Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

You forget, Republicans don't like welfare, unless it's welfare to other countries. Then it's all gravy.

Idiots like you would have let Hitler kill all the Jews in Europe.

Aww, yes. The inevitable Hitler analogy. Because stopping a madman from conquering all of Europe, and stopping an idiot from killing his own people in Iraq, are completely the same thing.

Isolationists are idiots. To much fear. Go run to your hole and let us adults deal with reality.
Wow- Already so many post on this thread, OK- but what Obama is doing is crazy, especially as he is doing it to a part of his so called major or majority base (the black laborers of this nation), whom had a raw deal when these illegals started taking over so many of the labor jobs in America, hec they were even bumping white laborers finally out of their long held labor jobs in this nation also, and it was all due to corporate and major company greed, that covered so many areas of the labor job markets, that it was throwing everything out of balance, so I know it had to be getting bad for the black laborers who were dependent on these job markets big time just as well as the whites were also.

There is a place called "Columbia Farms" for example, that was working illegals big time, and they were busted finally in the upper state of South Carolina I believe, where as the next thing you know they (Columbia Farms) were quickly getting out of the illegal labor business, but oh my gosh, who was going to replace them illegals now (since the Americans according to the government, wouldnot work the jobs that illegals were doing in this nation?), well they have been replaced, and guess who the majority of people are that have replaced them, come on now give me a good guess ? It was the American black laborers in a majority who have replaced them now, and they are doing a fine job at "Columbia Farms", so you go on Obama with your bad self, and you quickly undermine your own supporters from the American black labor forces once again, and also the whites who are in the same forces, and all just for votes, and you will finally be understood as to just what you will do for a vote, and I hope the blacks finally see right through you, and rebuke your cronie politics finally.. Many blacks have found you out, but for many in whom their pride won't let them see you, it will take some more time, and some more moves like this, to then see right through you finally. There are many who saw Obama as the savior of the black people in this nation once obtained that office, but don't let Barack Obama come swaying in the African American churches like Clinton did black folk, in order to just use the African Americans like Clinton did.. I believe many are finally understanding it all, where as it is time to Unite in this nation as Americans finally don't cha think?
If you think blacks are going to turn against the first black president because of his immigration policy, you're barking up the wrong tree. Political minorities tend to support each other since they face many of the same problems.
Ok, so it's lets go back now to placing illegals who will now have a permit to work (what 800,000 of them) into non-agri-jobs that Americans will do in a bad economy where Americans need work badly, whom were somehow mis-placed because of the situation that had taken place very badly against them before eh? I hope Americans of any color or stripe are smarter than this idiocy. Oh so Obama can go back to the Bush dinasty, and encorporate again for the rich the same policies or allowances without scrutiny of, but how dare any other politician do the same in the eyes of the ignorant blind followers eh?
First off the 800,000 which is greatly exaggerated is only about .5% of the workforce most of which are probably already employed. Those that choose to register must be able to prove they are between 16 and 30 and entered the country before the age 16, which is not that easy for an undocumented immigrant. They must have a high school diploma or proof of military service. For those that apply, they run the risk of the policy not being continued. In that case when their work permit expires, they would be in more danger of being deported than they are now.

For any illegal immigrant, deportation is always a concern but for someone brought to this country as child, being taken away from their family, job, and friends and sent to a strange country can be devastating.

The last time amnesty was granted, in the mid 90's, less than 1 in 10 applied. I suspect there will be less than 50,000 apply, possibly a lot less.
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Idiots like you would have let Hitler kill all the Jews in Europe.

Aww, yes. The inevitable Hitler analogy. Because stopping a madman from conquering all of Europe, and stopping an idiot from killing his own people in Iraq, are completely the same thing.

Isolationists are idiots. To much fear. Go run to your hole and let us adults deal with reality.

Looks like someone was too afraid to type the third "O" in "too," too.
Aww, yes. The inevitable Hitler analogy. Because stopping a madman from conquering all of Europe, and stopping an idiot from killing his own people in Iraq, are completely the same thing.

Isolationists are idiots. To much fear. Go run to your hole and let us adults deal with reality.

Looks like someone was too afraid to type the third "O" in "too," too.

Isnt there a abortion clinic you can be worshiping somewhere?
Idiots like you would have let Hitler kill all the Jews in Europe.

Aww, yes. The inevitable Hitler analogy. Because stopping a madman from conquering all of Europe, and stopping an idiot from killing his own people in Iraq, are completely the same thing.

Isolationists are idiots. To much fear. Go run to your hole and let us adults deal with reality.

First, I said non-interventionist, not isolationist. You confusion of the two is probably due to all of the propaganda during the 2008 GOP primaries.

Second, you want to talk about fear? Who are the ones who want to invade every country that doesn't sing our praise? Or are willing to give up their freedom so long as the government says it will keep them safe? Neo-cons are the biggest babies I've ever seen.
Aww, yes. The inevitable Hitler analogy. Because stopping a madman from conquering all of Europe, and stopping an idiot from killing his own people in Iraq, are completely the same thing.

Isolationists are idiots. To much fear. Go run to your hole and let us adults deal with reality.

First, I said non-interventionist, not isolationist. You confusion of the two is probably due to all of the propaganda during the 2008 GOP primaries.

Second, you want to talk about fear? Who are the ones who want to invade every country that doesn't sing our praise? Or are willing to give up their freedom so long as the government says it will keep them safe? Neo-cons are the biggest babies I've ever seen.

Just like all liberals you try to change the word to hide the truth.

my, my, how times have changed...
It appears to me that your just stuck in the era of mom and pop gas stations. The world has left you behind and you're upset about it.

Well, funny you should mention that.

The GOP has gotten by because they've played on the social issues. They keep offering to take our country back from the abortionists and liberals and gays and make it all like it was under Ward and June Cleaver.

But what they forget is why the real life Ward had a good paying job, so June could stay home.

Today, Ward has to worry about someone sending his job to China, while June is out working a second job and maybe having an affair with a co-worker. Meanwhile Wally and the Beaver are out hanging around with Eddy Haskel, and getting into all sorts of trouble.

The ironic thing is that in destroying that middle class you've created most of the problems you guys get upset about.

But Joe- you supported Santorum the biggest social issue primary candidate? You know Joe you support organized labor too??? You know what Joe- I think you are probably the most disingenuous poster on here- I submit you have never supported any GOP candidate.

Everyone loves to blame “corporations” for shipping jobs overseas. But a corporation—or any business—that ceases to be profitable will soon cease to exist, depriving consumers of whatever goods and/or services it once provided.

U.S. wages are higher than they are almost anywhere else. Our health, safety and environmental laws are among the most stringent. Our affirmative action demands are the most exacting, except possibly for those of Malaysia and South Africa.

Unions raise the cost of labor. They block out non-union workers, carve out exclusive deals for themselves (sometimes with wages and benefits well above what the market should bear), and in the case of public unions, do all of this on the taxpayer’s dime.

The government, for its part, swoops in and regulates more and more, raising compliance costs. Then, it taxes (with the second-highest and soon-to-be the highest corporate tax in the world) and makes things even harder.

You want jobs? Stop punishing business for being business.

A good article here
It's ok to be business alright, and it's ok to make a profit alright, but when greed becomes the style and trend or route that businesses take, then everything goes straight out of the window. This is when weakness is born into the structure/business model that is projected, and soon the structure begins to emplode under it's own weight before long, but before that happens you would see these golden parachutes drifting off into the distance, as they had made their escape before the implosion.

Say it ain't so, and that this hasn't been a problem Americans have been experiencing for quite sometime now, in which has caused alot of bad in this nation to date. Ignoring this fact is how history has away of repeating itself, and many people don't want history like that to continue to repeat itself, so it best not to deny history or to try and act as if it never existed in this way, because no one else will forget, and they will be diligent on making sure that it does not happen again if at all possible.. Just my take on the conversation here is all...
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If you think blacks are going to turn against the first black president because of his immigration policy, you're barking up the wrong tree. Political minorities tend to support each other since they face many of the same problems.
Ok, so it's lets go back now to placing illegals who will now have a permit to work (what 800,000 of them) into non-agri-jobs that Americans will do in a bad economy where Americans need work badly, whom were somehow mis-placed because of the situation that had taken place very badly against them before eh? I hope Americans of any color or stripe are smarter than this idiocy. Oh so Obama can go back to the Bush dinasty, and encorporate again for the rich the same policies or allowances without scrutiny of, but how dare any other politician do the same in the eyes of the ignorant blind followers eh?
First off the 800,000 which is greatly exaggerated is only about .5% of the workforce most of which are probably already employed. Those that choose to register must be able to prove they are between 16 and 30 and entered the country before the age 16, which is not that easy for an undocumented immigrant. They must have a high school diploma or proof of military service. For those that apply, they run the risk of the policy not being continued. In that case when their work permit expires, they would be in more danger of being deported than they are now.

For any illegal immigrant, deportation is always a concern but for someone brought to this country as child, being taken away from their family, job, and friends and sent to a strange country can be devastating.

The last time amnesty was granted, in the mid 90's, less than 1 in 10 applied. I suspect there will be less than 50,000 apply, possibly a lot less.
A good watering down of it all, that you are doing there friend, but I know what happened with it all before, so I'll take a rain check on what you are selling my friend, because not to many will be buying what you are selling anymore, especially with all of that has since gone on within all of this mess before.
Isolationists are idiots. To much fear. Go run to your hole and let us adults deal with reality.

First, I said non-interventionist, not isolationist. You confusion of the two is probably due to all of the propaganda during the 2008 GOP primaries.

Second, you want to talk about fear? Who are the ones who want to invade every country that doesn't sing our praise? Or are willing to give up their freedom so long as the government says it will keep them safe? Neo-cons are the biggest babies I've ever seen.

Just like all liberals you try to change the word to hide the truth.

For the love of god. Here, let's see what the damn dictionary says.

nonintervention - a foreign policy of staying out of other countries' disputes

isolationism - the policy or doctrine of isolating one's country from the affairs of other nations by declining to enter into alliances, foreign economic commitments, international agreements, etc., seeking to devote the entire efforts of one's country to its own advancement and remain at peace by avoiding foreign entanglements and responsibilities.

Did you see the difference there, or should I get out a highlighter and star stickers to point it out to you? A non-interventionist is more than happy to form alliances, and trade, and work with other countries. But they will not meddle with another country's affairs and disputes, unless directly asked by that country. An isolationist will not trade, or form alliances, or have anything to do with other countries no matter the situation.

(Why do I have the feeling I'm wasting my time trying to help you learn something, and move past buzz words and propaganda)
first obama freed gay people, now he has freed the children of immigrants.

Obama is the democrats lincoln.

Obamabots are strange humans, but good cult members
If Obama keeps leading the country down the path it's on, those children won't have any benefit in being american anyways. That also goes the same for any country who plans to enter into democracy from dictatorship, how will they be able to compete if places like America and Europe can't even compete !!! what message are we sending them when we tell them be free, and then being free is worse then being oppressed
Ron Paul should know these things. He's GREAT on domestic policy. He SUCKS on foriegn affairs.

I hear ya. I only support people who want to invade nations for no reason and send our troops to their death to "free" people who don't want it. All while bankrupting our nation trying to do it.:cuckoo:

P.S. if you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm.

No we should defend the country and its interests instead of blaming it for evil people... Paul doesn't do that though... He is so fucking retarded he actually thinks the evil people are the good guys and us Americans are the bad guys and his zombie fuck nugget stoner worshipers eat that shit up.

Nah, too simplistic a view of the man. Give him another shot. Really listen to what he has to say. Check out Peace . Gold . Liberty | Ron Paul 2012 | Daily Paul
Well, funny you should mention that.

The GOP has gotten by because they've played on the social issues. They keep offering to take our country back from the abortionists and liberals and gays and make it all like it was under Ward and June Cleaver.

But what they forget is why the real life Ward had a good paying job, so June could stay home.

Today, Ward has to worry about someone sending his job to China, while June is out working a second job and maybe having an affair with a co-worker. Meanwhile Wally and the Beaver are out hanging around with Eddy Haskel, and getting into all sorts of trouble.

The ironic thing is that in destroying that middle class you've created most of the problems you guys get upset about.

But Joe- you supported Santorum the biggest social issue primary candidate? You know Joe you support organized labor too??? You know what Joe- I think you are probably the most disingenuous poster on here- I submit you have never supported any GOP candidate.

Everyone loves to blame “corporations” for shipping jobs overseas. But a corporation—or any business—that ceases to be profitable will soon cease to exist, depriving consumers of whatever goods and/or services it once provided.

U.S. wages are higher than they are almost anywhere else. Our health, safety and environmental laws are among the most stringent. Our affirmative action demands are the most exacting, except possibly for those of Malaysia and South Africa.

Unions raise the cost of labor. They block out non-union workers, carve out exclusive deals for themselves (sometimes with wages and benefits well above what the market should bear), and in the case of public unions, do all of this on the taxpayer’s dime.

The government, for its part, swoops in and regulates more and more, raising compliance costs. Then, it taxes (with the second-highest and soon-to-be the highest corporate tax in the world) and makes things even harder.

You want jobs? Stop punishing business for being business.

A good article here
It's ok to be business alright, and it's ok to make a profit alright, but when greed becomes the style and trend or route that businesses take, then everything goes straight out of the window. This is when weakness is born into the structure/business model that is projected, and soon the structure begins to emplode under it's own weight before long, but before that happens you would see these golden parachutes drifting off into the distance, as they had made their escape before the implosion.

Say it ain't so, and that this hasn't been a problem Americans have been experiencing for quite sometime now, in which has caused alot of bad in this nation to date. Ignoring this fact is how history has away of repeating itself, and many people don't want history like that to continue to repeat itself, so it best not to deny history or to try and act as if it never existed in this way, because no one else will forget, and they will be diligent on making sure that it does not happen again if at all possible.. Just my take on the conversation here is all...

One mans greed is another mans envy.

The greed that caused the housing market collapse leads right back to politicians like Barney Fran as well. But I digress, your rant is meaningless. The issue is how does a capitalist society operate best for everyone. The answer is free markets (meaning minimum interference) this would include taxes and regulatory interference. And before you have a cow- I am not opposed to all taxes or all regulations- just those that allow for corruption i.e. Barney Frank, unions, cronyism and those that make doing business in other countries more appealing (profitable) then staying here.
But Joe- you supported Santorum the biggest social issue primary candidate? You know Joe you support organized labor too??? You know what Joe- I think you are probably the most disingenuous poster on here- I submit you have never supported any GOP candidate.

Everyone loves to blame “corporations” for shipping jobs overseas. But a corporation—or any business—that ceases to be profitable will soon cease to exist, depriving consumers of whatever goods and/or services it once provided.

U.S. wages are higher than they are almost anywhere else. Our health, safety and environmental laws are among the most stringent. Our affirmative action demands are the most exacting, except possibly for those of Malaysia and South Africa.

Unions raise the cost of labor. They block out non-union workers, carve out exclusive deals for themselves (sometimes with wages and benefits well above what the market should bear), and in the case of public unions, do all of this on the taxpayer’s dime.

The government, for its part, swoops in and regulates more and more, raising compliance costs. Then, it taxes (with the second-highest and soon-to-be the highest corporate tax in the world) and makes things even harder.

You want jobs? Stop punishing business for being business.

A good article here
It's ok to be business alright, and it's ok to make a profit alright, but when greed becomes the style and trend or route that businesses take, then everything goes straight out of the window. This is when weakness is born into the structure/business model that is projected, and soon the structure begins to emplode under it's own weight before long, but before that happens you would see these golden parachutes drifting off into the distance, as they had made their escape before the implosion.

Say it ain't so, and that this hasn't been a problem Americans have been experiencing for quite sometime now, in which has caused alot of bad in this nation to date. Ignoring this fact is how history has away of repeating itself, and many people don't want history like that to continue to repeat itself, so it best not to deny history or to try and act as if it never existed in this way, because no one else will forget, and they will be diligent on making sure that it does not happen again if at all possible.. Just my take on the conversation here is all...

One mans greed is another mans envy.

The greed that caused the housing market collapse leads right back to politicians like Barney Fran as well. But I digress, your rant is meaningless. The issue is how does a capitalist society operate best for everyone. The answer is free markets (meaning minimum interference) this would include taxes and regulatory interference. And before you have a cow- I am not opposed to all taxes or all regulations- just those that allow for corruption i.e. Barney Frank, unions, cronyism and those that make doing business in other countries more appealing (profitable) then staying here.
They say that the south shall rise again, well maybe it has, only in the form of corrupt corporations who operate like an 1800's plantation, where the desire is again slavery almost for the majority of their workforces, instead of a way to balance it out like it is suppose to be in America, in which empowered America to become the greatest it had ever been, just as we had touched on before in this nation for a period of time, we could go there again maybe.

Empowering corruption is the wrong way to go always, and it seems that we have been quite good at this for a good long time now, and it just blows my mind that people still refuse to acknowledge these things, and just spin and spin and spin on the issue when it pops up.
Well, funny you should mention that.

The GOP has gotten by because they've played on the social issues. They keep offering to take our country back from the abortionists and liberals and gays and make it all like it was under Ward and June Cleaver.

But what they forget is why the real life Ward had a good paying job, so June could stay home.

Today, Ward has to worry about someone sending his job to China, while June is out working a second job and maybe having an affair with a co-worker. Meanwhile Wally and the Beaver are out hanging around with Eddy Haskel, and getting into all sorts of trouble.

The ironic thing is that in destroying that middle class you've created most of the problems you guys get upset about.

But Joe- you supported Santorum the biggest social issue primary candidate? You know Joe you support organized labor too??? You know what Joe- I think you are probably the most disingenuous poster on here- I submit you have never supported any GOP candidate.

You can submit any stupidity you want, but go back to January, when I supported Rick against both liberals and Romney supporters.

Santorum had no problem with organized labor, and he was one of the few guys who got it that the decline of the middle class is the real problem. The GOP produces one of these guys every few years. - Santorum, Huckabee, Buchanan- who realizes corportism and free trade are horrible idea..... and the Establishment panics and bombs the snot out of them, even if it costs them the general election.

As for the social issues, yeah, Santorum's religious silliness bothered me, but at least he put his religious crazy out on the table. Romney won't even say the word "Mormon" in public if can help it.

I guess I identified more with Santorum because he was the product of the same kind of working class Catholic upbringing I was. Five years ago, before my Romney-supporting boss showed me the true meaning of Christmas and Capitalism, I'd have said most of the same things.

Now I realize teh social issues are just something the plutocrats get to trick people into voting against their own interests, which is why abortion is still legal 40 years after Roe v. Wade.

Everyone loves to blame “corporations” for shipping jobs overseas. But a corporation—or any business—that ceases to be profitable will soon cease to exist, depriving consumers of whatever goods and/or services it once provided.

Ahhh. But how is it going to be profitable if no one can afford it's products? As Henry Ford once observed, "If the people who work for me can't make enough money to buy my cars, I don't have a business."

U.S. wages are higher than they are almost anywhere else. Our health, safety and environmental laws are among the most stringent. Our affirmative action demands are the most exacting, except possibly for those of Malaysia and South Africa.

You talk like these are bad things. Personally, I like drinking clean water, breathing clean air, and knowing that all the equipment at the plant I work at won't fly apart at the seems and injure me.

No matter how far down we go, we are never going to get to the point were our workers will be as cheap or expendable as Chinese workers, and it shouldn't be something we should want to emulate to start with.

Unions raise the cost of labor. They block out non-union workers, carve out exclusive deals for themselves (sometimes with wages and benefits well above what the market should bear), and in the case of public unions, do all of this on the taxpayer’s dime.

The government, for its part, swoops in and regulates more and more, raising compliance costs. Then, it taxes (with the second-highest and soon-to-be the highest corporate tax in the world) and makes things even harder.

You want jobs? Stop punishing business for being business.

Then the businesses should stop acting like douchebags.

You know from Reagan to Bush-43, we did all the shit you said. (On economic issues, Clinton was indistinguishable from a Republican) We reduced union participation, we loosened up the regulations, we lowered taxes, etc. By your standards, we should be humming along today. But the exact oppossite has happened. We've been in economic decline since 1978. Your conclusion, "No, no, wait. There are still some working stiffs enjoying a middle class lifestyle. We need to put a stop to that shit! Then we'll have prosperity."

I'm not for punishing businesses for being businesses, but I think we should punish the shit out of them when they act like douchebags.
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Well, funny you should mention that.

The GOP has gotten by because they've played on the social issues. They keep offering to take our country back from the abortionists and liberals and gays and make it all like it was under Ward and June Cleaver.

But what they forget is why the real life Ward had a good paying job, so June could stay home.

Today, Ward has to worry about someone sending his job to China, while June is out working a second job and maybe having an affair with a co-worker. Meanwhile Wally and the Beaver are out hanging around with Eddy Haskel, and getting into all sorts of trouble.

The ironic thing is that in destroying that middle class you've created most of the problems you guys get upset about.

But Joe- you supported Santorum the biggest social issue primary candidate? You know Joe you support organized labor too??? You know what Joe- I think you are probably the most disingenuous poster on here- I submit you have never supported any GOP candidate.

Everyone loves to blame “corporations” for shipping jobs overseas. But a corporation—or any business—that ceases to be profitable will soon cease to exist, depriving consumers of whatever goods and/or services it once provided.

U.S. wages are higher than they are almost anywhere else. Our health, safety and environmental laws are among the most stringent. Our affirmative action demands are the most exacting, except possibly for those of Malaysia and South Africa.

Unions raise the cost of labor. They block out non-union workers, carve out exclusive deals for themselves (sometimes with wages and benefits well above what the market should bear), and in the case of public unions, do all of this on the taxpayer’s dime.

The government, for its part, swoops in and regulates more and more, raising compliance costs. Then, it taxes (with the second-highest and soon-to-be the highest corporate tax in the world) and makes things even harder.

You want jobs? Stop punishing business for being business.

A good article here
It's ok to be business alright, and it's ok to make a profit alright, but when greed becomes the style and trend or route that businesses take, then everything goes straight out of the window. This is when weakness is born into the structure/business model that is projected, and soon the structure begins to emplode under it's own weight before long, but before that happens you would see these golden parachutes drifting off into the distance, as they had made their escape before the implosion.

Say it ain't so, and that this hasn't been a problem Americans have been experiencing for quite sometime now, in which has caused alot of bad in this nation to date. Ignoring this fact is how history has away of repeating itself, and many people don't want history like that to continue to repeat itself, so it best not to deny history or to try and act as if it never existed in this way, because no one else will forget, and they will be diligent on making sure that it does not happen again if at all possible.. Just my take on the conversation here is all...

Well said!

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