment....because our biggest fear is an abusive government that is capable of ignoring or outright breaking our laws. The protections we once had under the constitution have been flushed.

I like how you changed the subject there, guy.

That was really slick.

If what Obama did was the right thing to do, why were the Republicans trying to "sneak" it in when he upstaged them?

Businesses are not hiring because they know they can abuse the crap out of the people they have right now. Work extra hours for no overtime. You'd better, because I have a pile of resumes on my desk of people who'd happily do it.
They could get it done if they sneak it into some appropriations bill. You are correct, there are Rednecks that are against it, but the African-American community is just as much against it.

The point is this was supposed to be something they wanted to sneak through and Obama's 'maneuver' basically blew that all to hell.

The issue is one of Obama's favorites and he doesn't want it to go away by signing anything that makes it law.

So Obama get the credit, nothing changes, and fools like you think this is a good thing.

What a wanker.

Why should they be "sneaking through" something that should have been done years ago, and would have been had you not let the bigots dictate to your party?

The real problem is that the GOP has played people against each other to distract them. Straight against gay, brown against white, non-union against union. And they've been doing this for years. Because the last thing you want is for these people to realize that they are all in the same boat that the rich have been swamping with water since 1980.

And Obama has figured out how to turn this around on you, and you are stuck saying, "Um, yeah, I was going to get around to that, but only in a way that doesn't offend people I despise but need the support of, but you went ahead and changed the policy on your own."

you are really pathetic you think this is the way a President should act..

I don't care how things get done, as long as they get done.

Never have, never will.

If everyone agrees that this is something that needed to be done, (or at least everyone who isnt' a drooling bigot) how it got done isn't that important, other than it shows the true dysfunction of our system that it wasnt' done years ago when people realized it was a problem.

Bush and McCain agreed this needed to happen. Obama actually made it happen.
you are really pathetic you think this is the way a President should act..And it's the Democrats who go out of their way to pit Americans against Amercians...if you all didn't have class warfare you wouldn't have anything

But who is pitting who against who here?

If anyone is, the wealthy are the ones doing it.

On one hand, they are the ones hiring these illegals so they don't have to pay an American a fair wage.

On the other, they are the ones funding the Tancredos and the Minutemen and the other Bubba REdnecks, who need someone to be angry at when they figure they aren't living as good as their parents did.

As I said earlier, you can end the "illegal" problem in five minutes. Go after the people hiring them with a vengence. When it becomes more expensive to hire an illegal than pay an American a fair wage, they'll stop doing it and the illegals will stop coming.
you are really pathetic you think this is the way a President should act..And it's the Democrats who go out of their way to pit Americans against Amercians...if you all didn't have class warfare you wouldn't have anything

But who is pitting who against who here?

If anyone is, the wealthy are the ones doing it.

On one hand, they are the ones hiring these illegals so they don't have to pay an American a fair wage.

On the other, they are the ones funding the Tancredos and the Minutemen and the other Bubba REdnecks, who need someone to be angry at when they figure they aren't living as good as their parents did.

As I said earlier, you can end the "illegal" problem in five minutes. Go after the people hiring them with a vengence. When it becomes more expensive to hire an illegal than pay an American a fair wage, they'll stop doing it and the illegals will stop coming.

yeah well, evidently the Dear Leader doesn't see it that way, now does it? He just gave preference to 800,000 illegal immigrants over the legal citizens of this country
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you are really pathetic you think this is the way a President should act..And it's the Democrats who go out of their way to pit Americans against Amercians...if you all didn't have class warfare you wouldn't have anything

But who is pitting who against who here?

If anyone is, the wealthy are the ones doing it.

On one hand, they are the ones hiring these illegals so they don't have to pay an American a fair wage.

On the other, they are the ones funding the Tancredos and the Minutemen and the other Bubba REdnecks, who need someone to be angry at when they figure they aren't living as good as their parents did.

As I said earlier, you can end the "illegal" problem in five minutes. Go after the people hiring them with a vengence. When it becomes more expensive to hire an illegal than pay an American a fair wage, they'll stop doing it and the illegals will stop coming.

yeah well, evidently the Dear Leader doesn't see it that way, now does it? He just gave preference to 800,000 illegal immigrants over the legal citizens of this country

Of course he won't, and neither will any republican.

Obeying laws is for poor people. We don't make the rich follow the law.

So we'll waste billions chasing down Pedro and never go after the business owner who hires him.

To quote Michael Corleone, "We are all part of the same hypocrisy."

How are these 800K getting "preference" over "legal citizens", exactly?
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But who is pitting who against who here?

If anyone is, the wealthy are the ones doing it.

On one hand, they are the ones hiring these illegals so they don't have to pay an American a fair wage.

On the other, they are the ones funding the Tancredos and the Minutemen and the other Bubba REdnecks, who need someone to be angry at when they figure they aren't living as good as their parents did.

As I said earlier, you can end the "illegal" problem in five minutes. Go after the people hiring them with a vengence. When it becomes more expensive to hire an illegal than pay an American a fair wage, they'll stop doing it and the illegals will stop coming.

yeah well, evidently the Dear Leader doesn't see it that way, now does it? He just gave preference to 800,000 illegal immigrants over the legal citizens of this country

Of course he won't, and neither will any republican.

Obeying laws is for poor people. We don't make the rich follow the law.

So we'll waste billions chasing down Pedro and never go after the business owner who hires him.

To quote Michael Corleone, "We are all part of the same hypocrisy."

How are these 800K getting "preference" over "legal citizens", exactly?

Sure the Divider-in-Chief, the guy who took an oath to uphold the law of the land, is the following those laws to the letter. Yep, sure, allrighty then.
Once again Obama illustrates why the economy is still in the shitter.

He cannot be trusted to do what he says he will do.

They feel he is capable of doing anything on a whim unilaterally.

Nobody can feel safe in this kind of environment....because our biggest fear is an abusive government that is capable of ignoring or outright breaking our laws. The protections we once had under the constitution have been flushed.

Until those responsible are held to account. That demand has to come from the people.

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