Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

This is the predictable result of years & years of Big Government Globalist rule. Both Political Parties have brought us here. Dictatorial Proclamations and Decrees are not what this Nation is about. This is bad for all Americans. But there is hope. Become a Constitutional Conservative and fight to save your country. The Big Government Globalists gotta go. Both Parties need to be swept clean. The time has come.
You finally said something that makes sense! And then you had to go and ruin it with the nonsense about taking the wealthy "appropriately".

I would LOVE to relpace welfare with workfare. That would be outstanding. But since the wealthy are already taxed appropriately (and then some on top of some more), how about we just use the "workfare" workers to repair roads, clean highways, cut public lawns, etc. and the money saved on those things will pay for it? It's a win-win for everyone, except the liberal welfare group who refuses to earn anything.

It's only nonsense to you because you suffer from this sort of conservatard Stockholm syndrome where you feel bad for your abusers.

Frankly, this country ran at its best when the top marginal rate was 92% right after WWII. We never saw such prosperity as a nation. We didn't do to bad after JFK reduced it to 70%.

But you say 39% for people who can obviously afford it, and you scream like a stuck pig, when I doubt you'd be affected by it.

I think the country ran best after WWII because the rest of the world's industry was blasted to pieces, and we were the "only game in town".

There's some validity to that, but by 1955 most of the world had rebuilt. We even paid to get it done.

TRue, there was disruption, like the British no longer being able to maintain their empire and replacing it with Commonwealth.

Fact is, we were much healthier when the gap between rich and poor was thinner.
It's only nonsense to you because you suffer from this sort of conservatard Stockholm syndrome where you feel bad for your abusers.

Frankly, this country ran at its best when the top marginal rate was 92% right after WWII. We never saw such prosperity as a nation. We didn't do to bad after JFK reduced it to 70%.

But you say 39% for people who can obviously afford it, and you scream like a stuck pig, when I doubt you'd be affected by it.

I think the country ran best after WWII because the rest of the world's industry was blasted to pieces, and we were the "only game in town".

There's some validity to that, but by 1955 most of the world had rebuilt. We even paid to get it done.

TRue, there was disruption, like the British no longer being able to maintain their empire and replacing it with Commonwealth.

Fact is, we were much healthier when the gap between rich and poor was thinner.

It appears to me that your just stuck in the era of mom and pop gas stations. The world has left you behind and you're upset about it.
I think the country ran best after WWII because the rest of the world's industry was blasted to pieces, and we were the "only game in town".

There's some validity to that, but by 1955 most of the world had rebuilt. We even paid to get it done.

TRue, there was disruption, like the British no longer being able to maintain their empire and replacing it with Commonwealth.

Fact is, we were much healthier when the gap between rich and poor was thinner.

It appears to me that your just stuck in the era of mom and pop gas stations. The world has left you behind and you're upset about it.

From the crap I've read from Joey? he's all FOR screwing Mom and Pop...they aren't UNION.
It appears to me that your just stuck in the era of mom and pop gas stations. The world has left you behind and you're upset about it.

Well, funny you should mention that.

The GOP has gotten by because they've played on the social issues. They keep offering to take our country back from the abortionists and liberals and gays and make it all like it was under Ward and June Cleaver.

But what they forget is why the real life Ward had a good paying job, so June could stay home.

Today, Ward has to worry about someone sending his job to China, while June is out working a second job and maybe having an affair with a co-worker. Meanwhile Wally and the Beaver are out hanging around with Eddy Haskel, and getting into all sorts of trouble.

The ironic thing is that in destroying that middle class you've created most of the problems you guys get upset about.
There's some validity to that, but by 1955 most of the world had rebuilt. We even paid to get it done.

TRue, there was disruption, like the British no longer being able to maintain their empire and replacing it with Commonwealth.

Fact is, we were much healthier when the gap between rich and poor was thinner.

It appears to me that your just stuck in the era of mom and pop gas stations. The world has left you behind and you're upset about it.

From the crap I've read from Joey? he's all FOR screwing Mom and Pop...they aren't UNION.

Wow, I guess you see EvilCo as the same as Mom and Pop, and that's kind of your problem.

Mom and Pop did get screwed. Not by the union folks, they were their best customers because they always spent a lot of money. Nope, they got screwed by Wal-mart.
The GOP has gotten by because they've played on the social issues. They keep offering to take our country back from the abortionists and liberals and gays and make it all like it was under Ward and June Cleaver.

But what they forget is why the real life Ward had a good paying job, so June could stay home.

And having strong organized labor in this country played a big part in that.
The GOP has gotten by because they've played on the social issues. They keep offering to take our country back from the abortionists and liberals and gays and make it all like it was under Ward and June Cleaver.

But what they forget is why the real life Ward had a good paying job, so June could stay home.

And having strong organized labor in this country played a big part in that.

'The policy change, described to The Associated Press by two senior administration officials, will affect as many as 800,000 immigrants who have lived in fear of deportation. It also bypasses Congress and partially achieves the goals of the so-called DREAM Act'

Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young | The Daily Caller

I am beginning to hate this would-be asshole tinhat dictator.
Wow- Already so many post on this thread, OK- but what Obama is doing is crazy, especially as he is doing it to a part of his so called major or majority base (the black laborers of this nation), whom had a raw deal when these illegals started taking over so many of the labor jobs in America, hec they were even bumping white laborers finally out of their long held labor jobs in this nation also, and it was all due to corporate and major company greed, that covered so many areas of the labor job markets, that it was throwing everything out of balance, so I know it had to be getting bad for the black laborers who were dependent on these job markets big time just as well as the whites were also.

There is a place called "Columbia Farms" for example, that was working illegals big time, and they were busted finally in the upper state of South Carolina I believe, where as the next thing you know they (Columbia Farms) were quickly getting out of the illegal labor business, but oh my gosh, who was going to replace them illegals now (since the Americans according to the government, wouldnot work the jobs that illegals were doing in this nation?), well they have been replaced, and guess who the majority of people are that have replaced them, come on now give me a good guess ? It was the American black laborers in a majority who have replaced them now, and they are doing a fine job at "Columbia Farms", so you go on Obama with your bad self, and you quickly undermine your own supporters from the American black labor forces once again, and also the whites who are in the same forces, and all just for votes, and you will finally be understood as to just what you will do for a vote, and I hope the blacks finally see right through you, and rebuke your cronie politics finally.. Many blacks have found you out, but for many in whom their pride won't let them see you, it will take some more time, and some more moves like this, to then see right through you finally. There are many who saw Obama as the savior of the black people in this nation once obtained that office, but don't let Barack Obama come swaying in the African American churches like Clinton did black folk, in order to just use the African Americans like Clinton did.. I believe many are finally understanding it all, where as it is time to Unite in this nation as Americans finally don't cha think?
I don't understand how this is going to work when obama is no longer president, and President Romney revokes obama's dictate. Are those people going to be hunted down and kicked out of America?
Romney could resend the order and things would go back to the way they were. For those that had already received work permits, they would probably remain until the permits expire. However, I don't thinks that's likely. Romney comment on the policy was we need a long term fix, i.e. legislation. Mark Rubio had planned to announce a republican version of the Dream Act before Obama preempted him with his policy. IMHO, if Romney were president he would announce an immigration plan which would include Obama's policy.

The FATHER OF THE CONSTITUTION - JAMES MADISON and Founding Father and 3rd President Thomas jefferson

4. Resolved that ALIEN-friends are under the jurisdiction and protection[7] of the laws of the state wherein they are; that no power over them has been delegated to the US. nor prohibited to the individual states distinct from their power over citizens: and it being true as a general principle, and one of the Amendments to the constitution having also declared, that ‘the powers not delegated to the US. by the constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people,’ the act of the Congress of the US. passed on the day of July 1798. intituled ‘an Act concerning Aliens’ which assumes powers over Alien-friends not delegated by the constitution is not law, but is altogether void & of no force.[8]

Thomas Jefferson

'The policy change, described to The Associated Press by two senior administration officials, will affect as many as 800,000 immigrants who have lived in fear of deportation. It also bypasses Congress and partially achieves the goals of the so-called DREAM Act'

Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young | The Daily Caller

I am beginning to hate this would-be asshole tinhat dictator.
Wow- Already so many post on this thread, OK- but what Obama is doing is crazy, especially as he is doing it to a part of his so called major or majority base (the black laborers of this nation), whom had a raw deal when these illegals started taking over so many of the labor jobs in America, hec they were even bumping white laborers finally out of their long held labor jobs in this nation also, and it was all due to corporate and major company greed, that covered so many areas of the labor job markets, that it was throwing everything out of balance, so I know it had to be getting bad for the black laborers who were dependent on these job markets big time just as well as the whites were also.

There is a place called "Columbia Farms" for example, that was working illegals big time, and they were busted finally in the upper state of South Carolina I believe, where as the next thing you know they (Columbia Farms) were quickly getting out of the illegal labor business, but oh my gosh, who was going to replace them illegals now (since the Americans according to the government, wouldnot work the jobs that illegals were doing in this nation?), well they have been replaced, and guess who the majority of people are that have replaced them, come on now give me a good guess ? It was the American black laborers in a majority who have replaced them now, and they are doing a fine job at "Columbia Farms", so you go on Obama with your bad self, and you quickly undermine your own supporters from the American black labor forces once again, and also the whites who are in the same forces, and all just for votes, and you will finally be understood as to just what you will do for a vote, and I hope the blacks finally see right through you, and rebuke your cronie politics finally.. Many blacks have found you out, but for many in whom their pride won't let them see you, it will take some more time, and some more moves like this, to then see right through you finally. There are many who saw Obama as the savior of the black people in this nation once obtained that office, but don't let Barack Obama come swaying in the African American churches like Clinton did black folk, in order to just use the African Americans like Clinton did.. I believe many are finally understanding it all, where as it is time to Unite in this nation as Americans finally don't cha think?
If you think blacks are going to turn against the first black president because of his immigration policy, you're barking up the wrong tree. Political minorities tend to support each other since they face many of the same problems.
I say we just start shooting the bastards as they come across the border the way they did in the old days, and set every illegal we find on a ship which will take them to Alaska where they will be put into chain gangs and set to work in the gold mines.

When did they do that? Was this a widely based action or was it only in a few instances? Do you know what it was like at the border in "the old days"? What "old days" were you referring to?
It's only nonsense to you because you suffer from this sort of conservatard Stockholm syndrome where you feel bad for your abusers.

Frankly, this country ran at its best when the top marginal rate was 92% right after WWII. We never saw such prosperity as a nation. We didn't do to bad after JFK reduced it to 70%.

But you say 39% for people who can obviously afford it, and you scream like a stuck pig, when I doubt you'd be affected by it.

I think the country ran best after WWII because the rest of the world's industry was blasted to pieces, and we were the "only game in town".

There's some validity to that, but by 1955 most of the world had rebuilt. We even paid to get it done.

TRue, there was disruption, like the British no longer being able to maintain their empire and replacing it with Commonwealth.

Fact is, we were much healthier when the gap between rich and poor was thinner.

We were healthier without the drug culture and modern day liberalism and a big government nanny state too. So who is to say that it was a gap between rich and poor that created the problem, or possibly it was those other things that created the gap.
Congress really has failed the American People. They need to get back to providing vital Checks & Balances. If they can't do that, what good are they?
This is the predictable result of years & years of Big Government Globalist rule. Both Political Parties have brought us here. Dictatorial Proclamations and Decrees are not what this Nation is about. This is bad for all Americans. But there is hope. Become a Constitutional Conservative and fight to save your country. The Big Government Globalists gotta go. Both Parties need to be swept clean. The time has come.

That is what they said about nationalistic movements around a hundred years ago when kingdoms were being turned into nations. I bet you will see a world govt. in the future, maybe not in ours.
Congress really has failed the American People. They need to get back to providing vital Checks & Balances. If they can't do that, what good are they?

worthless like now. I can still remember when they gave themselves a big raise, they justified it by stating that the better pay would usher in a more proffessional type of politican in the Congress.
Well that was a fail.
The last refuge of a scoundrel is politics.
I think the country ran best after WWII because the rest of the world's industry was blasted to pieces, and we were the "only game in town".

There's some validity to that, but by 1955 most of the world had rebuilt. We even paid to get it done.

TRue, there was disruption, like the British no longer being able to maintain their empire and replacing it with Commonwealth.

Fact is, we were much healthier when the gap between rich and poor was thinner.

We were healthier without the drug culture and modern day liberalism and a big government nanny state too. So who is to say that it was a gap between rich and poor that created the problem, or possibly it was those other things that created the gap.

Santorum addressed that with the drag on the family and the Government's willingness to undermine the family with the 'Great Society'...and WELFARE.

Until the American family unit becomes cohesive again? Expect more of the same...Restore Honor, Love, And real Hope.

Detach ourselves FROM this government we must, and do it ourselves.
Constitutional Conservatism will keep Big Brother in check. The Big Government Globalists have created a terrible mess. They need to go. It's the only logical way forward for our Nation.

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