Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

There's some validity to that, but by 1955 most of the world had rebuilt. We even paid to get it done.

TRue, there was disruption, like the British no longer being able to maintain their empire and replacing it with Commonwealth.

Fact is, we were much healthier when the gap between rich and poor was thinner.

We were healthier without the drug culture and modern day liberalism and a big government nanny state too. So who is to say that it was a gap between rich and poor that created the problem, or possibly it was those other things that created the gap.

Santorum addressed that with the drag on the family and the Government's willingness to undermine the family with the 'Great Society'...and WELFARE.

Until the American family unit becomes cohesive again? Expect more of the same...Restore Honor, Love, And real Hope.

Detach ourselves FROM this government we must, and do it ourselves.

But this is the point I keep making to you fools, and you never seem to get.

Mitt Romney and his ilk get rid of good paying union jobs at AmPad and GS Steel.

They replace them with crappy McJobs with no benefits at Staples and Domino's Pizza.

The working poor, damn them, just refuse to die off. They actually go to the government and get some of those "Great Society" programs.

That makes them more dependent on government, not less.

You guys are doing this to yourselves, and most of you are too dumb to see it happening.
I am. I'm all for the rich paying their fair share and looking out for the good of the rest of us. I'm just not sure why you aren't. Somehow, I doubt you are rich. You probably never will be. But you seem awfully concerned that they might have to do without a polo pony.

Me. I want a police department that comes when I call it. I want bridges that aren't going to collapse when I'm trying to cross them. I want kids to be able to read and write when they get out of public school after 12 years so I don't have to support them into their 40's.

So how much of every dollar you earn should you pay in taxes Joe- simple question.


Oh, sorry, did I hurt your ego by not answering your question?
Maybe because Republicans learned their lesson the last time they tried to throw a highly-popular president out of office for bullshit reasons.

Oh, that and what he did is not an impeachable offense, despite your wet dreams.

"Highly-popular".... LMAO!!!! He has had some of the LOWEST approval ratings in US history. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Uh, you're thinking of his predecessor dude.


Hey Conservaliar. Why'd you run away?

Can't take losing that much?????

Where's all that "science" of yours?

We desperately need Constitutional Conservatism. It's time. Our Presidents are abusing their power. Checks & Balances are being whittled away. This current President has taken us closer to Dictatorship. The Rule of Law and the Constitution are meaningless to him. Time for all to join the Ron Paul Revolution.

No thanks I love my country and dont despise the men and women in uniform. So paulbot is not in my future
We desperately need Constitutional Conservatism. It's time. Our Presidents are abusing their power. Checks & Balances are being whittled away. This current President has taken us closer to Dictatorship. The Rule of Law and the Constitution are meaningless to him. Time for all to join the Ron Paul Revolution.

No thanks I love my country and dont despise the men and women in uniform. So paulbot is not in my future

Ron Paul should know these things. He's GREAT on domestic policy. He SUCKS on foriegn affairs.
We desperately need Constitutional Conservatism. It's time. Our Presidents are abusing their power. Checks & Balances are being whittled away. This current President has taken us closer to Dictatorship. The Rule of Law and the Constitution are meaningless to him. Time for all to join the Ron Paul Revolution.

No thanks I love my country and dont despise the men and women in uniform. So paulbot is not in my future

Ron Paul should know these things. He's GREAT on domestic policy. He SUCKS on foriegn affairs.

I hear ya. I only support people who want to invade nations for no reason and send our troops to their death to "free" people who don't want it. All while bankrupting our nation trying to do it.:cuckoo:

P.S. if you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm.
No thanks I love my country and dont despise the men and women in uniform. So paulbot is not in my future

Ron Paul should know these things. He's GREAT on domestic policy. He SUCKS on foriegn affairs.

I hear ya. I only support people who want to invade nations for no reason and send our troops to their death to "free" people who don't want it. All while bankrupting our nation trying to do it.:cuckoo:

P.S. if you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm.

Good thing you told him, he probably wouldn't have been able to tell.
We desperately need Constitutional Conservatism. It's time. Our Presidents are abusing their power. Checks & Balances are being whittled away. This current President has taken us closer to Dictatorship. The Rule of Law and the Constitution are meaningless to him. Time for all to join the Ron Paul Revolution.

No thanks I love my country and dont despise the men and women in uniform. So paulbot is not in my future

Ron Paul should know these things. He's GREAT on domestic policy. He SUCKS on foriegn affairs.

So we can use YOUR credit card for the two wars next time, Mel Gibson?
No thanks I love my country and dont despise the men and women in uniform. So paulbot is not in my future

Ron Paul should know these things. He's GREAT on domestic policy. He SUCKS on foriegn affairs.

I hear ya. I only support people who want to invade nations for no reason and send our troops to their death to "free" people who don't want it. All while bankrupting our nation trying to do it.:cuckoo:

P.S. if you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm.

No we should defend the country and its interests instead of blaming it for evil people... Paul doesn't do that though... He is so fucking retarded he actually thinks the evil people are the good guys and us Americans are the bad guys and his zombie fuck nugget stoner worshipers eat that shit up.
Ron Paul should know these things. He's GREAT on domestic policy. He SUCKS on foriegn affairs.

I hear ya. I only support people who want to invade nations for no reason and send our troops to their death to "free" people who don't want it. All while bankrupting our nation trying to do it.:cuckoo:

P.S. if you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm.

No we should defend the country and its interests instead of blaming it for evil people... Paul doesn't do that though... He is so fucking retarded he actually thinks the evil people are the good guys and us Americans are the bad guys and his zombie fuck nugget stoner worshipers eat that shit up.

Captain Hyperbole, AWAY!!!
I hear ya. I only support people who want to invade nations for no reason and send our troops to their death to "free" people who don't want it. All while bankrupting our nation trying to do it.:cuckoo:

P.S. if you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm.

No we should defend the country and its interests instead of blaming it for evil people... Paul doesn't do that though... He is so fucking retarded he actually thinks the evil people are the good guys and us Americans are the bad guys and his zombie fuck nugget stoner worshipers eat that shit up.

Captain Hyperbole, AWAY!!!

Truth hurts doesnt it?
No we should defend the country and its interests instead of blaming it for evil people... Paul doesn't do that though... He is so fucking retarded he actually thinks the evil people are the good guys and us Americans are the bad guys and his zombie fuck nugget stoner worshipers eat that shit up.

Captain Hyperbole, AWAY!!!

Truth hurts doesnt it?

The truth that the overwhelming majority of what you said was hyperbole? Nah, that didn't hurt me one bit.

How about the truth that almost every time we go into a country trying to make it better, we end up making it worse. That whenever we try to "free" a country, or put someone we like into power, it comes back to bite us in the ass. That most of the world hates us because we just can't seem to leave them alone.

I support a policy of non-interventionism. And before you even think about relating that an ostrich sticking it's head in the dirt, I suggest you read up on what non-interventionism actually is, or you might end up making yourself look like another neo-con idiot.
So we can use YOUR credit card for the two wars next time, Mel Gibson?

You forget, Republicans don't like welfare, unless it's welfare to other countries. Then it's all gravy.

Idiots like you would have let Hitler kill all the Jews in Europe.

Aww, yes. The inevitable Hitler analogy. Because stopping a madman from conquering all of Europe, and stopping an idiot from killing his own people in Iraq, are completely the same thing.

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