Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

They could get it done if they sneak it into some appropriations bill. You are correct, there are Rednecks that are against it, but the African-American community is just as much against it.

The point is this was supposed to be something they wanted to sneak through and Obama's 'maneuver' basically blew that all to hell.

The issue is one of Obama's favorites and he doesn't want it to go away by signing anything that makes it law.

So Obama get the credit, nothing changes, and fools like you think this is a good thing.

What a wanker.

Why should they be "sneaking through" something that should have been done years ago, and would have been had you not let the bigots dictate to your party?

The real problem is that the GOP has played people against each other to distract them. Straight against gay, brown against white, non-union against union. And they've been doing this for years. Because the last thing you want is for these people to realize that they are all in the same boat that the rich have been swamping with water since 1980.

And Obama has figured out how to turn this around on you, and you are stuck saying, "Um, yeah, I was going to get around to that, but only in a way that doesn't offend people I despise but need the support of, but you went ahead and changed the policy on your own."

Obama only figured out how to jump on an issue and own it and at the same time poison the process. Almost everyone agrees that it's the right thing to do. Obama could have kept his trap shut and done something good, but as usual he turns a good thing into a divisive issue again. Anyone who tackles this issue publically invariably comes under attack.

It is not law and even Joe Arpaio says he would enforce it if it became law. Marco Rubio was working on such a bill and Obama hears about and rushes out and makes this announcement, an announcement he himself said several times he didn't have the authority to make.
Now the truth of it is coming out and Obama is once agaim showing he's not working with Congress, not the other way around, but you're too biased to see it.
It's ok to be business alright, and it's ok to make a profit alright, but when greed becomes the style and trend or route that businesses take, then everything goes straight out of the window. This is when weakness is born into the structure/business model that is projected, and soon the structure begins to emplode under it's own weight before long, but before that happens you would see these golden parachutes drifting off into the distance, as they had made their escape before the implosion.

Say it ain't so, and that this hasn't been a problem Americans have been experiencing for quite sometime now, in which has caused alot of bad in this nation to date. Ignoring this fact is how history has away of repeating itself, and many people don't want history like that to continue to repeat itself, so it best not to deny history or to try and act as if it never existed in this way, because no one else will forget, and they will be diligent on making sure that it does not happen again if at all possible.. Just my take on the conversation here is all...

1.) Nothing has caused more problems, or repeated itself more often, than government unconstitutionally sticking it's nose where it doesn't belong. *The federal government is not, in any way, authorized to intercede in matters of the free market. *The current disaster of our economy can be traced directly back to Slick Willy Bill Clinton and his "Community Re-investment Act" bill which essentially forced banks to make loans to people who couldn't previously afford it (because the idiot liberal believes everyone is entitled to their own $300,000 mansion, whether they can afford it or not). *So if you're willing to become the first liberal in US history to put his money where his big mouth is, then step 1 to avoid repeating history would be to return to Constitutional goverment and reject everything the left stands for.

2.) Even if you liberals were not exaggerating, and in some cases - flat out lying - about the "corruption" of business, at the end of the day it's NOT for you to say. *It's the free market, and if you don't like a how a business conducts themselves, then don't work for them. *It's the free market, and if you don't like how a business conducts themselves, then don't buy their products or services. *Who the hell are you liberals to decide what is "greed"? *You people are about as righteous as Adolf freaking Hitler. *You want to talk about GREED - talk about your unions which take minimum wage jobs and collapse a company by turning them into $28 an hour jobs, complete with executive level pensions, cadillac healthcare plans, and more vacation time then days working (such as the case with janitors at GM). *You're the side that believes killing babies by the millions is a "right". It was the liberals "Occupy Wall Street" that were raping women by the dozens, shooting and stabbing people, experiencing some murders, and stealing everything that wasn't nailed down, while Tea Party protests were conducted with the highest form of class and dignity. The moral compass of the left is damaged beyond repair. *So who the hell are any of you to decide how a business should conduct itself?

3.) Like a typical liberal, you're not pissed that there were "golden parachutes". *You're pissed that you did not get one of the "golden parachutes". *See, if a liberal didn't behave like an entitled little spoiled rich child, they would each have their own "golden parachute". *They would recognize that they are not guaranteed, nor entitled, to permanent employment. *And as such, they would actually prepare for the time when they no longer had a job. *They would continue to increase their skill sets while constantly putting away savings. *But instead, all of you buy you're little $700 iPhones which you can't afford, your $400 iPad which you can't afford, and other senseless items. *Then, when the company collapses because of the idiot policies of your unions, you cry when the owners walk away prepared and you scream that the American tax payer owes you. *You create the failure and misery in the US because you are GREEDY and LAZY.
Your whole rant speaks to your lunacy in your opinions on this, because when the feds who in many ways lend big time to the so called free markets, especially as or when they come begging, this is what makes the feds somewhat investers and/or us as investers also, just as much as anyone ese is in these markets, so you bet your bottom dollar that we all have a say into what goes on or what impact these companies will have on a nation, so what do you think UNITED stands for in this nation, do you think that it only pertains to the citizens ? No it doesn't, where as it pertains to everything that holds this nation together and makes it strong on whole, not in just some sectors, while most or the rest become gaping holes for our enemies in the world to just come trounsing upon us and/or through with ease because of.

Your "entire rant" speaks to your monumental idiocy. You have no idea what you are talking about.

First, you're entire rhetoric about "united" and the collective speaks to the fact that you are a typical idiot liberal Socialist/Communist. There is no collective in America. America was built on the individual and individual freedom. I'm sorry that people having the freedom to make their own choices scares you. I am. But what can I say - move to Cuba or Russia if you're looking for the collective to provide you comfort like a 'lil blanky.

Second, the only reason the Feds exist is because of you idiot liberals. The second worst president in U.S. history - Democrat Woodrow Wilson - created the Fed. Typical of liberals to create the problem, then blame the free market for it.

Third, the only reason private businesses in the free market turn to the fed for bailouts is because they know you idiot liberals will give it to them. And all you do is weaken our entire country every time you do it. GM is a prime example. Had they been ignored and allowed to fail like they should have been, our economy would now be exponentially stronger. With GM gone, there would not be a vacuum created for the demand of cars. People would not start walking to work. Those people who previously purchased GM would then turn to another manufacturer - lets say Ford for the sake of argument. With all the GM customers coming to Ford now, Ford has to produce more automobiles. Which means they need to higher more workers on the assembly line and more salesman on the lots. Which means they need to hire more HR people and finance people, and so on and so on. And of course, when they hire, they are going to hire those with experience. Which means they would have hired the workers from GM who lost their jobs. Instead, in typical idiot liberal big government fashion, you restricted a stronger company's potential, propped up a weak company that was poorly run, and thus have set the table for the failure in the economy we always see with liberal leadership. You're policies create the collapse we saw with the former U.S.S.R. and the perpetual poverty we see in Cuba. You just refuse to learn from history, so you keep repeating failure.

You've just been destroyed in your exceptionally weak argument. But you're a liberal, so you won't accept reality. You'll just keep trying to convince everyone if we just use Socialism/Communism/Marxism this time, things will be different. :lol:
1.) Nothing has caused more problems, or repeated itself more often, than government unconstitutionally sticking it's nose where it doesn't belong. *The federal government is not, in any way, authorized to intercede in matters of the free market. *The current disaster of our economy can be traced directly back to Slick Willy Bill Clinton and his "Community Re-investment Act" bill which essentially forced banks to make loans to people who couldn't previously afford it (because the idiot liberal believes everyone is entitled to their own $300,000 mansion, whether they can afford it or not). *So if you're willing to become the first liberal in US history to put his money where his big mouth is, then step 1 to avoid repeating history would be to return to Constitutional goverment and reject everything the left stands for.

2.) Even if you liberals were not exaggerating, and in some cases - flat out lying - about the "corruption" of business, at the end of the day it's NOT for you to say. *It's the free market, and if you don't like a how a business conducts themselves, then don't work for them. *It's the free market, and if you don't like how a business conducts themselves, then don't buy their products or services. *Who the hell are you liberals to decide what is "greed"? *You people are about as righteous as Adolf freaking Hitler. *You want to talk about GREED - talk about your unions which take minimum wage jobs and collapse a company by turning them into $28 an hour jobs, complete with executive level pensions, cadillac healthcare plans, and more vacation time then days working (such as the case with janitors at GM). *You're the side that believes killing babies by the millions is a "right". It was the liberals "Occupy Wall Street" that were raping women by the dozens, shooting and stabbing people, experiencing some murders, and stealing everything that wasn't nailed down, while Tea Party protests were conducted with the highest form of class and dignity. The moral compass of the left is damaged beyond repair. *So who the hell are any of you to decide how a business should conduct itself?

3.) Like a typical liberal, you're not pissed that there were "golden parachutes". *You're pissed that you did not get one of the "golden parachutes". *See, if a liberal didn't behave like an entitled little spoiled rich child, they would each have their own "golden parachute". *They would recognize that they are not guaranteed, nor entitled, to permanent employment. *And as such, they would actually prepare for the time when they no longer had a job. *They would continue to increase their skill sets while constantly putting away savings. *But instead, all of you buy you're little $700 iPhones which you can't afford, your $400 iPad which you can't afford, and other senseless items. *Then, when the company collapses because of the idiot policies of your unions, you cry when the owners walk away prepared and you scream that the American tax payer owes you. *You create the failure and misery in the US because you are GREEDY and LAZY.
Your whole rant speaks to your lunacy in your opinions on this, because when the feds who in many ways lend big time to the so called free markets, especially as or when they come begging, this is what makes the feds somewhat investers and/or us as investers also, just as much as anyone ese is in these markets, so you bet your bottom dollar that we all have a say into what goes on or what impact these companies will have on a nation, so what do you think UNITED stands for in this nation, do you think that it only pertains to the citizens ? No it doesn't, where as it pertains to everything that holds this nation together and makes it strong on whole, not in just some sectors, while most or the rest become gaping holes for our enemies in the world to just come trounsing upon us and/or through with ease because of.

Your "entire rant" speaks to your monumental idiocy. You have no idea what you are talking about.

First, you're entire rhetoric about "united" and the collective speaks to the fact that you are a typical idiot liberal Socialist/Communist. There is no collective in America. America was built on the individual and individual freedom. I'm sorry that people having the freedom to make their own choices scares you. I am. But what can I say - move to Cuba or Russia if you're looking for the collective to provide you comfort like a 'lil blanky.

Second, the only reason the Feds exist is because of you idiot liberals. The second worst president in U.S. history - Democrat Woodrow Wilson - created the Fed. Typical of liberals to create the problem, then blame the free market for it.

Third, the only reason private businesses in the free market turn to the fed for bailouts is because they know you idiot liberals will give it to them. And all you do is weaken our entire country every time you do it. GM is a prime example. Had they been ignored and allowed to fail like they should have been, our economy would now be exponentially stronger. With GM gone, there would not be a vacuum created for the demand of cars. People would not start walking to work. Those people who previously purchased GM would then turn to another manufacturer - lets say Ford for the sake of argument. With all the GM customers coming to Ford now, Ford has to produce more automobiles. Which means they need to higher more workers on the assembly line and more salesman on the lots. Which means they need to hire more HR people and finance people, and so on and so on. And of course, when they hire, they are going to hire those with experience. Which means they would have hired the workers from GM who lost their jobs. Instead, in typical idiot liberal big government fashion, you restricted a stronger company's potential, propped up a weak company that was poorly run, and thus have set the table for the failure in the economy we always see with liberal leadership. You're policies create the collapse we saw with the former U.S.S.R. and the perpetual poverty we see in Cuba. You just refuse to learn from history, so you keep repeating failure.

You've just been destroyed in your exceptionally weak argument. But you're a liberal, so you won't accept reality. You'll just keep trying to convince everyone if we just use Socialism/Communism/Marxism this time, things will be different. :lol:

You two dogs are going to have to behave
This is why we shouldn't let them listen to hate radio all day.


1.) Nothing has caused more problems, or repeated itself more often, than government unconstitutionally sticking it's nose where it doesn't belong. *The federal government is not, in any way, authorized to intercede in matters of the free market. *The current disaster of our economy can be traced directly back to Slick Willy Bill Clinton and his "Community Re-investment Act" bill which essentially forced banks to make loans to people who couldn't previously afford it (because the idiot liberal believes everyone is entitled to their own $300,000 mansion, whether they can afford it or not). *So if you're willing to become the first liberal in US history to put his money where his big mouth is, then step 1 to avoid repeating history would be to return to Constitutional goverment and reject everything the left stands for.

Yawn. This again. The CRA - a sensible law that prevented discrmination enacted in the 1970s, did not cause the meltdown. Even the douchebags in the banking industry are not making this claim.

The banking disaster occured because - surprise, surprise - you had the banks aggressively making sub-prime loans to people who had already paid off their houses, realtors who were letting the cost of homes run up, and folks who bought houses hoping to flip them in a few years for twice what they paid for them. Oh, yeah, and the inability or unwillingness of the government to regulate it. In short, this disaster was caused by what you considered the greatest of virtues- Greed. Then the bankers took all these bad loans and sold them off as investments, which t urned out not to be worth the money they were printed on.

[2.) Even if you liberals were not exaggerating, and in some cases - flat out lying - about the "corruption" of business, at the end of the day it's NOT for you to say. *It's the free market, and if you don't like a how a business conducts themselves, then don't work for them. *It's the free market, and if you don't like how a business conducts themselves, then don't buy their products or services. *Who the hell are you liberals to decide what is "greed"? *You people are about as righteous as Adolf freaking Hitler. *You want to talk about GREED - talk about your unions which take minimum wage jobs and collapse a company by turning them into $28 an hour jobs, complete with executive level pensions, cadillac healthcare plans, and more vacation time then days working (such as the case with janitors at GM). *You're the side that believes killing babies by the millions is a "right". It was the liberals "Occupy Wall Street" that were raping women by the dozens, shooting and stabbing people, experiencing some murders, and stealing everything that wasn't nailed down, while Tea Party protests were conducted with the highest form of class and dignity. The moral compass of the left is damaged beyond repair. *So who the hell are any of you to decide how a business should conduct itself?

Tsk, tsk, tsk.. Not even sure to make of this ink blot. So you are upset a worker at GM gets $28.00 an hour (when in fact, the UAW agreed to reduce starting salaries to $14.00 an hour) but you have no problem with a CEO at GM getting 12 million for essentially crashing the company? Seriously?

And then you go off on some tangent about abortions like liberals are the only ones getting them. That's a laugh.

[3.) Like a typical liberal, you're not pissed that there were "golden parachutes". *You're pissed that you did not get one of the "golden parachutes". *See, if a liberal didn't behave like an entitled little spoiled rich child, they would each have their own "golden parachute". *They would recognize that they are not guaranteed, nor entitled, to permanent employment. *And as such, they would actually prepare for the time when they no longer had a job. *They would continue to increase their skill sets while constantly putting away savings. *But instead, all of you buy you're little $700 iPhones which you can't afford, your $400 iPad which you can't afford, and other senseless items. *Then, when the company collapses because of the idiot policies of your unions, you cry when the owners walk away prepared and you scream that the American tax payer owes you. *You create the failure and misery in the US because you are GREEDY and LAZY.

Gee, guy, I don't own an IPad and most companies give away phones as part of their packages. (They figure if they give you the expensive phone, they can bleed you with the expensive services, those clever dogs.)

What's wrong with someone having a job for life, as long as they do it well? You know, in my dad's generation, that was the norm.

Yesterday, I did a lady's resume who moved up from a clerk position to an general manager, over a 25 year period, and they are laying her off now so they don't have to pay her a pension she would have been entitled to in 2 years. Sweet. I'd call that totally scummy behavior. but this is probably just all so fine with you, and that's the problem.

I'd say you're the one with a faulty moral compasss, not I.
Makes for a big fat good ole target doesn't he or she, just glad I could drag him or her out from behind that thorny little "Bush" for a split second, in which he or she has been hiding behind (no pun intended)..LOL

Uh oh did I just go liberal for a split second ? LOL
I don't care how things get done, as long as they get done.

Never have, never will. .

Every murderous dictator in history agrees with you.

So would Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and both Bushes as well.

Just sayin'.

Why do you insist on being such a tool? How does that comment make any sense on any level??? Where did Ronald Reagan ever say the ends justify the means (the idiot liberal battle cry)? What exactly did H.W. Bush say or do anything that matched that ignorant credo?

You just can't criticize any liberal can you? They are all perfect. You'll never acknowledge when they mess up. God almighty are you a tool...
This is why we shouldn't let them listen to hate radio all day.


1.) Nothing has caused more problems, or repeated itself more often, than government unconstitutionally sticking it's nose where it doesn't belong. *The federal government is not, in any way, authorized to intercede in matters of the free market. *The current disaster of our economy can be traced directly back to Slick Willy Bill Clinton and his "Community Re-investment Act" bill which essentially forced banks to make loans to people who couldn't previously afford it (because the idiot liberal believes everyone is entitled to their own $300,000 mansion, whether they can afford it or not). *So if you're willing to become the first liberal in US history to put his money where his big mouth is, then step 1 to avoid repeating history would be to return to Constitutional goverment and reject everything the left stands for.

Yawn. This again. The CRA - a sensible law that prevented discrmination enacted in the 1970s, did not cause the meltdown. Even the douchebags in the banking industry are not making this claim.

The banking disaster occured because - surprise, surprise - you had the banks aggressively making sub-prime loans to people who had already paid off their houses, realtors who were letting the cost of homes run up, and folks who bought houses hoping to flip them in a few years for twice what they paid for them. Oh, yeah, and the inability or unwillingness of the government to regulate it. In short, this disaster was caused by what you considered the greatest of virtues- Greed. Then the bankers took all these bad loans and sold them off as investments, which t urned out not to be worth the money they were printed on.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.. Not even sure to make of this ink blot. So you are upset a worker at GM gets $28.00 an hour (when in fact, the UAW agreed to reduce starting salaries to $14.00 an hour) but you have no problem with a CEO at GM getting 12 million for essentially crashing the company? Seriously?

And then you go off on some tangent about abortions like liberals are the only ones getting them. That's a laugh.

[3.) Like a typical liberal, you're not pissed that there were "golden parachutes". *You're pissed that you did not get one of the "golden parachutes". *See, if a liberal didn't behave like an entitled little spoiled rich child, they would each have their own "golden parachute". *They would recognize that they are not guaranteed, nor entitled, to permanent employment. *And as such, they would actually prepare for the time when they no longer had a job. *They would continue to increase their skill sets while constantly putting away savings. *But instead, all of you buy you're little $700 iPhones which you can't afford, your $400 iPad which you can't afford, and other senseless items. *Then, when the company collapses because of the idiot policies of your unions, you cry when the owners walk away prepared and you scream that the American tax payer owes you. *You create the failure and misery in the US because you are GREEDY and LAZY.

Gee, guy, I don't own an IPad and most companies give away phones as part of their packages. (They figure if they give you the expensive phone, they can bleed you with the expensive services, those clever dogs.)

What's wrong with someone having a job for life, as long as they do it well? You know, in my dad's generation, that was the norm.

Yesterday, I did a lady's resume who moved up from a clerk position to an general manager, over a 25 year period, and they are laying her off now so they don't have to pay her a pension she would have been entitled to in 2 years. Sweet. I'd call that totally scummy behavior. but this is probably just all so fine with you, and that's the problem.

I'd say you're the one with a faulty moral compasss, not I.
Makes for a big fat good ole target doesn't he or she, just glad I could drag him or her out from behind that thorny little "Bush" for a split second, in which he or she has been hiding behind (no pun intended)..LOL

Uh oh did I just go liberal for a split second ? LOL

First, I'm not upset about the salary of a GM worker. I'm merely pointing out how your Communist unions extortions collapse companies, and then you little bitches cry like bitches that you don't have a job any more. A CEO didn't use union extortion to get his salary. He was offered it at the time of employment by the board. Oops - looks like someone just exposed their own hateful ignorance again.

Second, as far as "what's wrong with having a job for life, that was the norm in my dad's generation" - well thank you for showing everyone what a lazy, idiot liberal you are. In your dad's generation, it was also the "norm" to beat your wife. In his dad's generation, it was the norm to not let women work. God forbid we actually continue to evolve and get better. The business models used by your dad's generation are absolute. People have learned from the mistakes of that business model.

Third, do I agree with what they did to that woman after 25 years? No. But neither you or she have any idea why she was terminated, because they are not going to admit that was why to her. Most likely, she was terminated because Obama has collapsed our economy and businesses are struggling to survive.

Fourth, regardless of why she was terminated, the fact remains that she should have created her own retirement rather than expecting someone else to provide it for her. If she was a manager for 25 years, she should have quite a nice little nest egg right now.

Fifth and finally, if you feel these types of business practices are "scummy behavior" (nice sentence structure by the way - drop out of high school did we?), then rather than crying about it like a little bitch, why don't you start your own company and do it better? Think of the top notch talent you could attract by promosing to keep employees permanently like was "the norm in daddy's generation". But of course, that takes work and effort. It's easier to sit on a message board all day crying like a little bitch and blaming others who actually took the risk, have the tremendous pressure of running a company, and have to make tough decisions because of the idiot liberal policies that are out to hinder their efforts.

Once again, you just got destroyed. Go home now and cry to daddy about how his generation had it so much better...
Your whole rant speaks to your lunacy in your opinions on this, because when the feds who in many ways lend big time to the so called free markets, especially as or when they come begging, this is what makes the feds somewhat investers and/or us as investers also, just as much as anyone ese is in these markets, so you bet your bottom dollar that we all have a say into what goes on or what impact these companies will have on a nation, so what do you think UNITED stands for in this nation, do you think that it only pertains to the citizens ? No it doesn't, where as it pertains to everything that holds this nation together and makes it strong on whole, not in just some sectors, while most or the rest become gaping holes for our enemies in the world to just come trounsing upon us and/or through with ease because of.

Your "entire rant" speaks to your monumental idiocy. You have no idea what you are talking about.

First, you're entire rhetoric about "united" and the collective speaks to the fact that you are a typical idiot liberal Socialist/Communist. There is no collective in America. America was built on the individual and individual freedom. I'm sorry that people having the freedom to make their own choices scares you. I am. But what can I say - move to Cuba or Russia if you're looking for the collective to provide you comfort like a 'lil blanky.

Second, the only reason the Feds exist is because of you idiot liberals. The second worst president in U.S. history - Democrat Woodrow Wilson - created the Fed. Typical of liberals to create the problem, then blame the free market for it.

Third, the only reason private businesses in the free market turn to the fed for bailouts is because they know you idiot liberals will give it to them. And all you do is weaken our entire country every time you do it. GM is a prime example. Had they been ignored and allowed to fail like they should have been, our economy would now be exponentially stronger. With GM gone, there would not be a vacuum created for the demand of cars. People would not start walking to work. Those people who previously purchased GM would then turn to another manufacturer - lets say Ford for the sake of argument. With all the GM customers coming to Ford now, Ford has to produce more automobiles. Which means they need to higher more workers on the assembly line and more salesman on the lots. Which means they need to hire more HR people and finance people, and so on and so on. And of course, when they hire, they are going to hire those with experience. Which means they would have hired the workers from GM who lost their jobs. Instead, in typical idiot liberal big government fashion, you restricted a stronger company's potential, propped up a weak company that was poorly run, and thus have set the table for the failure in the economy we always see with liberal leadership. You're policies create the collapse we saw with the former U.S.S.R. and the perpetual poverty we see in Cuba. You just refuse to learn from history, so you keep repeating failure.

You've just been destroyed in your exceptionally weak argument. But you're a liberal, so you won't accept reality. You'll just keep trying to convince everyone if we just use Socialism/Communism/Marxism this time, things will be different. :lol:

You two dogs are going to have to behave
No one that I know is asking for communism or marxism and the such to replace what we have already had to date in this nation, and we are keeping and eye on that always, as well as Obama and his cronies if wanting these things also, where as we just want the private sector to operate more patriotic and honest, along with the gooberment who is intertwined in it all, and this no matter what people try and make one think that it isn't or hasn't been doing over the years. Man that tax money has been good for many companies who came looking for government subsidies, welfare or the allowance of human resources such as the illegals to be included in that welfare also, in order to help them to make their gazillions, so just calm down while we try and get these things sorted out and fixed right in this nation somehow again, and yet never taking our eye off the communist/socialist who are still our polar opposite in the style and political ways in which they still think and do operate within those kinds of worlds, where only a strict form of that kind of government, action and thinking is in play...

The corporate private sector in which has run into the arms of the communist and socialist outside of our borders, and mainly for the reasons of GREED, yet it is all being hidden under words such as needing to compete in the world, globalism/globalist, has open our borders and doors to alot of this kind of thinking in which has formed now within this nation, so becareful who you are directing your anger towards, because it just might be a fellow patriot, unless you are a sell out who lives amongst the greedy ones who truly brought this stuff into bigger play now in America for all of America.
Why do you insist on being such a tool? How does that comment make any sense on any level??? Where did Ronald Reagan ever say the ends justify the means (the idiot liberal battle cry)?

Really? Really? How well do you know your history. Google "The Iran Contra Affair." That was pretty much Reagan thumbing his fucking nose at the Constitution after a bi-partisan Congressional effort told him he couldn't just go traipsing into Central and South America and a Democracy Crusade. Then he entered into arms negotiations with a Middle Eastern regime that we weren't exactly buddy-buddy with.

I know it's hard to believe, you partisan twat, but there are a lot of us who still see that incident as a major scandal, and something that certainly deserved a fuck of a lot more investigation and scrutiny. It tainted pretty much the entire Reagan administration, including G.H. Bush, who was totally not-electable and Dole probably would have had the nomination if DickFace Atwater hadn't stepped in.

See, motherfuck, I know my history. And yes, Reagan ABSOLUTELY used the "ends justify the means" excuse for what he did. He took a page from Dick Nixon and basically said "If the President does it, it's not illegal."

Know your history, fuckface.

What exactly did H.W. Bush say or do anything that matched that ignorant credo?

See above, Dickmouth.

You just can't criticize any liberal can you? They are all perfect. You'll never acknowledge when they mess up. God almighty are you a tool...

Who the fuck said that you dipshit? I simply pointed out your bias-blindness, and you got your panties in a twist. I notice you didn't deny that Nixon and Bush II certainly feel into the "ends justify the means" category. So at least you're smart enough not to challenge me there.

But I guess since I just took all your bluster and stuffed it right back down your arrogant, partisan fucking throat, you'll come back with some other douchebaggery. It's cool, bro. Just go read up a bit.
This is why we shouldn't let them listen to hate radio all day.

Yawn. This again. The CRA - a sensible law that prevented discrmination enacted in the 1970s, did not cause the meltdown. Even the douchebags in the banking industry are not making this claim.

The banking disaster occured because - surprise, surprise - you had the banks aggressively making sub-prime loans to people who had already paid off their houses, realtors who were letting the cost of homes run up, and folks who bought houses hoping to flip them in a few years for twice what they paid for them. Oh, yeah, and the inability or unwillingness of the government to regulate it. In short, this disaster was caused by what you considered the greatest of virtues- Greed. Then the bankers took all these bad loans and sold them off as investments, which t urned out not to be worth the money they were printed on.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.. Not even sure to make of this ink blot. So you are upset a worker at GM gets $28.00 an hour (when in fact, the UAW agreed to reduce starting salaries to $14.00 an hour) but you have no problem with a CEO at GM getting 12 million for essentially crashing the company? Seriously?

And then you go off on some tangent about abortions like liberals are the only ones getting them. That's a laugh.

Gee, guy, I don't own an IPad and most companies give away phones as part of their packages. (They figure if they give you the expensive phone, they can bleed you with the expensive services, those clever dogs.)

What's wrong with someone having a job for life, as long as they do it well? You know, in my dad's generation, that was the norm.

Yesterday, I did a lady's resume who moved up from a clerk position to an general manager, over a 25 year period, and they are laying her off now so they don't have to pay her a pension she would have been entitled to in 2 years. Sweet. I'd call that totally scummy behavior. but this is probably just all so fine with you, and that's the problem.

I'd say you're the one with a faulty moral compasss, not I.
Makes for a big fat good ole target doesn't he or she, just glad I could drag him or her out from behind that thorny little "Bush" for a split second, in which he or she has been hiding behind (no pun intended)..LOL

Uh oh did I just go liberal for a split second ? LOL

First, I'm not upset about the salary of a GM worker. I'm merely pointing out how your Communist unions extortions collapse companies, and then you little bitches cry like bitches that you don't have a job any more. A CEO didn't use union extortion to get his salary. He was offered it at the time of employment by the board. Oops - looks like someone just exposed their own hateful ignorance again.

Second, as far as "what's wrong with having a job for life, that was the norm in my dad's generation" - well thank you for showing everyone what a lazy, idiot liberal you are. In your dad's generation, it was also the "norm" to beat your wife. In his dad's generation, it was the norm to not let women work. God forbid we actually continue to evolve and get better. The business models used by your dad's generation are absolute. People have learned from the mistakes of that business model.

Third, do I agree with what they did to that woman after 25 years? No. But neither you or she have any idea why she was terminated, because they are not going to admit that was why to her. Most likely, she was terminated because Obama has collapsed our economy and businesses are struggling to survive.

Fourth, regardless of why she was terminated, the fact remains that she should have created her own retirement rather than expecting someone else to provide it for her. If she was a manager for 25 years, she should have quite a nice little nest egg right now.

Fifth and finally, if you feel these types of business practices are "scummy behavior" (nice sentence structure by the way - drop out of high school did we?), then rather than crying about it like a little bitch, why don't you start your own company and do it better? Think of the top notch talent you could attract by promosing to keep employees permanently like was "the norm in daddy's generation". But of course, that takes work and effort. It's easier to sit on a message board all day crying like a little bitch and blaming others who actually took the risk, have the tremendous pressure of running a company, and have to make tough decisions because of the idiot liberal policies that are out to hinder their efforts.

Once again, you just got destroyed. Go home now and cry to daddy about how his generation had it so much better...
By your attitude and critizism methods, I would hate to be your neighbor (trapped in a home paid for by me as a homeowner) having to live next to you, if you are one who lives in an over-mortgaged home, and you are a over run credit card user, butt crack showing, bald headed, butt scratching out in the public, "tool" whom looks around himself and thinks "I DID THIS MYSELF" by being a bad little sheep following the wrong flock in life, and with no help at all in my life I DID THIS, I put myself & possibly my own family where we all are right now in life, and you say to yourself, I don't ever need my brothers help or nations help to ever make it any better than what it is right now for me (even though I could use a little help), but I can't admit it, because my neighbor next door would then see me for the fraud that I really am in life, so if I can just hang on and fake it a little bit longer, maybe he will die over there in that solid but older house lived in "first", before the truth is ever known about me and what I've been going through in live........ Is this who you are maybe ? Your attitude when speaking seems a little rude to be a person with such a good dreamy life, so I was just wondering is all.. BIG GRIN....You see I own my home and property, and all my bills are paid, even have a small (emphasis on the word small) business that I run on the side, along with a full time job, so was this the profile you figured I would have ? I bet not..... I am under attack however now also in America, because by all you loco's out there in this nation now, who are operating to save your skin or make the nation worst than it's ever been, you loath a person that has been somewhat successful by the older secure era that was found back then within a nation I worked hard in & played hard in, and also by living in and amongst a more solid generation of thinking due to the days of old, it was all good around me and my family to, and so it is now that you and others need me to be pushed down or torn down to the levels that everyone else is either on these days or are being like heards of sheep heared in, because this nation is fast moving towards being a nation that hates long term success stories and solid character anymore (to slow a living for the new generations to stomach very well), so there is envy coming from the ones who want to be equal without earning it (or) thete is envy coming from those who have been faking it for a long time now, who are buying up all the lies in which the greedy are still selling them of their style of hope, and this in hopes that somehow those greedy suckers will set them free or save them by allowing them into the clique (aboard the lifeboats as first class citizens) before the Titanic/USA slowly sinks into a sea of lies and muck as it is now sinking for so many (taking even the old solid ones down with it in the backwash as well).

Hey if I have placed you wrong in category maybe, as caused by your attitude in life, then I apologize... B )
Your "entire rant" speaks to your monumental idiocy. You have no idea what you are talking about.

First, you're entire rhetoric about "united" and the collective speaks to the fact that you are a typical idiot liberal Socialist/Communist. There is no collective in America. America was built on the individual and individual freedom. I'm sorry that people having the freedom to make their own choices scares you. I am. But what can I say - move to Cuba or Russia if you're looking for the collective to provide you comfort like a 'lil blanky.

Second, the only reason the Feds exist is because of you idiot liberals. The second worst president in U.S. history - Democrat Woodrow Wilson - created the Fed. Typical of liberals to create the problem, then blame the free market for it.

Third, the only reason private businesses in the free market turn to the fed for bailouts is because they know you idiot liberals will give it to them. And all you do is weaken our entire country every time you do it. GM is a prime example. Had they been ignored and allowed to fail like they should have been, our economy would now be exponentially stronger. With GM gone, there would not be a vacuum created for the demand of cars. People would not start walking to work. Those people who previously purchased GM would then turn to another manufacturer - lets say Ford for the sake of argument. With all the GM customers coming to Ford now, Ford has to produce more automobiles. Which means they need to higher more workers on the assembly line and more salesman on the lots. Which means they need to hire more HR people and finance people, and so on and so on. And of course, when they hire, they are going to hire those with experience. Which means they would have hired the workers from GM who lost their jobs. Instead, in typical idiot liberal big government fashion, you restricted a stronger company's potential, propped up a weak company that was poorly run, and thus have set the table for the failure in the economy we always see with liberal leadership. You're policies create the collapse we saw with the former U.S.S.R. and the perpetual poverty we see in Cuba. You just refuse to learn from history, so you keep repeating failure.

You've just been destroyed in your exceptionally weak argument. But you're a liberal, so you won't accept reality. You'll just keep trying to convince everyone if we just use Socialism/Communism/Marxism this time, things will be different. :lol:

You two dogs are going to have to behave
No one that I know is asking for communism or marxism and the such to replace what we have already had to date in this nation, and we are keeping and eye on that always, as well as Obama and his cronies if wanting these things also, where as we just want the private sector to operate more patriotic and honest, along with the gooberment who is intertwined in it all, and this no matter what people try and make one think that it isn't or hasn't been doing over the years. Man that tax money has been good for many companies who came looking for government subsidies, welfare or the allowance of human resources such as the illegals to be included in that welfare also, in order to help them to make their gazillions, so just calm down while we try and get these things sorted out and fixed right in this nation somehow again, and yet never taking our eye off the communist/socialist who are still our polar opposite in the style and political ways in which they still think and do operate within those kinds of worlds, where only a strict form of that kind of government, action and thinking is in play...

The corporate private sector in which has run into the arms of the communist and socialist outside of our borders, and mainly for the reasons of GREED, yet it is all being hidden under words such as needing to compete in the world, globalism/globalist, has open our borders and doors to alot of this kind of thinking in which has formed now within this nation, so becareful who you are directing your anger towards, because it just might be a fellow patriot, unless you are a sell out who lives amongst the greedy ones who truly brought this stuff into bigger play now in America for all of America.

For once, we agree. The government is the problem! They are "intertwined" it in. Yet, for some reason (namely Socialism/Marxism/Communism), you guys on the left keep wanting to grow the government. We agree that the government is intertwined in this mess (where they shouldn't be) - so isn't that reason alone to demand, small, constitutional government?

Second, we also agree that business should not get one damn cent of tax payer money. So the liberals need to stop giving it to them!!! If they fail, they should fall flat on their face. Yet liberals keep talking about "the working man" who will lose their job if a business fails. So the hell what?!?! They will end up working for better and stronger companies in the long run.
No, you merely highlighted your unwillingness to answer a simple question... So how much of every dollar you earn should you pay in federal taxes Joe?

Ones like this guy do not like to answer.. because it exposes their acceptance of unequal treatment when it benefits their cause.... with those they are envious of, or those who they think can pay for the wants they could not afford for themselves or their cause, there is no limit on to how much they would tax... but when it comes to their allies or the ones they support, they will scream bloody murder when they feel they are being treated unequally

You would see ones like JoeB screaming, in a heartbeat, to have those 'evil rich' taxed at 90% on all income, if it meant that JoeB benefits from it either directly or by being able to say 'look at my generosity by redistributing to the NEEDY'... and I find it all repulsive

Yawn... I'm always amazed when I see working people defend the people who are screwing them. It never ceases to amaze, really.

If it's a choice between taxing rich douchebags who have plenty, or taxing working people who are just getting by, it's an easy choice.o

If it's a choice between taxing rich douchebags and borrowing more money from the Chinese, it's an easy choice.

If it's a choice between taxing rich douchebags and letting children starve or old people die of treatable diseaes, it's an easy choice.

Except for people like you who just looooooove them some rich people, becuase they hope to get there themselves one day.

Have you ever considered any other possible solution besides taxing the rich, or borrowing money? How about something like, trimming the expenses? I know, that's tough because it means someone might not like that, but sometimes tough is needed.
Why do you insist on being such a tool? How does that comment make any sense on any level??? Where did Ronald Reagan ever say the ends justify the means (the idiot liberal battle cry)?

Really? Really? How well do you know your history. Google "The Iran Contra Affair." That was pretty much Reagan thumbing his fucking nose at the Constitution after a bi-partisan Congressional effort told him he couldn't just go traipsing into Central and South America and a Democracy Crusade. Then he entered into arms negotiations with a Middle Eastern regime that we weren't exactly buddy-buddy with.

I know it's hard to believe, you partisan twat, but there are a lot of us who still see that incident as a major scandal, and something that certainly deserved a fuck of a lot more investigation and scrutiny. It tainted pretty much the entire Reagan administration, including G.H. Bush, who was totally not-electable and Dole probably would have had the nomination if DickFace Atwater hadn't stepped in.

See, motherfuck, I know my history. And yes, Reagan ABSOLUTELY used the "ends justify the means" excuse for what he did. He took a page from Dick Nixon and basically said "If the President does it, it's not illegal."

Know your history, fuckface.

What exactly did H.W. Bush say or do anything that matched that ignorant credo?

See above, Dickmouth.

You just can't criticize any liberal can you? They are all perfect. You'll never acknowledge when they mess up. God almighty are you a tool...

Who the fuck said that you dipshit? I simply pointed out your bias-blindness, and you got your panties in a twist. I notice you didn't deny that Nixon and Bush II certainly feel into the "ends justify the means" category. So at least you're smart enough not to challenge me there.

But I guess since I just took all your bluster and stuffed it right back down your arrogant, partisan fucking throat, you'll come back with some other douchebaggery. It's cool, bro. Just go read up a bit.

Because, unlike you who is a fascist that pledges blind allegiance to your Communist leaders, I can be objective and call out conservatives who are wrong. Richard Nixon was a scum bag (much like Bil Clinton and Barack Obama). George W. Bush, while no where near the "evil" villan that you idiots made him out to be, was wrong on quite a few issues.

I have no bias-blindness... I've called out every single conservative leader for at least something. Meanwhile, even when just a few short months ago, Barack Hussein ADMITS in his own words he doesn't have the legal authortity to do what he just did, you still defend him to the ends of the earth and just point at dead presidents. Fucking amazing...
Makes for a big fat good ole target doesn't he or she, just glad I could drag him or her out from behind that thorny little "Bush" for a split second, in which he or she has been hiding behind (no pun intended)..LOL

Uh oh did I just go liberal for a split second ? LOL

First, I'm not upset about the salary of a GM worker. I'm merely pointing out how your Communist unions extortions collapse companies, and then you little bitches cry like bitches that you don't have a job any more. A CEO didn't use union extortion to get his salary. He was offered it at the time of employment by the board. Oops - looks like someone just exposed their own hateful ignorance again.

Second, as far as "what's wrong with having a job for life, that was the norm in my dad's generation" - well thank you for showing everyone what a lazy, idiot liberal you are. In your dad's generation, it was also the "norm" to beat your wife. In his dad's generation, it was the norm to not let women work. God forbid we actually continue to evolve and get better. The business models used by your dad's generation are absolute. People have learned from the mistakes of that business model.

Third, do I agree with what they did to that woman after 25 years? No. But neither you or she have any idea why she was terminated, because they are not going to admit that was why to her. Most likely, she was terminated because Obama has collapsed our economy and businesses are struggling to survive.

Fourth, regardless of why she was terminated, the fact remains that she should have created her own retirement rather than expecting someone else to provide it for her. If she was a manager for 25 years, she should have quite a nice little nest egg right now.

Fifth and finally, if you feel these types of business practices are "scummy behavior" (nice sentence structure by the way - drop out of high school did we?), then rather than crying about it like a little bitch, why don't you start your own company and do it better? Think of the top notch talent you could attract by promosing to keep employees permanently like was "the norm in daddy's generation". But of course, that takes work and effort. It's easier to sit on a message board all day crying like a little bitch and blaming others who actually took the risk, have the tremendous pressure of running a company, and have to make tough decisions because of the idiot liberal policies that are out to hinder their efforts.

Once again, you just got destroyed. Go home now and cry to daddy about how his generation had it so much better...
By your attitude and critizism methods, I would hate to be your neighbor (trapped in a home paid for by me as a homeowner) having to live next to you, if you are one who lives in an over-mortgaged home, and you are a over run credit card user, butt crack showing, bald headed, butt scratching out in the public, "tool" whom looks around himself and thinks "I DID THIS MYSELF" by being a bad little sheep following the wrong flock in life, and with no help at all in my life I DID THIS, I put myself & possibly my own family where we all are right now in life, and you say to yourself, I don't ever need my brothers help or nations help to ever make it any better than what it is right now for me (even though I could use a little help), but I can't admit it, because my neighbor next door would then see me for the fraud that I really am in life, so if I can just hang on and fake it a little bit longer, maybe he will die over there in that solid but older house lived in "first", before the truth is ever known about me and what I've been going through in live........ Is this who you are maybe ? Your attitude when speaking seems a little rude to be a person with such a good dreamy life, so I was just wondering is all.. BIG GRIN....You see I own my home and property, and all my bills are paid, even have a small (emphasis on the word small) business that I run on the side, along with a full time job, so was this the profile you figured I would have ? I bet not..... I am under attack however now also in America, because by all you loco's out there in this nation now, who are operating to save your skin or make the nation worst than it's ever been, you loath a person that has been somewhat successful by the older secure era that was found back then within a nation I worked hard in & played hard in, and also by living in and amongst a more solid generation of thinking due to the days of old, it was all good around me and my family to, and so it is now that you and others need me to be pushed down or torn down to the levels that everyone else is either on these days or are being like heards of sheep heared in, because this nation is fast moving towards being a nation that hates long term success stories and solid character anymore (to slow a living for the new generations to stomach very well), so there is envy coming from the ones who want to be equal without earning it (or) thete is envy coming from those who have been faking it for a long time now, who are buying up all the lies in which the greedy are still selling them of their style of hope, and this in hopes that somehow those greedy suckers will set them free or save them by allowing them into the clique (aboard the lifeboats as first class citizens) before the Titanic/USA slowly sinks into a sea of lies and muck as it is now sinking for so many (taking even the old solid ones down with it in the backwash as well).

Hey if I have placed you wrong in category maybe, as caused by your attitude in life, then I apologize... B )

You just said - "I don't ever need my brothers help or nations help to ever make it any better". The very essence of Communism/Marxism/Socialism. "We're all in this together". "We all have to help each other".

The problem is, you can't even admit who or what you are. Once you admit you are a Communist/Marxist/Socialist that believes "we are all in this together", then we can at leat have an honest debate about what works. But you won't do that, because you already know that Communism/Marxism/Socialism doesn't work, so you just want to take the same principles and call it something else - like "liberalism" or "progressivism".
Makes for a big fat good ole target doesn't he or she, just glad I could drag him or her out from behind that thorny little "Bush" for a split second, in which he or she has been hiding behind (no pun intended)..LOL

Uh oh did I just go liberal for a split second ? LOL

First, I'm not upset about the salary of a GM worker. I'm merely pointing out how your Communist unions extortions collapse companies, and then you little bitches cry like bitches that you don't have a job any more. A CEO didn't use union extortion to get his salary. He was offered it at the time of employment by the board. Oops - looks like someone just exposed their own hateful ignorance again.

Second, as far as "what's wrong with having a job for life, that was the norm in my dad's generation" - well thank you for showing everyone what a lazy, idiot liberal you are. In your dad's generation, it was also the "norm" to beat your wife. In his dad's generation, it was the norm to not let women work. God forbid we actually continue to evolve and get better. The business models used by your dad's generation are absolute. People have learned from the mistakes of that business model.

Third, do I agree with what they did to that woman after 25 years? No. But neither you or she have any idea why she was terminated, because they are not going to admit that was why to her. Most likely, she was terminated because Obama has collapsed our economy and businesses are struggling to survive.

Fourth, regardless of why she was terminated, the fact remains that she should have created her own retirement rather than expecting someone else to provide it for her. If she was a manager for 25 years, she should have quite a nice little nest egg right now.

Fifth and finally, if you feel these types of business practices are "scummy behavior" (nice sentence structure by the way - drop out of high school did we?), then rather than crying about it like a little bitch, why don't you start your own company and do it better? Think of the top notch talent you could attract by promosing to keep employees permanently like was "the norm in daddy's generation". But of course, that takes work and effort. It's easier to sit on a message board all day crying like a little bitch and blaming others who actually took the risk, have the tremendous pressure of running a company, and have to make tough decisions because of the idiot liberal policies that are out to hinder their efforts.

Once again, you just got destroyed. Go home now and cry to daddy about how his generation had it so much better...
By your attitude and critizism methods, I would hate to be your neighbor (trapped in a home paid for by me as a homeowner) having to live next to you, if you are one who lives in an over-mortgaged home, and you are a over run credit card user, butt crack showing, bald headed, butt scratching out in the public, "tool" whom looks around himself and thinks "I DID THIS MYSELF" by being a bad little sheep following the wrong flock in life, and with no help at all in my life I DID THIS, I put myself & possibly my own family where we all are right now in life, and you say to yourself, I don't ever need my brothers help or nations help to ever make it any better than what it is right now for me (even though I could use a little help), but I can't admit it, because my neighbor next door would then see me for the fraud that I really am in life, so if I can just hang on and fake it a little bit longer, maybe he will die over there in that solid but older house lived in "first", before the truth is ever known about me and what I've been going through in live........ Is this who you are maybe ? Your attitude when speaking seems a little rude to be a person with such a good dreamy life, so I was just wondering is all.. BIG GRIN....You see I own my home and property, and all my bills are paid, even have a small (emphasis on the word small) business that I run on the side, along with a full time job, so was this the profile you figured I would have ? I bet not..... I am under attack however now also in America, because by all you loco's out there in this nation now, who are operating to save your skin or make the nation worst than it's ever been, you loath a person that has been somewhat successful by the older secure era that was found back then within a nation I worked hard in & played hard in, and also by living in and amongst a more solid generation of thinking due to the days of old, it was all good around me and my family to, and so it is now that you and others need me to be pushed down or torn down to the levels that everyone else is either on these days or are being like heards of sheep heared in, because this nation is fast moving towards being a nation that hates long term success stories and solid character anymore (to slow a living for the new generations to stomach very well), so there is envy coming from the ones who want to be equal without earning it (or) thete is envy coming from those who have been faking it for a long time now, who are buying up all the lies in which the greedy are still selling them of their style of hope, and this in hopes that somehow those greedy suckers will set them free or save them by allowing them into the clique (aboard the lifeboats as first class citizens) before the Titanic/USA slowly sinks into a sea of lies and muck as it is now sinking for so many (taking even the old solid ones down with it in the backwash as well).

Hey if I have placed you wrong in category maybe, as caused by your attitude in life, then I apologize... B )

By the way, I notice that in your response, all of you liberals completely avoid commenting on my challenge to start your own business and do it better. I wonder why that is? Could it be that it exposes your hypocrisy? That it illustrates you truly are Communists/Marxists/Socialists because you want government to force others to behave how you want, rather than just doing something yourself and leading by example? That it shows how you and Joe B. and the rest would rather cry like little bitches on a message board about how businesses are run, rather than running a business yourself and supplying "your brothers keepers" with jobs?

Stop crying about bad business ethics, go start your own business, and do it right. You'll be rolling in dough and will attract the top talent across the nation who wanted to be treaded fairly, right? :lol:
Once again Obama illustrates why the economy is still in the shitter.

He cannot be trusted to do what he says he will do.

They feel he is capable of doing anything on a whim unilaterally.

Nobody can feel safe in this kind of environment....because our biggest fear is an abusive government that is capable of ignoring or outright breaking our laws. The protections we once had under the constitution have been flushed.

And why in the hell hasn't Congress stepped up to put a stop to this. I'm not buying the "I'm afraid of being called a racist" anymore. The most logical conclusion is, most of our elected representatives in Congress support and encourage obama's lawlessness and his failure to do the job he was elected to do.
Once again Obama illustrates why the economy is still in the shitter.

He cannot be trusted to do what he says he will do.

They feel he is capable of doing anything on a whim unilaterally.

Nobody can feel safe in this kind of environment....because our biggest fear is an abusive government that is capable of ignoring or outright breaking our laws. The protections we once had under the constitution have been flushed.

And why in the hell hasn't Congress stepped up to put a stop to this. I'm not buying the "I'm afraid of being called a racist" anymore. The most logical conclusion is, most of our elected representatives in Congress support and encourage obama's lawlessness and his failure to do the job he was elected to do.

Because the conservatives are facing an election in November just as the leftists/liberals/progressives are, and Fearless Leader knows it. That's why he waited until this eleventh hour to start pulling all this really liberal sh*t out of the box.

He knows that if anybody pushes this is as a really big deal and tries to do something about it, Obamma's surrogate media will invariably use the protest to cast that person in a negative light to all the liberal sub groups and the fence sitters. The Left will be able to use it to pander to their constituents while anyone who protests will have much less opportunity to ability to get their honest rationale and message out.

When you can control the message through the media, you can get away with a lot of ugly stuff for a long time.

The conservatives best bet is to just keep those sticky wicket, however serious, issues alive by mentioning them, but otherwise focus on the economy and those issues that are critical to all of us. Of course there are the clueless brainwashed idiots who still grovel at Obama's feet and all the great gods of liberalism. But those are relatively few. Among the rest, including the gays, the Hispanics, and all the other subgroups the Left divides people into, they may adore Obama's issues, but not all will be willing to go broke in order to have them.

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