Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

'The policy change, described to The Associated Press by two senior administration officials, will affect as many as 800,000 immigrants who have lived in fear of deportation. It also bypasses Congress and partially achieves the goals of the so-called DREAM Act'

Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young | The Daily Caller

I am beginning to hate this would-be asshole tinhat dictator.
Wow- Already so many post on this thread, OK- but what Obama is doing is crazy, especially as he is doing it to a part of his so called major or majority base (the black laborers of this nation), whom had a raw deal when these illegals started taking over so many of the labor jobs in America, hec they were even bumping white laborers finally out of their long held labor jobs in this nation also, and it was all due to corporate and major company greed, that covered so many areas of the labor job markets, that it was throwing everything out of balance, so I know it had to be getting bad for the black laborers who were dependent on these job markets big time just as well as the whites were also.

There is a place called "Columbia Farms" for example, that was working illegals big time, and they were busted finally in the upper state of South Carolina I believe, where as the next thing you know they (Columbia Farms) were quickly getting out of the illegal labor business, but oh my gosh, who was going to replace them illegals now (since the Americans according to the government, wouldnot work the jobs that illegals were doing in this nation?), well they have been replaced, and guess who the majority of people are that have replaced them, come on now give me a good guess ? It was the American black laborers in a majority who have replaced them now, and they are doing a fine job at "Columbia Farms", so you go on Obama with your bad self, and you quickly undermine your own supporters from the American black labor forces once again, and also the whites who are in the same forces, and all just for votes, and you will finally be understood as to just what you will do for a vote, and I hope the blacks finally see right through you, and rebuke your cronie politics finally.. Many blacks have found you out, but for many in whom their pride won't let them see you, it will take some more time, and some more moves like this, to then see right through you finally. There are many who saw Obama as the savior of the black people in this nation once obtained that office, but don't let Barack Obama come swaying in the African American churches like Clinton did black folk, in order to just use the African Americans like Clinton did.. I believe many are finally understanding it all, where as it is time to Unite in this nation as Americans finally don't cha think?
If you think blacks are going to turn against the first black president because of his immigration policy, you're barking up the wrong tree. Political minorities tend to support each other since they face many of the same problems.
Ok, so it's lets go back now to placing illegals who will now have a permit to work (what 800,000 of them) into non-agri-jobs that Americans will do in a bad economy where Americans need work badly, whom were somehow mis-placed because of the situation that had taken place very badly against them before eh? I hope Americans of any color or stripe are smarter than this idiocy. Oh so Obama can go back to the Bush dinasty, and encorporate again for the rich the same policies or allowances without scrutiny of, but how dare any other politician do the same in the eyes of the ignorant blind followers eh?
Um, yeah, the prisons are filled with people who avoided abortion, unfortunately.

I don't want to share my streets with millions of people whose parents never wanted them to start with.

Jesus you're a ass hat.

Now you're trying to say that abortion isn't available to the poor.

How bout we outlaw barebacking you Peeping Ass Wack

The poor don't have nearly the access to family planning the middle class have... which is why by and large they are still poor.

Lack of family planning is a major cause of poverty, inside and outside the US. Family planning is the greatest anti-poverty program ever devised.

Every La Teisha over 12 knows where the clinic or Planned-Parenthood is.

Usually the problem is they allow themselves to get knocked up and accuse somebody they ether like or has a job that they're the father hoping ether to get a rock or a monthly check.
Jesus you're a ass hat.

Now you're trying to say that abortion isn't available to the poor.

How bout we outlaw barebacking you Peeping Ass Wack

The poor don't have nearly the access to family planning the middle class have... which is why by and large they are still poor.

Lack of family planning is a major cause of poverty, inside and outside the US. Family planning is the greatest anti-poverty program ever devised.

Every La Teisha over 12 knows where the clinic or Planned-Parenthood is.

Usually the problem is they allow themselves to get knocked up and accuse somebody they ether like or has a job that they're the father hoping ether to get a rock or a monthly check.

SAD, isn't it?
There's some validity to that, but by 1955 most of the world had rebuilt. We even paid to get it done.

TRue, there was disruption, like the British no longer being able to maintain their empire and replacing it with Commonwealth.

Fact is, we were much healthier when the gap between rich and poor was thinner.

We were healthier without the drug culture and modern day liberalism and a big government nanny state too. So who is to say that it was a gap between rich and poor that created the problem, or possibly it was those other things that created the gap.

Santorum addressed that with the drag on the family and the Government's willingness to undermine the family with the 'Great Society'...and WELFARE.

Until the American family unit becomes cohesive again? Expect more of the same...Restore Honor, Love, And real Hope.

Detach ourselves FROM this government we must, and do it ourselves.

Yup. Until we stop elevating, exalting, and subsidizing single parenthood as a 'new normal', we will continue to have disadvantaged, poorly motivated, and uninspired kids on the government dole. (And yes, I know that there are plenty of excellent single parents doing an excellent job of supporting, parenting, and raising their kids, but that does not negate the truth that the single largest cause of children being raised in poverty in this country is one parent in the home.)

Until we have a government that does not subsidize, prop up, and bail out failing businesses, we will continue to have bad bosses and excessive uncertain employment. (And yes, I know there are exceptions to every rule, but in my experience the companies who are NOT receiving government benevolence and who are NOT unionized generally have a happier and more motivated work force of people who see themselves in partnership with management and who therefore enjoy their jobs more.)
I just am amazed that Flopper feels that the black labor force in this country, would knowingly allow Obama (because they love him that much) to then go and put the illegals in direct competition with them for labor jobs in America, when black unemployment is higher than anyother unemployment stat in the nation at this time.. I am amazed at that assertion or opinion, but you know what, he may just be right, because Obama followers might not be connected to each other as much as people might figure them to be connected to each other. Can Obama do no wrong at all, and if so, then that makes Obama a very dangerous man as a President for this nation, because no man is perfect, no not one...
See - you just proved that you simply don't get it. Who said anything about "virtue"? The entire conversation was about skill set and work ethic. You simply can't bring yourself to acknowledge that you are where you're at, and A-Rod is where he is at, because of the VALUE each of you bring to an organization.

Uh, yeah. A-Rod is a punk who uses Roids...

Alex Rodriguez admits taking PEDs during 3-year period - ESPN

So you are going to say, "Hey, kids, you don't want to be like Joe who served his coutnry in the military, came back, took a series of jobs at companies and built his skill sets and is perfectly happy getting a fair middle class lifestyle. No, no, it's better to be like A-Rod, abuse your body with performance enhancing drugs and get a huge contract for playing a game that people are rapidly losing interest in."

Just want to see if I have your messaging straight here, guy.

I can defend the system. If you don't want it to be about you, just pick any liberal idiot who brings no value to an organization but believes they are entitled to a job and a huge salary. To say you don't believe "anyone should be paid 8 figures" is simply asinine. The reason a CEO or athlete is paid that is because they bring in MORE than that amount.

Your argument would have value if these CEO's were producing value. BUt often, they get the 8 figures whether they produce or not, and that's the problem. For instance, Wagoneer, the guy who so badly mismanaged GM got 12 million the year he had to go hat in hand to the Federal Government to get a bailout.

When the Yankees pay A-Rod a quarter of a billion, it's not because they lose money doing so. It's because fans will fill the seats both at home and on the road to watch him play, and that brings in revenue. The fans will buy more of his jersey than some average player, so that brings in revenue. It's skill set and work ethic, but if you acknowledge that, then you would have to take some personal responsibility for your own situation, and of course, we can't have that now - can we?

But let's look at that. Baseball was dying a miserable death in the 1990's. People got fed up after the last baseball strike and stopped going to games Then you had all these guys like Barry Bonds and Sosa and A-Rod taking 'roids because the game was so dull otherwise. The owners all turned a blind eye to it, some of the lesser creatures have no doubt fucked up their health beyond belief. Give it another decade and we are going to hear all sort of horror stories.

But someone was making a profit, and that makes them a hero.

So let me get this straight - you simply won't admit that a worker creates his own job security and salary based on his worth to the organization (skill sets + talent + work ethic), so all you can do is try to turn the conversation to steroids? Really? Change the conversation rather than admit this fact?

How about this - Michael Jordan and Derek Jeter. I'm pretty sure neither one of them have done steroids. Now what have you got? What will you turn the conversation to now?
We were healthier without the drug culture and modern day liberalism and a big government nanny state too. So who is to say that it was a gap between rich and poor that created the problem, or possibly it was those other things that created the gap.

Santorum addressed that with the drag on the family and the Government's willingness to undermine the family with the 'Great Society'...and WELFARE.

Until the American family unit becomes cohesive again? Expect more of the same...Restore Honor, Love, And real Hope.

Detach ourselves FROM this government we must, and do it ourselves.

Yup. Until we stop elevating, exalting, and subsidizing single parenthood as a 'new normal', we will continue to have disadvantaged, poorly motivated, and uninspired kids on the government dole. (And yes, I know that there are plenty of excellent single parents doing an excellent job of supporting, parenting, and raising their kids, but that does not negate the truth that the single largest cause of children being raised in poverty in this country is one parent in the home.)

Until we have a government that does not subsidize, prop up, and bail out failing businesses, we will continue to have bad bosses and excessive uncertain employment. (And yes, I know there are exceptions to every rule, but in my experience the companies who are NOT receiving government benevolence and who are NOT unionized generally have a happier and more motivated work force of people who see themselves in partnership with management and who therefore enjoy their jobs more.)
I agree..
We were healthier without the drug culture and modern day liberalism and a big government nanny state too. So who is to say that it was a gap between rich and poor that created the problem, or possibly it was those other things that created the gap.

Santorum addressed that with the drag on the family and the Government's willingness to undermine the family with the 'Great Society'...and WELFARE.

Until the American family unit becomes cohesive again? Expect more of the same...Restore Honor, Love, And real Hope.

Detach ourselves FROM this government we must, and do it ourselves.

Yup. Until we stop elevating, exalting, and subsidizing single parenthood as a 'new normal', we will continue to have disadvantaged, poorly motivated, and uninspired kids on the government dole. (And yes, I know that there are plenty of excellent single parents doing an excellent job of supporting, parenting, and raising their kids, but that does not negate the truth that the single largest cause of children being raised in poverty in this country is one parent in the home.)

Until we have a government that does not subsidize, prop up, and bail out failing businesses, we will continue to have bad bosses and excessive uncertain employment. (And yes, I know there are exceptions to every rule, but in my experience the companies who are NOT receiving government benevolence and who are NOT unionized generally have a happier and more motivated work force of people who see themselves in partnership with management and who therefore enjoy their jobs more.)

I have nothing to add to this at all except that evenFAMILIES must find another way other than Government to prop themselves up on the accord of LIBERTY they already posess.

I know how crazy this is probably going to sound, but what the hell.

I wonder why NO ONE, pretty much anywhere, is asking WHY so many Mexican nationals are so desperate to get to America. Why doesn't anyone want to acknowledge that, maybe, Mexico is a corrupt, fucked up shit hole from which people want to escape, ASAP? Would that somehow not be politically expedient, maybe?

Perhaps this would be something to address at some point. Wouldn't it be neat to have a productive, fully functioning democracy on our border?


Yes. But if we actually did that, you idiot liberals would spaz the fuck out like you did when Bush brought a "fully functioning democracy" to Iraq.

Absolutely fascinating that you think the only way this can be done is to invade, destroy, occupy and take over. All at massive expense, American soldiers' lives and limbs (telling how much you care about them in the process), wrecked American families. You appear to know only one speed, blow shit up now, to hell with others, we're right, damn the consequences. That's all there is, that's the only way to do it. Bang, boom, yee-haw, U-S-A, U-S-A.

I don't know how to communicate with someone who indulges in such simplistic, two-dimensional thinking.

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Still waiting for congress to impeach him, wondering why they have not done so yet. I know dirty harry reid would never go for it, but nobody in the house at all has even talked of it.

Maybe because Republicans learned their lesson the last time they tried to throw a highly-popular president out of office for bullshit reasons.

Oh, that and what he did is not an impeachable offense, despite your wet dreams.

"Highly-popular".... LMAO!!!! He has had some of the LOWEST approval ratings in US history. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Clinton lied on the stand to an immaterial issue.

He lied to save face and to avoid imbarressing his wife.

You idiots treat it like fucking treason and then Pretend Bush didnt lie this country into war.

your fucking retards

Clinton committed perjury before a grand jury, you fucking tool. It was a major crime, but you defend it because he is a lying, back stabbing, dirt bag liberal like yourself.
Still waiting for congress to impeach him, wondering why they have not done so yet. I know dirty harry reid would never go for it, but nobody in the house at all has even talked of it.

Maybe because Republicans learned their lesson the last time they tried to throw a highly-popular president out of office for bullshit reasons.

Oh, that and what he did is not an impeachable offense, despite your wet dreams.

"Highly-popular".... LMAO!!!! He has had some of the LOWEST approval ratings in US history. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Uh, you're thinking of his predecessor dude.


I know how crazy this is probably going to sound, but what the hell.

I wonder why NO ONE, pretty much anywhere, is asking WHY so many Mexican nationals are so desperate to get to America. Why doesn't anyone want to acknowledge that, maybe, Mexico is a corrupt, fucked up shit hole from which people want to escape, ASAP? Would that somehow not be politically expedient, maybe?

Perhaps this would be something to address at some point. Wouldn't it be neat to have a productive, fully functioning democracy on our border?


Yes. But if we actually did that, you idiot liberals would spaz the fuck out like you did when Bush brought a "fully functioning democracy" to Iraq.

Absolutely fascinating that you think the only way this can be done is to invade, destroy, occupy and take over. All at massive expense, American soldiers' lives and limbs (telling how much you care about them in the process), wrecked American families. You appear to know only one speed, blow shit up now, to hell with others, we're right, damn the consequences. That's all there is, that's the only way to do it. Bang, boom, yee-haw, U-S-A, U-S-A.

I don't know how to communicate with someone who indulges in such simplistic, two-dimensional thinking.


I'm so embarrassed - I completely forgot there are TWO more ways this can be done, if you are a liberal.

1.) Throw trillions of dollars at the problem (on top of our nearly $16 trillion debt today). When that fails, throw trillions more at it. When that fails, throw trillions more at it. When that fails and people start getting pissed, just work endlessly to convince them that if they'll just spend another round of trillion this time it will work (you know, just like Obama did with his 3 rounds of stimulus bills promising each time they would pull us out of a recession - and they haven't of course, which is why he's now pushing for a 4th).

2.) Offer to smoke pot and take LSD while sitting around a camp fire singing kumbaya (one of the more popular FAILED policies of the idiot liberal).

I guess I automatically went to "invade, destory, occupy, and take over" because when I consider a problem, I immediately think of the way to solve the problem. Where as you liberals think of how you can either A.) spend someone else money (cause you love that) or B.) get high (cause you REALLY love that) but could care less that you will fail either way.
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It appears to me that your just stuck in the era of mom and pop gas stations. The world has left you behind and you're upset about it.

Well, funny you should mention that.

The GOP has gotten by because they've played on the social issues. They keep offering to take our country back from the abortionists and liberals and gays and make it all like it was under Ward and June Cleaver.

But what they forget is why the real life Ward had a good paying job, so June could stay home.

Today, Ward has to worry about someone sending his job to China, while June is out working a second job and maybe having an affair with a co-worker. Meanwhile Wally and the Beaver are out hanging around with Eddy Haskel, and getting into all sorts of trouble.

The ironic thing is that in destroying that middle class you've created most of the problems you guys get upset about.

But Joe- you supported Santorum the biggest social issue primary candidate? You know Joe you support organized labor too??? You know what Joe- I think you are probably the most disingenuous poster on here- I submit you have never supported any GOP candidate.

Everyone loves to blame “corporations” for shipping jobs overseas. But a corporation—or any business—that ceases to be profitable will soon cease to exist, depriving consumers of whatever goods and/or services it once provided.

U.S. wages are higher than they are almost anywhere else. Our health, safety and environmental laws are among the most stringent. Our affirmative action demands are the most exacting, except possibly for those of Malaysia and South Africa.

Unions raise the cost of labor. They block out non-union workers, carve out exclusive deals for themselves (sometimes with wages and benefits well above what the market should bear), and in the case of public unions, do all of this on the taxpayer’s dime.

The government, for its part, swoops in and regulates more and more, raising compliance costs. Then, it taxes (with the second-highest and soon-to-be the highest corporate tax in the world) and makes things even harder.

You want jobs? Stop punishing business for being business.

A good article here
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Maybe because Republicans learned their lesson the last time they tried to throw a highly-popular president out of office for bullshit reasons.

Oh, that and what he did is not an impeachable offense, despite your wet dreams.

"Highly-popular".... LMAO!!!! He has had some of the LOWEST approval ratings in US history. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Uh, you're thinking of his predecessor dude.


Uh, you don't think at all dude, that's your problem. Take a look at the headline and subsequent link below. Thank you for proving once again how you don't know what you're talking about but open your mouth anyway:

Obama's Approval Rating Drops to Lowest Ever, According to Gallup

Obama's Approval Rating Drops to Lowest Ever, According to Gallup | Fox News

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
If you don't have investment capital on a five figure salary you're an idiot. AGAIN, the taxes always being discussed with regards to raising them are income taxes and investment income- Of which half of American's don't even pay.

So how much of every dollar you work for are you willing to give to the government? And why are you not giving it to them now? Lead the way dude- lead the way.

I am. I'm all for the rich paying their fair share and looking out for the good of the rest of us. I'm just not sure why you aren't. Somehow, I doubt you are rich. You probably never will be. But you seem awfully concerned that they might have to do without a polo pony.

Me. I want a police department that comes when I call it. I want bridges that aren't going to collapse when I'm trying to cross them. I want kids to be able to read and write when they get out of public school after 12 years so I don't have to support them into their 40's.

So how much of every dollar you earn should you pay in taxes Joe- simple question.

We were healthier without the drug culture and modern day liberalism and a big government nanny state too. So who is to say that it was a gap between rich and poor that created the problem, or possibly it was those other things that created the gap.

Well, you could say that, if you were like, stupid.

Fact is, the "drug culture" was a lot more prevelent in the 1960's than it is now. True, we have a prison industrial complex that counts on throwing poor people into prison for a little blow, but that's a bit of "big government" the right never seems to whine about.

In 1980, CEO's made 40 times what line workers made. In 2012, that number has increased to 475 times what a line worker makes. The wealth of CEO's have increased by 600% adjusted for inflation, while line workers have essentially flatlined.

Nope. Sorry, can't blame the "drug culture" or "liberalism" for that one.

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