Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

Still waiting for congress to impeach him, wondering why they have not done so yet. I know dirty harry reid would never go for it, but nobody in the house at all has even talked of it.

Face it, impeachment doesn't mean zilch anymore. Not after they impeached Clinton and then congress, who admitted he was guilty as hell voted "not guilty" saying it "wasn't worthy of removal".

Kind of like if I was on Bundy's jury and I voted "not guilty" because I didn't believe he should have to die.
I am. I'm all for the rich paying their fair share and looking out for the good of the rest of us. I'm just not sure why you aren't. Somehow, I doubt you are rich. You probably never will be. But you seem awfully concerned that they might have to do without a polo pony.

Me. I want a police department that comes when I call it. I want bridges that aren't going to collapse when I'm trying to cross them. I want kids to be able to read and write when they get out of public school after 12 years so I don't have to support them into their 40's.

So how much additional should the rich pay so you can have what you want?

This year, households making more than $1 million will pay an average 29.1% of their income in federal taxes, including income taxes, payroll taxes and other taxes, according to the Tax Policy Center, a Washington think tank.

Households making between $50,000 and $75,000 will pay an average of 15% of their income in federal taxes.

Lower-income households will pay less. For example, households making between $40,000 and $50,000 will pay an average of 12.5% of their income in federal taxes. Households making between $20,000 and $30,000 will pay 5.7%. . . .

. . . .The Tax Policy Center estimates that 46% of households, mostly low- and medium-income households, will pay no federal income taxes this year. Most, however, will pay other taxes, including Social Security payroll taxes. . . .
Fact check: The wealthy already pay more tax

By the time you add on state and local taxes, many of the rich--those earning a really comfortable income whether or not they are millionares--are easily paying close to 50% of their income or more in taxes. And that doesn't count the extra tax monies and fees required to conduct business as those rich folks are running the businesses that provide jobs and an income for everybody else.

At least those who will have jobs after 800,000 or more illegals get work permits.

Hell, I'm certainly not wealthy. And what was, until recently, a comfortable living has started to pinch a bit. I already work two jobs and run a small farm. What exactly would be my fair share?

No mor, no less than anyone else. 16th Amendment needs to go.
Clinton lied on the stand to an immaterial issue.

He lied to save face and to avoid imbarressing his wife.

You idiots treat it like fucking treason and then Pretend Bush didnt lie this country into war.

your fucking retards
Clinton lied on the stand to an immaterial issue.

He lied to save face and to avoid imbarressing his wife.

You idiots treat it like fucking treason and then Pretend Bush didnt lie this country into war.

your fucking retards

it's treason that we paid taxpayer dollars for you're fucking education and you write words such as "imbarressing." now that's treason.
Clinton lied on the stand to an immaterial issue.

He lied to save face and to avoid imbarressing his wife.

You idiots treat it like fucking treason and then Pretend Bush didnt lie this country into war.

your fucking retards



"your" (not "you're")

fucking retards

Clinton lied on the stand to an immaterial issue.

He lied to save face and to avoid imbarressing his wife.

You idiots treat it like fucking treason and then Pretend Bush didnt lie this country into war.

your fucking retards
Read my signature.
Constitutional Conservatism would limit these types of abuses. It would drastically scale back such Dictatorial Presidential Decrees. Big Brother would become much smaller, and would have less control over the People. I'm still very surprised more Americans haven't joined the Ron Paul Revolution yet? What are they waiting for?
Joeb is left of Pelosi. In his world a centrist is someone who has never burnt a flag. Or at least didn't enjoy it that much.
You finally said something that makes sense! And then you had to go and ruin it with the nonsense about taking the wealthy "appropriately".

I would LOVE to relpace welfare with workfare. That would be outstanding. But since the wealthy are already taxed appropriately (and then some on top of some more), how about we just use the "workfare" workers to repair roads, clean highways, cut public lawns, etc. and the money saved on those things will pay for it? It's a win-win for everyone, except the liberal welfare group who refuses to earn anything.

It's only nonsense to you because you suffer from this sort of conservatard Stockholm syndrome where you feel bad for your abusers.

Frankly, this country ran at its best when the top marginal rate was 92% right after WWII. We never saw such prosperity as a nation. We didn't do to bad after JFK reduced it to 70%.

But you say 39% for people who can obviously afford it, and you scream like a stuck pig, when I doubt you'd be affected by it.
I'm one of the few centrists.

Stop right there you lying sack of crap. You are no centrist. Are you going to go back to pretending to be a Republican next? You have a real problem with honesty, jackass.

Okay, guy, being called a leftist by the crazy people is hardly an insult.

Frankly, when you think about this, Reagan gave a more extensive Amnesty than Obama would ever have dreamed of back in the 1980's.

Imagine what you'd say if he proposed that today...

I really haven't moved, the rest of you did, way off into nutsville.
You finally said something that makes sense! And then you had to go and ruin it with the nonsense about taking the wealthy "appropriately".

I would LOVE to relpace welfare with workfare. That would be outstanding. But since the wealthy are already taxed appropriately (and then some on top of some more), how about we just use the "workfare" workers to repair roads, clean highways, cut public lawns, etc. and the money saved on those things will pay for it? It's a win-win for everyone, except the liberal welfare group who refuses to earn anything.

It's only nonsense to you because you suffer from this sort of conservatard Stockholm syndrome where you feel bad for your abusers.

Frankly, this country ran at its best when the top marginal rate was 92% right after WWII. We never saw such prosperity as a nation. We didn't do to bad after JFK reduced it to 70%.

But you say 39% for people who can obviously afford it, and you scream like a stuck pig, when I doubt you'd be affected by it.

How many millionaires were there after WWII you bumbling idiot?
What are you talking about? Mahmoud Amhadajihad is a mortal enemy of the people of Iraq. They loathe him like liberals loathe America, freedom, captialism, and the US Constitution. He would be killed the second he entered Iraq.

Okay. Yeah. Are you really this ignorant of world affairs?


Published: March 4, 2008

BAGHDAD — President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, on the second day of his visit here, called on Monday for the withdrawal of American troops from Iraqi soil, saying their presence was the root of Iraq’s instability and violence.

And just out of curiousity, besides the idiot liberal, who in their right freaking mind would have the perspective that spending $5 trillion into debt on friends and family is better than spending $2 trillion to rid the world of a madman?

Well, let's talk about that. Because you probably are suffereing from Hate Radio overload here. Most of the "Debt" was baked into the pie before Obama got there- expenses for war, interest on the national debt, TARP bailouts- all kind of committed to by Bush. The only thing you can really lay on Obama is the 900 billion stimulus, which almost all economists admitted was too small to get the job done.

Finally, Iraq has had several elections since Hussein was removed. So to say it is not a democracy is just pure liberal bullshit.

The Soviet Union used to have "elections". So did Iraq when Saddam was in power.

And somehow, I doubt you showed up at a recruiters office between 2003 and 2009. I'm just guessing.
You finally said something that makes sense! And then you had to go and ruin it with the nonsense about taking the wealthy "appropriately".

I would LOVE to relpace welfare with workfare. That would be outstanding. But since the wealthy are already taxed appropriately (and then some on top of some more), how about we just use the "workfare" workers to repair roads, clean highways, cut public lawns, etc. and the money saved on those things will pay for it? It's a win-win for everyone, except the liberal welfare group who refuses to earn anything.

It's only nonsense to you because you suffer from this sort of conservatard Stockholm syndrome where you feel bad for your abusers.

Frankly, this country ran at its best when the top marginal rate was 92% right after WWII. We never saw such prosperity as a nation. We didn't do to bad after JFK reduced it to 70%.

But you say 39% for people who can obviously afford it, and you scream like a stuck pig, when I doubt you'd be affected by it.

How many millionaires were there after WWII you bumbling idiot?

Quite a lot, not that it had anything to do with my point.
It's only nonsense to you because you suffer from this sort of conservatard Stockholm syndrome where you feel bad for your abusers.

Frankly, this country ran at its best when the top marginal rate was 92% right after WWII. We never saw such prosperity as a nation. We didn't do to bad after JFK reduced it to 70%.

But you say 39% for people who can obviously afford it, and you scream like a stuck pig, when I doubt you'd be affected by it.

How many millionaires were there after WWII you bumbling idiot?

Quite a lot, not that it had anything to do with my point.

It has everything to do with the tax base and money the govt takes in.
You finally said something that makes sense! And then you had to go and ruin it with the nonsense about taking the wealthy "appropriately".

I would LOVE to relpace welfare with workfare. That would be outstanding. But since the wealthy are already taxed appropriately (and then some on top of some more), how about we just use the "workfare" workers to repair roads, clean highways, cut public lawns, etc. and the money saved on those things will pay for it? It's a win-win for everyone, except the liberal welfare group who refuses to earn anything.

It's only nonsense to you because you suffer from this sort of conservatard Stockholm syndrome where you feel bad for your abusers.

Frankly, this country ran at its best when the top marginal rate was 92% right after WWII. We never saw such prosperity as a nation. We didn't do to bad after JFK reduced it to 70%.

But you say 39% for people who can obviously afford it, and you scream like a stuck pig, when I doubt you'd be affected by it.

I think the country ran best after WWII because the rest of the world's industry was blasted to pieces, and we were the "only game in town".
How many millionaires were there after WWII you bumbling idiot?

Quite a lot, not that it had anything to do with my point.

It has everything to do with the tax base and money the govt takes in.

No, not really.

In fact, most people thought the 92% tax rate was fair because we were in a fight for our lives.

And the rich even didn't get their kids to avoid the draft. You were rich, you were expected to go.

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